TOURiSM AUSTRALiA SuSTORYTELLERstainabiSlity Chapter 1 As travellers across the globe look forward to travel, and ‘travel better’ is a phrase resounding across our industry, Tourism Australia’s focus on sustainability is aimed at making it easier for anyone planning, promoting or selling travel to learn about and include sustainable Australian travel products and experiences in itineraries. What better place to start to demonstrate the depth and diversity of Australia’s sustainable travel offering than with stories direct from some our great storytellers and tourism legacy-makers. CONTENTS ALAN WALLiSH 03 GREG IROns 17 LiZZiE CORKE 31 Passions of Paradise Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary Conservation Ecology Centre and Wildlife Wonders AMY GasH 05 HaYLEY BAiLLiE 19 Lady Elliot Island Baillie Lodges LOZ HUNT 33 Tanja Lagoon Camp CHARLES CARLOW 07 Ian JOHnsTONE 21 Arkaba Conservancy Maria Island Walk MELissa BROwn 35 Gemtree Wines CLAiRE BagULEY 09 JaMES ‘MURPH’ 23 Spicers Retreats MURPHY ROSiE SandOVER 37 Sea All Dolphin Swims and BEC SAMPi CRAiG ‘HassiE’ 11 Kingfisher Tours HasLAM JaniNE DUFFY 25 Australian Wildlife Adventures Echidna Walkabout Tours SCOTT PULLYBLank 39 and Coodlie Park Farm Retreat Alice Springs Desert Park JiM SMiTH 27 DwaYNE ‘NAJA’ 13 Sea Darwin TiM TRANTER 41 BannON-HaRRiSON Tread Lightly Eco-Tours Ngaran Ngaran Cultural LaUREncE KAiN 29 Awareness Capital Brewing Company GENE HaRDY 15 Cape to Cape Explorer Tours tourism AustrAliA Sustainabilitystorytellers AlAn WAllish Managing Director, Passions of Paradise | Queensland Over the 30 years that Alan Wallish has The project sees broken pieces of living been revealing the underwater wonders coral ‘re-planted’ in special frames in of the Great Barrier Reef to visitors, he’s coral ‘nurseries’ on the sea floor, that seen an evolution: guests now want to house up to 4 000 nascent corals. Once "our CorAl nurturing play an active part in reef conservation. established, they can be harvested and re-located to their dive sites. projeCt is one of the Passions of Paradise operates a first times sCientists 30-metre sailing catamaran – one of the “It’s about building resilience for our coral biggest in Australia – offering guided reefs: these corals are survivors. Learning And tour operAtors snorkelling and diving adventures about the project helps our guests hAve Worked side by on the Outer Reef. The company is understand that - while the reef is fragile now developing a parallel program, and needs our protection – it’s also a side on greAt bArrier incorporating ‘citizen science’ into its dynamic system that can heal itself, given reef ConservAtion." reef excursions. the opportunity. The project also enables 03 "by pArtiCipAting in Citizen sCienCe, trAvellers see hoW they CAn leArn or be involved in ConservAtion And personAlly Contribute to mAking the World A better plACe. for us, under normAl crew operating out of Cairns, but it leap- with our passengers. On a subtle and very CirCumstAnCes, frogged us forward to now, where those personal level, we’re immersing guests in We Are Able to 18 staff are still with me, and we’re ready our sustainability ethos throughout the engAge With 30,000 to launch this exciting new program. I see day, inviting them to be part of it. ‘science-tourism’ as an opportunity to pAssengers A yeAr, really build the business.” The focus on sustainability has been a from All Around the point of difference for the company in a In addition to the Coral Nurturing crowded market, which has been good for World." program, the company will offer a new business. ‘environment dive’, where guests can us to improve the visitor experience observe marine biologist, participating in Alan is often invited to be a spokesperson on our dive sites, once the corals are survey work or other projects. for the reef and dive tourism, and the established,” explains Alan, Founder of company has been recognised as an Passions of Paradise. In 2021, Alan commissioned a new, industry leader with a variety of awards, smaller boat with an extended range, including being inducted into the Throughout 2020, when they were designed to undertake bespoke charters. Queensland Tourism Hall of Fame. unable to operate tours due to COVID, It’s an ideal platform for expanding Alan continued once a week to take his the new ‘science-tourism’ arm of the “The reef’s lesson is that we don’t live in staff out to the reef to plant corals. business, working with researchers and a vacuum – everything is connected, we special interest groups. are all components of a bigger picture. “I’m really proud that we planted over I love every day I spend on the reef – in 2000 corals in a three-month period “We are a small, family-owned 30 years I’ve never lost that sense of awe and that we kept the dream alive for our business. Our staff wear many hats and, and connection.” staff. We were the only boat that kept consequently, have a lot of interaction AdditionAl InformAtion: ContACt detAIls: For 15 years, Passions of Paradise has worked in Alan Wallish collaboration with GBR Marine Parks Authority on Managing Director, Passions of Paradise the ‘Eye on the Reef’ monitoring program, Crown of +61 418 183 067 Thorns eradication programs, and other stewardship [email protected] projects on the Reef. www.passions.com.au On board, single-use plastics have been eliminated and food waste monitored, while carbon emissions are offset by tree plantings in the Daintree Rainforest. 