VOLUME XIV, NUMBER 2 WINTER SOLSTICE 2005 Agilent series 1100 HPLC 113 Aquinas, Saint Thomas 36 aguardiente 140 argon 94 2004 & 2005 INDEX Aisner, RafaelO 119 Argyreia nervosa 103, 112 al-Uzza 35 Ariocarpus species 147 Alatriste, Pedro 21 Aromacare (vaporizer) 56 1,2-dimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobeta- Albert Hofmann Foundation 153 Aromazap (vaporizer) 57 carboline 115, 117 alcohol 10, 42, 46, 49, 53, 57, 107, 108 Aromed 29 12-hydroxyibogamine 10 aldose-reductase-inhibitor 54 Arrazola 66, 68 1,4-butanediol 123 alebrijes 66, 67 art, blotter 153, 158 18-methoxycoronaridine 10 Alex 62 art, psychedelic 12 β 2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- - Alice in Wonderland 70 Artemis 37 carboline 112 Alipieva, K.I. 54 Artemisia species 107 24-epi-pterosterone 54 aloe vera 107 Artemisia abrotanum 107 2C-B 46, 120, 146, 147, 148, 149 alpha-beta-thujone (also see “thujone”) Artemisia absinthium 106, 107, 108 2C-E 123 108 Artemisia dracunculus 107 2C-I 123, 124 alpha-thujone (also see “thujone”) 108 arthritis pain 147 2C-T-2 123 Altoid 25 Aspergillus alliaceus 151 2C-T-4 146 Alzheimer’s disease 23 asperlicin 151 2C-T-7 94 Amaringo, Pablo 29 ass-huasca 46 5-HO-DMT (also see bufotenine) 109 Amazon 29, 30 associated anxiety disorder 86 5-MeO-AMT 27 American Chemical Supply 58 asthma 2 5-MeO-DALT 27, 28 amitriptyline 111 AT Verlag 110 5-MeO-DIPT 46, 147 amphetamine 23, 54, 84 ataxia 7 5-MeO-DMT 46, 57, 109, 111, 123, AMS Research 123 Attisani, Dominick 73 149, 150, 151 AMT 27, 122 aura 102 Australian National University A Anadenanthera species 41, 46, 53, 57, 63 109, 114 autism/autistic 17, 63, 69, 74 Aguirre, Rodolfo Tinoco 21 Anadenanthera colubrina 26, 27, 53, 57 AVS Journal 156 “A Framework for Action” 11 Anadenanthera peregrina 55 ayahuasca 26, 27, 29, 30, 54, 55, 84, Aardvark, David 81, 109, 111, 112, Anadenanthera seed-enema 109 85, 90, 91, 121, 134, 135, 136, 137, 126 analgesic 54, 111 139, 140, 141, 146, 152 “Absence” (hypothetical sage-based androstenedione 108 Ayahuasca Healing Retreat 152 liquor) 106, 108 angels 61 Ayahuasca-Wasi 30 Absente (U.S.-produced absinthe) 107 animism 35 Ayensu, E.S. 54 absinthe 106, 108 anise 106 Aztec sulfur magnets 62 Absorbine 108 Anonymous, IN 27 abstinence 25 anthropomorphism 35 B anti-inflammatory 111 Acacia species 35, 112, 113, 114, 115, Baldung, Hans Grien 32 antibacterial 54 117, 118 Bautista, Francisco Carrillo 130 anticonvulsant 111 Acacia complanata 113, 115 β-carboline(s) 113, 115, 116 antidepressant 6, 111, 126, 147 Acacia confusa 115 B. Green, NM 26, 56 antifeedant 54 Acacia farnesiana 112 B.C. Vaporizer 57 antifungal 105 Acacia intertexta 115 Bächtold-Stäubli, H. 36 antihepatotoxic 54 Acacia maidenii 113, 114, 115 Badrak, Beth 59 antihypertensive 54, 111 Acacia obtusifolia 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 Bandow, Christine 31 antiinflammatory 54 Acacia phlebophylla 113, 115 Banisteriopsis caapi 56 antileukemic 54 Acacia simplex 115 Barrau, Jacques 104 antinociceptive 147 acetonitrile 113 Barrett, Deirdre 64, 72 Acevedo, Michael antioxidant 54 146 Barron, Frank 18, 19 antipsychotic 147 Achillea millefolium 107 Basement Shaman, The 26, 55 antipyretic 111 acid, citric 50 Bastiaans, Jan 87 antirheumatic 54 acid, hydrochloric 50 Baudelaire, Charles 14 antiseptic 54, 108 acid, muriatic 50 Bauer, Wolfgang 29, 36 antistaph 54 acupuncture 62 BC Marijuana Party 96, 97, 99, 101 Adderall antitumor 54 125 Beatles (the band) 27 ants 53 addiction 1 Beckmesser, Sixtus 34 anxiety 88 addicts 11 Behringer, Wolfg. 