THE SAN JCALL,. SATURDAY,->JTJNEi-\25; 1904. 5 CONGRESSMAN METCALF RECEIVES APPOINTMENT AS A CABINET OFFICER REPUBLICANS INDIANAPOLIS "UNCLE JOE" CONVENTION ARRANGE FOR TO WELCOME BECOMES ILL CITY IS LEFT THE PRIMARY FAVORITE SON AT CHICAGO IN QUIETUDE Prepare Petition to File Arrangements Are Complete Speaker Cannon- Is Suffering Delegates From California With the Secretary for Reception of Sen- From a Slight Attack Take Their Departure of State. ator Fairbanks. of Fever. for St. Louis. « Fourth District Committee Large Delegations to Greet His Physicians Say That He WillEnjoy the Splendor of to Be Called Together Vice Presidential Nom- Must Take a Much the World's Fair Be- Next Week. inee on Arrival. Needed Rest. fore Returning. $j ' — are Special Dispatch to Tta* Call. BY FREDERIC W. BISHOP. The Republican County Committee, CHICAGO. June 24. "My plans present," said Staff Correspondent of Th» Call. Thomas D. Rlordan chairman, will few, at least for the CHICAGO, June 24.—"Uncle Joe" Fairbanks, Cannon, meet at 16 Geary etreet next Monday Senator Vice Presidential Speaker of the House of Rep- CHICAGO. June 24.—Now for St. Annex to- petition partic- nominee, at the Auditorium and permanent chairman Louis and the excitement of its con- evening to prepare a to my resentatives day. "I'llgo to home in Indiana- of the late Republican National Con- vention. Desolation seems to have ipate in the primary election on Au- the polis to-morrow afternoon. In vention, sick, home swept this great city, so deserted Is gust 8. The petition must be filed with Mrs. Fairbanks and my la and left for his meantime night. go- Michigan avenue and the corridors of the Secretary of State forty days prior daughter will make a few return at Danville last Instead of ing Louis, politicians the hotels that face the lake. Tfc» to election. At the August calls." to St. where tha only people sorry the date of go. that are the conven- primary delegates to the Santa Cruz At Indianapolis the nominee and his were anxious to have him tion has swept back Into history ar» Btate convention and the local nom- wife will be met and given a rousing "Uncle Joe" is to go to Europe Ifthe th*hotel keepers. But the whole aSair inating conventions of the party will reception by several different organiz- plans which his daughter. Miss Helen, has been an object lesson to the Call- be chosen. ations. have made for him are carried out. fornlans and has served to Increase The Republican Congressional Com- Some general plans were laid out usually what she says, for their respect for tbelr State asd muni- hold to-day for the opening of the cam- And he does mittee of the Fourth District will housekeeper at Washington cipal governments. Here thero is no paign. Cornelius N. Bliss, treasurer she is his a session early next week and doubtless the '.'light of eyes." civic pride. Dirty, unkept streets and to nom- of the National Committee, was in and his Issue a call for a convention The Speaker is not dangerously !ill. crumbling public buildings that evi- tsate a candidate for Congress. conference with the Vice Presidential' dence corruption ar» on every hand. was followed by He had a low fever all convention There 1> tsJk InRepublican circles to candidate and he week, alternating chills, his The City Hall reeks with filth and Cortelyou, to the with and the effect that City Treasurer J. E. Chairman who came physician told him he would have to totters Indecay. Cans and rubbish and room after a conference with Secre- McDougald ought to be nominated. It pull out of the activities of politics broken bottles fillIts narrow lightways vot- tary Dover. Itwas agreed that noth- Is said that his popularity with the and the social game and take a com- and courts and the grime of ages ers cf the district is so well established ing should ba done toward opening up • clings to hops headquarters, either in Chicago or plete rest. its walls. Californians that he would win out against the of Speaker's for something better In St. Louis. If York, the not- Itis the plan the domes- strongest man In the Deznocratlo party. New until after official tic manager engage passage on the they fail to find it the pleasure of tha ification of Senator Fairbanks. to PAKTT PRESTIGE. Cedrlc or one of the other large-, slow return home will be a shock almost George B. Cortelyou, the new chair- trip, great. Republicans willmake an earn- man, go to-morrow, boats and go for a brief which too The will to New York voyage party est to re-establish the party pres- Dover, willbe more for the sea than The last of Californians to see effort as will Elmer secretary. They sights was by Sergeant ttg« In the Second. Fourth and Fifth weeks, for foreign travel. the headed of will remain there three during Republican party managers