The Daily Newspaper of the Upper Cumberland Herald-Citizen www.herald-citizen.com H-C Holiday It’s our largest paper of the year, Our offices will close at noon Wednesday and reopen Monday filled with ads from local merchants and sales flyers from at 8 a.m. There will be no paper Thursday, and we will resume The Big One: almost every store in town. our normal publication schedule Friday afternoon. 115th Year | No. 277 | WeDnesDay, november 22, 2017 | Cookeville, Tennessee $1.50 tradition Rescue Mission offers free Thanksgiving meal to homeless, lonely BY JIM HERRIN mission’s Family Lodge at 1331 The event is put together by [email protected] S. Jefferson Ave., in Cookeville. volunteers and rescue mission Luke Eldridge, vice president staff. Anyone interested in vol- As families gather around the of operations for the Rescue unteering to serve food, clean- country for Thanksgiving this Mission, said the free meal is up, or just fellowship with those year, the Cookeville Rescue Mis- open to anyone, including those eating meals, can call the office sion will also be continuing its who may be homeless or who or come to the Family Lodge. annual tradition of bringing might not have family nearby Eldridge said volunteers are people together on Thanksgiv- and who would otherwise be also especially needed as the ing Day. alone on the holiday. rescue mission puts together its Jim Herrin | Herald-Citizen Starting at noon Thursday, “It’s open to the community. 2017 Sounds of Hope bell ringing Luke Eldridge, left, and Ryan Henry of the Cookeville Rescue Mission staff and volun- Anybody can come to it,” he fundraiser which begins on Rescue Mission are seeking volunteers for the mis- teers will serve a full Thanksgiv- said. “If you can get here, we’ll sion’s annual Sound of Hope bell ringing fundraiser. ing meal to those who visit the feed you.” See MISSION, Page A2 Short-Line Railroad Blues Laura Militana | Herald-Citizen Shoppers leave Belk Tuesday afternoon, prior to the Black Friday rush. Who’s Open? A few restaurants, shops open on Thanksgiving BY LAURA MILITANA [email protected] Jack McNeely | Herald-Citizen Don’t want to cook? You’ve got options as some Chamber of Commerce CEO George Halford stands near the Nashville and Eastern railroad tracks restaurants will be open on Thanksgiving Day. in downtown Cookeville. Want to shop instead of eat? Even better, as some retailers will be open on Thanksgiving Day, for those who want to get their Christmas shopping started early. Money needed to rehabilitate tracks Here is a brief rundown of what will be open Thanksgiving Day. From Staff Reports Nashville and Eastern Rail- company was formed “to resur- Cracker Barrel will offer a Thanksgiving meal road’s presence in Putnam rect short-line freight rail opera- from 11 a.m. to close on Thanksgiving Day while Johnny Cash topped the coun- County as a “leading force with tions over 110 miles of what was Golden Corral will be offering a special Thanks- try music charts some 60 years respect to tourism, strengthen- neglected and soon-to-be aban- giving buffet. There will also be a special Day ago singing, “I hear that train a ing the local economy, creating doned track,” according to After Thanksgiving Breakfast offered on Friday. comin,” from his legendary bal- new job opportunities and at- Stephen Drunsic, NERR presi- Ruby Tuesday will also be open from 11 a.m. to lad, Folsom Prison Blues. tracting new industry.” dent. 10 p.m. While the train he heard sent He pointed out that Putnam Several companies in Putnam A number of retailers will also be open on him to the pinnacle of country County is the only county in County, stretching from the Thanksgiving Day. music, the clickety-clack of Tennessee with three train de- Smith County line all the way to JC Penney will open its doors at 2 p.m. on trains heard rumbling down pots including locations in Bax- Monterey, have the opportunity Thanksgiving, while Kmart opens bright and track in Putnam County today is ter, Cookeville and Monterey. to use the railroad to ship and early at 6 a.m. helping provide jobs and eco- The Nashville and Eastern receive goods, noted Halford as Dollar General opens at 7 a.m., along with Big nomic stability here, according has been providing freight rail he addresses the availability of Lots. to Cookeville-Putnam County service to Putnam and three rail service. Sears and Walmart will open at 6 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Presi- other Middle Tennessee coun- “Having railroad freight serv- Belk opens at 4 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, dent George Halford. ties, including Davidson, Wilson along with Dunham’s Sports. Kohl’s opens at 5 Halford described