ffffi 44 October 29, 1971 & WHmfiory 8mr Wwrld'e Pewp0e, e.& SrwsErEmg &efeat far $"$. Ecmperialisem Droft resolution of AIbonio, Algerio ond other countries - colling for restorotion of Chino's lowful rights in the U.N. ond expulsion of Chiong gong wos odopted by over, 4 whelming mojority ot U.N. Generql Assembly. Grsim Productfrom: A Stretegie e he mge lnitiol victoi'y in putting on end to the trcnsportc- A - groin from ticn of south to north Cfrfras and Eefgfum Estebfish Drpdonretie RelEtioms Y/ & @u@Tfirr0il Fn0ht s$fif,tffiffi&ffi ffin0 T$ETttil& The iust struggles o{ the \, peoptre of aLL countries suPpoft each other. Vr THE WEET( Afro-Asian Table Tennis Fr"iendship The Chinese Table Tennis Delega- tion tc take part in the tournament lnvitational Tournament to was forrled in Peking on October 13. Its members are: Yu Pu-hsueh, leader; Start Soon Sung Chung, first deputy leader; Yueh Tai-heng, Tien Chen, Chu.ang The Afro-Asian Table Tennis tions have arrived in Peking in suc- Tse-tung and Lin ltrui-ching. deputy Friendship Invitational Tournament cession and have been weleomed by leaderc: Fu Chao-lor,r. captain of the lyill pgk;ng 3. start in on November those coneerned. Chinese Table Tennis Team: Kuan To date, table tennis associations of year, Hui-kuang. vice-captain: Hsu Yin- 47 countries and regions in Asia and In July this the six spotlsor sheng and Ma Chin-Pao, coaches; five Africa are taking part in the tour- nations the Democratic People's - men playe.rs: Li Ching-kuang' Hsi En- nament. They are: Afghanistan. Republic of Korea, EgSrpt, Japan, ting, Lia"ng Ko-liang and Tiao Wen- Algeria. the Arab Republic of Yemen, Mauritius, Nepal and the Peopiek Re- yuan, and Li Yung (for iunior errents); Burrna, Cambodia. Cey-lon, Dahomey, public of China held in Peking - four r,vornen players: Li Li, Cheng the Democratic People's Republic of a preparatory meeting for the tour- IIuai-ying end Hu Yu-]an. ancl 'Iiao I(orea, the Democratic Republic of nament and decided to hold the Afro- (for junior events). Viet Nam, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Asian Table Tennis Friendship Invi- Li-li Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, tational Tournament in Peking. The India, Iran, Iraq, Japan. Kenya, Ku- meeting iaid down that the invitation- e.P.V. rvait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, al tourna-ment is aimed at enhancing 2lst Anniversory of lnto Wor in Koreo MaIi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, friendship am.ong the peoples and Entry Nepal, Palestine, Nigeria, Pakistan. table tennis pla;rers of ihe Asian and H;:un Jun Keuk. Ambassador of the People's Deneocratic Republic of African countries and promoting the the Democratic People's Republic of Yemen, the People's Republic of the development of table tennis in Asia Korea to China. gave a banqtlet on Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singa- and Africa. The sponsor nations then October 25 to cotlrnemo!'ate the 21st pore, Somalia, the Sudan, Syria, Tan- jointl;z sent invitations to al1 tl-re table annivensary of the entry of the Chi- zania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia tennis of Asian and nese People's Vohinteers into ttre war' and Cirina. associations Afri- can countries or regions that support- in Kolea. Roy Evans, President of the Inter- ed the aim of this tou.nament. the banquet rvere Yeh national Table Tennis Federation, and Present at NIeml:er of the Politica'l Madame Roy Evar-rs, and Koji Goto, Entrusted by the sponsor nations, Chien-ying, Comrniitee of First Vice-President, A.K. Vint, Hon- China is responsible for the prepara- Bureau of the Central and orary Secretary-General. and Jean tory lvork of the tournament. Rep- the Communisi PartY of China Mercier, Honorary Treasurer, of the resentatives of the Physical Culture Vice{hairman of the MilitarY Com- Com- Federation, and Madame Jean Mer- and Sporis Commission of the Peo- mission of the C'P.C. Centratr eier will eome to see the tournament ple's Republic of China. the All-China mittee, ancl Li Teh-sheng. Allernate at the invitation of the Chinese Table Sports Fed.eration, the Table Tennis Member of i;tre Political' Bureau of T-^nnis Association. Associaticn of the People's Reptr.blic the C.P.C. Central Committee and of the General Political De- Also coming to see the tournament of China, the Chinese Peoole's Asso- Director Chinese PeoPle's are leading members of the Supreme ciation for Friendship \Mith Foreign partment of the Council for Sport in Africa and the Conntries and the Peking Municipal Liberation ArmY. Revolutionary Comn'Littee formed the African Table Tennis Federation, and Ambassador HYun Jttn Keuk and Delegation South Ameri- Organizing Committee of the Afro- the of the Vice-Minister of National Defenee Su Tennis Federation and Asian Table llennis Friendship Invi- can Table Yu spoke at the banquet' \.rz'O"l"gations of the Chilean, Colom- tational Tournament. This committee bian and