LBRC Review List Compiled by the Louisiana Bird Records Committee March 2015 Brant Sabine's Gull Plumbeous Vireo Canada Goose (wild only) Black-headed Gull Cassin’s Vireo Trumpeter Swan (Q) Little Gull Yellow-green Vireo Tundra Swan Western Gull Black-whiskered Vireo Eurasian Wigeon California Gull Clark’s Nutcracker American Black Duck Thayer's Gull Chihuahuan Raven King Eider Iceland Gull Brown-chested Martin White-winged Scoter Glaucous Gull Rock Wren Long-tailed Duck Great Black-backed Gull Northern Wheatear Common Merganser Kelp Gull Mountain Bluebird Masked Duck Brown Noddy Townsend's Solitaire Greater Prairie-Chicken (e) Arctic Tern Varied Thrush Red-throated Loon Band-tailed Pigeon Curve-billed Thrasher Pacific Loon Mangrove Cuckoo Sage Thrasher Least Grebe Smooth-billed Ani White Wagtail Red-necked Grebe Flammulated Owl Chestnut-collared Longspur Western Grebe Snowy Owl Smith's Longspur American Flamingo Burrowing Owl McCown's Longspur Yellow-nosed Albatross Long-eared Owl Bachman's Warbler (E?) Cory’s Shearwater Northern Saw-whet Owl Lucy's Warbler Great Shearwater Lesser Nighthawk Virginia's Warbler Manx Shearwater Antillean Nighthawk Connecticut Warbler Audubon's Shearwater Vaux's Swift MacGillivray's Warbler Leach's Storm-Petrel Green Violetear Tropical Parula Red-billed Tropicbird Green-breasted Mango Black-throated Gray Warbler Brown Booby Magnificent Hummingbird Townsend's Warbler Red-footed Booby Blue-throated Hummingbird Hermit Warbler Jabiru Anna's Hummingbird Red-faced Warbler Northern Goshawk Broad-billed Hummingbird Painted Redstart Harris’s Hawk Ringed Kingfisher Green-tailed Towhee White-tailed Hawk Williamson's Sapsucker Spotted Towhee Zone-tailed Hawk Red-naped Sapsucker Cassin’s Sparrow Ferruginous Hawk Ladder-backed Woodpecker American Tree Sparrow Rough-legged Hawk Ivory-billed Woodpecker (E?) Brewer's Sparrow Golden Eagle Prairie Falcon Lark Bunting Black Rail Western Wood-Pewee Baird's Sparrow Whooping Crane (e, R) Hammond's Flycatcher Golden-crowned Sparrow Lesser Sand-Plover Gray Flycatcher Hepatic Tanager Mountain Plover Pacific-slope Flycatcher Black-headed Grosbeak Eskimo Curlew (E?) Cordilleran Flycatcher Blue Bunting Black-tailed Godwit Dusky-capped Flycatcher Lazuli Bunting Ruff Brown-crested Flycatcher Varied Bunting Curlew Sandpiper Great Kiskadee Shiny Cowbird Purple Sandpiper Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Hooded Oriole Red-necked Phalarope Crowned Slaty Flycatcher Bullock’s Oriole Red Phalarope Tropical Kingbird Scott's Oriole Long-tailed Jaeger Couch's Kingbird Red Crossbill Razorbill Cassin's Kingbird Lesser Goldfinch Ancient Murrelet Gray Kingbird Evening Grosbeak Black-legged Kittiwake Fork-tailed Flycatcher Total: 149 species Key: Bold species known to hybridize with other species Bold + italicized hybrid(s) involving this parental species documented for Louisiana E? probably extinct e extirpated in Louisiana Q status in question R Reintroduction program in progress Observers should be aware that several species on the Review List are documented to hybridize with other species (boldfaced; boldfaced and italicized indicates that hybrids involving this species have been documented in Louisiana) and, for that reason, it is important to address and eliminate a possible hybrid when documenting and reporting these species. The LBRC requests documentation for records of any species not currently accepted on the State List. This includes species of captive/introduced origin not currently on the State List or Review List (e.g., Black Francolin and Ring-necked Pheasant). To continue to monitor population status of Monk Parakeet, the committee requests breeding documentation to properly evaluate whether the species has become established. With the addition of Canada Goose to the Review List, the committee is only interested in wild individuals and not those of feral origin (e.g., individuals associated with the introduced Rockefeller Refuge population, or other local resident populations scattered across the state). The LBRC also requests documentation for occurrences of the following recognizable subspecies or forms: Yellow-rumped "Audubon's" Warbler, and non-Slate-colored forms of Dark-eyed Junco (e.g., "Gray- headed", "Oregon", and "Pink-sided" types have occurred in Louisiana). Previously listed on Review List, “Great White” Heron and “Red-shafted” Flicker are currently not accepted on the State List. As for other species/forms bold-faced on the Review List, it is also important to address hybrids/intergrades when reporting these subspecies or forms. The Committee welcomes documentation of occurrences of species from either before a species was added to or removed from the Review List: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (removed 31 Mar 1990), Ross’s Goose (removed 31 Mar 1990), American Black Duck (added 17 Apr 2010), Cinnamon Teal (added 7 Sep 1996; removed 14 Mar 2015), White-winged Scoter (added 11 Mar 1989), Long-tailed Duck (added 17 Apr 2010), Common Merganser (added 11 Mar 1989), Wilson’s Storm-Petrel (removed 25 Apr 1986, reinstated 23 Apr 1994, removed again Sep 1999), Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (removed 7 Sep 2002), Northern Gannet (removed 25 Apr 1986), Masked Booby (removed 25 Sep 1999), White-tailed Kite (removed 11 Mar 1989), Swainson’s Hawk (removed 29 Apr 1988), Golden Eagle (added 25 Apr 1986), Crested Caracara (added 18 May 1991; removed 8 Sep 2007), Yellow Rail (removed 23 Apr 1994), Lesser Black-backed Gull (removed 7 Sep 1996), Bridled Tern (removed 7 Sep 1996), Pomarine Jaeger (removed 7 Sep 1996), Parasitic Jaeger (removed 16 March 2013), Inca Dove (removed 25 Apr 1986), Eurasian Collared-Dove (Introduced Species, removed 7 Sep 1996), Burrowing Owl (added 7 Sep 2002), Lesser Nighthawk (added 11 Mar 1989), Buff-bellied Hummingbird (removed 29 Apr 1988), Calliope Hummingbird (removed 7 Sep 2002), Broad-tailed Hummingbird (removed 7 Sep 2002), Allen’s Hummingbird (removed 16 March 2013), Say’s Phoebe (14 Mar 2015), Willow Flycatcher (removed 14 Mar 2015), Alder Flycatcher (removed 23 Apr 1994), Ash-throated Flycatcher (removed 7 Sep 1996), Bell's Vireo (added 18 May 1991; removed 15 Mar 2015), Cave Swallow (removed 12 March 2011), Western Tanager (added 11 Mar 1989; removed 16 March 2013), Black-headed Grosbeak (added 11 Mar 1989), Spotted Towhee (added 7 Sep 1996), Bullock’s Oriole (added 7 Sep 1996), House Finch (Introduced Species, removed 18 May 1991), Evening Grosbeak (added 7 Sep 1996). Current LBRC Members: Steven W. Cardiff (Chair), Paul E. Conover (LBRC website), John Dillon, Donna L. Dittmann (Secretary), Robert C. Dobbs, Erik I. Johnson, Nancy L. Newfield, Curtis C. Sorrells, and Phillip A. Wallace. .
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