![Annual Report of the Illinois State Bee-Keepers' Association [Microform]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Second Annual Report Illinciis Btate ^e- Assocdation ?.i ^'-^ • ^^-^^t.isBm > 1 ; JA'^ , THE UNIVERSITY OF H^LINOIS LIBRARY TV- 1 ^' '^^^ SECOND ANNUAL REPORT ' OF THK ILLINOIS state Bee-Keepers' Association ORGANIZED FEBRUARY 26th, 1891, AT SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. Compiled by JAMES A. STONE, Secretary, Bkauforutok. Illinois. SPRINGFIELD. ILL.: Illinois State Eegister Book Publishing House. 1894. iiiiilii a(B^«ffli,il»jl>«S«f BJi(Sr'!lWjj|!ljj||(jj™jjjjif )fi58?«»«'Wi»»-wws''??75Bf»!a««w«^ini?*»l'* "«*iW^1^« nfmvru^vii'mmms'f'ii?^ \ LETTER OF TR/INSMITTAL: Office of the Secretary, Bradfordton, III., Feb'y 1, 1894. To his Excellency, Hon. John P. Altgeld, Governor of Illinois: Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the Second Annual Report of the Illinois State Bee-Keepers' Association, which would have issued one year ago, but for the last Legis- lature having failed to appropriate to continue the same, when it was thought wise to delay it to the end of the next year. There being no compensation to the Secretary outside of the Association (which about pays for the time spent in cor- respondence) for all the work of this report, we are not able to boast of the earliness in which it is presented. Respectfully submitted, JAMES A. STONE, Secretary. ,-^MMm — — *" -«—*»j'y»=-v —, — ^-" fpP?«WW^«spwff^B'"i«*.''ii'^''-*»^*'^'?^'*T?TPF'"*«r'^^*»'r7=*'^^^ "ars"^ fir^'^R. ' ^ OF^KIOE^RS or THE L ILLINOIS STATE BEE-KEEPERS' ASSOClATIOiN. 1893. President, Hon. J. M. Hambaugh, Spring. YICE-PRESIDENTS. '^ 1st—J. Q, ^MITH, Lincoln _^. ^ 2d Mrs. L. Harrison, Peoria' 3d Peter Miller, Belleville >: 4tli Geo. Poindexter, Kenney £ 5tli— C. P. Dadant, Hamilton r Secretary, Jas. A. Stone, Bradfordton ^ Treasurer, A. N. Draper,* Upper Alton 1S9 4. President, Hon. J. M. Hambaugh, Spriug^'^ VICE-PRESIDENTS. Is-t—C. p. Dadant, Hamilton 2d—J. Q. Smith, Lincoln yd—S. N. Black, Clayton 4tli—Mrs. L. Harrison, Peoria 5th Chas. Hertel, Freeburg Secretary, Jas. A. Stone, Bradfordton Treasurer, A. N. Draper, Upper Alton 41.-x433 »^i!j»wiij.*w?w':gy»yjJVji;;'ji''g!iyjt-j,w.)4j»^ij^ Second Annual Repokt Roll of Members for 1893. Aruold, Frank X Deer Plain, 111. Baldridge, M. M St. Charles, 111. Baldwin, A. Y DeKalb, 111. Beall, CM Clayton, 111. Becker, Chas Pleasant I^lains, 111. Bevier, M Bradford, 111. Black, S. N Clayton, 111. Black, S. H Sciota, 111. Blecka, Frank. Elgin, 111. Blunier, Peter Roanoke,, 111. Cadwallader, D. A.. Prairie du Roclier, 111. Cooper, D. D ...,*. Sherman, 111. Coppiu, Aaron Wenona, 111. Dadant, Chas Hamilton, 111. Dadant, C. P Hamilton, 111. Dahl, Peter Granville, 111. Davis, Mark :....... Lisle, 111. Dintlemann, L. F Belleville, 111. Draper, A. N Uppei- Alton, 111. England, P. J Fancy Prairie, 111. Everett, J. D Oak Park, 111. Fehr, A. G Belleville, 111. Finch, W. J., Jr Springfield, 111. Flanagan, E. T Belleville, 111. Forncrook, J ^Yatertown, Wis. Gallagher, J. S Hartlaud, 111. Green, J. A Ottawa, 111. Hahn, N. S Henderson, 111. Hambaugh, Hon. J. M Spring, 111. PWB'^T^ ' State Bee-Keepers' Association. Hertel, Chas , . Freebarg, 111. Hutchinson, W. Z .Flint, Mich. Kildow, A. L Sheffield, 111. Larrabee, J. H Agr. College, Michr Liebrock, Jacob Mascoutah, III. Lyman, W. C Downer's Grove, 111. Mandelbauta, M. H ; Chicago, 111. Maun^ C. V Riverton, III. Miller, Peter Belleville, 111. Phelps, A Springfield, 111. Poindexter, Geo. •. .... .Kenny, 111. Poindexter, Jas. , '...:. , Bloomington, 111. Bobbins, D. E Payson, 111. Bobbins, Geo. F Mechanicsburg, 111. Bobinson, Elias Carmi, 111. Buff, G Burlington, Iowa. Smith, J. Q Lincoln, 111. Spra6klen, A. W Cowden, 111. Stone, James A Bradfordton, 111. Stow; N. L. South Evanston, 111. Sweet, C. L ' Glenwood, 111. Thompson, Geo Geneva, 111. Vance, W. A Glencoe, 111. Wheeler, J. C Piano, 111. York, Geo. W., Ed. Am. Bee Journal .. Chicago, 111. HONORARY MEMBERS. Frank Benton.. Agr. Department, Washington, D. C. Bev. W\ F. Clarke '. Guelph, Ont. ii nmn !™wpP'^^^?'''^^''^?'T^^^'^?r?'fv^^^ 6 Second Annual Report Roll of Members for 1894. Oil account of the North American Bee-Keepers Asso- ciation' meeting in Chicago last fall, the Illinois State Asso- ciation decided not to have its Chicago meeting (as provided when Northwestern affiliated with it) and for that reason has not as many members this year as before. Arnold, Frank X Deer Plain, 111. Augustine, Henry Normal, 111. Beall, C. M Clayton, 111. Bevier, M Bradford, 111. Bl-ack, S. H Sciota, 111. Black, S. N Clayton, 111. Blecka, Frank Elgin, 111. Blunier, Peter Roanoke, 111. Bryant, Ilali)h C Princeton, 111. Cadwaflader, D. A Prairie du Rocher, 111. Dadant, C. P Hamilton, 111. Dahl, Peter Granville, 111. Draper, A. N Upper Alton, 111. Dunlap, Henry M Savoy, 111. Finch, W, J. Jr Springfield, 111. Flannagan, E. T Belleville, 111. Gallagher, J. S Hartland, 111. ". Green, J. A . Ottawa, 111. Hahn, N. ,S Henderson, 111. Hambaugh, Hon. J . M Spring, 111. Hertel, Chas Freeburg, 111. Highbarger, L Leaf River, 111. •Vf- 'B'fi.BW«!Si««^M^Mi«^«f!