TTRL 2016 submitters list Alphabetical by first name Version 2 - Updated as at 3 March 2017 Note since the 13 January 2017 submission list some submitters have withdrawn their submissions and are no longer included in this list, whilst others have been added due to an administrative error Full Name Organisation Submission number A De Winter 208353 - De Winter, A A Graham SUBMISSION116200 - Graham, A A Heetla 206808 - Heetla, A A Martindale 208615 - Martindale, A A P SUBMISSION114931 - P, A A T 204138 - T, A A. Steiner 203440 - Steiner, A Aaria Dobson-Waitere SUBMISSION120371 - Dobson-Waitere, A Aaron Barber SUBMISSION115567 - Barber, A Aaron Bryant 201697 - Bryant, A Aaron Clifft 204219 - Clifft, A Aaron Compton 203081 - Compton, M Aaron Duncan SUBMISSION113157 - Duncan, A Aaron Fong Wei Ngu 205905 - Fong Wei Ngu, A Aaron Friedlander 206898 - Friedlander, A Aaron Gott 203287 - Gott, A Aaron Greenbank 203166 - Greenbank, A Aaron Jury 206740 - Jury, A Aaron Kereopa SUBMISSION112703 - Kereopa, A Aaron Lawn 113321 - Lawn, A Aaron Myall 203585 - Myall, A Aaron Pearson 204913 - Pearson, A Aaron Potaka SUBMISSION112672 -Potaka, A Aaron Smylie 202115 - Smylie, A Aaron Tomlinson SUBMISSION112370 - Tomlinson, A Aaron Trembath Peter Swan Ltd SUBMISSION113629 - Peter Swan Ltd Aaron Wiggan SUBMISSION118811 - Wiggan, A Aasha Morrison-Essex SUBMISSION115053 - Morrison-Essex, A Aastair Carston 207642 - Carston, A Abbe Holmes 209230 - Holmes, A Abbey Bernie 208813 - Bernie, A Abbey Browne 202825 - Browne, A Abbey Oliver 206200 - Oliver, A Abbie Perry 204123 - Perry, A Page 1 of 347 Abbie Twiss 200722 - Twiss, A Abbott Mel SUBMISSION114230 - Mel, A Abby Clark 200176 - Clark, A Abby Collins 201460 - Collins, A Abby Gubay 204111 - Gubay, A Abby Kennedy 209008 - Kennedy, A Abby Mitchell 204228 - Mitchell, A Abby Wong 203353 - Wong, A Abha Sood 200372 - Sood, A Abi Cornah 202259 - Cornah, A Abi Kirby Neill 201251 - Kirby Neill, A Abi Kirby Neill 150005 - Kirby Neill, A Abi Petrie SUBMISSION116229 - Petrie, A Abi Ryan SUBMISSION120798 - Ryan, A Abigail Groves 202791 - Groves, A Abigail Smith 203976 - Smith, A Abigail Smith 207905 - Smith, A Adair Kehoe 201851 - Kehoe, A Adam Arditi 208613 - Arditi, A Adam Blackman Stevens SUBMISSION113837 - Stevens, A Adam Blake SUBMISSION115466 - Blake, A Adam Brooks SUBMISSION113238 - Brooks, A Adam Cawley 209223 - Cawley, A Adam Clough 203290 - Clough, A Adam Coleman-Smith 207816 - Coleman-Smith, A Adam Crisp 200806 - Crisp, A Adam El-Agez 203303 - El-Agez, A Adam Fraser 150006 - Fraser, A Adam Harrison 202740 - Harrison, A Adam Harrison 204389 - Harrison, A Adam Herbert SUBMISSION113077 - Herbert, A Adam Iles 201208 - Iles, A Adam Korneth 207998 - Korneth, A Adam Lewis SUBMISSION113648 - Lewis, A Adam Mapu 205245 - Mapu, A Adam Murphy SUBMISSION121554 - Murphy, A Adam Naughton 207052 - Naughton, A Adam Stevenson 205113 - Stevenson, A Adam Stone 202000 - Stone, A Adam Walker 203712 - Walker, A Page 2 of 347 Adam Wineera 202630 - Wineera, A Adam Wright 203490 - Wright, A Addison Course SUBMISSION113931 - Course, A Ade Daly 207916 - Daly, A Adele Broadbent 201314 - Broadbent, A Adele Carter 206720 - Carter, A Adele Curran 205979 - Curran, A Adele