PRSRT STD POSTAL U.S. POSTAGE PAID CUSTOMER PERMIT #231 ECR WSS SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 Mailed to every home in Brooklyn, the borough of Danielson, Killingly & its villages Vol. II, No. 30 Complimentary (860) 928-1818/email:[email protected] ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal …’ Friday, July 4, 2008 When it’s hot, Particle Town Accelerator rocks admin CONCERT RAISES MONEY FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION, AWARENESS position BY MATT SANDERSON whose musical lyric the event is VILLAGER STAFF WRITER named after. BROOKLYN — It was a hot, hot The second annual benefit con- discussed day for Particle Accelerator II’s cert is in the memory of Jack Young Jr., of Putnam, who com- comeback at a new venue last BY MATT SANDERSON Saturday, June 29, at the mitted suicide on his 27th birth- VILLAGER STAFF WRITER Brooklyn Fairgrounds. More day May 8, 2007, in Pittsburgh, than 15 bands came and jammed Pa. Young was a musician, artist BROOKLYN — The discussion out as people sweated out their and writer. He is survived by his and preliminary steps are being Sanderson photo frustration with friends and had father, Jack L. Young Sr.; his taken to secure a town administra- The band Element 42 performed at Particle Accelerator II last Saturday, June 29, at a good time. mother, Grace (Lannon) Young; tor by July 2009. the Brooklyn Fairgrounds. They had their emcee spitting out hip-hop lyrics while jam- “Jack would have enjoyed it,” “We’re trying to make it more ming out rock style in memory of the late “Legendary” Jack Young Jr., from Putnam, said Grace Young, organizer of efficient,” said First Selectman Turn To PARTICLE, A13 who is in the portrait in front of the stage. the event and mother of the man page Roger Engle. “We need some streamlining. Right now, we can’t communicate because of these poorly written ordinances. Hopefully hiring an administrator NDDH continues might correct this.” One of the ordinances that Engle wants changed is to have the recre- ation department report to the Board of Selectman for its budget 35 years later instead of the Board of Finance. He wants the same to go for the BY MATT SANDERSON citation from the governor. He said Board of Fire Commissioners. VILLAGER STAFF WRITER NDDH does a lot of work in rela- Another proposed ordinance BROOKLYN — It was 35 years to tion to what its miniscule state change is to reduce the members of the day on Tuesday, July 1, when budget gives it 2 percent annually the Planning and Zoning the Northeast District Department to go toward public health. Commission from 10 members and of Health (NDDH) became the “You guys got it right,” he said. three alternates to seven members fourth health service district in the “The district is now middle-aged.” and two alternates. Engle said he state. Galvin said the district adopted felt some members had outlived It now serves 12 towns and 83,488 many traits from its Director of their usefulness and are holding people in 438 square miles. Health Patricia M. Beckenhaupt. back the town. “We love our new space here,” “She’s a very unique individual “They have no leadership,” he said Linda J. Colangelo, director of and a treasure among our public said. “They don’t work.” health education and communica- health officials in Connecticut,” he Engle said in the past two to five tions at NDDH, as she congratulat- said. years the town has passed several ed a full crowd inside the relatively He said the state is closing in on projects through Planning and new facility during an open house, getting every town into a district or Zoning and the projects have not ice cream and pie social, and facili- confederation health group similar been beneficial to Brooklyn. ty tours on Tuesday. to NDDH. “We have to make sure we’re Some of the members from the “I’m here because of my board,” selective whom we put on these original Northeastern Connecticut Beckenhaupt said. “I appreciate Matt Sanderson photo commissions and committees,” he Health and Environmental what they’ve done and they’re the Rep. Shawn Johnston (D-North Grosvenordale) stands with Patricia M. Beckenhaupt, said. Advisory Committee in 1973 were reason why we’re here now. We all director of health at the Northeast District Department of Health, last Tuesday, July The proposed ordinance changes present at Tuesday’s celebration. try to seek to understand, and if we 1 in celebrating the region’s 35 years in service. were tabled to be discussed further Copies of the yellow pamphlet with don’t follow through, it’s not going at the next selectmen’s meeting. the committee’s proposal to start to get done.” Engle said after being in office a NDDH handed out 35 years ago