Organic Seed and Planting Stock Regulations & Resources Updated March 2020 Commercial Availability of Seed and Planting Stock You must use organic seed and planting stock unless organic versions are commercially unavailable, with the exception that organic seed must always be used for production of edible sprouts. Commercial availability is the ability to obtain seeds and/or planting stock in an appropriate form, quality, or quantity to fulfill an essential function in your organic system and is determined by CCOF during review of the Organic System Plan (OSP). CCOF strictly reviews this process annually to maintain the integrity of organic food production and encourage our members to actively search for organic seed and planting stock. Start your search using our organic seed and planting stock supplier lists below. If you cannot find the specific organic seed or planting stock in the form, quality, or quantity needed, we recommend trialing organic varieties to show your commitment to meeting this requirement. If a third party such as a buyer or seed distributor determines your seed or planting stock, they must comply with the commercial availability requirement on your behalf. In particular, we are aware that the availability of organic strawberry planting stock (i.e. crowns) is increasing. Organic strawberry producers must demonstrate diligent ongoing efforts such as: contacting suppliers known to offer organic planting stock, requesting organic from suppliers offering nonorganic planting stock with the desired characteristics, and trialing organic varieties. Start your search using our organic strawberry planting stock supplier list below. Commercial Availability Recordkeeping Requirement You must document your search for organic seed and planting stock. This includes ongoing evidence of active attempts to source organic versions, such as phone call logs, catalogues, letters, trialing records, or other documentation of good faith efforts. Similar evidence must be provided in the event that organic seed or planting stock does not provide the necessary level of quality or meet the desired function. If a third party selects your seed or planting stock, you must be able to demonstrate they are making ongoing efforts on your behalf. Additional Seed and Planting Stock Requirements If organic seed and/or planting stock are not commercially available, you may use non-organic versions if they are non-GMO, and either untreated or treated ONLY with allowed substances listed on your OSP Materials List. You must maintain records of the status of all seed and planting stock, including the full brand name of any pelleting, coating, inoculant, or other treatment material used on organic or non-organic seed. Annual Transplants Annual transplants (seedlings) MUST be certified organic. You must maintain the supplier’s current NOP certificate and purchase invoices showing the organic status. Production of Planting Stock Non-organic planting stock grown for sale as planting stock (not to produce a crop) must be managed organically for one year prior to sale as organic. You must document your compliance with this requirement. Organic Planting Stock Suppliers (Strawberry) Innovative Organic Nursery, LLC* Harmony Farm Supply & Nursery* Freedom, CA Sebastopol, CA Fax: (831) 728-4967 Phone: (707) 823-9125 www.innovativeorganicnursery.com www.harmonyfarm.com Johnny’s Selected Seeds** Greenheart Farms, Inc.* Waterville, ME Arroyo Grande, CA Phone: (877) 564-6697 Phone: (805) 481-2234 www.johnnyseeds.com Fax: (805) 481-7374 Banner Greenhouses* Prather Ranch* Nebo, NC Macdoel, CA Phone: (828) 659-3335 Phone: (530) 398-4182 www.bannergreenhouses.com Fax: (530) 398-4183 www.pratherranch.com Natural Gardening Company* Petaluma, CA Driscoll’s McArthur Nursery* Phone: (707) 766-9303 Watsonville, CA www.naturalgardening.com www.driscolls.com Growers Transplanting* Kawahara Nurseries, Inc.* Salinas, CA Morgan Hill, CA Phone: (831) 449-3440 Phone: (408) 779-2400 www.growerstrans.com Organic Seed Suppliers & Resources www.organicseedfinder.org Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds Blue River Hybrids Mansfield, MO Kelley, IA www.seedalliance.org Phone: (417) 924-8917 Phone: (800) 370-7979 Fax: (417) 924-8887 www.blueriverorgseed.com www.pickacarrot.com www.rareseeds.com Botanical Interests Inc. https://attra.ncat.org/attra- Bejo Seeds Broomfield, CO pub/organic_seed/ Oceano, CA Phone: (800) 486-2647 Phone: (805) 473-2199 www.botanicalinterests.com 3 Star Lettuce* www.bejoseeds.com Gonzalez, CA Borries Open Pollinated Seed Corn Phone: (831) 675-3790 Berkeley Horticultural Nursery Farm Fax: (831) 675-3826 Berkeley, CA Teutopolis, IL www.3starlettuce.com Phone: (510) 526-4704 Phone: (217) 857-3377 www.berkeleyhort.com Agassiz Seed & Supply Bountiful Gardens West Fargo, ND Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. Willits, CA Phone: (701) 282-8118 Shelby, MT Fax : (707) 459-1925 Phone: (406) 434-5011 Phone : (707) 459-6410 Albert Lea Seed House www.bigskyseeds.com www.bountifulgardens.org Albert Lea, MN Phone: (800) 352-5247 Blaine's Best Seeds BURPEE www.alseed.com Rugby, ND Warminster, PA Phone: (701) 776-6023 Phone: (800) 888-1447 Fax: (701) 776-6023 www.burpee.com * Certified by CCOF ** CCOF Business Partner Butterbrooke Farm Ebbesson Farms Garden City Seeds Oxford, CT Fairbanks, AK Thorp, WA Phone: (203) 888-2000 Phone: 907-452-7783 Phone: (800) 964-9210 www.gardencityseeds.net California Seed Production, Inc.