COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA fljrginlatiut 3J'nurual TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1970 Session of 1970 154th of the General Assembly Vol. l, No. 99 SENATE his understanding and his rare ability to bring out the best in all of us in the sensitive budget and tax discussions of TUESDAY, January 6, 1970 these past many months. This being the day and hour fixed by the Constitution Mr. President, Bob Fleming has acted like the true lead­ for the convening of the 154th Regular Session of the er of all of us, which many of us felt he would be, several General Assembly, the Members of the Senate assembled years ago, when he first was elected to this high office. in the Senate Chamber. Therefore, Mr. President, it is with great pride that I, once again, place in nomination for the office of President The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Raymond J. pro tempore of the Senate the name of The Honorable Broderick) called the Senate to order at 12:00 m., Eastern Robert D. Fleming. Standard Time. Mr. BELL. Mr. President, I rise to second the nomina­ tion of Senator Robert D. Fleming, from Allegheny County. PRAYER I represent the District of Pennsylvania which is located in the extreme southeastern portion of the Commonwealth. The Chaplain, The Reverend PAUL S. MONTGOMERY, It is as far removed from Senator Fleming's District as D. D., Pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, Aspin­ any District in Pennsylvania. Perhaps, because of the dif­ wall, Pittsburgh, offered the following prayer: ference in geographical background, since I come from Let us bow together in prayer. "tidewater", Pennsylvania, I can analyze Senator Flem­ 0 God, our Father, Thou Who art our refuge and our ing's ability very clearly. strength, make us mindful of Thee this day and through During the past year, I was tremendously impressed all the days of this new year before us. Invest us with the with the fact that Senator Fleming was deeply concerned sense of the eternal. Spare us from being little souls, with the people whom I call the "technicians" who sup­ wrapped in the narrow confinements of our own selfish port the Members of the Senate. These are the very im­ ways, but lift our eyes that we may behold the vision of portant people who work in the bill room, who print the that Kingdom which is yet to be, the Ruler of which is bills, those who do the research, the janitors and the cus­ God, and the law of which is justice, mercy and love. todians. All of these people who stand silently behind We pray Thee that Thou wilt equip the people of this those of us who are on the floor were faced with a terrific Commonwealth and, especially, these, their representa­ problem caused by increased taxes and inflation. Senator tives, here assembled, with wisdom and courage, with Fleming, as the true "father" of this entire Senate, fought compassion and mercy, so as to be the servants of Thy through a cost of living pay increase at a time when it was purposes upon this earth. very much needed. I know that he is deeply concerned Dear Lord, make us each good enough and strong enough with these same technicians. for the age in which we live and serve. Grant that good­ This past Sunday, January 4th, there appeared in the ness and mercy may follow us through the days of this lead editorial of the Harrisburg Patriot-News an article new year, and that we may abide in Thy favor for time saying that the 1969 Session of the General Assembly and eternity. was marked with chaos and disorder. I differ, somewhat, with In the Redeemer's Name. Amen. the writer of this editorial. I would like to analyze this editorial, because, during the past year, Members of the ELECTION OF PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE General Assembly of Pennsylvania experienced something which did not make us too happy. The people of Pennsyl­ Mr. McGREGOR. Mr. President, once again, it is with vania, in their wisdom, saw fit to elect a divided Legisla­ pride that I stand before this Body to place in nomination ture; neither house had a working majority. In turn, most for the office of President pro tempore of the Senate, the of the Members of the Senate and the House, whom I know, highest office which this Body can confer, the name of a are elected on their own ability. They do not get in by fellow colleague from Allegheny County, The Honorable riding on someone's coattail. In the past ten years, there Robert D. Fleming, who is a friend of ours and a friend has been a tendency that the Legislators should think for of all of the people of Pennsylvania. themselves. I know one of the older lobbyists says that We have known, for these past several years, of his a Legislator always gets into trouble when he thinks for ability and his dedication and his high purpose and, in himself. However, I have a message for him: These Mem­ particular, we have sensed, very much, his presence and bers of the House and Senate are thinking for themselves, his steady guiding hand last year, which was a year of and they have the ability to think for themselves. When frustration for all of us in the Senate of Pennsylvania. In you have been in not only annual Sessions,. but continuing placing his name in nomination for the office of President Sessions-I think we have been in Session for almost five pro tempore of the Senate, before this Body, today, we years, with small breaks-you have to think for yourself. offer him our gratitude and thanks for his patience and When you take up fiscal matters, where the budget, in 1966, 818 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE January 6, was $1.5 billion, and it has now risen to $2.5 billion, in COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO ESCORT 1969, you will find that these are real problems. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE TO THE ROSTRUM Mr. President, this is where Senator Fleming has shown outstanding leadership. One, he has the ability to analyze The PRESIDENT. The Chair takes pleasure in naming the questions; two, he has the ability to find the answers. as the Committee to escort the newly elected President When we hit a discord, as we did last week, Bob Fleming pro tempore of the Senate to the rostrum, the gentleman stood cool, patient and understanding. He used intelligent from Allegheny, Mr. McGregor; the gentleman from Dela­ persuasion, and he did not use the old "strong arm rail­ ware, Mr. Bell; and the gentleman from Beaver, Mr. Kline, roading". all of whom gave the nominating speeches. Mr. President, I want to say that it was, indeed, a The Committee will proceed in the performance of its pleasure to serve under Senator Robert D. Fleming, as duty. President pro tempore of the Senate. We face more diffi­ (Whereupon, the President pro tempore was escorted to cult Sessions, and I thoroughly concur with Senator Mc­ the rostrum of the Senate.) Gregor, in that these are very trying times. I think that Senator Fleming, by his example of last Session, showed ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO f the outstanding characteristics and qualities of leadership PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE which we need. \ The PRESIDENT. The oath of office will be administer­ ' Therefore, Mr. President, I second the nomination of ed to the newly elected President pro tempore by an old the distinguished gentleman from Allegheny County, The friend of this Senate, a man we are always happy to see Honorable Robert D. Fleming, as President pro tempore with us, The Honorable James S. Bowman, Judge of the of the Senate. Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Mr. KLINE. Mr. President, tradition has it that the (The oath of office was administered accordingly.) Majority in a legislative hall has the choice of electing its chief Presiding Officer. In the case of Senator Fleming, he no longer has to depend upon tradition for an election. REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE The Democrats join in seconding his nomination, because he has led the Senate with those two key points which our' The PRESIDENT. The Chair now presents to the Mem­ minister, who prayed this morning, said a person needs in bers of the Senate the President pro tempore of the Sen­ ate, The Honorable Robert D. Fleming. order to serve well; namely, he has to be good enough and he has to be strong enough. Senator Fleming has proved Mr. R. D. FLEMING. Mr. President and Members of the Senate, thank you, so very, very much. This, to me, is the to us that he is good enough. He is sincerely interested greatest moment of my life, up to now. I appreciate it and in the welfare of the Commonwealth and in this Senate I will do the very best that I can. With all of you being as an effective and efficient operating Body. He is strong enough to meet the challenges which confront us, individ­ as patient with me during this coming year as you have been for the last three years, I am sure we will get along. ually, and confront us, collectively, as the Senate. Thank you all, again, so very, very much. As the Minority Leader, Mr. President, I am happy to, join in seconding the nomination of The Honorable Robert D. Fleming as President pro tempore of the Senate of THANKS OF THE SENATE TENDERED TO Pennsylvania. THE HONORABLE JAMES S.
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