Complete Sports DEMERITS TO BE Coverage On Page 4 GIVEN FOR CHAPEL Ww ftfiltop Bettis MISCONDUCT "Representing Georgia's Oldest Independent Institution of Higher Learning" In an attempt to curb misbe- havior in chapel, the Legislative VOLUME VI, NUMBER 10 LAGRANGE COLLEGE, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA NOVEMBER 19, 1963 Council of the Student Govern- ment, through a special commit- tee, has recommended to student lf^**» proctors that demerits be given for people misbehaving in chapel. Clubs To Compete The committee was formed to investigate student misbehovior in chapel. In its investigation, the committee learned that certain students who thought that they In Blood Drive had lost quality points last year for misbehavior had, in fact, not The LaGrange College campus is going to be bled to stop been penalized in this way. It death next Monday. Pints and pints of the red life-giving was reported that the threat of liquid will flow from the arms of LC students into hun- loss of quality points for inatten- dreds of pint bottles and from there the invaluable fluid tion and misbehavior last spring will return to arms of the sick and injured, the victims of quarter had not gone beyond that accident, avalanche and flood. "We're going to give from stage. the heart", said one LaGrange College student. Millard Martin, SGA president, Representatives from the Red of age. The parents are expected said that the key to containing Cross will be on the campus to sign these slips and return the misbehavior in chapel lies Monday, November 25, to receive them to the college giving per- with the proctors. They ore au- blood from the donors. The mission for the students to do- thorized to give demerits for mis- Simpson Room of the college nate blood on Monday. gymnasium will be utilized by conduct in chapel. The Student "It is of the utmost import- the Red Cross to accommodate Government committee recom- ance," said Martin, "that these those giving blood. mended that the proctors seat slips be returned. The Red Cross The blood donation program themselves in various parts of the will not accept the donation of is being sponsored by the Student auditorium during chapel. Martin blood without these signed slips. Government Association. Millard reported to The Hilltop News Intramural football play gets hot and heavy on the LaGrange Martin, SGA president, has en- To encourage full participation that this had been done in part. College athletic field. Here Chuck Nixon picks up a low pass in couraged all students to partici- in the donation program a sys- one of last week's games. pate in the campaign. "We have tem of fraternity and sorority STUDENTS WHO FAIL a chance to do a very worthwhile competition has been established. thing here," said Martin. "We are The Greek letter organization TO OBSERVE RULES hoping for a hundred per cent having the largest per cent of Presidents Of All Campus cooperation from the student bo- their members register and at- WILL LOSE CARS dy." tempt to give blood will be a- Permission slips have been warded a trophy. By Mickey Johnson mailed to the parents of those It was emphasized by Martin Clubs Meet Together at the president's roundtable New parking regulations will students who are under 21 years go into effect for LaGrange Col- Subjects affecting the entire meeting last week that full par- lege students in the near future, student body were discussed last ticipation from the Greek groups according- to Millard Martin, week at a meeting of the Presi- will not be sufficient. "To reach president of the LC student body. dent's Roundtable. Heads of all Art Exhibition Held the goai that has been set for this year, participation from every Since the beginning of the fall student organizations were invit- student will be needed," he said. ' quarter there have been no ef- ed to attend the meeting held in Martin continued, "Every student fective ways of regulating park- Smith Parlor on Tuesday night. ing. The SGA in an attempt to On Campus Sunday who attempts to give blood is not Millard Martin, president of able to do so. It is , necessary alleviate this situation appointed % the Student Government Associa- An exhibition of various types tor's- assistant at the Bridges therefore, that as many as pos- a legislative committee to look tion, presided at the meeting. The of sculpture by Miss.OUeen Wil- Studios, arid as a teacher in a sible register to give so that the into the problem. The committee meeting was called, said Martin, lians was opened in the LaGrange number of ' schools and ■ colleges. goal might be attained." suggested thot parking stickers ■for" the specific purpose of better College- gallery on Sunday after- The LC Art Students League be issued to students and that The Red Cross has established informing those heading the or- noon, Nov. 17. was host at a reception at the op- appropriate penalties be enforc- ganizations on campus of th 1963 the individual credit system en- 'Miss Williams, currently serv- ening of the exhibition on Sun- ed. LaGrange College Blood Drive. abling; those who. give blood to ing as art consultant in the State day, Nov. 17.