PUDDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Puddington n Shotwick n Woodbank n Two Mills n Shotwick Park Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held at the Gladstone Village Hall, Burton on Thursday 9 May 2019 at 7.30pm. Present: Councillors Ian Speed, Cathrina Moore, Martin Coar, Joanne Ardern, Joanna Brookes, Philip Brookes and Mrs Pat Wells (Clerk). 19.31 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jenny Davies and Alison Raine. 19.32 LOCAL ELECTIONS MAY 2019 The Parish Council NOTED that following the Local Elections on 2 May 2019, Councillors Ian Speed, Alison Raine, Martin Coar, Cathrina Moore, Jenny Davies, Joanne Ardern, Joanna Brookes and Philip Brookes were elected unopposed and duly elected Parish Councillors for Puddington Parish Council. Parish Councillors signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. It was AGREED that the Parish Clerk would contact Councillors Alison Raine and Jenny Davies to arrange for them to sign their forms. 19.33 ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON Councillor Ian Speed was proposed by Councillor Philip Brookes and seconded by Councillor Joanne Ardern. There being no further nominations, Councillor Speed was duly elected Chairman of the Parish Council for 2019-20 and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 19.34 APPOINTMENT OF VICE- CHAIR PERSON Although absent, Councillor Alison Raine had indicated that she was willing to continue in the role of Vice Chair. Councillor Raine was nominated by Councillor Cathrina Moore and seconded by Councillor Joanna Brookes. There being no further nominations, Councillor Raine was duly appointed Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for 2019-20. It was AGREED that the Parish Clerk would arrange to meet with Councillor Raine so that she could sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 19.35 PARISH ASSEMBLY (i) The Annual Parish Council meeting was closed at 7.35pm and the Annual Parish Assembly opened. (ii) The Annual Parish Assembly was closed at 7.45 pm and the Annual Parish Council meeting reconvened. 19.36 NOTIFCATION OF INTERESTS It was NOTED that Disclosable Pecuniary Interests are defined in the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 and state that “Members are required to give notice of YOUR interests (i.e. you, the Councillor) and those of YOUR PARTNER (which means spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you are living with as husband or wife, or as if you are a civil partners ) where you are aware of your partners interests”. Members COMPLETED a Notification of Member’s Interests Form. It was also NOTED that copies of these Forms will be sent to the CWAC Monitoring Officer via ChALC. 19.37 DECLARATION OF INTEREST Members are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any item(s) on this agenda, subject to the rules regarding disclosure contained in the Members’ Code of Conduct. 19.38 OPEN FORUM A period of 10 minutes is allocated before the Council meeting commences to allow residents to raise any matters of concern which they wish to bring to the Council’s attention. In accordance with Standing Order 11.3 residents and other members of the public will not 1 be permitted to speak or enter into debate during the Council meeting unless invited to do so by the Chairman, who will suspend Standing Orders for this purpose. NONE. 19.39 MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14 March 2019 were confirmed as a correct record and duly signed. 19.40 ADOPTION OF CODE OF CONDUCT Following a review the Parish Council RESOLVED to ADOPT the Code of Conduct for Members (previously adopted by the Cheshire West and Chester Council 26 July 2012 and Puddington Parish Council on 25 May 2017) as the Council’s Code of Conduct under section 27(2) and 27(3) of the Localism Act 2011. 19.41 STANDING ORDERS Following a review the Parish Council RESOLVED to ADOPT the Council’s Standing Orders. 19.42 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Following a review, the Parish Council AGREED: (i) To ADOPT the Financial Regulations (ii) To APPOINT the Parish Clerk, Mrs Pat Wells, as the Parish Council’s Responsible Financial Officer (iv) To APPOINT Councillors Cathrina Moore, Ian Speed and Jenny Davies as Bank Signatories for the financial year 2018-19. It was also AGREED that the Parish Clerk would be a signatory in case of emergencies. 19.43 DELEGATION TO COMMITTEES AND EMPLOYEES Following a review, the Parish Council AGREED: (i) That Councillors Alison Raine (as Chair), Jenny Davies, Joanne Ardern and Ian Speed would form the Planning Committee. (ii) That matters can be delegated to the Parish Clerk. (iii) That Councillor Joanna Brookes would continue to take responsibility for the Notice Boards at Shotwick and Two Mills, Councillor Joanne Ardern the Puddington Village Green Notice Board and Councillor Cathrina Moore Chapel House Lane Notice Board. 