Kinghan 205516 - Kinghan, A Adele McKirdy 203505 - McKirdy, A Adele Meyer 203476 - Meyer, A Adele Ngatai 209530 - Ngatai, A Adele Ward 201791 - Ward, A Adelia Hogarth SUBMISSION113636 - Hogarth, A Adeline Lee 201866 - Lee, A Adhisa Chirapattanakorn 204218 - Chirapattanakorn, A Adi-Grace Mooar SUBMISSION115901 - Mooar, A Adil Khan 200377 - Khan, A Adine Zander SUBMISSION112043 - Zander, A Adonis Bio 203543 - Bio, A Adrian Ashdown SUBMISSION112092 - Ashdown, A Adrian Baljeu 205810 - Baljeu, A Adrian Fraser 202488 - Fraser, A Adrian Heath 202447 - Heath, A Adrian Morton SUBMISSION111883 - Morton, A Adrian Pryor SUBMISSION113342 - Pryor, A Adrian Smith 209162 - Smith, A Adrian Whistler SUBMISSION113973 - Whistler, A Adrian White 201440 - White, A Adriana Foreman SUBMISSION114092 - Foreman, A Adriana Ravestein 206083 - Ravestein, A Adriann Ims 202445 - Ims, A Adriann Smith 206876 - Smith, A Adrianna Kalous SUBMISSION113097 - Kalous, A Adriano Janezic 207888 - Janezic, A Adrienn Kiss 204469 - Kiss, A Adrienne Ahu 209593 - Ahu, A Adrienne Browne 208600 - Browne, A Adrienne Browne 208600 - Browne, A Adrienne Corfe 206928 - Corfe, A Adrienne Darling 208728 - Darling, A Adrienne Oaks 204034 - Oaks, A Adrienne Oaks 205021 - Oaks, A Page 3 of 347 Adrienne Otto 203150 - Otto, A Adrienne Wilkins SUBMISSION120263 - Wilkins, A Adrienne Wilson 202607 - Wilson, A Adrienne Wood Heartsync Education Consultancy SUBMISSION114650 - Heartsync Education Consultancy Adrijen Farkasova 208604 - Farkasova, A Aengus Giblin SUBMISSION112300 - Giblin, A Afzal Kashif WEB111970 - Kashif, A Agustine Affandi 201505 - Affandi, A Ahmet Auld 203051 - Auld, A Aidan Howse 205519 - Howse, A Aidan Kelsen SUBMISSION112289 - Kelsen A Aidan Lowe 202169 - Lowe, A Aidan McQuarrie 206768 - McQuarrie, A Aidan Salmon 205182 - Salmon, A Aidan Salmon SUBMISSION116359 - Salmon, A Aidy Sanders SUBMISSION113971 - Sanders, A Aileen Davidson 202692 - Davidson, A Aileen O'sullivan SUBMISSION111817 - O'Sullivan, A Ailsa Griffiths 207069 - Griffiths, A Ailsa Rose 208089 - Rose, A Aimee - 300015 - Aimee Aimee Aiken 204920 - Aiken, A Aimee Hampton 207062 - Hampton, A Aimee Jeffrey SUBMISSION112602 - Jeffrey, A Aimee Orbell 206181 - Orbell, A Aine Conaghan 113604 - Conaghan, A Aine Kelly-Costello 205870 - Kelly-Costello, A Ainsleigh Dunford SUBMISSION116333 - Dunford, A Airini Jane Beautrais SUBMISSION113690 - Beautrais, A Aisha Hill 200031 - Hill, A Aisha Tau-Tau 203116 - Tau-Tau, A Aisling Soraghan 202614 - Soraghan, A Ajay Peni 209652 - Peni, A Akhadiana Thaib 202528 - Thaib, A Aki Kisona 201021 - Kisona, A Aklesha Morrison 203835 - Morrison, A Aklesha Morrison 204477 - Morrison, A Alaina Johnson 205937 - Johnson, A Alan Beere 201110 - Beere, A Page 4 of 347 Alan Biss 114142 - Biss, A Alan Boyd 200291 - Boyd, A Alan Brennock 202193 - Brennock, A Alan Buck 205267 - Buck, A Alan Burrell SUBMISSION116674 - Burrell, A Alan Dunnicliff 202160 - Dunnicliff, A Alan Frederick Crawford SUBMISSION114878 - Crawford, A_F Alan Gibb 200310 - Gibb, A Alan Greenhead 201469 - Greenhead, A Alan Holland SUBMISSION121653 - Holland, A Alan Hughes 200336 - Hughes, A Alan Jamieson 207269 - Jamieson, A Alan Mengozzi 203588 - Mengozzi, A Alan