ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL 29 January 2019 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Planning Committee of the Ards and North Down Borough Council which will be held in the Council Chamber, 2 Church Street, Newtownards on Tuesday, 5 February 2019 commencing at 7.00pm. Tea, coffee and sandwiches will be available from 6.00pm. Yours faithfully Stephen Reid Chief Executive Ards and North Down Borough Council A G E N D A 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Matters arising from minutes Planning Committee Meeting of 4 December 2018 (Copy attached) 4. Planning Applications (Reports attached) Site for Dwelling 4.1 LA06/2018/0004/O Approx. 25m south of 31a Ballygowan Road, Comber 4no. 2 bedroom apartments, 1no. 3 bedroom 4.2 LA06/2017/1434/F penthouse and 1no. detached dwelling 96 Bangor Road, Newtownards New dwelling consisting of detached two storey 4.3 LA065/2016/0295/F house and associated site works Site to the rear of 18 Old Cultra Road, Holywood Demolition of former petrol filling station, retail unit and canopy for redevelopment for 18no. two bedroom apartments for social housing, including 4.4 LA06/2018/0742/F associated car parking and all other ancillary site works Former Petrol Filling Station at 375 Old Holywood Road, Holywood Proposed residential development of 43 detached dwellings with public open space and associated car parking, landscaping and site works 4.5 LA06/2017/0793/F Lands to the rear of Nos. 1-7 Brooklands Avenue and Brooklands Park, Nos. 2-24 Aldergrange Park & 57-63 Manse Road, Newtownards Demolition of existing public house and toilet block buildings. Construction of new mixed use development comprising food retail units, non-food retail units, café/restaurants, office accommodation, 4.6 LA06/2018/0436/F public car park and new public toilet facilities The Front, Hibernia Street Stokers Halt, 25-29 Hibernia Street, toilet block and car park adjacent to and north of 2 Redburn Square and 25-35 Hibernia Street, Holywood 5. Update on Planning Appeals (Report attached) 6. Planning Budgetary Control Report – December 2018 (Report attached) 7. Report on Planning Statistics – Qtr 2 2018/2019 (Report attached) ITEMS 8-9 ***IN CONFIDENCE*** 8. Update on Planning Enforcement Matters (Report attached) 9. Legal spend on Prosecutions (Report attached) 10. Planning Portal Replacement (Verbal Update) MEMBERSHIP OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (15 MEMBERS) Alderman Carson Councillor Cathcart (Chair) Alderman Fletcher Councillor Dunne Alderman Gibson Councillor McClean Alderman Girvan Councillor McIlveen Alderman Graham Councillor McKee Alderman Henry Councillor Thompson Alderman Keery Councillor Walker Alderman McDowell (Vice Chair) ITEM 7.2. ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL A meeting of the Planning Committee was held in the Council Chamber, 2 Church Street, Newtownards on Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 7.00pm. PRESENT: In the Chair: Councillor Cathcart Aldermen: Carson Graham Fletcher Henry Gibson Keery Girvan McDowell Councillors: Dunne McIlveen Walker Officers: Director of Regeneration, Development and Planning (S McCullough), Senior Professional and Technical Officers (A Todd & C Rodgers) and Democratic Services Officers (M McElveen and P Foster) Also in Attendance: Patrick and Margaret McCartan (Roseville Avenue, Bangor) Diana Thompson (MBA Planning) Noel Orr – Agent (OMNI Architects) Paul Singleton – Drainage Consultant (McCloy Consulting) David Donaldson (Donaldson Planning) Tom Stokes (TSA Planning) WELCOME The Chairman welcomed members and officers to the meeting and made a special mention of those persons with speaking rights and members of the public seated in the public gallery. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for inability to attend were received from Councillors McClean and Thompson and Head of Planning (A McCullough). NOTED. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest notified. NOTED. PC.04.12.18 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING OF 6 NOVEMBER 2018 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the above. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Councillor McIlveen, seconded by Alderman McDowell, that the minutes be noted. 4. