THE PROMOTION OF THE3 IDEA OF ISLAM NUSANTARA TO MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE 2016-2018 By Deddi Batra ID No. 016201200061 A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Humanities, President University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Concentration in Diplomacy 2019 i ii iii iv ABSTRACT Deddi Batra, 016201200061, The Promotion of the Idea of Islam Nusantara to Malaysia and Singapore in 2016-2018 Adviser: Dr. Endi Haryono M. Si, Islam Nusantara It is not a new sect, nor is it a new school in Islam, but a characteristic of Muslims in the Nusantara. This concept was only popularized by the public when the PBNU was led by K.H. Said Aqil Siraj making it as the theme of the 33rd NU Congress in Jombang. Islam Nusantara is present as an effort to ward off radicalism and show the whole world the face of a peaceful, tolerant and cultured Islam. The presence of this concept as a form of Islamic understanding based on local identity to preserve the culture of the Nusantara and foster the spirit of community nationalism towards the nation and to dispel the arrival of transnational ideology, for example like radical Islamic ideologies to Indonesia and its neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapore. The methodology used by the author is a qualitative method, sourced from international journals and books collected online and also from the official websites of NU and related ones. This study explores the efforts to implement the Islam Nusantara in Malaysia and Singapore as a means of diplomacy through a cultural approach. And also the efforts made mainly by Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) led by K.H. Said Aqil Siradj as an organization that started this idea in socializing the Islam Nusantara also support from government to be well received in Malaysia and Singapore. Islam Nusantara believed to be a new symbol of Islam that emerged from the Nusantara which could be proof that Islam can blend with culture. Keywords: Islam Nusantara, Nahdhatul Ulama, Cultural Diplomacy, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. In the name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. First and foremost, I would like to convey my deepest gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Only to Allah I surrender, and only Allah SWT, who gives me this life. Without that, I might not be able to have a will to persist this writing process. For the blessing and grace to write and to complete my thesis. Shalawat and Salam are presented to Prophet Muhammad SAW, the best of man to walk this earth and the most influential revolutionary figure of the world in restoring the civilization of the mankind till today. My greatest gratitude goes to both of my parents, Harun Hamza and Sri Suharti. I would like to thanks my mother and father for their infinite support in accomplishing my study. Their supports for all these years always motivate me in overcoming challenges in life, and it all will never be repaid. For my little sister Marisa, thank you for being my little sister. Special thanks to my thesis advisor, Mr. DR. Endi Haryono , M.Si, for facilitating the process of my thesis writing and giving me time for consultations. His advices and assistances substantially have helped me in solving out any difficulties during my thesis writing. In addition, I also would like to thank Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Mr. Eric Hendra, and Mr. Hendra Manurung also Mbak Arta and Mbak Lina, along with all of the lecturers in International Relations who have shared your knowledge and experiences throughout my studies during the past years in President University. Your warm welcome and insightful suggestions have taught me a lot of great things in the study of social science. My thanks to all my friends in President University, especially IR batch 2012, thank you so much for all great memories and times we have spent during the university life. I am sorry if I could not write all your names vi on this paper, but remember that our meeting(s) means a lot for me. Thanks to miscellaneous soul mates and friends; Iona Salim, Jamaludin, Eldi Nuryadi, Harris Rilandi (The Boss), Fathur, Anugrah Mahesa, Dilla, Aty Nurhayaty, Louise Johanna Gloria, Kevin Tanuwijaya, Abudzar Al Raffari, Thoriq Anwar, Awale, Raymon Yutto, Stevanus Willy, Faraz Amar, Ramis, Dimas, Gavandy Alvidy, Romero Sinaga, Aidil Sabri, Adin, Rifqi, Miftahul, Ahmad Yasir, Ayu Bella Aestika, Afrigis Sabra, Erwin, Acok. For accompanying me during thesis period and also university life. Moments and memories that we have created will become a great story for our future. Also big thanks to families in Jambi and Bogor; Uwak Mar, Uwak Udin, Bang Angga, Mang Kasmita, Mang Rustam, Mang Lidin, Bibi Cum, Bibi Zakia. And all that may be forgotten which is not included in this list. Last but not least, thanks for all of the lecturers and staffs of President University, and I wish you all the best in the future. Deddi Batra vii TABLE OF CONTENTS THESIS ADVISER .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. RECOMMENDATION LETTER .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined. DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY .................. Error! Bookmark not defined. PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET . Error! Bookmark not defined. ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii LIST OF ABBREVIATION ................................................................................ xi CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 I.1 Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1 I.2 Problem Identification ................................................................................ 5 I.3 Statement of the Problem............................................................................ 6 I.4 Research Objectives .................................................................................... 6 I.5 Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 6 I.6 Theoretical Framework .............................................................................. 7 I.6.1 Soft Power ......................................................................................................... 7 I.6.2 Public Diplomacy .............................................................................................. 9 I.6.3 Multi Track Diplomacy .................................................................................. 11 I.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study ........................................................... 13 I.8 Literature Review ...................................................................................... 13 I.9 Definition of Terms .................................................................................... 16 I.10 Research Methodology ............................................................................ 17 I.11 Thesis Structure ....................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................... 19 HISTORY OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA AS THE PROMOTER OF ISLAM NUSANTARA ...................................................................................................... 19 II.1 The Background of Nahdlatul 'Ulama and Islam Nusantara .............. 19 viii II.2 The Significant of Islam Nusantara in South East Asia ....................... 22 II.2.1 History and Definition of Islam Nusantara ........................................ 23 II.2.2 Islamic Influence on Nusantara Culture ............................................. 29 II.3 Islam Nusantara Approaches .................................................................. 32 1. Philosophical Approach ...................................................................................... 33 2. Cultural Approach .............................................................................................. 35 3. Linguistic Approach ........................................................................................... 36 4. Legal philosophy Approach ............................................................................... 36 5. Legal Approach ................................................................................................... 37 6. History Anthropologist ....................................................................................... 37 II.4 Islam Nusantara Similarities with Other Islam .................................... 38 1. Islam Hadhari .................................................................................................. 39 2. Muslim Madani (Civil Society) ...................................................................... 41 CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 45 ISLAM NUSANTARA PROMOTIONS CONDUCTED BY NU TO MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE ...................................................................... 45 III.1 NU Efforts in Introducing Islam Nusantara
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