CONTENTS : History of the heroic resistance and struggle of the Party of Labour of Albania 2 Development of the power industry in the PSR of Albania 6 AGRON CUEDARI The construction of socialism in the countryside and the narrowing down of distinctions between city and country 11 DEKO RUSI The Albanian school and the outstanding achievements of world culture 22 HAMIT BEQJA Achievements and perspectives of the economic sciences in the PSR of Albania 27 PRIAMO BOLLANO The proclamation of the Independence of Albania - a great turning-point in the history of the Albanian people 32 STEFANAQ POLLO The formation of the Albanian language 41 MAHIR DOMI The present and the historical past in the modern Albanian novel 49 DALAN SHAPLLO Press review 57 HISTORY OF THE HEROK AND STRUGGLE OF THE PARTY OF LABOI Ahaut Camraae EJJVVEM MOXBA^s haah «The Titaites» (Histarieai nates) THE COMMUNISTS, CADRES AND ALL THE WORK• leadership of the Party, they could reduce to submission ING MASSES OF OUR COUNTRY HAVE RECENTLY HAD and subsequently destroy the entire Party, but also by the IN THEIR HANDS A NEW AND VERY IMPORTANT inspirer, organizer and direct leader of the gigantic strug• WORK, THE BOOK «THE TITOITES» BY COMRADE gle of the PLA for uncovering and foiling the hostile ENVER HOXHA. THIS BOOK HAS ALSO BEEN PU• activity of the Titoites. This adds to the truthfulness and BLISHED IN SEVERAL FOREIGN LANGUAGES. great concreteness of the book, to its gripping suspense THE RELATIONS OF THE CPA (TODAY THE PLA) which goes on from page to page and lasts right through AND THE ALBANIAN SOCIALIST STATE WITH THE to the end. The work gains in strength and truthfulness, CPY AND THE YUGOSLAV FEDERATIVE STATE, FROM especially from the fact that the author has based his work THE FIRST CONTACTS BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES not only on facts from memory but also on many offi• (IN 1941) UNTIL TODAY, ARE IN THE CENTRE OF THE cial documents to be found in the CAP (Central Archives WORK. of the Party), as well as on his own authentic notes, which Comrade Enver Hoxha used and still uses to take. These historical notes reflect the specific and very The ten chapters of the book, in which the events complicated character of the Albanian-Yugoslav relations of 40 years are described in detail, are a vivid description in all their complexity through a wealth of facts, original of the stern struggle between two policies, two stands, and documents, personal impressions and theoretical argu• two ideologies diametrically opposed to one another. This ments by the author. Comrade Enver Hoxha makes a pe• because, as Comrade Enver Hoxha concludes, all the his• netrating analysis of the objective and subjective causes tory of our relations with the CPY and the revisionist Yu• and factors which determined the course in which these goslav state, *<on the one hand..., is a history of interferen• relations developed on both sides, pointing out the plat• ces, traps and unrelenting plots on their part to the de• forms from which both parties proceeded and the aims triment of our Party and our socialist state, and on the which they had in these connections and relations with other hand, a history of the just and consistent struggle one another, revealing the interconnection of the events of our Party and people to avoid falling for their traps and running over a period of 40 years. The materialist me• plots, to uncover and to foil them, without permitting them thodology applied in the analysis of the particular and the to cause us serious damage. whole, a militant spirit of lofty proletarian partisanship, In the book it is affirmed that the leadership of the a pronounced class tendentiousness in the reflection of CPY has proceeded and has acted, from the first mo• and the stand towards every event and phenomenon, im• ments of the initial contacts with the PLA to the end, portant conclusions and generalizations, a resilient and vi• from anti-Marxist and deeply anti-Albanian positions. Tito gorous style — these are some of those features which and his associates, in the situations created after the out• make the new book of Comrade Enver Hoxha one of the break of the Second World War, counted on the possibility most outstanding works of the Albanian political-histori• of manipulating and directing the war of the Albanian cal science. people against the occupier in such a manner that, at the With profound truthfulness, with steel logic, colour• end of the War, the conditions and possibilities would be ful means of expression and an incisive style, this book created for Yugoslavia to annex Albania. For this to be reveals before the reader one of the most dramatic and at achieved, the Yugoslav leadership was aware that, as a the same time one of the most