- The reception was The administration suggested Other topics were discussed how- participate: directly in the Blood Department of Education, has at 3 p. m. to the legislative council that cars ever, during the course of the Bank Program. working experience with the fol- found in a "no parking" zone or meeting. A doner will reeeive-a credit lowing types of three-dimension- in the wrong parking areas be card for each pint pi blood do- Martin emphasized that this al art: monuments, memorials, Baptist Leader Speaks nated through Red Cross facilities towed to town at the owner's ex- year. the gool for blood donation awards, corner stones, plaques, The president of the Georgia which will entitle him and . his pense. According to Noel Smith, has been set considerably higher bas-relief, garden sculpture, and Baptist Convention will be the immediate family to receive men's vice-president of the SGA, than it was last year and that sculpture for public buildings. chapel speaker on November 20. blood on the credit plan, the legislative council felt it high participation on the port of The sculptor's education in- He is Dr. J. Thornton Williams, The donor card will be good would be better if the student the student organizations will be cludes earning bachelor's and pastor of the First Baptist Church for a six-month period. Two government impose the fines ond necessary to fulfill this goal. penalties. master's degrees in fine arts at of LaGrange. gallon donors will be issued a President of the Student Chris- credit card good for the duration According to Smith, the student University of Georgia, and fur- Born in Millen, Georgia, Dr. tian Association, Dorinie West, ther study at University of Ala- of the program. Donors who are will receive a ticket for each vi- Williams received his education brought up for discussion the bama, Temple University, and the temporarily rejected will secure olation. Upon accumulation of at Brewton-Parker Junior Col- problem of scheduling student ac- Sculpture Center. a temporary credit card entitling three tickets, the student will tivities on the weekly calendar lege, Furman University, and During her art career, Miss them to coverage for a limited lose his car privileges for one in the dean of women's office. Southern Baptist Theological Williams has worked as a pro- period. quarter; that is, he will not" be West asked that student organi- Seminary. He served pastorates duction illustrator for Radio Cor- Those individuals between the permitted to have a car on cam- zation presidents cooperate in not in Millen, Claxton, Buford, For- poration of America, as a sculp- ages of 18 and 59 are eligible to pus. scheduling a meeting of their or- syte, in Georgia, and in Ghent, Smith told the News that "af- Kentucky, as well as a chaplain donate blood. The Red Cross has ganization when another meeting issued the following statement ter a couple of students lost the has already been scheduled at arranged that would be suitable in the U. S. Army, before coming concerning the donation program. privilege' of having o car, more that time. for each particular group. to LaGrange in 1957. "More blood is being used now people become mindful of the Some, present at the- meeting Editor of The Quadrangle, Jen- His denominational activities than ever before. Each must do .regulation."-. >•".-■• asked if such a meeting would ny Lee Dorough, made on an- include Executive Committee his share by giving enough blood The new parking regulations be held again in the future.. nouncement concerning organiza- member of - the Georgia Baptist at future visits of the bloodmo- were passed at a recent. meeting tion pictures to be taken for. the Mrs. Kelly, dean of- women, Convention, president of the bile." of the legislative co.uncil. yearbook. Dorough told the meet- said that she thought that such State Training Union Convention, •Martin told.-, the News^' that if ing of presidents that they-would; a meeting as this" would be the" trustee of Tift- College, -member' : the stickers did not aiajive, within be. sent-notices through "the cam- best means of communicating in- of the Sunday School Board, from- Mercer University. k a few weeks the SGA would wat pus mail listing ! price's and' re- formation useful to all: of the SBC, and recipient of ah honor"- • He is married and the father until next quarter.to issue.them.
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