BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, No. 110 Thursday, Aug. 74, 1969 28 Pages More portables as schools report higher enrollments JfS In spite of classroom construction *: By SANDY WESLEY Portables. That one word describes the situation in Boca > Raton's schools better than any- other. There will be one less port- able at Addison Mizner School this year than there was at Boca Raton High School last year, according to both Jerry Daniels, principal at the high school, and Bob Trafford principal at Addison Mizner School,, Addison Mizner will have 12 portables, plus eight new classrooms and a total of 38 units to hold Trafford's projected 990 students this fall. Capacity at the school with Well, the row of flags; mark- the portables will be 1100. ing the freshly painted center Last year the school be- stripe is almost as straight as gan the year with eight por- the stripe itself. Traffic lanes tables. Only a few of the portable classrooms which will be in use at Addison Mizner School this fall. and school crossings throughout Meanwhile at the high the city have been getting a new school, which is actually the coat of fresh paint during the point from which most of the Recreation meeting set past couple of weeks. city's portables were taken, one portable will remain Dan- iels is expecting 960 stu- dents this year, but he lists his Chamber capacity at 950. Last year he City receives area plan studies had more than 1700 students attending the school which was surrounded: by portables. This A 10-volume package of coun- municipal master plan. Board especially along the oceanfront. cipal government. manager year, enrollment will be split ty-wide planning studies is in members expect to conclude A second session is scheduled "The County Commission is between the new junior high the hande of city officials today this week their studies of the Sept. 5 at 10 a,m., at Palm here and ready to help," said -school.... aacLjTi&s,...senior high. ' J following presentation 6* the v city plans, preivirpd by Mil<> Beach International Airport, to Chairman E. D. (Dan) Gaynor. At the Junio r high schoolj. 'documents to City f'Of\hcil by Smith >V Tampo. continue via discr..s.=,ious. Officials of the six communi-' resigns; only school without portables, the Palm Beach Cou-ity Area 1 Among the K> county-wide Members of the County Com- ties and the county board agreed C. Bruce McDonald, prin- Planning Board. studies, the one dealing with mission and Donald Morgan, that subjects discussed Friday Ed Co Register, for two and cipal, is using a 16 per cent The presentation was made recreation and open space co- APB director, stressed the need should be digested, and report- a half years executive head of Tuesday by Ned R. Brooks of the incides with a city-county ef- last week for "the push into ed to respective municipal the Chamber of Commerce, has increase figure, which means planning board staff. For the fort to find answers to the countywide recreational facili- councils and commissions be- resigned to accept a post as he expects close to 1000 stu- most part, they represent the growing problem of countywide ties to come from the munici- fore the Sept. 5 session. In ad- assistant vice president of First dents in his school. "preliminary surveys, inventor- recreational facilities. palities, with the County Com- dition, all municipal govern- Bank and Trust Co. of Boca And at Boca Raton School ies and data compiled by con- Six officials of Palm Beach mission represented." ments will be notified of the Raton, effective in September. where three portables have sulting firms to guide the County coastal cities — includ- "Recreation is a countywide matters discussed and invited to His resignation was accepted been added to last year's two, board's area-wide planning de- ing Planning Director Walter problem," Morgan said, "and the next meeting. by the Chamber at a special di- Don Robinson projected 500 cisions. The studies were fi- Young of Boca Raton — met the total county should be rep- Possibilities for additional students. His capacity with the nanced in part by a planning last week with members of the resented." He added that the recreational facilities were rectors' meeting Monday. portables is 550. aired at the initial session mon- Efforts to find a replace- grant from the federal Depart- County Commission in initial commission is willing to par- J.C. Mitchell School en- ment of Housing and Urban De- efforts to formulate a program ticipate, but has no desire to itored by County Commission ment for Register began al- (Continued on Page 10A) most immediately. Chamber rollment projection is 700, velopment. for recreational development, take over any functions of muni- president L. Edward Barnhardt and Paul Sammons lists his John Flancher