DEALS OF THE $DAY$ PG. 3 THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2018 OUR OPINION DEALS OF THE $DAY$ Fortunately, 7 city councilors gave a little to get PG.a 3lot Seems like simple math: Give a devel- Sixty-six percent of something versus LaPierre didn’t think it makes sense to “ centive by noting that the $5 million in oper a property tax incentive worth $2.5 100 percent of nothing. … offer an incentive of that magnitude in taxes the Procopio project is forecast to million so that he will build a $90 million Disturbing but still simple math; yet the city’s dif cult nancial times.” generate during the incentive period will project on Munroe Street that will gener- four City Councilors who voted against More about LaPierre’s comment later pay for teachers, public safety, and street ate $5 million in taxes over a seven-year a Tax Increment Exemption Agreement but, rst, city residents owe a collective repairs. DEALS period even with the tax break. for Procopio Enterprises, Inc.’s project thanks to Councilors Buzzy Barton, Di- How did that simple logic get lost on Put another way, in order to attract a didn’t see it that way. Peter Capano, Bri- anna Chakoutis, Richard Colucci, Darren ward councilors CapanoOF and THE Walsh and major project to Lynn, the city is provid- an LaPierre, Hong Net, and Jay Walsh Cyr, Brian Field, two experienced councilors at large? ing a tax incentive and still expecting to voted against providing the incentive to Rick Starbard, and Wayne Lozzi for Again, to restate the obvious:$DA YGiving$ Pro- receive at least two-thirds of the revenue Procopio for its proposed 10-story project. exhibiting the good sense to vote for the copio a tax incentive is PG.what 3 Economic it would receive if the incentive was not Capano and Walsh were quoted as de- incentive. Chakoutis summed up the un- negotiated. scribing the Procopio project as rushed. assailable logic of a “yes” vote for the in- COUNCILORS, A7 DEALS Saugus kids tell doggie tales New bossOF THE $DAY$ emergesPG. 3 from chaotic meetingDEALS OF THE in Nahant$DAY$ PG. 3 By Bridget Turcotte ITEM STAFF NAHANT — Antonio Barletta, a Nahant resident, has been appointed the new town administrator. The Board of Selectmen voted 2-1 in fa- vor of selecting Barletta over runners-up Robert Curtin, assistant town administra- tor of Lynn eld, and Joseph Domelowicz Jr., assistant town administrator of Win- throp. “He’s a state worker who is familiar with our ooding issues,” said selectman Enzo Barile, who credited Barletta with the town’s successful involvement with the municipal vulnerability program, among other initiatives. “I want somebody from Nahant. I think it’s important. We’ve been through a lot of turmoil lately.” “He’s young,” said Barile. “He’s in his 30s. He’ll be here for a while and that’s Lucas Ingianni, what we want.” Lydia the comfort dog helps students 7, of Saugus Barletta is the director of governmen- reads Green tal affairs at the Massachusetts Depart- learn to read in town library Eggs and Ham to ment of Energy Resources. He previously worked as director of government affairs her eyes, she doesn’t get impatient or cor- Lydia, a 5-year- By Bridget Turcotte for the Department of Conservation and ITEM STAFF rect him for the words he got wrong. And old golden re- triever who’s a Recreation for two years. Ingianni doesn’t worry she will. In a public interview Tuesday night with SAUGUS — On Wednesday afternoon, The Saugus Public Library welcomed comfort dog with 7-year-old Lucas Ingianni found comfort in Messiah Luther- sound issues that prevented much of the Lydia the comfort dog for the rst time on session to be heard by the large crowd in reading one of his favorite books to a new Wednesday. Lydia is stationed in Lynn eld an Church. furry friend. Town Hall, Barletta said he has dealt with at the Messiah Lutheran Church and will more than 200 legislators in the State He ipped through the tired pages, rhym- now return every Wednesday throughout ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK House and in the State Senate. ing and reading the words as Sam-I-Am the summer. “I’m familiar with working with different tirelessly tried to sell green eggs and ham Comfort dogs are friends who bring a personalities,” he said. as a novelty — whether in a house with a calming in uence, allowing people to open When asked why he should be chosen mouse, in a box, with a fox, with a goat, or up their hearts and receive help in times of over two candidates who have experience on a boat. All the while, Lydia the dog lay need, according to the church’s website. working as assistant town administra- peacefully in his lap. On