H13428 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 9, 2007 b 1135 every success. Thank you again, Madam Sec. 212. Qualified investment entities. Speaker, for the opportunity to serve you. Sec. 213. Refundable child credit. Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. RICHARD- Sincerely, Sec. 214. State legislators’ travel expenses SON, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, GERALDINE R. GENNET, away from home. Messrs. FARR, JOHNSON of Georgia, General Counsel. Subtitle B—Extenders Primarily Affecting GONZALEZ, Ms. SOLIS, Ms. f Businesses VELA´ ZQUEZ, Messrs. GRIJALVA, Sec. 221. Research credit. CUELLAR, REYES and HINOJOSA PERSONAL EXPLANATION Sec. 222. Indian employment credit. changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to Mr. MEEKS of New York. Mr. Speak- Sec. 223. New markets tax credit. Sec. 224. Railroad track maintenance. ‘‘nay.’’ er, I just realized that yesterday on Sec. 225. Fifteen-year straight-line cost re- Messrs. HOEKSTRA, BILIRAKIS, H.R. 3093, rollcall No. 1076, I voted covery for qualified leasehold SAXTON, BURGESS, BARTON of ‘‘aye.’’ I meant to vote ‘‘nay’’ because improvements and qualified Texas, McCOTTER and Ms. GINNY as a Democrat, I would never do any- restaurant property. BROWN-WAITE of Florida changed thing that would inflict harm upon my Sec. 226. Seven-year cost recovery period for their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Hispanic brothers and sisters. motorsports racing track facil- ity. So the motion to adjourn was re- f jected. Sec. 227. Accelerated depreciation for busi- ness property on Indian res- The result of the vote was announced TEMPORARY TAX RELIEF ACT OF 2007 ervation. as above recorded. Sec. 228. Expensing of environmental reme- f Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, pursuant diation costs. to House Resolution 809, I call up the Sec. 229. Deduction allowable with respect COMMUNICATION FROM THE GEN- bill (H.R. 3996) to amend the Internal to income attributable to do- ERAL COUNSEL OF THE HOUSE Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain mestic production activities in The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- expiring provisions, and for other pur- Puerto Rico. fore the House the following commu- Sec. 230. Modification of tax treatment of poses, and ask for its immediate con- certain payments to controlling nication from the General Counsel of sideration. exempt organizations. the House of Representatives: The Clerk read the title of the bill. Sec. 231. Extension and modification of cred- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The text of the bill is as follows: it to holders of qualified zone OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL, H.R. 3996 academy bonds. Washington, DC, November 9, 2007. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Sec. 232. Tax incentives for investment in Hon. NANCY PELOSI, resentatives of the United States of America in the District of Columbia. Sec. 233. Extension of economic develop- Speaker, Congress assembled, ment credit for American House of Representatives. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE, ETC. DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: I am writing to Samoa. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as tender my resignation as General Counsel to Sec. 234. Enhanced charitable deduction for the ‘‘Temporary Tax Relief Act of 2007’’. the House of Representatives, effective the contributions of food inventory. (b) REFERENCE.—Except as otherwise ex- Sec. 235. Enhanced charitable deduction for close of business on November 12, 2007. It has pressly provided, whenever in this Act an been an honor and a pleasure to serve under contributions of book inventory amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of to public schools. three Speakers, including yourself, for the an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or past twelve years. Over that time, I have Sec. 236. Enhanced deduction for qualified other provision, the reference shall be con- computer contributions. tried to maintain a nonpartisan office that, sidered to be made to a section or other pro- both by reputation and in practice, provides Sec. 237. Basis adjustment to stock of S cor- vision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. porations making charitable thoughtful and effective legal advice and (c) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- representation to all Members of the House, contributions of property. tents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 238. Extension of work opportunity tax without regard to political affiliation, and Sec. 1. Short title, etc. credit for Hurricane Katrina whose highest obligation is to the long-term employees. interests of the House. I believe the other at- TITLE I—AMT RELIEF torneys in the office and I have succeeded in Sec. 101. Extension of alternative minimum Subtitle C—Other Extenders meeting these objectives. We have worked tax relief for nonrefundable per- Sec. 241. Disclosure for combined employ- very closely with Members and staffers from sonal credits. ment tax reporting. both sides of the aisle on many matters, as Sec. 102. Extension of increased alternative Sec. 242. Disclosure of return