llazlet Tract v Vnhiial Shelter Silt The Weather THEDAILY Partly cloudy and windy FINAL today. Increasing cloudiness tonight with chance of rain or snow toward morning. Rain r~ r EDITION tomorrow. REGISTER 22 PAGJ.S Monmoulh « ounl V'K OuaKfandfnit Homo \«M% sp«p<»r VOL96 NO. 185 RED BANK-MI DDI.ETOWN, N.J. MONDAY, MARCH 18,1971 TRNCENTS IIIIHIIIMHIIMIIIMIIItllllllMIIIMItlllllllHI HHIIUUIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L IIIIIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllUIIIUIIIUtlllllllllltl illlMMIIMiMIIIMIMIHIIIIMHHBIIllllHHHHIHIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIimillHIIMmilimilllllllllllllllllll Winds Fail to Chill Spirits of The Irish heerand Irish whiskey. Friday night and promn nl Lo "There's no doubt thai we Highlands reported mure than thui green stnpc painted down ByGREGBORAK 1 Although no one will ven- be heard from again can accomplish that,' hr said HI ihamrock-8portiflg Kay- the center a( it • « oodi n with true Irish confidence. shine Irishmen ttrutted in length ture a gttMi as lo how much Irish spirits were as strong spirited drink was consumed More than 125 people turned Moiimouth Counts was well Newark's si l'.iirn k'l Da> I In Atlantic Ocean around as the winds this past week- over the even more spirited nut lo honor Monmoulh Coun- represented Saturday in New parade yesterday afternoon Uie i its s Convention Hall end as wearers of the green weekend, there are probably ty Assignment Judge M. Ray- York's St. Patrick's" Oay Pa- amid gust in;; Winds. also Innk on a different slunle paraded, played and waded in • lew people Buffering with honor of St. Patrick mond McUowan as the rade by the Middlctow n as green dye dumped into the Friendly Sons' first "Irish- Township High School and While weather conditions • s and throbbing heads, brine changed its rotor from nut all caused by bagpipe The Jersey Shore Chapter man of the Year," and John Hazlet's Rarilan High School kept most Asbury Park blue lo emerald. of the Friendly Sons of SI. Keaveney of Shrewsbury, one bands, which joined about boardwalk strollers off the hands, who will remember Patrick, organized Just about of the group's trustees, said 125,000 marchers on Fifth planks yesterday, colleens in IIHHI reatavHMta and la* this year as another great SI six weeks ago, held its first he anticipates a membership Ave. in spite ot the rain. were on hand to distribute veins, area residents enjoyed Patrick'! Day celebration and annual "It's Great To Be Ir- of more than 600 by next James McGrath of green lollipops to those who (dined beef and cabbage wail for it to begin again next ish" fling at the Sea Girt Inn year. McGralh's Square Bar in braved the windb to tread the Washed down with plenty ul yeai Arab Oil Chiefs Try Again Today for Embargo Accord VIENNA, Austria (AP) - (OPEC) said its decision not again. the Vienna meeting. ton's policy remains directed bytn oil is seeping through to The Arab oil ministers meet lo raise the artificial price on The OPEC countries pro- Instead, it quickly became against the Arabs. Sources the United Stales via third again today in an effort to apparent that the ministers said Libya was provoked fur- countries. Informants said his *t«lll<r Hod Phot» which their share of the oil duce 80 per cent of the world iron out objections lo lifting revenue is calculated was a had arrived in Vienna with ther by President Nixon's opposition to ending the boy- STROLLERS MOVE INDOORS - Gusting, chilly oil exports. the oil embargo against the good will gesture toward the their differences unresolved. threat in his speech Friday to cott was "firm but toned winds yesterday kept many St. Patrick's Day rev- The Arab oil meeting was a United States. leading oil consumers — Algeria, one of the three "slow down our very real and down." elers off the Asbury Pgrk boardwalk as only a few followup to one in Tripoli, Western Europe, Japan and hard-liners, was reported to earnest efforts to get a dis- people in the distance turn out to strut along the The ministers from nine Libya, last Wednesday. It Syria, (Chich produces no oil the United States. But a have been won over by Egypt engagement on the Syrian green stripe painted down its center planks, How- Arab countries met for IH-i produced reports that the but does control pipelines spokesman warned lhat un- and Saudi Arabia, the leaders front and a permanent peace ever, Irishmen and other wearers of the green hours yesterday but failed to ministers had decided to end across its territory from less the industrial nations of the anti-embargo bloc, but settlement" unless the em- found plenty of indoor activity and traditional pa- agree. Syria and Libya were the boycott they agreed on Saudi Arabia, is reluctant to controlled their "galloping in- Syria and Libya