Selected Bibliography on Northern Pakistan: Reference, Research and Documentation . GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL AND GODFREY, S. H., Report on the Gilgit Agency and Wazarat ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOURCES and the Countries of Chilas, Hunza Nagar, and Yasin, in - - cluding Ashkuman, Ghizr, and Koh. , Calcutta (i) Classical Descriptions, Gazetteers and Reports - . HASHMATULLAH KHAN, A. H. M., History of Bal BIDDULPH, J., Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh (reprint: Graz - - , Karachi ), Calcutta . tistan (translation of the Urdu version, published BLACKER, L. V. S., On Secret Patrol in High Asia, Lon by Lok Virsa, Islamabad ), . - KNIGHT, E. F., Where Three Empires Meet (reprint: La don . - BONVALOT, G., Through the Heart of Asia. Over the Pamïr hore ), London . to India, vols, London . LAWRENCE, W. (ed.), The Imperial Gazetteer of India, CONWAY, W. M., Climbing and Exploration in the Karako provincial series, vol. XIII, Kashmir and Jammu (re - - ram Himalaya, London . print: Lahore ), Oxford . - DAINELLI, G., Spedizione Italiana de Filippi nell’Himalaja, LEITNER, G. W., The Hunza and Nagyr Handbook, Being Caracorùm e Turchestàn Cinese ( ), serie II: an Introduction to a Knowledge of the Language, Race and - Risultati Geologici e Geografici, vols. , Bologna Countries of Hunza, Nagyr, and a Part of Yassin, in Two - . Parts, Calcutta . - DE FILIPPI, F., Karakoram and Western Himalaya. An Ac LEITNER, G. W., Dardistan in , and - count of the Expedition of H. R. H. Prince Luigi Amadeo of (reprint: New Delhi , Karachi ), Woking Savoy, Duke of Abruzzi, London . DE FILIPPI, F., The Italian Expedition to the Himalaya, LOCKHART, W. S. A. and WOODTHORPE, R. G., The Karakoram and Eastern Turkestan , London Gilgit Mission , London . - - . LORIMER, D. L. R., “The Supernatural in the Popular Belief of the Gilgit Region”, in Journal of the Royal Asi DREW, F., The Jummoo and Kashmir Territories (reprint: - atic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. , Graz , Karachi ), London . - DURAND, A., The Making of a Frontier (reprint: Graz . , Karachi ), London . LORIMER, D. L. R., “An Oral Version of the Kesar Saga from Hunza”, in Folk Lore, , pp. , FRANCKE, A. H., A History of Western Tibet (reprint: - - New Delhi ), London . GENERAL STAFF INDIA, Military Report and Gazetteer of LORIMER, D. L. R., The Burushaski Language (ser. B. XXIX . vol. : Phonology and Morphology, ; vol. the Gilgit Agency and the Independent Territories of Tangir - and Darel, Simla . : Texts, ; vol. : Lexicons, ), Instituttet for GENERAL STAFF INDIA, Routes in Chitral, Gilgit & Sammenlignende Kulturforskning, Oslo , , Kohistan, Simla . GHULAM MUHAMMAD, “Festivals and Folklore of LORIMER, E. O., Language Hunting in the Karakoram Gilgit”, in Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, /, (reprint: Karachi ), London . pp. (reprint: Islamabad ), . - - MASON, K., “Indus Floods and Shyok Glaciers”, in AZHAR HEWITT, F., “Women of the High Pastures - The Himalayan Journal, I, pp. , . and the Global Economy: Reflections on the Impacts - MASON, K., “Karakoram Nomenclature”, in The Geo of Modernization in the Hushe Valley of the Karako - - graphical Journal, , pp. , . rum, Northern Pakistan”, in Mountain Research and De - - MUNPHOOL MEER MOONSHEE, Relations Between velopment, (), pp. , . - Gilgit, Chitral and Kashmir, Calcutta . BESIO, K., “Steppin’ in it. Post Coloniality in North - - NEVE, A., The Legacy of Kashmir, Ladakh & Skardu, La ern Pakistan”, in Area, (), pp. , . - - hore n.d. DANI, A. H. (ed.), Shah Rais Khan’s History of Gilgit, PRELLER, C. du Riche, “The Racial and Economic Islamabad . Conditions of Transhimalaya (Upper Indus Basin: DANI, A. H., “Gilgit and Baltistan in International Per - Ladàk and Baltistan)”, in Scottish Geographical Maga spective”, in Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, , - zine, XL, pp. , . pp. , . - - SCHOMBERG, R. C. F., Between the Oxus and the Indus DANI, A. H., History of Northern Areas of Pakistan up to (reprint: Lahore ), London . AD (ser. Historical Studies (Pakistan), , updated SCHOMBERG, R. C. F., Unknown Karakoram, London nd edition), Lahore . DERBYSHIRE, E., FORT, M. and OWEN, L., “Geomor - SINGH, T., Assessment Report of Skardu Tahsil of the phological Hazards along the Karakoram Highway: Ladakh District, Lahore . Khunjerab Pass to the Gilgit River, Northernmost SINGH, T., Assessment Report of the Gilgit Tahsil, Lahore Pakistan”, in Erdkunde, (), pp. , . - . DESIO, A., “Geologic Evolution of the Karakorum”, VIGNE, G. T., Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the Coun in ABUL F. andDE JONG, K. A. (eds.), Geodynamics - tries Adjoining the Mountain Course of the Himalaya, North of Pakistan, pp. , Quetta . - - of the Panjab, vols. (reprint: nd edition in DICKORÉ, W. B. and NUESSER, M., Flora of