a daily basis, Lydia interacts with ev- tors, Barletta said his state experience Though she’s undoubtedly heard the eryone from young children in schools, li- is transferable to the town level. He also words countless times before — children braries, and hospitals, and with adults in has a Masters degree in public adminis- have torn through the Dr. Seuss classic for tration from the University of Massachu- nearly 60 years — Lydia doesn’t scoff or roll SAUGUS, A7 setts-Boston. “I am from Nahant so I am very familiar with the issues that face this community and I’m very in tune with the personali- INSIDE ties,” he said. Interim Town Administrator Gerry Perry Peabody Opinion Sports said a contract should be ready for Barletta Fundraiser to bene t family of Lynn Cawley: How’s this Lynn 14s move on to sem nal round woman who died giving birth. A2 for clickbait? A4 of Babe Ruth state tournament. B1 NAHANT, A7 Art meets Silsbee athletics at Street deadline Manning Field extended By Steve Krause “I thought wouldn’t it be ITEM STAFF nice if we had something like By Gayla Cawley that here,” said Warren. ITEM STAFF LYNN — When presented She took that plan and pre- with the challenge of coming sented it to the commission LYNN — A Marblehead up with an inaugural project at its rst pitch meeting. development team has for the newly-formed Lynn “Leah came in with the been given one last chance Public Arts Commission, idea of doing a mural at to redevelop a dilapidated Leah Warren harkened back Manning Field that would building on Silsbee Street to something she’d seen at depict Lynn’s football histo- into a mixed-use structure Bucknell University. ry,” said Carolyn Cole, head with market-rate apart- Warren, who is both a of the commission. “We had ments and a grocery store. teacher and an accom- a lot of people with a lot of The City Council opted plished graphic designer, re- ideas, and we all thought on Tuesday night to grant membered seeing a mural at ‘Isn’t that the perfect inau- a one-year extension to Bucknell’s new athletic com- gural project?’ It combines Illy, LLC, after the com- plex depicting the basket- everything positive about pany’s two-year special ball team’s accomplishment Lynn.” permit for the project ex- ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE while in Pittsburgh for the Both Cole and Warren have pired. induction of Kevin Betten- roots that run deep in the Leah Warren, left, and Carolyn Cole plan for the photo collage of But the council also voted court into the school’s Hall local legends that will be installed on the wall next to the conces- of Fame. MANNING, A7 sion stand at Manning Field. DEADLINE, A7 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 LOOK! .......................................A8 DIVERSIONS .............................B5 HIGH 77° VOL. 140, ISSUE 181 OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 LOW 63° POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS ....................................B4 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2018 OBITUARIES Trash pickups can Robert F. Casey, 90 Theodore C. Vallas, 93 now be scheduled Robert Francis Ca- at the Campus Minis- LYNN — Mr. Theo- fan, he also harbored sey, 90, late of Lynn try, he nightowled as dore C. Vallas, age interests in oil paint- online in Revere and Nahant, died in a member of the Ad 93, of Lynn, died ing and wood-work- his sleep June 26. Hoc Committee for suddenly on Monday, ing. Ted was an edito- REVERE — Residents uent services is ready to Parish priest, lay Prison Reform and July 9, 2018. He was rial page columnist for no longer need a sticker answer any questions substance abuse New England Prison the husband of the the former Lynn Sun- to get rid of their grand- residents may have as counselor, peace and Association and un- late Katherine (Lefas) day Post for 10 years. mother’s hand-me-down the city transitions to the civil rights activist, dertook eight-hour Vallas. Prior to his retirement, couch or the mattress stickerless program. Bob was the author shifts as an outside Born and raised in he was well-known as they’ve used since college. Applications must be of the gently-told observer at maxi- Lynn, he was the son the dining room man- Traditionally, city ordi- completed by 2 p.m. the day novel The Jesus Man and mum security prisons, gaining of the late Charles and Mary ager at the Danversport Yacht nance would require them before a Tuesday through co-author of Screw: A Guard’s adulation as the gentle priest (Kennedy) Vallas. He was a Club for 14 years. to visit the Inspection- Friday pickup, or 10 a.m.
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