held out, in- bargo is lifted. rades with which to demonstrate their ethnic en- reported blocking a unani- last October in an attempt to see ihe oil weapon abandoned flation" and the prices they siders said. thusiasm over the weekend, • f mous decision to lift the pressure the United States to However, Libyan Oil Minis- before Israel agrees to with- blockade. However, one un- charge the oil nations for modify its pro-Israeli policy. (T Libya has adamantly op- ter Ezwdin Mabruk was re- draw its forces from the Syr- confirmed report said Syria's their manufactured products, A formal decision and an- posed to lifting the embargo ported embarrassed by gener- ian territory captured in the objections had been ironed they would raise the oil price nouncement was predicted for because it claims Washing- ally a'-cepted reports that Li- October war. out, and Libya would abstain from the decision by the rest. Sirica DecisionSeveral of the ministers met until late last night in an attempt to draft a consensus Mixed Baseball Hassle Principals document. Others contacted On Sealed jury their governments for further instructions, sources said. Karlier yesterday, 13 of the world's major oil-producing Taking Eight to Courts, Legislature nations, including seven of Report Is Duethe Arab states, concluded a By DORIS KULMAN them, are expected to be let girls play. The division Is WASHINGTON (AP) - A Meanwhile, yesterday, Hep. weekend meeting here with among those cited by the expected to seek the court or- Inleral judge hopes lo an- Wilbur 1) Milk D Ark , said the announcement they would Several Little League orga- N.I Division on Civil Rights der tomorrow. — nounce today his decision on he expects President Nixon to maintain their posted prices nizations in Monmouth Coun- when it seeks a Superior State Little League offi- what he'll do with a sealed re- 1)0 nut of office by November. on crude'oil until July 1. ty which refused to register Court order to force stale cials, ordered by the division port he received from the Mills, chairman of the House The Organization of Petro- girls, or din'l announce Litlle League teams'to re- to let 8-to-12-year-nld girls grand jury investigating the Ways and Means Committee leum Exporting Countries that registration was open to sume their schedules and to play, cancelled the 1974 sea- Watergate cover-op. and vice chairman of the son after the courts rejected On Friday, 0 S District joint committee looking into the organization's request fur .ludge John .1 Sirica said he 1'resident Nixon's tapes, said a stay ol the order pending still was working on his opin- on Ihe CHS program "Face appeal. The appeal is sched- ion but he hoped to file it Ihe Nation" Ibat Nixon would Dayan to Represent uled to be heard in Superior sometime Monday " In- impeached or would resign- Court wxt Monday Sirica said he has spent a And presidential adviser The Little League con- lot of tune working on the de- Bryce HarloVv said lhat the trillion that the Division cision. White House, by refusing to didn't give il time enough to Us been laic night work, turn over its files, was trying Israel in Talks Here integrate its learns was the early morning hours, things in help the committee "de- By The Associated Press Egyptian troop dis- ian troops battled on the Go* main theme of speakers at a like that," he said in a brief cide specifically what they engagement pact. That one Ian Heights yesterday for the rally sponsored by the Free- telephone Interview are Hying to tin " He said was negotiated by Kissinger sixth day. Syria said four of hold Township Committee The Israeli government has 1 That decision is expected In White Hoiw action was de- named Defense Minister shuttling between Jerusalem its troops were killed and I .' Saturday lo press for legisla- be his last major BCl before signed to help the committee Moan! Dayan lo represent it and Cairo Mrs Meir and wounded and claimed several tive action In May Ihe ruling Stepping down as chief |udgO focus its Inquiry at the Washington negotia- President Anwar Sadat of Israeli t in ops killed or for a year of ihe U S District Court in At a hearing Sirica called to tions for a pullback of Israeli Egypt never wet wounded Israel reported no Killed In November Meanwhile, Israeli and Syr- The ruling was handed Washington Sirica, who mual hear recommendations on (|,s. troops on the Syrian front casualties. relinquish the post tomorrow position of the report. James Arab diplomats at Ihe down liy division Hearing Iv\- When he turns 70, will DC SUC I) St Clair, President Ni.X- United Nations said a Syrian aininer Sylvia Pressler last eeeded by iudgfi GSJffgf! L on's chief Watergate counsel, diplomat, Salah Eddine Ta- November and confirmed by Hart Jr.
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