State Rep. Shawn Johnston (D- “I’ve seen some services in small Congressman Joe Courtney (D- few months when he was elected, were also available on Tuesday. North Grosvenordale) came on towns get taken over for larger ser- Conn.) also sent recognition to the he realized there’s just so much to J. Robert Galvin, the state’s Tuesday to show his support for vices or by the state, and they event. do in the town that one person can’t Department of Public Health com- NDDH’s efforts over the years by aren’t usually new and improved,” missioner, brought greetings from saying a few words and giving a he said about promoting health ser- Turn To NDDH, A14 Gov. M. Jodi Rell’s office. He gave a citation. vices small and local. page Turn To ADMINISTRATOR, page A13 Killingly volunteers honored at Defenders game BY MATT SANDERSON VILLAGER STAFF WRITER These award winners do not con- done receiving credit for any of the work they do and they do not expect a pat on the back. Last Thursday, June 26, Killingly celebrated its Night at the Defenders game at Dodd Stadium, where the Defenders played the Portland Sea Dogs, as part of its tercentennial celebration. In the sixth inning Donna Bronwell, Killingly’s Volunteer of the Year, and the Great Garage Band Reunion, Killingly’s Citizens of the Year, received recognition for their never-ending efforts work- ing with the town. They received plaques in their honor, courtesy of the Northeast Regional Springtime Festival. Bronwell is chairman of the Conservation Commission, serves on the Board of Directors at the Children’s Law Center in Hartford, is coordinator of the Last Green Valley’s annual Walking WeekendS Matt Sanderson photoPhoto courtesy of Judy LaRoche Left, Donna Bronwell, chairman of the Conservation Commission and consistently active volunteer throughout her tenure in Killingly, holds her Volunteer of the Year plaque, courtesy of the Northeast Regional Springtime Festival. She was recognized on field last Thursday, June 26, at the Connecticut Defenders game. right, Killingly’s Jack Rumsey Turn To VOLUNTEERS, page A14 enjoys himself last Thursday, June 26, at the Connecticut Defenders game. A10-11 — OPINION VILLAGER TRIVIA! A 12— SPORTS NEW FREEDOM B1 — HOT SPOT Who were the four men from COACHING FAIR Connecticut who signed the B4-5 — OBITUARIES JOB Declaration of Independence? B7 — RELIGION PAGE A12 PAGE A8 ANSWER ON PAGE 2. INSIDE B6 — CALENDAR A2 • Friday, July 4, 2008 KILLINGLY VILLAGER July 4 in 1800s were celebrated VILLAGER ALMANAC for holiday’s true meaning QUOTATION OF THE WEEK “I basically know if you’ve got your own ow will you be celebrating the est strains of Music, in connection agenda or if it’s for the good of the town.” Fourth of July weekend? Will with the Vocal Choirs, under the Hyour family and friends relax direction of Messrs. Crandall and — Donna Bronwell, Killingly Volunteer of the Year and chair- with a backyard barbeque? A camp- KILLINGLY Chamberlin. There is to be the usual man of the Conservation Commission, talking about her take ing trip? Swimming? Boating on Morning and Evening Salutes, with on how she’s observed the politics of serving on various boards Alexander’s Lake followed by its spe- AT 300 a Brilliant Display of Fire Works in and commissions over the years and her bouts with land use cial fireworks? A trip to the shore? the evening. The most liberal provi- The Elks July 3 chicken barbeque at sion is to be made by H. C. Peckham, Owen Bell Park followed by the Esq., under a spacious bower, for the Killingly Parks and Recreation MARGARET entertainment of all those who may FRONT-PAGE QUOTE Department concerts by the Great WEAVER wish to join in the festivities of the Garage Band Reunion and the day.” This week’s page one quote is attributed to: Windham Concert Band and fire- By July 1850, a more relaxing The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 works? Will you watch a patriotic remind us of that trying period, atmosphere began to prevail. “The program from our nation’s capitol? which gave it birth, and the invalu- Ladies’ Benevolent Society of Whatever your plans, your day will able sacrifice of its purchase. 2. The Daysville (planned) a Temperance certainly be much more oriented to spirit of ’76. May its mantle rest Picnic at Alexander’s Pond. … The relaxation than remembrance of the upon the present and future genera- Ladies seldom fail in managing TRIVIA ANSWER reason for the celebration — inde- tions. 3. The Constitution of the affairs in good style … attend the pendence! That was not the case with United States. May it ever withstand Picnic, and partake of the varieties Killingly residents in the 1800s.
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