* Environmental Seed Producer Gilroy, CA Albany, CA Goerger Farms, Inc. Phone: (408) 427-6805 Phone: (805) 291-6172 Wyndmere, ND Fax: (408) 847-7705 Fax: (541) 928-5581 Phone: (701) 439-2875 www.wildflowerseed.com Caudill Seed Company, Inc. Golden Harvest Organics LLC Louisville, KY FEDCO Seeds Fort Collins, CO Phone: (800) 626-5357 Waterville, ME Fax: (413) 383-2836 www.caudillseed.com Phone: (207) 426-9900 www.fedcoseeds.com Gourmet Seed International Christie Farms Hollister, CA Scio, OR Ferry-Morse Phone: (831) 637-2411 Phone: (503) 394-3192 Fulton, KY www.gourmetseed.com www.christiefarms.com Phone: 508-928-4769 www.ferry-morse.com Grassland Central Common Ground Farm Jordan, MN Spring Mills, PA Filaree Farm Phone: (952) 492-2990 Phone: (814) 364-9171 Okanogan, WA Fax: (814) 364-2330 Phone: (509) 422-6940 Great Harvest Organics www.commongroundfarm.com www.filareefarm.com Atlanta, IN Phone: (800) 937-2325 Curtis & Curtis Seed Foundation Direct Seeds www.greatharvestorganics.com Clovis, NM Onalska, WI Phone: (877) 907-1806 Phone: (608) 781-4076 Harmony Farm Supply & Nursery* Sebastopol, CA Dirt Goddess Super Seeds Fred C. Gloeckner & Company Inc. Phone: (707) 823-9125 Sparta, NJ Harrison, NY Fax: (707) 823-5586 www.DirtGoddessSeeds.com Phone: (800) 345-3787 www.harmonyfarm.com Fax: (914) 698-0848 Dixon Seed Inc.* www.fredgloeckner.com Harris Seeds Glenn, CA Rochester, NY Phone: (530) 934-4799 Fruition Seeds Phone: (800) 544-7938 Fax: (530) 934-5125 Naples, NY Fax: (877) 892-9197 www.dixonseed.com Phone: (585) 374-8903 www.harrisseeds.com www.fruitionseeds.com DLF International Seeds Headstart Nursery* Halsey, OR Fungi Perfecti Gilroy, CA Phone: (800) 445-2251 Olympia, WA Phone: (408) 842-3030 Fax: (541) 369-2640 Phone: (800) 780-9126 Fax: (408) 842-3224 www.dlfis.com Fax: (360) 426-9377 www.headstartnursery.com www.fungi.com E & R Seed Heirloom Acres LLC Monrow, IN Garden Medicinals and Culinaries New Bloomfield, MO Phone: (260) 629-6827 Mineral, VA Phone: (573) 491-3001 Fax: (260) 629-6827 Phone: (540) 872-8351 Fax: (573) 491-31001 Fax: (540) 266-1021 www.heirloomacresseeds.com Earthwise Processors LLC. www.gardenmedicinals.com SunOpta Inc. Heirloom Seeds Moorhead, MN Gardens Alive West Finley, PA Phone: (952) 820-2518 Lawrenceburg, IA Phone (724) 663-5356 www.sunopta.com Phone: (513) 354-1482 www.heirloomseeds.com Fax: (513) 354-1484 www.gardensalive.com * Certified by CCOF ** CCOF Business Partner High Mowing Organic Seeds** King’s Agriseed LLC Marianna's Heirloom Seeds Wolcott, VT Rons, PA Copemish, MI Phone: (866) 735-4454 Phone: (717) 687-6224 Phone: (615) 446-9191 Fax: (802) 472-3201 Fax: (717) 824-3731 Fax: (615) 441-6445 www.highmowingseeds.com www.kingsagriseeds.com www.mariseeds.com Hood River Garlic Kitazawa Mary's Heirloom Seeds Hood River, OR Oakland, CA Hollywood, FL Phone: (541) 386-1220 Phone: (510) 595-1188 (954) 654-3501 www.hoodrivergarlic.com Fax: (510) 595-1860 www.kitazawaseed.com Masters Choice Horizon Herbs LLC Anna, IL Williams, OR Kurt Aakre Phone: (866) 444-1044 Fax: (541) 846-6233 Karlstad, MN www.seedcorn.com Phone: (541) 846-6704 Phone: (218) 618-8432 www.horizonherbs.com Meadow Creek Enterprise L. A. Hearne Company* Dickeyville, WI Hudson Valley Seed Library King City, CA Phone: (608) 586-7564 Accord, NY Phone: (831) 385-5441 Phone: (845) 204-8769 Fax: (831) 385-4377 Morgan County Wholesale hudsonvalleyseed.com www.hearneseed.com Barnett, MO Phone: (573) 378-2655 Igl Farms L.D. Oliver Seed Co. Antigo, WI Milton, VT Mountain Valley Growers Phone: (715) 627-7888 Phone: (802) 893-4628 Squaw Valley, CA Fax: (802) 893-2197 Phone: 559-338-2775 Irish Eyes Garden Seeds Fax: 559-338-0075 Thorp, WA Lakeland Organics/Bruenner Seeds www.mountainvalleygrowers.com Phone: (509) 933-7150 Colfax, WI www.irisheyesgardenseeds.com Phone: (715) 962-4319 Native Seeds/SEARCH Tucson, AZ Jacobsen Orchards* Lakeview Organic Grain Phone: (520) 622-0830 Yountville, CA Pen Yan, NY Fax: (520) 622-0829 Phone: (415) 921-2448 Phone: (315) 531-1038 www.nativeseeds.org Fax: (315) 531-1038 J.L. Hudson, Seedsman www.lakevieworganicgrain.com Natural Gardening Company* La
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