O'Brien 201509 - O'Brien, A Alan Peden SUBMISSION112335 - Peden, A Alan Roberts 208243 - Roberts, A Alan Scott Ward SUBMISSION112136 - Ward, A S Alan Slater 207664 - Slater, A Alan Smith 206416 - Smith, A Alan Thatcher 114901 - Thatcher, A Alan Williams 206113 - Williams, A Alana Cornforth 204715 - Cornforth, A Alana Hamilton 205067 - Hamilton, A Alana Hawke SUBMISSION116434 - Hawke, A Alana Lee 209634 - Lee, A Alana MacKay 202393 - MacKay, A Alana Zazulak 202432 - Zazulak, A Alanah Brabham SUBMISSION112123 - Brabham, A Alanah Bunyard 204436 - Bunyard, A Alanah Hight-Johnson SUBMISSION113554 - Hight-Johnson, A Alane Sue Paterson 205093 - Paterson, A Alannah Dovell 203759 - Dovell, A Alarmanda Tahu 207641 - Tahu, A Alasdair Tarry 203219 - Tarry, A Alastair Christian 204872 - Christian, A Alastair Galbraith 206566 - Galbraith, A Alastair Olby 207096 - Olby, A Alayne McLaren SUBMISSION112164 - McLaren, A Albert Fecko 209209 - Fecko, A Page 5 of 347 Albert Williams 207336 - Williams, A Alberto Garcia-Consuegra SUBMISSION116494 - Garcia-consuegra, A Alberto Motto 206849 - Motto, A Alberto Ramirez SUBMISSION114112 - Ramirez, A Albrecht Padmanabhan 203382 - Padmanabhan, A Alcibiades Niavis 205662 - Niavis, A Alda Coelho 200554 - Coelho, A Aldana Santto 206536 - Santto, A Alec Bartlett 206590 - Bartlett, A Alec Marr SUBMISSION112225 - Marr, A Alec Middleton 202812 - Middleton, A Aleeza Stettner 209000 - Stettner, A Alei Haynes 206735 - Haynes, A Aleisha Hildred SUBMISSION115395 - Hildred, A Alejandra Jensen SUBMISSION111954 - Jensen, A Alejandra Morales 207571 - Morales, A Alejandro Huitron de Velasco 12dive 150077 - 12dive Alessandra Keighley SUBMISSION121681 - Keighley, A Alessandro Azzolini 203446 - Azzolini, A Alessandro Bonora SUBMISSION116263 - Bonora, A Alessandro Tonnarelli 202370 - Tonnarelli, A Alessia Rezzonico 200502 - Rezzonico, A Alessio Pigliacelli 206289 - Pigliacelli, A Alex Arkwright 208542 - Arkwright, A Alex Baker 203416 - Baker, A Alex Bradley SUBMISSION113693 - Bradley, A Alex Cable 204532 - Cable, A Alex Chapman 205569 - Chapman, A Alex Claridge 206206 - Claridge, A Alex Corboy SUBMISSION116036 - Corboy, A Alex Doyon 208468 - Doyon, A Alex Duff 208931 - Duff, A Alex Fill 201597 - Fill, A Alex Garcia SUBMISSION114928 - Garcia, A Alex Hape-Tonihi 202843 - Hape-Tonihi, A Alex Harper 203137 - Harper, A Alex Hill SUBMISSION121581 - Hill, A Alex Hogg 204131 - Hogg, A Page 6 of 347 Alex Ioannidi 204481 - Ioannidi, A Alex Lean 112891 - Lean, A Alex MacMillan 209061 - MacMillan, A Alex Monteith 201936 - Monteith, A Alex Mson 204956 - Mson, A Alex Ormsby 207671 - Ormsby, A Alex Overton 201206 - Overton, A Alex Pene 205977 - Pene, A Alex Phillips SUBMISSION112214 - Phillips, A Alex Phillips 202993 - Phillips, A Alex Popof 205997 - Popof, A Alex Raichev 206381 - Raichev, A Alex Reid 203998 - Reid, A Alex Scott SUBMISSION113468 - Scott, A Alex Sheppard 206483 - Sheppard, A Alex Short 206892 - Short, A Alex Smith SUBMISSION113209 - Smith, A Alex Spremberg 204549 - Spremberg, A Alex Taylor 207407 - Taylor, A Alex Trimble-Finlayson 203426 - Trimble-Finlayson, A Alex Van Den Berg SUBMISSION113912 - Van den Berg,
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