34 Adorno, Theodor aphids 53, 56 37 benactizine 16 Aphrodite 37 agara (also see Galbulimima belgraveana) Benda, Clemens C. 16 104, 105 Appleton, Alistair 152 THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW, POB 19820, SACRAMENTO, CA 95819-0820, USA 159 VOLUME XIV, NUMBER 2 WINTER SOLSTICE 2005 Bender-Gestalt test 15 Buddha 35 chloroform 55 Benjamin, Walter 14 Buddhist 20 chocolate 72, 109 Benson, Elizabeth 41, 42 bufotenine 57, 109, 115, 116, 117 cholecystokinin 151 benzene 64 Bumb, Geneva 120, 132 cholecystokinin inhibitor 151 benzodiazepine 24, 87, 151 Bunnell, Sterling 19 Chonhuber, Lili 36, 37, 38 Berger, Markus 29 buprenorphine 11 Chopra, R.N. 54 Beringer, Kurt 12, 13 Burka, Thomas 107 Christ (also see Jesus) 19 Berlin, Louis 15 Burning Man 43, 61, 62, 64, 119, 120 Christian 52, 85 Bernstein, Ilene 54 Burton, Michael 58, 122 Christianity 35, 37, 51 Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives Bush, George W. 38 Chromadoris, Vibrata 120 and Museum 14 Bwiti 8 chromium picolinate 108 Bialynickiego-Birula, Teodora 13 chuchuhuasi 109 Big Basin State Park 121 C Chung, Wang 35, 37 Big House Red 150 Cielo Ethnobotanicals 24, 26 C.H., CA 24 BitTorrent 120 cigarette 139 cacao 72 Bizony, Piers 120 cinnamoyl-ecgonine 110 caffeine 23, 25, 42, 109 black cohosh 107 Cake circumdatin 151 Blackmore, Susan (the band) 153 103, 120 Calderón, Eduardo cis-cinnamoylcocaine 110 52, 53 City Lights Bookstore bladderwrack 107 California Institute of Integral 14 Blake, William 63 Clarkia Extra Strong 107 Studies 73 Blasphemo 37 clavohuasca 109 Callaway, Jace 112 Bleuler, Manfred 14 CLEAN-UP Act (H.R. 834) 30 camphor 140 Bockbier 32 Clear 120 cancer 90, 93 Bohm, David 74 clonidine 111 Cané, Ralph E. 42 Bohm, Sheelo 119 cluster headaches 83, 85, 86, 87, 89, Cannabis 1, 2, 14, 22, 25, 54, 55, 56, Bohnlich, Uriel 36, 37, 38 91, 92, 93 57, 96, 97, 101, 119, 124, 145, 153, Bohr, Niels 64 Clusterbusters 83 154, 155 Boire, Richard Glen 29, 124 Coalition for Cosmic Consciousness Cannabis Culture magazine 96, 97, 100, Bölsche, Wilhelm 36 153 101 Bön 35 Coca und Kokain: Ethnomedizin, Kunst Cannabis seeds 99 Boniface, Saint 35, 37 und Chemie (by Ott & Rätsch) carcinogen 108 Bonny, Helen 20 110 Case, Justin 28, 46, 109, 110, 111, 147 Booh Bah 70 cocaine 6, 10, 59, 75, 110, 148 Catapres 111 Book of Kells 69 cochineal 60 catawa bark 139 BOOM Festival 29 Code of Federal Regulations 106, 107 Catha edulis 149 Boon, Marcus 13 Codex Alimentarius Committee 106, catheter 149 Bosch, Hieronymus 63 108 cathinone 149 Botanical Preservation Corps 109 coffee 96, 139 Catholic 61, 68, 95 Botox 126 Cold Beer Blues Bar 135 caustic potash 50 brain damage 9 Collins, D.J. 115 Cellphedia 120 brain implants 125 Center for Educational Research Colombian coca 75 brain stimulators, deep- 125 Columbus, Christopher 70 and Development 3 Brandy 69 comfrey 107 Centre for the Mind 63 Bravo Trading Ltd. 123 Comings, Mark 29 century plant 14 Brazil 63 