of Boca Raton, will chair a selection commit- capacity as 750 with the one APB chairman, said that he an- tee to screen applicants for portable which will be added ticipates that the board will the job. Serving with him will to two already out there. The move into the area of land use be John F. Schuehler, William two portables, however, are planning in the near future. Councilmen cool as firemen E. Worsham, Frank Dawson and used only for special education Topics covered by the present M. Richard Robinson. classes. The one portable add- studies include: ed this year, however, is an Recreation and open space; Thomas F. Fleming Jr., expansion,, chairman of the board of First Surface waters, submerged Meanwhile principals also lands and waterfront lands; make bid for increased pay Bank, announced Register's were expanding staffs to meet election to the assistant vice Community characteristics; school needs. At Addison Miz- Air pollution and meteorology; City firemen Tuesday re- al Assn. of Firefighters, pre- the union would bring to $611- presidency by the bank board ner 14 new teachers will be sented a draft of a proposed $722 the monthly pay range for which met Tuesday. Also named Public water supply systems; ceived little encouragement in the classrooms when school Water resoursce plan; Public from City Council in their bid pay plan, a request for a re- firefighters, would include to an assistant vice presidency begins. duction of the work week from other pay increases for other was Gene Frere, who came to sewerage systems; Solid waste for additional pay increases in Teachers will return to the disposal systems; Legal and the upcoming city budget. 56 to 42 hours, and additional ranks as well, and would in- First Bank in 1968 as an audi- classrooms Aug. 18 and of- clothing allowance. crease the differential between tor. Frere will be in charge of Administrative authority af- With all of the scheduled ficially registration begins fecting air, water and solid budget workshops already com- At the present time, fire- officers and firemen. The pres- a new bank service soon to be Aug. 25, however, each prin- men work a 24-hour shift with ent range for firefighters, in- announced. waste planning: and Population pleted, councilmen heard the cipal is using his own method and economy. firemen's request at a special bunk facilities available, and creased in June, is $565-667. At First Bank, Register will of registration. then have 48 hours off duty. As He also asked that the sched- be in charge of community re- Receipt of the APB reports workshop session preceding the Students who will attend dovetails with a currently ac- regular council meeting. an alternative to reducing the uled pay hikes for firemen be lations. Addison Mizner School this work week to 42 hours Burke on a six-month basis instead of Both Frere and Register tive study by the city's Plan- Sam Burke, president of the (Continued on Page 2A) ning and Zoning Board of a new local affiliate of the Internation- suggested a "Kellyday* sched- an annual basis. : Burke said came to Boca Raton from Fort ule which would provide a 50o5 that having the salaries "top Pierce. Both were born and hour work week with one extra off" in two and a half years educated there. Register served day off each month. would be in keeping with the in World War II and was dis- practice in other cities. He charged in 1945 with the rank Burke said that it would cost the city $20,000 a year to pro- pointed out that a Deerfield of major in the field artillery. Beach firefighter starts at a He has held numerous positions vide the Kelly day schedule. in chamber groups. After an The new pay scale sought by (Continued on Page 2A) extensive business career, he accepted the executive leader- ship of the St. Lucie Chamber of Commerce in 1963 and served there until 1967 when he came Cluster proposals to to Boca Raton. Frere earned his bachelor of science in business administra- tion at Florida State University. be aired at meeting He had been in banking prior to going into the U.S. Air Force in the Korean War. After dis- Two cluster development They also will dis ss the charge he went on to complete proposals will be presented at city attorney's ruling oa coun- his formal education and then the Planning and Zoning Board try club restaurants, housing returned to banking. He came to meeting tonight. for Florida Atlantic University First Bank from a position as One proposal by Walter Kas- students, and the board's six- secretary-treasurer of First suba Realty Corporation is for month review. Savings and Loan Association in a planned unit development on Fort Pierce, land newly annexed by the city, south of Paradise Palms and west of the proposed 1-95 route.
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