COVER STORY - RANKING TOP 50 COMPANIES THE TOP 50 REAL ESTATE & INFRA COMPANIES BY JAYASHREE KINI MENDES en years is a long time to be an industry and flourish. We are not boasting, but when one considers the competitive market, we have not done too badly. Construction Week India is by Tno means a conventional magazine. Last year, we began a journey with no little trepidation when we set out to rank established real estate and in- frastructure giants. This year, a little more boldly, we have done it again. While we were a novice at calibrating data last year, this time round we did relook our approach to make the exercise more effectual. We sought out compelling parameters that could with- stand the test of time, and disagreements, if any. For that reason, we took help from renowned consultants who could corroborate the criteria and segregate the submit- ted data. The criteria to rank companies were: Number of projects launched last two years; Projects completed last one year; construction methodologies; milestones; Number of cities present in and projects in those cities; change of management level employees, if any, recently; list of green projects; and best practices followed. We adopted an unbiased approach to tally the scores DQGDUULYHGDWWKHͤQDOOLVW7KHPRUHSRLQWV\RXVFRUH on the parameters, the faster is the climb up the ranking sheet. There are plenty of surprises this year. We hope you will appreciate our efforts and understand that this was just a way of understanding how the Indian real estate market is faring in these turbulent times. CONSTRUCTION WEEK NOVEMBER 2018 23 COVER STORY RANK INFRASTRUCTURE/REAL ESTATE 1 SHAPOORJI PALLONJI (E&C) 9.6/10 Subodh Dixit, Executive Director & President (E&C) Shapoorji Pallonji Engineering & Construction's growth is strengthened by the immense contribution it has made across all major sectors. These include civil and structural en- gineering projects like power plants, nuclear research establishments, factories, auto- mobile plants, stadia & sports arena, hotels, hospitals, skyscrapers, townships and water treatment plants. Some of the projects it is executing and has recently completed include: Civil, electri- cal, air-conditioning and allied works for PSLV Integration Facilities (PIF) project at Shi- harikota; Phoenix Embassy Tech Zone Centaurus; IT Project “Oracle ORR Phase Throughout much of 2017, ̹ IRU 6DWWYD 'HYHORSHUV EHDXWLͤFDWLRQ RI the Group has been involved streets for Greater Visakhapatnam Smart in creating a technology City Corporation, among others. roadmap that will limber Throughout much of 2017, the Group has up the Rs 28,320 crore been involved in creating a technology road- Shapoorji Pallonji Group to map that will limber up the Rs 28,320 crore stay in lock step with the SP Group to stay in step with the digital age. digital age. It has 13 group companies and an employee base of over 60,000 people. INFRASTRUCTURE RANK LARSEN & TOUBRO 2 SN Subrahmanyan, CEO & MD 9.4/10 /DUVHQ 7RXEURLVWKHRQO\,QGLDQFRPSDQ\WRͤQGDVSRWDPRQJWKHWRSFRPSD- nies in Forbes' global 2,000 best employers list. Last month, the $18 billion-engineering major won orders worth Rs 7,489 crore to build two parts of the Mumbai Coastal Road Project. It has also bagged an order from the Irrigation and Command Area Development Department of government of Telangana for the Medigadda Barrage Project. L&T Geostructure, a subsidiary of the heavy civil infrastructure business of L&T, has received an order from BHEL, to execute pil- ing, pile test, pile cap and pedestal works for a 1x660 megawatts-Panki Thermal Power The $18 billion-engineering Plant near Kanpur, U.P. major won orders worth The heavy engineering arm has bagged Rs 7,489 crore to build additional orders worth over Rs 1,000 crore two parts of the Mumbai during the September quarter. These include Coastal Road Project. three super heavy hydrocracking reactors for DQ,QGLDQUHͤQHU\WREHEXLOWIRUWKHͤUVWWLPH in the world. The total order inflow in H1 FY19 of heavy engineering has reached Rs 2,661 crore. 