Open File 2006-14 Protected Areas in Canada A. Fonseca Open File 2006-14 Protected Areas in Canada A. Fonseca Published under the authority of the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, Government of Yukon http://www.emr.gov.yk.ca Printed in Whitehorse, Yukon, 2006. © Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, Government of Yukon This, and other Yukon Geological Survey publications, may be obtained from: Geoscience and Information Sales c/o Whitehorse Mining Recorder 102-300 Main Street Box 2703 (K102) Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2C6 phone (867) 667-5200, fax (867) 667-5150 Visit the Yukon Geological Survey web site at www.geology.gov.yk.ca In referring to this publication, please use the following citation: Fonseca, A., 2006. Protected Areas in Canada. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2006-14, 52 p. Preface This report is a compilation of designated protected areas in each Canadian province and territory as of April 2001. This compilation was done by the Mineral Resources Branch, Government of Yukon. The purpose of the study was to compile information on the size and designations of protected areas from other Canadian jurisdictions to assist with Protected Areas initiatives (and other land planning) within the Yukon Territory. The Yukon Geological Survey is pleased to release this information in this report. The information is being released as originally prepared and may not conform to current Yukon Geological Survey publication standards. Please note that the report does not include information from any jurisdiction after the date the report was written. I Protected Areas NEWFOUNDLAND I Ei Park in labradof RearlcUona to explontion and mlnlng: -pmhibitad In prownaal and Wnal parks (nSPting mineral I intemsts. dwosils or cptalbns genernliy baing bought out through expropriation or excluded by definnion fmtha parks); prohibited in ~~lcgicalrere- I and wilderness ~efvesunless theactivXyWPsinexistenceat . the of mse~creation; -allowad in wildlife reserves and public mrsmun&r certain wnduons CanpMaion: Gonmrnsnt may (not i shaH!) negotiate wmpnssliin under the Emfopriation Ad for minernl intefwk 01 opefalions inwrporstad in resew. I 2wildemess-S 14 emlogical mSelW4 2 pmvislonal r~s(yves 13 kdersliy pmeaed lands 2,306 kmz (0.57%) 2 natDMl pprkp I 8 national hkt& parks 3 migrauny bdsandwries 25 pmwndal wks 226 km’ (0.05%) 6 other provincially Ws 1.378 km’ (0.34%) 3MmseNg 1 nabmpark 1 public raeeM I development wntml am propred Tomgat Mountains NBIiOnal Park 9,610 km‘ (2.3%) Totak 16,402 b+, cf Y ofthe landbase in national and provincial parks, natuial ams, and uildlirr?management areas. Ndall Vrme amas cons!&red Pmteded Areas. ~mt~h~l&vuunnmibnmt: to achieve mprassntalbn of emregions. In insular NF, subemregion wmsentation is being wught. Target M up: none; best estimates (based on wmnt plans) is that repmsenmh will be Mevad wah under 12%, MUwna is no wmrniiment to a particular Iigurn swa: curnay 4.5% of landbars in pmtsdad ares (about half of ulis in the nawly enatsd SMA for the pmposad Tomgat Nabnal I Protected Areas b PRINCE &WARD kdND b I I Prince Edward 1.- I *no: 5.6M)kin’ pmt.cled- Managed by Federal Owemment I 1 Mimtory bird sanctuary 1.3 km’ (0.0.2%) 1 National Park 30 h’ (0.5%) I Cadian Heritaga River 350 km’ (WStershW 1 Wenand (Ramsar site) 244 km2 (4.3%) -Manage4 by PEI Govsmmant 29 Pmvimial Parks 1.75 kin’ (0.03%) 1 Provincial ski Park 16.3 km’(0.3%) 1 WildRfe MsnagementAIea 3.16 km2 (0.06%) I 297 h’.M 5.2% of me !andbase in prks plus 594 km’ i’ c Tank map ndation (heritage river and wetland). Not all these I amas considersd Pmfsdsd Areas. T- T- or up: 7%; PEI government endorsed a and infwmed tta WWF they would meet miis lapea 12% was miginally mnsldersd, but only 10% of PEI was !and the time. uawn at i L Protected Areas i I I I 0 I pmacad- Anas ma- by Federal Govammnt 7 Migratory Bird spnchmh 38 km’ 5 National WildUfe Areerr 17.3 2 Nalionnl Paw 1,353km’ I 3 Wet!ands/Rsmsar Si 5.23 km’ 15Nalk~ndHMoricParks 7 2 CsMdin meRhr 1,443 kn? (wS(sr6hed) I Anas managed by Federal GQMmmant 98 Plwincial Park 152 km? 31 Wibnesa Arras 2.868 km’ 1 Wildlife Park 0.4 km’ Told: 4,951 km2 OT 9.3% of UW, landbasa (herlaps MISnOt indudad). Not all considered pmtadsd am?