information to well as with the House Officers and the many minimum tax exemption apprise appropriate officials of institutional offices in the legislative amount. terrorist activities. branch. I expect that the Office of General TITLE II—ONE-YEAR EXTENDERS Sec. 243. Disclosure upon request of informa- tion relating to terrorist activi- Counsel will continue to fulfill this role for Subtitle A—Extenders Primarily Affecting ties. the House, and that the Office will maintain Individuals the respect and trust it has enjoyed all these Sec. 244. Disclosure of return information to Sec. 201. Deduction for State and local sales carry out income contingent re- years. taxes. I would like to recognize and thank the payment of student loans. Sec. 202. Deduction of qualified tuition and Sec. 245. Authority for undercover oper- staff of the Office: first, my very good friend related expenses. and colleague who came with me to the ations. Sec. 203. Treatment of certain dividends of Sec. 246. Increase in limit on cover over of House over twelve years ago—Deputy Gen- regulated investment compa- rum excise tax to Puerto Rico eral Counsel Kerry Kircher, who will con- nies. and the Virgin Islands. tinue in that capacity and provide excellent Sec. 204. Parity in the application of certain Sec. 247. Disclosure of return information service to the House as he has always done. limits to mental health bene- for certain veterans programs. I would also like to recognize the other at- fits. torneys, Assistant Counsels David Plotinsky, TITLE III—MORTGAGE FORGIVENESS Sec. 205. Qualified conservation contribu- DEBT RELIEF Christine Davenport, and John Filamor, who tions. have all been with the Office for a long time Sec. 206. Tax-free distributions from indi- Sec. 301. Discharges of indebtedness on prin- and who are well known to and respected by vidual retirement plans for cipal residence excluded from so many Members, Officers and staff of the charitable purposes. gross income. House. Finally, I would like to recognize our Sec. 207. Deduction for certain expenses of Sec. 302. Long-term extension of deduction Office Administrator, Czesia Constantine, elementary and secondary for mortgage insurance pre- who has taken care of every aspect of the of- school teachers. miums. fice’s functions, including watching every Sec. 208. Election to include combat pay as Sec. 303. Alternative tests for qualifying as penny as though it were her own money. Her earned income for purposes of cooperative housing corpora- service, and that of the many evening law earned income tax credit. tion. Sec. 304. Gain from sale of principal resi- students who have worked as full time law Sec. 209. Modification of mortgage revenue dence allocated to nonqualified clerks for the Office over those years, have bonds for veterans. made it possible for the attorneys to provide Sec. 210. Distributions from retirement use not excluded from income. the quality of service for which the Office is plans to individuals called to TITLE IV—ADMINISTRATIVE known and appreciated. active duty. PROVISIONS I will greatly miss the many friends I have Sec. 211. Stock in RIC for purposes of deter- Sec. 401. Repeal of authority to enter into made here. I congratulate my successor, Irv mining estates of nonresidents private debt collection con- Nathan, on his appointment and wish him not citizens. tracts. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:25 Nov 10, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\K09NO7.032 H09NOPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMHOUSE November 9, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H13429 Sec. 402. Delay of application of withholding amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2007’’ and SEC. 213. REFUNDABLE CHILD CREDIT. requirement on certain govern- inserting ‘‘December 31, 2008’’. (a) MODIFICATION OF THRESHOLD AMOUNT.— mental payments for goods and (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment Clause (i) of section 24(d)(1)(B) is amended by services. made by this section shall apply to benefits inserting ‘‘($8,500 in the case of taxable years Sec. 403. Clarification of entitlement of Vir- for services furnished after December 31, beginning in 2008)’’ after ‘‘$10,000’’. gin Islands residents to protec- 2007. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment tions of limitations on assess- SEC. 205. QUALIFIED CONSERVATION CONTRIBU- made by subsection (a) shall apply to taxable ment and collection of tax. TIONS. years beginning after December 31, 2007. Sec. 404. Revision of tax rules on expatria- (a) IN GENERAL.—Clause (vi) of section SEC. 214. STATE LEGISLATORS’ TRAVEL EX- tion. 170(b)(1)(E) (relating to termination) is PENSES AWAY FROM HOME. Sec. 405. Repeal of suspension of certain pen- amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2007’’ and (a) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (2) of section alties and interest. inserting ‘‘December 31, 2008’’. 162(h) (relating to legislative days) is amend- Sec. 406. Increase in information return pen- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment ed by adding at the end the following flush alties. made by this section shall apply to contribu- Sec.
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