«Bi»«!iS^^ I )!*"'l^;;»!!IJP>lf!'JJl'.i!,'l!llJ*W(WSH|!5l»>W State Bee-Keepeks' Association. Little, TVm J.... Marissa, 111. McCluer, G. W ; Champaign, 111. Miller, Dr. C. C • .Marengo, 111. Phelps, A Springfield, 111. Poindexter, Geo Kenny, 111. Poindexter, James .y . Bloomington, 111. Bobbins, Geo. F. Mechanicsburg, 111. Snell, F. A Milledgeville, 111. Smith, J. Q Lincoln, 111. Stone, J. A Bradfordton. 111. Vandenburg, P. E Jerseyville, 111. Whittlesey, Edmund Pecatonica, 111. HONORARY MEMBERS. Bey. A. H. Bates Springfield, 111. Col. Chas. F. Mills Springfield, 111. T. G. Newman Chicago, 111. Geo. W. York .Chicago, 111. A. I. Boot Medina, Ohio. W. Z. Hutchinson. Flint, Mich. For names of members who paid their fees after Feb- ' ruary 1st, see appendix. r e*. — — ''S'WRj^WSssfflHPPSgRP?^''???'''?^''^??^^ 8 Second Annual Report CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THK Illinois State Bee-Keepers' Association. eONSTITTJTIOX. ADOPTED FEB. 26, 1891. Article I Name. This organization shall be known as the Illinois State Bee-Keepers' Association, and its principal place of business shall be at Springfield, 111. Article II Object. Its object shall be to promote the general interests of the pursuit of Bee Culture. Article HI Membership. Sec. 1. Any person interested in Apiculture may become a member upon the payment to the Secretary of an annual fee of one dollar ($1.00.) Sec. 2. Any persons may become honorary member.'i by receiving a majority vot6 at any regular meeting. Article IV— Officers. Sec. 1. The officers of this Association shall be: Presi- i J-l dent, five Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. Their terms of office shall be for one year, or until their success- ors are elected and qualified. -^^i^^^tiimtUimiiimii — I State Bee-Keepeks' Association. 9 Sec. 2. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall constitute the • Executive Committee, / Sec. 8. Vacancies in office—by death, resignation or otherwise—shall be filled by the Excutive Committee until the next annual meeting. • • Akticle V Amendments. This CoDstitution may be amended at any annual meet- ing hym a two-thirds vote of all members present—thirty days' notice having been given to each member of the Associatio n JBY-LAWS. ADOPTED DECEMBER 16. 1891. » Article I. The officers of this Association shall be elected by ballot • and by a majority vote. i . • > Article II. It shall be the duty of the President to call and preserve order at all meetings of this Association; to call for all re- ports of officers and committees; to put to vote all motions regularly seconded; to count the votes at all elections and de- clare the results; to decide upon all questions of order; and to deliver an address at each annual meeting. Article III. The Vice Presidents shall be numbered respectively. First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth, and it shall be the duty of one of them in his respective order to preside in the absence of the President. -!(^IJJ!S»s:f»^JI,iJIU!!y!«J^j(BISIJ^W!Jie5,S^ 10 Second Annual Eepoet Aeticle IV. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to report all proceedings of the Association, and to record the same, when approved, in the Secretary's book; to conduct all corres- pondence of the Association, and to file and preserve all papers belonging to the same; to receive the annual dues and pay them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt, for the same; to take and record the name and address of every member of the Association; to cause the Constitution and By-Laws to be printed in appropriate form, and in such quantities as may be directed by the Executive Committee from time to time, and see that each member is provided with a copy thereof; to make out and publish annually, as far as practicable, a statistical table showing the number of colonies owned in the spring and fall, and the amount of honey and wax produced by each member, together with such other information as may be deemed important, or be directed by the Executive Committee; and to give notice of all meet- ings of the Association in the leading papers of the State and in the Bee Journals at least four weeks prior to the time of such meeting. Sec. 2. The Secretary shall be allowed a reasonable compensation for his services, and to appoint an assistant Secretary if deemed necessary. Aeticle V. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of all funds of the Association, and to pay them out upon an order signed by the President and countersigned by the Sec- retary, taking a receipt for the same; and to render a report of all receipts and expenditures at each annual meeting.
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