the and Smith since 1986, when the See TRAIN, Page A2 p.m. Thanksgiving Day. Index Obituaries, A8 Davis Watts RetiRes 3 Sections — 44 Pages Melvin Ulrich Sr. Cookeville Abby A11 Living A11 banker Calendar A8 Opinion A4 celebrates 45 Classified B3 Sports B1 years in banking Comics A13 Sudoku A13 Page A12 Crossword A13 Weather A2 A2 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — www.herald-citizen.com — Wednesday, November 22, 2017 LOCAL READER SERVICES Six arrested for drug-related offenses BY LINDSAY MCREYNOLDS [email protected] Contact us: Several have been arrested in Address: Putnam County recently for 1300 Neal St. drug-related offenses. • Sarah Catherine Madewell, Cookeville, Tenn. 49, of Chestnut Street in Baxter, was charged with the sale and Mailing Address: delivery of morphine in a drug- Madewell Johnson Maynard Hargis Frazier Reeder P.O. Box 2729 free zone following an investi- gation by the Putnam County Cookeville, was charged with charged with possession of a • Brandon James Reeder, 21, Cookeville TN 38502 Sheriff’s Office. She was ar- the sale and delivery of controlled substance Monday of Lee Avenue in Cookeville, rested with a $20,000 bond. buprenorphine following a after PCSO Detective Chuck was charged with falsifying • Kimberly Lynn Johnson PCSO investigation. He was ar- Johnson went to the Fall Creek drug tests after he went to the Phone: 931-526-9715 aka Kimberly Lynn Moore, 33, rested with a $20,000 bond. Inn to serve an indictment on an- PSI probation office for a sched- Fax: 931-526-1209 of County Farm Road in • Cynthia Ann Hargis, 40, of other person when he allegedly uled meeting. Cookeville, was charged with Chestnut Avenue in Cookeville, observed Frazier exit a vehicle “His probation officer asked Email: the sale and delivery of more was charged with the sale and and throw two bags of metham- the client to perform a super- News than .5 grams of methampheta- delivery of less than .5 grams phetamine on the ground. vised drug screen,” the war- [email protected] mine in a drug-free zone follow- of methamphetamine in a “Approximately 2 grams of rant states. “Subject had a Sports ing an investigation by the drug-free zone following a methamphetamine was taken clear bottle duct taped to his [email protected] PCSO. She was arrested with a PCSO investigation. She was as evidence,” the warrant for private part which contained a Advertising $75,000 bond. arrested with a $25,000 bond. Frazier’s arrest states. yellow liquid.” [email protected] • Donnie Lee Maynard Jr., 42, • Daniel Frazier, 31, of Sun- Frazier was arrested with a Reeder was arrested with a Living of Gainesboro Grade in flower Lane in Cookeville, was $2,000 bond. $1,000 bond. [email protected] Circulation [email protected] Business News [email protected] Church News THP checkpoint Friday afternoon MISSION: [email protected] School News The Tennessee Highway Pa- Recognizing the danger pre- The Tennessee Highway Pa- [email protected] trol will be conducting driver li- sented to the public by unquali- trol has found these drivers li- Dinner Classified Ads cense roadside checkpoints fied drivers, troopers will cense roadblocks to be an [email protected] onBlack Friday, from 2 to 4 concentrate their efforts on ve- effective means of enforcing p.m., at State Route 56 north of hicles being operated by drivers driver license laws of Ten- served the 5 mile marker who would violate the driver li- nessee while ensuring the pro- Letter Guidelines in Putnam County. cense laws of Tennessee. tection of all motorists. All letters to the editor must Thursday be signed and include the writer’s name, address and From Page A1 phone number. Letters are subject to editing and/or re- jection. A strict 400-word limit will be enforced. Send letters Black Friday, Nov. 24, to the mailing address listed and lasts until Christ- above, or email to mas Eve. [email protected]. “We need bell ringers. If we had 1,000 people to say that they’d help us Order a Photo bell ring, that would be Every photograph taken by a Her- great,” he said. ald-Citizen photographer and The rescue mission published in the paper is available will be staffing 12 loca- for purchase. Go to www.herald- tions on 22 bell ringing citizen.com and click on “Photo days, including the Wal- Gallery.” Also, many photos in- cluded in online stories are avail- mart stores in able for purchase. Cookeville and Algood, Kmart, Kroger, Sam’s Club, Belk, Big Lots, Subscriptions Jim Herrin | Herald-Citizen Sears, Tractor Supply To subscribe, call 931-526- Roy Dishman has been recognized as Citizen of the Month for his longtime work with the and Spring Street Mar- 9715.
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