24 CONSTRUCTION WEEK NOVEMBER 2018 COVER STORY RANK REAL ESTATE RANK REAL ESTATE 3 RUSTOMJEE GROUP 4 GODREJ PROPERTIES 8.95/10 Boman Irani, CMD 8.5/10 Pirojsha Godrej, Executive Chairman Through Rustomjee Their flagship project – Elements, the group is The Trees – in Vikhroli, driving the concept of Mumbai, registered a My Spaces - creating phenomenal response spaces for customers since it was launched to rekindle their lost in 2015. passion or hobby. One of the most conscientious developers, Boman Their flagship project – The Trees – in Vikhroli, Mum- Irani has continuously sought to offer premium bai, registered a phenomenal response since it was residences mostly in Mumbai. The Group believes launched in 2015. A mixed-use development, con- that their customers' core desires and interests lie sisting of a residential aspect, a commercial district, at the heart of their design philosophy. Through and a Taj-branded hotel, which is being created in Rustomjee Elements, the group is driving the con- conjunction with Taj Hotels Palaces Resorts Safaris. cept of My Spaces - creating spaces for custom- A point of focused attention has been Godrej ers to rekindle their lost passion or hobby. Properties’ emphasis on sustainable design. This Rustomjee has carved a niche for itself in the is, of course, very much in keeping with the Godrej ever-growing real estate sector, with a portfolio Group’s vision of ‘Good & Green’. In fact, environ- that includes 12.5 million sq-ft of completed proj- mental sustainability has been a major driver for the ects; 15 million sq-ft of ongoing development and company, much before it became a catch phrase another 30 million sq-ft of planned development across the country. in the pipeline, spanning across the best locations Overall, Godrej Properties is presently developing of MMR. Their portfolio currently includes two very projects spanning approximately 151 million sq-ft. ODUJH WRZQVKLSV UHVLGHQWLDO VSDFHV RIͤFH FRP- While there have been a few commercial ventures, plexes, retail developments, spaces for healthcare all of which were well-received, the focus has clearly and education spread across BKC Annexe, Khar, been on the residential real estate segment, which off Juhu Circle, Kandivali, Borivali, Virar and Thane. also happens to be Godrej Properties’ forte. 26 CONSTRUCTION WEEK NOVEMBER 2018 COVER STORY RANK REAL ESTATE 5 PRESTIGE GROUP 8.45/10 Irfan Razack, CMD $ͤUPEHOLHYHURIVWD\LQJFXVWRPHUFHQWULF5D]DFNDVVHUWVWKDWFRPSOHWLQJDMREDQGRI IHULQJZKDWWKH\ZDQWDQGDWWKHULJKWSULFHPHDQVGRLQJMXVWLFHWRKLVZRUN5D]DFNVD\V KLVELJJHVWVDWLVIDFWLRQLVZKHQEX\HUVKDYHPDGHVLJQLͤFDQWUHWXUQVRQWKHLULQYHVWPHQW LQ3UHVWLJHKRPHV /RQJEHIRUH5(5$FDPHLQWRHIIHFW5D]DFNKDVEHHQVWXGLRXVO\HQFRXUDJLQJGHYHO RSHUVWREHWUDQVSDUHQWDQGDFFRXQWDEOHZKLFKKDVKHOGKLPLQJRRGVWHDG,W̵VQRVXU SULVHWKDW3UHVWLJH*URXSLVWKHRQO\&ULVLO'$UDWHGGHYHORSHULQWKHFRXQWU\,WZDVDOVR DZDUGHGWKHͤQDQFLDOUDWLQJRI$E\,&5$ $V DQ HQWUHSUHQHXU 5D]DFN KDV VKRZQ Long before RERA came DQXQFDQQ\NQDFNWRVHHEH\RQGFRUQHUV into effect, Razack +H IHHOV VWURQJO\ DERXW SURJUHVV EXLOG has been studiously LQJWKHEXVLQHVVXSDQGHQVXULQJDVWXUG\ encouraging developers ERWWRPOLQH%XWKHNQRZVWKDWDOOWKLVFDQ to be transparent and RQO\PDWHULDOLVHLIKHGHOLYHUVSURMHFWVDQG accountable. TXDOLW\KRPHVRQWLPH,PSRUWDQWO\RIIHULQJ KRPHVLQWKHULJKWORFDWLRQLVDSULRULW\(DFK SURMHFW LV HQYLVLRQHG EDVHG RQ WKH ORFDOLW\ DQGFRPPXQLW\OLYLQJLQWKHDUHD INFRASTRUCTURE RANK DILIP BUILDCON 6 Dilip Suryavanshi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t plans to explore, develop, FDUERQVDQGPLQHUDOVXEVWDQFHVERWKRQ produce, purchase or VKRUHZLWKLQWKHWHUULWRULDOMXULVGLFWLRQRIWKH otherwise acquire petroleum ,QGLDQ8QLRQDQGDQ\ZKHUHLQWKHZRUOG crude oil, natural gas, all %HVLGHVWKLVLWZRQRUGHUVZRUWK5V kinds of hydrocarbons FURUHIRU%KRSDODQG,QGRUH0HWUR5DLOSURM and mineral substances, HFW E\ WKH 0DGK\D 3UDGHVK 0HWUR 5DLO &R both onshore, within the /WG8UEDQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQDQG'HYHORSPHQW territorial jurisdiction 'HSDUWPHQW%KRSDO 03 anywhere in the world. 28 CONSTRUCTION WEEK NOVEMBER 2018 COVER STORY RANK REAL ESTATE RANK INFRASTRUCTURE 7 SALARPURIA SATTVA 8 AFCONS 8.15/10 Bijay Agarwal, MD 8/10 S Paramasivan, MD The company has MSRDC selected 38 million sq-ft Afcons Infrastructure of projects across as one of the lowest segments under bidders to build the construction and 30 13.3km link between million sq-ft on the Khalapur and Kusgaon drawing board. on the Mumbai-Pune expressway. Salarpuria Sattva is strengthening its presence $IFRQV ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH KDV EDJJHG RQH SDFNDJH IRU in commercial real estate, and targeting a com- the UP government's flagship Purvanchal Express- mercial portfolio of 20 million sq-ft in the next two way project connecting Lucknow with Ghazipur in years. The Bengaluru-headquartered company Eastern UP. also plans to shift focus to developing and selling ,Q$XJXVWWKHVWDWHJRYHUQPHQWJDYHWKHͤQDO plots of land, even as residential segment is crawl- approval to build the 13.3km link between Khala- ing back to recovery. pur and Kusgaon on the
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