MINERALOGY OF THE VICTOR CLAIM, CLEAR CREEK AREA, NEW IDRIA DISTRICT, SAN BENITO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Joseph F. Cooper Jr. 430 Van Ness Avenue Santa Cruz, California 95060 Gail E. Dunning 773 Durshire Way Sunnyvale, California 94087-4709 Ted A.Hadley 907 Anaconda Way Sunnyvale, California 94087-3033 The Victor Claim contains a series of rare barium silicate minerals in albite veins that are of hydrothermal origin. These minerals include benitoite, neptunite, fresnoite, titantaramellite, joaquinite-(Ce), orthojoaquinite-(Ce) and barrio-orthojoaquinite. Associated minerals in the veins include pectolite, crossite, stilpnomelane, albite and rarely anilite, covellite, brochantite, pseudomalachite, strontio-apatite, fluorapatite and calcite. INTRODUCTION In 1969 specimens of cinnabar associated with karpatite were found near a small mercury retort that lies a few hundred meters south of the Indian Flat campsite along Clear Creek in the drainage of a small, unnamed tributary. While the area was being examined, neptunite and benitoite were noted in the streambed as waterworn patches on float blocks of crossite schist by the authors (JFC & GED). This material appeared different from that of the benitoite host rock of the Gem mine. The benitoite is colorless to white with a radiating structure while the neptunite crystals are generally stubby terminated crystals. Exploration in the area was conducted by short wave ultraviolet light of the creek bottom and the surface of crossite schist boulders discovered by daylight where their blue green color made them readily apparent. The float was traced back up the tributary to an area where several large schist boulders were found protruding from the eastern bank. An examination of these boulders disclosed many thin albite veins that showed small neptunite and benitoite crystals on fracture surfaces. Specimens of the albite veins were collected and, when cleaned, revealed pockets containing colorless hexagonal benitoite crystals associated with grains of a yellow fluorescent mineral that was subsequently identified as 1 fresnoite. Further examination of the area revealed several albite veins exposed on many outcrops of this schist. The mineralogy of the area was found to be more complex than originally thought. In 1972 a concerted effort was made to secure a wider suite of specimens from the area. Craig Stolburg and Ed Oyler, both mineral collectors and members of Bay Area Mineralogists, claimed the area as the Victor Claim in 1974 and a shallow pit was dug on the upper schist contact and several of the float boulders were cracked using explosives to reveal fresh exposures of the albite veins. Samples from the albite veins were collected and some work was done on the mineralogy of the area but nothing was published on the results of this study. After this activity no further assessment work was done on the claim and it was allowed to lapse. DESCRIPTION OF AREA The Victor Claim is located about 1½ miles southeast of the Clear Creek mine in one of the side canyons that drains into Clear Creek at the Indian Flat campground. The claim is on the west slope and is located in the NE ¼ section SE ¼ section 7, T.18 S., R. 12 E., M.D.M, at latitude 36O 21’ 30” N., and longitude 120o 44’ 30” W. The claim is located on a small intermittent stream that is shown on the topographic map of the area. This stream has its headwaters on the north slope of Picacho Peak and flows into Clear Creek. Access to the claim area is by foot up an old dirt road that leads to a long abandoned mercury prospect further up the canyon. This road has been closed by the BLM at the campground and washed out further up the narrow canyon. The area containing the Victor claim is quite brushy and many pine trees grow along the serpentinite-rich slopes. The narrow creek contains many float boulders of serpentinite and blueschist. There are no landmarks to identify the Victor Claim. The mineralized area contains several large blocks of blueschist that are exposed on the hillside above the creek. A faint trail leads to the left from the canyon floor to the ridge where the pit is located. The workings consist of two shallow pits near the ridgeline and several small pits along the creek. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY The New Idria serpentine mass is the dominant geologic feature in the area and its emplacement produced the major tectonic forces that have shaped the area. The serpentine body is approximately 12 miles long and 4 miles wide and is elliptical in shape. This body was emplaced as a result of the hydrothermal alteration of deep-seated mafic rocks and its subsequent volume change producing upward movement through weaker sedimentary rocks of the Franciscan Formation. The serpentine body is generally bounded by high angle faults and these are thought to have occurred concurrently with the initial emplacement of the serpentinite. The Franciscan sandstones and shale beds that were intruded by the serpentine body show variable amounts of metamorphism with the most highly metamorphosed beds occurring along the southern margin of the serpentine body where the beds are extensively folded. 