Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-17-2003 Arbiter, March 17 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Broncos score. 195.45 In losing effort against Huskies Diversions Sports pageS pageS Student shot at party near· campus reportedly Coincidently, Anderson's Suspect in fled the scene cruiser was parked across the after the inci- street from the house when the custody late dent, which call came, and he responded took place in first to the scene; Saturday night the house's "There were maybe 25-30 bas e men t . Olsen people in the front yard and By James Patrick Kelly Olsen turned another dozen or so in the The Arbiter . himself in to the Boise Police house," Anderson said. Saturday night and was "I didn't hear any gunshots Gunfire erupted early charged with second-degree or anything. Since it happened Saturday morning at a notori- murder. Olsen was granted a in the basement, the sound was .ous party house just blocks concealed weapon permit in probably muffled. Nothing was from campus, leaving one February, police said. really that noticeable." Boise State student dead and Witnesses at the party told . Anderson said parties were another on the run until that Ada County Sheriffs deputies common at the house, and evening. and Boise Police officers the sometimes got as big as 200 The shooting took place on two students had a heated argu- people or more. the 900 block of Belmont St. ment that ended when Davis "I've seen this house bust- about I a.m. as the party was threw a beer in Olsen's face,' ing at the scams. Tonight winding down. and in retaliation Olsen pulled appeared to be mellower, but The victim, Cameron Davis, out a handgun and fired two of course it was one in the 23, .cornputcr science major shots - one struck Davis in the morning. Most likely the party and son of Idaho Senate chest and the other hit the wall. was thinning out." Majority Leader Bart Davis "Evidently, the shooting Olsen is being held in the from Idaho Falls, was freaked some people out and Ada County Jail on a $500,000 pronounced dead at the scene the party dispersed quickly. bond and will be arraigned from a gunshot wound to the Some guy told me he saw the Monday for second-degree upper-chest. suspeet flee' out the backdoor, murder and using a firearm then everyone else scattered," during the commission of a The alleged shooter, Photo by James Patrick Kelly, The Arbiter Vincent Craig Olsen, 21, Ada County Sheriff deputy felony. mechanical engineering major, Ryan Anderson said. Police said this house on Belmont Street has a reputation for parties exceeding 200 people. "The finger looked convincingly real, Angie Blain talks about 'Women and Peace' so we became seriously By Tammy Sands The Arbiter --------- interested in who As a child growing up poverty it belonged to," stricken in Ireland, Angie Blain, adjunct professor in Sociology and Women's Studies, lived with war con- - Bob Seihnlt, ditions. Her past mingled with the past university security director of her father and grandfather eventualJy led her into the peace movement. "Men in power are careless and indifferent to the needs of women and Severed finger .children. It is women who know that it is better to nurture others than to kill them," Blain said. turns out to be "It's better to feed people than to starve them. It's better to make laws for peace than laws for war, and it's better sausage 'link to value people above profit." As part of Women's History month, By James Patrick Kelly Blain wilJ be presenting "Women and The Arbiter ------- Peace," in which she will be looking in depth at women's participation in peace Two residents of Chaffee activism as well as presenting her own Hall discovered what appeared historical perspective. "The most important thing women to be a severed finger on the should be concerned with ismaintain- ground next 'to the Boise ing peace in society because when war Greenbelt Tuesday afternoon. breaks out, it is their children, hus- Roommates Robert Sauter bands, sons and daughters who arc and David Bartley closely killed in war. I believe that not enough examined the shriveled, red- women in society really take this issue stained appendage, and also seriously," Blain said. asked a man walking nearby for Photo by Kelly Day, The Arbiter Blain would like to see women tum Angie Blain believes it is better to value people over profit. his opinion. away from being obsessed with their "At first, it looked like a bodies and their physical appearance. sausage with jelly all over it. poor arc hated because they're blamed war is sowing aseed for another war. but I'm very optimistic because I "I think that's a way of getting believe a new paradigm has taken place Then I hit it with a stick and for their social condition. Wars are outdated, barbaric and uncivi- women distracted from what's realJy lized means of dealing with social con- around the world as a reaction to the rolled it over - it was covered going on in society," Blain said. "It's viewed as a lack of moral char- flict," Blain said. Bush policy of pre-emptive strike," with ants." Sauter said. She believes there arc two kinds of acter, so the poor people in this society are fragmented. They don't have a She said the majority of people who Blain said. "This other guy on the path war going on in the United States: the are going to be killed arc innocent "Millions of people have taken to thought it was a finger too." war against the poor and the war sense of community. The only thing they share is the same sense of vio- women and children. the street to protest this war and aggres- After the three of them against Iraq. "1 sec the new Bush policy of pre- sion against the Iraqi people .. Saddam reached consensus, another' . "We have millions of people living lence, oppression and inequality," Blain emptive strike as a political form of Hussein is a dictator and an evil person, friend of Sauter's called the' like refugees in the streets of America, said. , Casualties mount up in these war- rape. Rape is the ultimate act of domes- but you can change the situation with Ada County Sheriff on his cell and we're going to pour our economic tic violence against women, against the patience and fortitude instead of going resources away .frorn trying to help like conditions, but they are invisible phone. '. casualties because they arc not dying environment, '1I1drape has everything in and bombing the whole society." "It didn't take long for a . these people to the war against Iraq," "Women and Peace" will be present- from bombs getting dropped on them, to do with power and domination," deputy to get there. He said it Blain said. ed tonight at 7 p.m. in the Student but they die from social neglect, Blain Blain said. looked real and called it in as a She said poverty in Ireland in. the Union lookout Room. said. Instead, Blain believes there's other '40s and '50s was different because For more information on Blain's life human finger," Sauter said. Blain believes there is a choice to ways of handling international conflict "I joked with him by asking there was a sense of eominunity among without destroying the people in those as a child living in ooverty, check out poor people who were. essentially either spend the nation's resources for ifhe was going to chalk it." societies. her book: Stealing Sunlight: Growing bread or for bombs. University Security also: enclosed in terrible tenements. "I'm very sad if this war happens, up in Irish town (2000). In the United States, she believes the "Warsdo not change anything; each responded to the scene fearing' the worse. .. t "The finger looked convinc- ingly real, so we became seri- ously interested in who it Committee recommends 9 percent fee increase belonged to," University. Security Director Bob SeiboIt "Those requests focused on the recommendation. per student, the committee pro- The committee also support- said. By Jessica Adams adding to existing services "We don't have any strong posed $5 go to intereolJegiate ed an 8 percent increase in uni- "It was like we had to con- The Arbiter ---~-- rather than trying to sustain indication on what the State athletics to partially offset the versity residence hall rates and nect the dots, we wondered.' Board of Education will rise in fees on athletic scholar- an increase of approximately them;" Blake said. where the rest of the person BSU President Charles Ruch ASBSU President Chris approve," Blake said. ships and to support compliance 4.8 to 5.4 percent in university was." -. approved the Executive Budget apartment rates. Mathias told the committee that _Committee'S proposal to raise "It may depend Oil what the with Title IX. The remaining After investigating the possi- $ I29 would be allocated to the The committee also recom- no students have contacted him approximately $2.5 million by State decides, they're cutting ble crime scene, Ada County matriculation fee (general edu- mended that $1.25 of the $I7 in regard to opposition to fee increasing student fees by 9 per- state agencies by 7 percent, if Sheriff and University Security they cut us by 7 percent, it cation fee).
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