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 4.1 LA06/2017/0877/RM – Lands to the south and east of St. Gall’s Church and Crawfordsburn Lane, Bangor– Reserved matters application for residential development complying with conditions reserved within outline approval W/2014/0450/O comprising 54 no. dwellings and 10 apartments and associated car parking and landscaping works (Appendix I) PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED: Case Officer’s Report. DEA: Bangor West Committee Interest: Application with 6 or more representations contrary to officer’s opinion Proposal: Reserved matters application for residential development complying with conditions reserved within outline approval W/2014/0450/O comprising 54 no. dwellings and 10 apartments and associated car parking and landscaping works Site Location: Lands immediately to the south and east of St. Gall’s Church and Crawfordsburn Road, Bangor Recommendation: Approval The Senior Professional and Technical Officer (A Todd) outlined the detail of the application which was an application seeking approval of reserved matters for a housing development comprising 54 dwellings and 10 apartments on lands to the south and east of St Gall’s Church, Crawfordsburn Road, Bangor. The application had been brought before Planning Committee for consideration as the associated outline planning application granted permission was for major development and had been previously considered by Planning Committee. Site and Surroundings The site was an area of undeveloped land extending to approximately three hectares. It was located between the existing housing at Roseville Park and Roseville Avenue and St Galls Church on the Crawfordsburn Road. The outline planning permission for this development had been granted in September 2016 in the context of the adopted Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan at the time which designated the site for housing. The principle of the residential development was therefore established by reason of the extant planning permission on this site and all that remained to be considered was the Reserved Matters details such as design, landscaping, materials and finishes. Matters relating to the principle of the development or the planning conditions of the outline planning permission could not be re-visited at Reserved Matters stage. 2 PC.04.12.18 Proposal The proposals complied with all of the conditions of the outline planning permission and the key site requirements which were set out in BMAP as part of the housing designation. Those included the retention of existing hedgerows and trees, provision of open space along with additional landscaping, the inclusion of 10 social housing units and a proposed density of no more than 25 dwellings per hectare. The layout of the development also reflected the conceptual layout approved at outline stage which included access off Roseville Avenue. The layout would provide for a quality residential environment which would respect the character of the area. The proposed house types were predominantly detached and semi-detached reflective of the existing low to medium density in the vicinity. The height and massing of the proposed 2 – 2 ½ storey apartment building was also not excessive and would be located in a central position within the site to the rear of St Gall’s church where there would be no views from within the wider area. Representations Seven letters of objections had been submitted. Five of those were from residents, one from MLA Steven Agnew and one from Councillor Rachel Woods. The main planning concerns raised included: - Loss of amenity to existing residents - Traffic impact - Potential flooding and poor drainage - The density of the development - Impact on the character of the area - All of those concerns had been considered in detail in the case officer’s report. The access arrangements and traffic impact of the proposed development were considered in detail and accepted by DFI Roads at outline application stage. The Crawfordsburn Road was a Protected Route. Policy AMP3 of Planning Policy Statement 3, Access, Movement and Parking stated that permission would only be granted for access off a Protected Route within settlements where access could not reasonably be taken from an adjacent minor road. The proposal complied with the policy requirement by gaining access to the site from the Protected Route via an adjacent minor road. A Transport Assessment and surveys had been submitted at outline stage which identified that the existing road infrastructure met the required standards and could accommodate the proposed development. In accordance with the standards set out in the Creating Places Guidelines, the 5.5m width of Roseville Avenue would provide sufficient capacity for around 200 dwellings. Wandsworth Road which linked directly onto the Protected Route, had a width of between 7-7.3m which according to Creating Places, would constitute a local distributor road which would provide sufficient capacity for around 400 dwellings, significantly more than the proposed development combined with all the existing dwellings. The density of the development at 23 dph was below the maximum density of 25dph which was specified in BMAP. It would also not be significantly higher than that found on Roseville Park and Roseville Avenue which was between 19 - 21 dph. 3 PC.04.12.18 Summary In summary, it was considered that the proposal complied with all the conditions of the outline planning permission
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