Condamine, Charles-Marie de La 41 Cereus peruvianus 126 Breezes 154, 156, 158 Confessions of a Dope Dealer (by CH Cl 94 “Brent’s Guide to Proglumide 2 2 Norberg) 121 chacapa 135, 137, 140, 143 Therapy” 151 Congress of the International chacruna 138 brine 94 Walter Benjamin Association Chagall, Marc 64 British Patent #1374343 55 14 Chamberlain, Claude 22 Broadley, K.J. 105 Conroy, John 101 Chamberlain, Dean 121, 152 Broadway Books 125 controlled substance analogue 150 Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 74, 153, Brod, Thomas M. 121, 152 Controlled Substance Analogue 156, 158 Brooklyn Bridge 131 Enforcement Act 59 Charalampous, K.D. 41 Brother John 61, 63, 68 Controlled Substances Act 59 Charley’s Greenhouse 56 Brown, Joel 3 Cooper Union College of Art 129 Chavin 41 Brown, Luke 29, 120, 121, 152 coramine 84 Cheap Vaporizer 57 Brown University 87 Corazon, Linda 120 Chencho 60, 61, 66 BRT, Belgium 147 Corina 137, 138, 139, 143 Chepa 135, 138, 140, 141, 143 Bt2CGMP 151 CoSM: Journal of Visionary Culture 74 160 THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW, POB 19820, SACRAMENTO, CA 95819-0820, USA VOLUME XIV, NUMBER 2 WINTER SOLSTICE 2005 CosmiKiva Sanctuary 29 dimenhydrinate 7 EEG 7 Coste, J. 94 dimethyltryptamine (see DMT) Eggers, Eberhard 20 Cotler, Irwin 97 Diode Array Detector 113 ego death 140 Cousto, Hans 29 Diogenes of Apollonia 35, 37 eidetic imagery 17 creativity 18, 19 dipropyltryptamine (see DPT) Eisner, Betty 10, 21 Crillon Importers Ltd. 107 DIPT 59 Elavil 111 Cristian 62 Disney, Walt 70 elder tree 31 Crowley, Mike 120, 121 dizziness 104, 105 Eleusis 84 curandera 69, 72, 96 DMSO 110 elves 38 curandero 53, 64, 66, 67, 68, 134 DMT 27, 46, 55, 56, 57, 89, 92, 94, emergency room 149 Curtis, April 58, 122 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, Emery Direct Seeds 96, 99, 100, 101 Cybele 37 117, 118, 125 Emery, Marc 1, 3, 4, 11, 96, 97, 98, 99, cyclo-oxygenase 111 DNA 140 100, 101 cytotoxic 54 Dobelis, I.N. 108 empathogenic 28 Dobkin de Rios, Marlene 17, 121, 152 Empedocles 35 D Doblin, Rick 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants (by 90, 91, 92, 93, 119 Rätsch) 126 D.P., CA 111 Doc, IN 27 enema 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 110 Da Paz, Gamo 73 doctors, the 135, 137, 141, 143 Enlightenment, anti- 36 Da Vinci, Leonardo 63 Donar (the god of thunder) 35 Entheogen Law Reporter, The 124 Dactylopius coccusa 60 dopamine 10, 148 Entheogen Review, The 41, 55, 56, 57, Dadd, Richard 14 Downs, James 122 81, 94, 111, 122, 123, 149, 157 Damer, Bruce 68, 69, 119 DP, CA 112 Entheogen: Awakening the God Within DARE 3 DPT 46, 57, 91, 92 119 Davidson, Kris 121 Dr. Benway 122 Entheogene Blätter 29, 31 Davies, Paul 152 Dr. Wily 103 Entheogenesis 96 Davis, Erik 70, 72, 119 Dramamine® 7 EntheoVision 2 29 Davis, Floyd 117 Draw-A-Man / Draw-A-Person 15, 20 EnthogenUK 46 Dbotany 75, 110 dream man 104 ephedra 107 De Onorato, A.C. 17 dream symbolism 64 Epling, C. 95 De Keijzer, Fred 21 drowsiness 104 ereriba 104, 105 De Beer 105 Drug Policy Alliance 30, 73, 153 ergot 34, 54, 83 DEA (Drug Enforcement Administra- Dryer, Donna 86 Eric (rip off vendor) 55 tion) 58, 59, 84, 93, 94, 96, 99, Dugas, D.R.
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