04 tourism AustrAliA Sustainabilitystorytellers Amy GAsh Custodian, Lady Elliot Island | Queensland Peter Gash first spied Lady Elliot Island programs begun in the 1970s by – 80 kilometres off Queensland’s coast previous lessees, and set the newly- – from the window of his seaplane over named Lady Elliot Eco Resort on the 30 years ago. In 2005, he seized the path to operating wholly on renewable "We see ourselves opportunity to take over the island’s power. lease and set about developing the As custodiAns of the existing infrastructure as an eco- Fifteen years into the 30-year lease, islAnd – We never tourism destination. the Eco-Resort is still a family-run operation. For Peter’s daughter Amy tAke it for GrAnted." In collaboration with the Great - his ‘Apprentice CEO’ - the island has Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, been her backyard since she was five, seen an incredible resurgence in bird- he successfully lobbied for a Green and acting as environmental ‘custodian’ life, particularly in migratory birds. Zone – a no-take fishing zone – to of the island is second nature. Now we say it’s the birds’ home – and be established around the island, we’re the visiting residents,” says Amy. extending five kilometres off shore. “We’ve planted over 10,000 trees The island had been strip-mined for and native plants in our time, with However it is the flourishing reef guano and had been bare of vegetation another 10,000 to go. Over the years, and abundant marine life – with over for about 100 years. Peter and his we’ve watched the vegetation become 1200 species of fish - that are the big family reinvigorated the revegetation stronger and denser. As a result, we’ve drawcards. 05 "often We heAr thAt the GreAt BArrier reef is under threAt or dyinG, But due to our unique GeoGrAphic locAtion And environmentAl steWArdship, the reef on lAdy elliot IslAnd is thrivinG - powered by 100% renewables with the And for mAny Guests "Without the implementation of 900 solar panels conservAtion Actions and 240 batteries saving the burning of it’s life-chAnGinG: over 200,000L of diesel per year which We’ve undertAken, equates to reducing around 500 tonnes We’re creAtinG eco- of carbon emissions. It’s a way of life for We Wouldn’t hAve WArriors!" the Gash family, and they use the island’s A Business – And systems to educate guests on how they the islAnd And can minimise their own impact. “Our marine life seems to know it’s protected, the fish are so relaxed. We’re surroundinG reef “Education is key and we use everything known as the ‘Home of the Manta’: we’ve possiBly Wouldn’t we can to get our conservation message worked with Project Manta for over across. We offer our guests free talks by 15 years, and they’ve identified over exist At All: Without visiting experts; and we offer a behind- 1000 individual manta rays that come veGetAtion And the-scenes tour to teach about our specifically to the island to utilise its sustainability initiatives.” ‘cleaning stations’. Birdlife, it could hAve Been completely Ecotourism awards garnered over the Without the protection of the Green years have resulted in high levels of Zone, those cleaning stations – where eroded By the seA." media coverage and recognition – tiny wrasse provide a parasite removal including by Prince Charles, who chose service for many different fish species Lady Elliot as the site for a global –probably wouldn’t exist.” Living on the island necessitates a conservation awareness Round Table high level of self-sufficiency and a meeting in 2018. Each year more humpback whales holistic approach to sustainability, are sighted and in-water incidental from water and power generation to “We are reaping the rewards of our encounters often occur. The island is also waste minimisation and disposal. Lady custodianship: we’re at over 95 per cent a critical nesting site for Loggerhead and Elliot Island has been on a solar power capacity six months in advance and Green turtles. In addition, resort staff journey since 2007 supported by various we have a thriving ecosystem. We’ve monitor and report any illegal fishing Federal and State Government funding put a lot in, but we’re getting it back a activity in the Green Zone.
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