heroic periods of the his• precondition, it had to get control of the decisive factor tory of our Party and people. which would rouse the Albanian people and lead them This 40-years' long history is written not only by a di• in their war — the Communist Party of Albania. There• rect witness of all the events described, not only by the fore, the immediate aim from which Tito and his accom• main figure on which were directed right from the beg• plices proceeded in their connections with the CPA was inning the attacks and thrusts of the Titoites who saw its subjugation and transformation into a blind tool trail• that, if they eliminated him and the sound part of the ing at the tail end of the CPY. To this end they would 4 • 1 (68), 1983 ALBANIA TODAY exploit all the so-called aid which the CP¥ pretends it has of the CPY towards Kosova and the other Albanian regions allegedly given the CPA in the war years. in Yugoslavia was, from the beginning, the same as that of With theoretical and practical arguments based on the Great-Serb chauvinist circles of former times — a the Marxist-Leninist principles and with a true descrip• policy of chauvinist hatred against the Albanians, disregard• tion of how events developed, this book rejects the con• ing and sabotaging their national liberation war, and ne• coctions of the Titoites about the «aid» they allegedly gave gating their national rights, a policy of mass extermina• in the creation of the CPA and their absurd claim that tion, if the attempts of the Great-Serbs at the assimilation they supposedly were the ^creators of the CPA»! -"The or mass expulsion of the Albanian population from its CPA,» concludes Comrade Enver Hoxha in his book, -c<was territories were to fail. It is in this policy pursued since not created because that was what a certain Tito from the war years, in the grave mistakes committed since that Yugoslavia fancied, or wanted to, but was created because time, the author emphasizes, that all the present injustices its creation was imperatively demanded by the Albanian towards Kosova as well as the legitimate and constant re• people, by the Albanian communist movement, was deman• volts and expressions of dissatisfaction of the Kosova peo• ded by the historical moment the country was going ple at the relentless Great-Serb oppression, should be through, was demanded by the past, the present and the sought. future of Albania itself.»- A conscious place in this work is given to analyses, Subsequently, in the work -«The Titoites» it !s shown generalizations and conclusions on the mutual relations that the so-called aid which the CPY has given the CPA between the two parties and states in the period 1945-1948. and the National Liberation War of the Albanian people On the basis of concrete facts and profound reflections on during the period 1942-1944 was part of the plans and the events of that time. Comrade Enver Hoxha denounces attempts of the Titoites to submit the Pf. A to them and make the so-called contribution of the CPY to the reconstruction it swerve from its correct road. The hea'ed discussions and and building of the new Albania, and lays bare all the per• arguments of Comrade Fnver Hoxha with the two or three fidy hidden behind the Korientations*, -«advice» and «aid>> emissaries of Tito to Albania, over the «orientations^> and of the Titoites for the political direction and economic de• *plans» of the Titoites on the role of the Party and fie velopment of Albania, for the organization of our army, staffs in the leadership of the National Liberation War, on the organs of the ministry of the interior, etc. In the work the stand towards the nationalist elements and the trai*or a special analysis is made of the pressures, machinations and organizations, on the notorious -"Balkan Staff* of Tito and conspiratorial activities the Titoites and their henchmen S. V. Tempo, etc., etc.. Comrade Enver Hoxha's stern oppo• resorted to in order to compel the leadership of the CPA, sition to the ^accusations* and «criticism» of the Titoites regardless of the serious objections it had, to sign the ill- over the so-called opportunism and sectarianism in the line famed «AIbanian-Yugoslav Economic Convention* (No• of the CPA, are arguments in support of the fact that the vember 1946). Through this Convention, the Yugoslav lea• leadership of the CPY, as early as that period, was an antil- dership intensified its predatory policy towards our coun• Marxist and anti-Albanian positions, as well as that the try and, at the same time, continued to work, still using the CPA strongly opposed the distorted views and wrong actions mechanisms of the Convention — -"unification*, -"co-ordina- of the Titoites right from that moment.
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