Mexiean Table Tennis has made earnest and aetive prepara- Commerrcration aetivities also Federations. The various delega- tions in the past few months. took place in P5rongYang and the October 29, 1977 Joint Communique 0n Establishment of lliplomatic YJ Relations Betweem Ghina and Belgium Joint Communique on the Establishment of The Belgian Government recognizes that the Diplomatic Relations Betrveen the People's Re- Government of the People's Republic of China is public of China and the Kingdom of Belgium the sole legal Government of China. In accordance r,vith the principles of mutual The Chinese Government and the Belgian respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, Government have decided through consultation to non-interference in each other's internal affairs provide all necessary assistance for the establish- and equality and mutual benefit, the Government ment and the performance of the funetions of em- of the People's Republic of China and the Royal bassies in their respective capitals on the basis of Government of Belgium have decided upon mutual equality and mutual benefit and in accordance with recognition and the establishment of diplomatic international practice. relations, effective October 25, 1971 and the ex- (signed) (signed) change of ambassadors rvithin three months. Huang The Chinese Government reaffirms that Tai- Chen Robert Rothschild Ambassador Ambassador the wan is an inalienable part of the territory of the of the of People's Republic Kingdom Belgium People's Republic of China. The Belgian Govern- of of China France ment takes note of this statement of the Chinese to France to Government. Done in Paris. October 25, 19?1 u Korean paper Rodong Sinmun carried ty Chief of the General Staff of the In his speech, Acting Foreign an editorial to mark the occasion. Chinese People's Liberation Army Minister Chi Peng-fei said that the Wang Hsin-ting and leading mem- Somali people are an industrious bers of other departments concerned. and brave people with a glorious 2nd Anniversory of Sonnoli Acting Foreign Minister Chi Peng- tradition of fighting imperialism and Revolution Greeted fei and Charge d'Affaires ad interim colonialism. Omer Mohamed Ahmed spoke at the He noted that in international af- reception. Premier Chou En-lai on October fairs, the Sonrali Government up- 20 sent a message to Mohamed Siad In his speech, Omer 1\ilohamed holds a just stand, opposes the Barre, President of the Supreme Rev- Ahmed gave an account of Somalia's imperialist policies of aggression and olutionary Council of the Somali achievements in various fields in the lr,ar, supports the three peoples of Democratic Republic, rvalmly greet- two years since the Somali Revolu- Indochina in their war against U.S. ing the 2nd anniversary of the Somali tion. aggression and fo, national salvation, Revolution. supports the Palestinian people and Referring to international matters, other Arab peoples in their struggle The Chinese Government Delega- he condemned imperialism, colonial- against U.S.-Israeli tion headed by Minister of Agricul- ism and racialism which are on aggression and the supports national-liberation ture and Forestry Sha Feng aruived prowl over broad areas in Africa. move- ments in Africa. Somalia's just stand, in Mogadishu on October 20 to at- He said that Somalia firmly supports he declared, has won the admiraiion tend the anniversary celebrations. the gallant fi:eedom fighters in colo- and praise of the Chinese people and nial Africa whose struggle is bound Omer Mohamed Ahmed, Charge al.l the Afro-Asian peoples. to be rewarded with success. d'Affaires ad interim of the Embas- sy of the Somali Democratic Repub- He also said: We have persistently lic in China, on October 21 gave a upheld the rights of the People's Re- Greeting Zombio's reception to celebrate the anniver- pubiic of China in the United Independence Anniversory sal'y. Present on the occasion were Nations. The idea of two Chinas is YJ Vice-Premier Li Hsien-nien, Acting a nefarious decoy which is doomed Tung Pi-wu, Vice-Chairman, and Foreign Minister Chi Peng:fsi, Depu- to failure. Chou En-lai, Premier of the State 4 Peki.ng Reui,ew, No. 44 Council, of the People's Repui:lic of imperiaiism, coioniaiism and neo- coioirialism and neo-coloniaiism and China, on October 23 sent a message colonialism. the South African t,hite racists. to Kenneih David Kaunda, Presiclent The r,rrhite racist regime South of the Republic of Zambia. vrarmly in Congrctuloting lron's Africa, he added, flagrantly dis- greeting the 7th Anniversa'ry of the NstiosTcl Doy Independence of the Repubiic of patehed its armed forces to encroach Zambia. The message said: upon the territory of Zambi.a. arous- Tung Pi-rzr'u, Vice-Chairman, and ing indignant condemnaticn and firm Chou En-iai, Fremier of the State "In recent yeai:s, the Zambian peo- opposition from the Zambi.an and Council, of the Feopie's Republic of ple.
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