%. Pmbct.d Anu canmtbnant: to achbw representation of natural lSndrCap3.3 ~agetor up: 1m; ody 20% cmm land. I Protected Areas were ralured due to mnfiidr witA emncinic intemts. In rnWrch. ZWI. NB's govsrnmant released a ravired lkt of 25 sites thal are interhn pm(eded. The make up to 2,101 km2, or awmximately 2.8% of Ihe province's Isndbase. m Rsrtridionr to rnlmnl explorslion and minlw: All protemd areas slrmqy sites and fwkraliy mansped skare fully wahdrsm fmm all typer ofdewhwment I w,but hunting is albwsd in .om sib. Oovsmrnenfs directive is that existing mineral tenure m to be dud& 1 from park lmundarbs in all cases. -1 i I I -M Managed by Probindel Government (1.M%) pmvinci.l pa& 162 bn'(O.22%) emlogial resews 7 bn' (0.01%) mnaewalicm ~es6 59 W(O.8%) repnrswnative areas saatagy 1,513 W (2.06%) other amas iga km2 (0.27%) -indwbM pak. rnarlns parh etc -Man?@ by Fsderal Government (1.84%) 2 M-1 445W 5 nat4Oml hptolic SbS 7 2 rnigrstwy bird sandysrh 2.6 km2 5 national wiUife am62 W prot~~~*nrbnnnibnewmepmvinceofNew E~~wlckhaa mmmillsd to establishing a nehvork of Pmtsded areas by the year 2005. hleeting this mmrnibnvlt will ensure that pornono of Maw EN- will be lmtwim lilue or no human distufbanceto hsrp rnalntpln emiaglcal integrb and Wogicsl dmity, sene as benchmads and rapresent the Prwinca's natural landscap. Target: me amas pmpcgsd in the sb.tegywou(d add annthu 2.1% pmtaaad e,&ig NE'S mnbibubn to 3.5% of UW lands as hghly pmtsded am,which is mom in line w4th 0th jurisdictions in Canada and North Amsrica. Status: Embg&zal wlwt analysts was mnbaded to Dr LSPmne. who ldanMled 16 areas in an lnnlal pmpossl 8 Saso or 8.5% ofthe landbase is managed lands (Communty Mldlfe areas, breanh forests. Experimental forsrts. wildri res(IIyB0. Forestry stations. and Conlmled development zones), which do not have resWns on mineral exploration and mining. Pmpdprotected areas (interim protect&): 20 pmposed patks (designation uncertain) 58.354 km' 4 proposed emlcgical resews 608 kin2 Total: 3.5% of me land bass interim protec(ed for proposed prks or emlogical resews. Target The Quebec Government ummaal to proled 8% of itp landbase by Mo5. Protecwl amcomniAmsnt: In 1996, Quebec Government adopted a strategy and adion plan to conform to the International Convemion on Biodiversity The objedbs were: -to Mopthe knowfedge base necessary to establish a consewation network; -to establiih and maintain a network of representah areas (repmsentstive of the 13 natural provines) necessary to presem bicflivemity; -to reinform the axMing mmKtrvation management in order to ensure bi0dimty. Siatus: 2.&% ofthe landbase is prmeded. The suategy is still in drafting age. 9U.b.c Am: 1.667.900kd PmtectsdAreas wanaged by Fedenl Government 2 National capital Commission prk 2 National hislode parks 3 Nahlpark and natianal prk m681W 27 Migratory bd sanctuaries 8 National Wildlfe Sanctuary -Managed by Provincial Oovammant 27 Endangered spaden habitat 0.9 h2 93 wddlife habitat 37,385 km' 1 Marim protected area 1,138.wo km' 1 Natural area (pmt. educatbnal instiion) I1 h' 32 ' I. twmconsewtion prk 129 h' 18 Provincial plks 4,404 kin2 7 Urban parka I! h' 5 Wildlife Retuse 17 km2 58 Ecolagical Rmra 703 km2 achdlnst silar M shown in Ww. 162 Salmon Rim 7 28 sipmteded by me QW 26M 56 Sibs pmtected by pivale msiiIut~s 49 M Tool: 45,875 km'. or 2 &W oi the landbase under wriom pmtecied artas desgnabon Only 0 5% of the landbase (5 in prmedcd areas where mineral cqbrabon and development IS pmhiblted Another 141 592 km?, Protected Areas fi I 1 \. c I tC I Ontario Area: 1,076,395 kn? TOM: 73.956 km2 in somz form of protecbcn or map notaton, plus 39,677kma under map notation of proposed Onlano Lwmg Legacy Pmtscted amas: -Managed by Federal Government 5 national pahs 2,082 km' Pmts*.d amuwnmltmenh: Ontario's Living Legacy Land Use 1 national marine pah 112 bn' stntegy, approved in July 1999. enlarges tha pmtected areas system 23 national hirtoric sites 7 by 2.4 million hectares (4.5% of the landbase). bmging Ontario to 2Ramsarsites 7 12% pmtectsd. Mineral ex$40rakn and development is allownd in all new IOnational wildlL areas 49 km2 prks. 8 muratory hid sanduarks 362 km* mesvahgy has four goals: -Man@ by Pmvincisl Owemment Gompleting Ontario's system of parks and pmlected areas; -reagnizing land use neads resoura-based 80 mgional canseeNBti0n areas >I43 bn' the oftha 293 provincial parks 70,490 km' muhm industry; -% 68 natural envimnmenl parks 11,953 Irmz -providing kveslty, mining. and other resource indu- 3 provindsl historical parks M kn? Mth gmater land and rfsouim use ceainty, and; 91 nature rasenes 919 km' enhancing angling, hunting, and other Cmm land 6 other pmvindal pam 83w recraatiDn opportunilies. 70 recreation parks 400 km' 37 wilderness parlcli 57,115 kmz Target: 12% of the landbase protected upon winp!&on of OLL. 46 Ontario's Living Legacy siats 666 km' 1 wildlife managemenl area 52 kn? status: cu~ny,7.5% of the province's landbase is considered pmteded.
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