19.44 CO-OPTION OF MEMBERS Section 21 of the Representation of the People Act 1985 gives the Council the power of co- option to fill vacancies remaining unfilled following an ordinary election. The Parish Council NOTED that following the Local Elections on Thursday 2 May 2019, the Parish Council has ONE vacancy. In order to recruit another Member, the Parish Council can now advertise the vacancy by posting a Notice inviting expressions of interest on Notice Boards throughout the parish and on the website. The Parish Council should allow 14 days for responses (excluding weekends and bank holidays) to be received and therefore it was AGREED to set a deadline of 30 May 2019. 19.45 AUDIT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT (1) Internal Audit Report for 2018-19: Wellfield Accounting Services carried out the Internal Audit of the Parish Council’s financial systems and transactions on 17 April 2019. The Council NOTED the report and that the Auditor concluded that “Overall, the Council has effective systems in place to ensure that transactions are accurately reflected in the Statement of Accounts. On the basis of the work undertaken on the Council’s systems of financial control and content of the detailed Statement of Accounts and that summarised detail set out in Section 1 of the Annual Return, we have signed off the internal audit certificate at Section 4 of the Return assigning positive reassurances in each area”. (2) Financial Statement and Annual Return: The Parish Council APPROVED the Financial Statement for the year to 31 March 2019 and the Chairman and the Parish Clerk as the Responsible Financial Officer duly signed the completed Exemption Certificate, Annual Return and Governance Statement. It was NOTED that the Exemption Certificate would be sent to PKF Littlejohn which completes the External Audit for 2018-19. 2 19.46 FINANCE (1) Payments: The Parish Council APPROVED the payment of salaries/wages and expenses and invoices for goods received and services rendered: Cheque No Description Amount £ 300353 Gladstone Village Hall Room Hire 2018-19 98.00 300354 HMRC Income Tax January – March 2019 163.29 300355 Scottish Power 18.65 300356 Wellfield Accounting Internal Audit Fee 2018-19 75.00 S/O Parish Clerk Salary April 227.93 300358 Parish Clerk Expenses & reimbursement for stamps 37.60 300359 Cheshire Association of Local Councils Affiliation 2019-20 150.48 300360 Cheshire Community Association Affiliation 2019-20 20.00 S/O Parish Clerk Salary May 227.93 (2) Receipts: To note any receipts: Cheshire West And Chester Council – Precept 2019-20 5250.00 (3) 2019-20 Bank Reconciliation: It was NOTED that the Parish Council’s bank balance as at 30 April 2019 was £10,073.83 Whilst this figure may seem high, it does include the full year 2019-20 Precept of £5,250.00 which is the amount required to fund the Parish Council’s agreed budget for 2019-20. It is predicted that the Precept will be spent in full by the year end. 19.47 INSURANCE It was NOTED that the Parish Council’s Insurance Policy is due for renewal on 1 June 2019. The Council is currently insured by Ecclesiastical. The Council’s Insurance Broker Came and Company had obtained three quotations from: (i) ECLESIASTICAL (ii) HISCOX and (iii) INSPIRE VIA AXA and AVIVA. The Parish Clerk had reviewed and completed a Client Risk Presentation and confirmed that the existing cover is in line with the Parish Council’s requirements. Whilst there are a couple of differences in the quotations, importantly, Public Liability and Employers Liability cover is at the same level for all three. Taking into consideration the size of the Council, precept, extent of public service provided, the basis of the insurance cover offered and value for money it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council approve quotation (i) and re-appoint ECCLESIASTICAL, at a sum of £168.00 as the Parish Council’s Insurers for 2019-20 and a third term. The Parish Council also NOTED that due to increasing costs, Came & Company had included an Administration Fee of £50.00. Therefore, the total cost of the renewal including insurance premium tax, is £218.00. 19.48 PLANNING (1) To note any decisions taken since the last meeting: 18/04705/CAT White Spruce – fell and replace with either Cherry or Maple, which will not exceed 6-8feet in height. The current tree is inappropriate for its location and is too large. The Hayloft, Old Hall Farm, Puddington CH64 5SP. NOTIFICATION CLOSED 17 JANUARY 2019. 18/04933/CAT To fell 1 x Chamaecyparis tree, species unknown which has outgrown its space. Rosewood, Old Hall Lane, Puddington CH64 5SP. NOTIFICATION CLOSED 12 FEBRUARY. 18/04404/FUL Two storey& single storey side extension & new flat over existing single storey annexe.
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