Nanga Par - Karachi ), . bat (NW Himalaya, Pakistan), (Englera ), Berlin VISSER, P. C., “Explorations in the Karakoram”, in The . Geographical Journal, , pp. , . EHLERS, E. and KREUTZMANN, H., (eds.) High Moun - - VISSER HOOFT, J. and VISSER, P. C., Among the tain Pastoralism in Northern Pakistan (Erdkundliches Wis - - Karakoram Glaciers in , London . sen ), Stuttgart . YOUNGHUSBAND, F. E., The Heart of a Continent FELMY, S., “Division of Labour and Women’s Work in (reprint: Hongkong ), London . a Mountain Society. Hunza Valley in Pakistan”, in RAJU, S. and BAGCHI, D., (eds.), Women and Work in (ii) Results of Recent Research and Documentation South Asia. Regional Patterns and Perspectives, pp. - , London . AFRIDI, B. G., Baltistan in History, Peshawar . FELMY, S., The Voice of the Nightingale. A Personal Account AGA KHAN RURAL SUPPORT PROGRAMME, An As of Wakhi Culture in Hunza, Karachi . - sessment of Socio Economic Trends and Impact in Northern FINSTERWALDER, R., Accompanying text for the - Pakistan ( ), Gilgit . “Hunza Karakorum :” map, in Erdkunde, - - ALI, T., “Ceremonial and Social Structure Among the (), pp. , . - Burusho of Hunza”, in FURER HAIMENDORF, CHR. FREMBGEN, J. W., “Die Nagerkuts im Licht der pop - - VON (ed.), Asian Highland Societies in Anthropological ulären Reiseliteratur. Ein Beitrag zur Vorurteils - Perspective, pp. (reprint: Delhi ), . forschung in Nordpakistan”, in SNOY, P. (ed.), Eth - - ALDER, G. J., British India’s Northern Frontier . A nologie und Geschichte. Festschrift für Karl Jettmar, pp. - - Study in Imperial Policy, London . , Wiesbaden a. FREMBGEN, J. W., “Tourismus in Hunza: Beziehungen JANJUA, Z. J., “Tradition and Change in the Darel and zwischen Gästen un Gastgebern”, in Sociologus, new Tangir Valleys”, in STELLRECHT, I. (ed.), Karakorum - ser. /, pp. , b. Hindukush Himalaya: Dynamics of Change (ser. Culture - - FREMBGEN, J. W., Zentrale Gewalt in Nager (Karakorum). Area Karakorum, Scientific Studies, /I), pp. , - Politische Organisationsformen, ideologische Begründungen des Cologne . Königtums und Veränderungen in der Moderne, Stuttgart JETTMAR, K., “Bolor A Contribution to the Political - . and Ethnic Geography of North Pakistan”, in Zen - FREMBGEN, J. W., “Hunza und Shagri la. Ein Bergvolk tralasiatische Studien, , pp. , . - - in der Tourismuswerbung”, in Münchner Beiträge zur JETTMAR, K., The Religions of the Hindukush. Vol. : The Völkerkunde, , pp. , . Religion of the Kafirs, Warminster . - FREMBGEN, J. W., “Local Dignitaries as Historians: JETTMAR, K., Beyond the Gorges of the Indus. Archaeology Guardians of Traditional Culture from Gilgit, Hun Before Excavation, Karachi . - za and Nager (Northern Pakistan)”, in BASHIR, E. KAMAL, N. A., “Karakoram Highway: A Nation - and ISRAR UD DIN (eds.), Proceedings of the Second In Building Effort”, in Strategic Studies, II/, pp. , - - - - ternational Hindukush Cultural Conference, pp. , . - Karachi . KEAY, J., The Gilgit Game, London . FUSSMAN, G., Atlas linguistique des parlers Dardes et Kafirs, KHAN, M. H. and KHAN, S. S., Rural Change in the Paris . Third World. Pakistan and the Aga Khan Rural Support HALVORSON, S., “A Geography of Children’s Vulner Program (ser. Contributions in Economics and Economic His - - ability: Gender, Household Resources, and Water tory, ), New York, Westport, London . - Related Disease Hazard in Northern Pakistan”, in KITAMURA, S. (ed.), Plants of West Pakistan and Professional Geographer, (), pp. , . Afghanistan (Results of the Kyoto University Scientific Ex - - HALVORSON, S., “Placing Health Risks in the Karako pedition to the Karakoram and Hindukush , vol. III) - ram. Local Perception of Disease, Dependency, and (reprint: Karachi ) Kyoto . Social Change in Northern Pakistan”, in Mountain KREUTZMANN, H., “The Karakoram Highway Im - - Research and Development, (), pp. , . pact of Road Construction on Mountain Societies”, - HEWITT, K., “The Altitudinal Organisation of Ka in Modern Asian Studies, (), pp. , . - - rakoram Geomorphic Processes and Depositional En KREUTZMANN, H. “Challenge and Response in the - vironments”, in Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, new ser. Karakoram. Socio Economic Transformation in Hun - - , pp. , a. za, Northern Areas, Pakistan”, in Mountain Research - HEWITT, K., “European Science in High Asia. Geo and Development, (), pp. , . - - morphology in the Karakoram Himalaya to ”, in KREUTZMANN, H., “Habitat Conditions and Settle - TINKLER, K. J. (ed.), History of Geomorphology: From ment Processes in the Hindukush Karakoram”, in Pet - - Hutton to Hack, pp. , London b. ermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, (), pp. , - - HEWITT, K. “Catastrophic Rockslides and the Geo . - morphology of the Hunza and Gilgit River Valleys, KREUTZMANN, H., “Globalization, Spatial Integra - Karakoram
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