2 The beds on the northern edge are Franciscan and Panoche formation sandstones and shales. These beds were host to the large mercury deposits that were exploited by the New Idria Quicksilver mines for over 100 years and allowed the mine to be one of the major mercury producers in California. These deposits formed as part of the post emplacement hydrothermal activity in the less highly altered rocks. The southern margin of the serpentine body is composed of a mixture of unaltered graywackes and sandstones, conglomerates and shales that have locally been metamorphosed into blueschists and shales that contain intruded serpentine bodies. In the Victor Claim area, the metamorphic action was not as intense as that which took place at the Gem Mine where a relatively pure crossite body was produced. The blueschists at the Victor Claim derive their color from crossite but are banded by albite. This difference in texture would suggest that the metamorphic activity that produced the blueschist in the area of the Victor Claim was either of lesser intensity or of lesser duration than those at the Gem Mine. The blueschist is composed primarily of albite, tremolite, stilpnomelane, and crossite in schist-like banded masses that often contain thin discontinuous, relatively pure albite veins. The albite veins frequently show pockets and were formed during the later stages of the hydrothermal alteration of the original rocks. The more highly altered rocks are generally lighter in color with a greater content of crossite and albite and the albite veins and have a more vuggy nature. The blueschist bodies have been fractured by localized faulting that runs perpendicular to the bedding direction. This fracturing has broken the schist bodies into blocks and has produced many smaller internal fractures. These fractures have acted as channelways for the barium-rich hydrothermal solutions that have produced the unusual minerals found here. The upper contact between the blueschist and serpentinite is a fault zone with a weathered layer up to a meter thick. Pockets of pectolite and jadeite are occasionally found in this zone and these lenticular bodies may be several meters in length. They are usually composed entirely of fibrous acicular pectolite or jadeite. Locally, masses of prismatic crystals of natrolite have been found in direct association with the pectolite. MINERALS Though the Victor Claim shows a geologic similarity to the Gem mine, the mineral suite shows a marked difference both in mineral content and in the crystal habit of the benitoite and neptunite present. The natrolite present at the Gem mine is almost entirely absent at the Victor Claim and albite veins take their place. In addition, well-crystallized fresnoite and several other unusual minerals occur at this locality. ALBITE Na[AlSi3O8] Albite occurs as both as a rock-forming mineral and as pods of coarsely crystalline white material. These albite pods may reach 2 cm in thickness and often contain crystal-lined pockets. The albite crystals are small and tabular, 3 seldom reaching 2 mm in length, and are simple and untwinned. Albite was the first mineral to form in these veins. These veins are relatively pure and contain various barium silicates and associated minerals. Albite was deposited continuously during the formation of these veins and crystals of benitoite and crossite are often partially covered by it. Chemical analysis of the albite commonly shows small amounts of barium and potassium but no barium or potassium feldspars have been identified. 3+ ANDRADITE Ca3Fe2 (SiO4)3 Andradite is relatively common in the area and occurs as simple orange to green dodecahedrons. The crystals range in size up to 6 mm. ANILITE and COVELLITE Cu7S4 & CuS Anilite and covellite are rare minerals and only a few specimens are known. The copper sulfides occur as small black anhedral grains embedded in the massive albite. The massive grains are composed of an outer rim of covellite with an inner core of anilite. BARIO-ORTHOJOAQUINITE Ba4Ti4(Ba,Sr)4O4[Si4O12]4.2H2O Bario-orthojoaquinite occurs associated with fresnoite in the blueschist rocks along the creek. Its habit ranges from truncated crystals on (001) to heavily striated prismatic crystal groups to greenish-yellow “bow ties”. Its color can range from a yellowish-brown to dark brown to a yellowish-green. EDS analysis shows no Sr or RE elements. X-ray powder diffraction shows a match for bario-orthojoaquinite. This locality represents the second world occurrence for this rare mineral. BENITOITE BaTiSi3O9 Benitoite is relatively abundant at the Victor Claim and occurs as thin hexagonal tabular plates. This material differs considerably from that at the Gem Mine where benitoite commonly occurs as triangular ditrigonal-dipyramidal crystals.
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