are Donovan It Congressional districts. It is practi- which time the campaign committee, The Police of San Francisco. Republicans planning to have "Uncle Joe" take an spent an hour or more In the Iroquois cally settled that the of with Its sub-committees on finance and coming campaign. Theater, great the Second District willselect Duncan active part In the the scene of the fire other branches will be chosen. Secre- In the fight for Republican Congress- horror. H McKlnlay of Santa Rosa as their tary Dover will then return to Chi- people al- men, which in some districts is to be nominee. In fact the have cago and. In conjunction with Harry bitter, managers ready McKinlay the the feel »(hat "Uncle nominated and S. New, national committeeman of In- effect, and will simply register de- Joe" could be used to great HUNTERS HAVE DESPERATE convention the diana, open the Chicago headquarters Ithas been planned to "star" him. mand of the voters. The battle cry in of the campaign. Chairman Cortelyou ENCOUNTER WITH BEAR and Mc- Unless he can shake off the low fever tee Second will be Roosevelt will divide his time between the New dogging it is felt Klnlay. Itis expected that which has been him Grizzly Ills Assailant, Who Sacramento York branch and Chicago. by family he Presses willrollup an Republican ma- his friends 'and that will oldtime Most of the leaders and nearly all of not be equal to such strenuous duties. Pokes Muzzle of Gun Into Ani- jority for the nominees of the party. the delegates have gone to St. Louis mal's Mouth and Fires. Prospects Republican success in — for or to their homes. Postmaster Gen- Wash., June 24. F. X. good SEATTLE. the Fifth District are bright. Any eral Payne willremain for a day or so, King N. had a thrill- carry Fe RaHway. Morton Is a personal and P. Peterson nominee of the party can the Milwaukee. Senator ing fight a grizzly in ths sug- when he willvisit friend of the President of many years' with bear district. A sentiment for fair play Scott, chairman of the sub-committee, Sawtooth Mountains recently. gests to many Republicans that the standing. He is a son of the late J. will proceed to Cripple Creek, Colo., Nebraska, Secretary Peterson one bear with his rifle county of Clara or Sterling Morton of shot Santa San Mateo to-morrow. Senator Lodge of Massa- brute rolled down a bank. He should be accorded the honor naming of Agriculture in President Cleveland's and the of chusetts also leaves to-morrow, as does soon Jumped up and disappeared in the candidate. last administration. Morton has had Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania, experience In Washington, having been the brush. Peterson turned and to THIRD DISTRICT. INDIANAPOLIS.June 24.—Final de- here with his father. his horror saw another large grizzly The Third Congressional District tails for the welcoming home of Sen- President has been spring upon King. The magazine of Since Roosevelt order, Republican Committee will meet in ator Fairbanks, Vice Presidential nom- THREE DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS WHO HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TO ASSIST HIMIN CON- in the White House he has made more Peterson's rifle was out of so he DUCTING THE AFKAIHS OK GOVERNMENT AND WHO WILL BECOME MEMBERS OF HIS OFFICIAL FAMILYAT THE npthing time to re- Oakland next Monday. The friends inee, were completed to-day. Leaving EXPIRATION OF THE PRESENT FISCAL YEAR ". than one effort to Induce Morton to could do but take absolutely " move the empty shell and insert an- of Mr. Metcalf control the Chicago to-morrow :afternoon, the accept a position in his administration. committee. The organization has the Feeling that his life work in the rail- other. Senator and party will stop at Fowler, King power to appoint delegates to the Colfax, road world. In which he had ach'eved In the meantime thrust his Lafayette, Lebanon and other shotgun into the face. nominating convention from localities 7:15, the Distinguished Alamedan Is Selected to Suc- success, might be Impaired by h>s ac- bear's The bear points, reaching here at when grabbed mouth, when wherein the provisions of the primary Senator by delegations from ceptance of an official position in the the muzzle Inits willbe met Kingpulled trigger election law are not mandatory. The Columbia, Government, he uniformly declined the and ran. The Marion and commercial . charge pierced the big districts outside of the cities of Oak- Merchants' ceed, Cortelyou. all such proffers.. In consonance with the brain and land, Alameda, clubs and the Association. Secretary brute fell dead. After being disem- Berkeley and Vallejo A pubic recepton on this feeling he declined the proffer of will be held the navy.
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