National Academy honors 17 for major contributions to science 26 January 2005 The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has – goes to HERBERT H. HUPPERT, professor, selected 17 individuals to receive awards honoring department of applied mathematics and theoretical their outstanding scientific achievements. physics, and foundation director, Institute of The awards will be presented on May 2 at a Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, ceremony in Washington, D.C., during the United Kingdom. Huppert was chosen "for Academy's 142nd annual meeting. fundamental research into the fluid mechanics of natural and multiphase flows and for pioneering the Awards and recipients are: field of geological fluid mechanics." The prize was established by a bequest from Arthur L. Day and ARCTOWSKI MEDAL – a medal and a prize of has been presented since 1972. $20,000, awarded every three years for outstanding contributions to the study of solar HENRY DRAPER MEDAL – a medal and a prize of physics and solar-terrestrial relationships – goes to $15,000 awarded every four years for an original EDWARD J. SMITH, senior research scientist, Jet investigation in astronomical physics – goes to Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of CHARLES L. BENNETT, professor, department of Technology, Pasadena. Smith was chosen "for his physics and astronomy, The Johns Hopkins pioneering studies of the solar and heliospheric University, Baltimore. Bennett was chosen "for his magnetic fields in deep space and of planetary contribution to the precise determination of the age, magnetic fields and their interaction with the solar composition, and curvature of the universe through wind." The medal was established by a bequest of his leadership of NASA's WMAP [Wilkinson Jane Arctowska in honor of her husband, Henri Microwave Anisotropy Probe] cosmic microwave Arctowki, and has been presented since 1969. background mission." The medal was established by a gift from Mary Anna Palmer Draper in honor of JOHN J. CARTY AWARD FOR THE her husband and has been presented since 1886. ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE – a medal and a prize of $25,000, awarded annually for noteworthy RICHARD LOUNSBERY AWARD – a medal and a and distinguished accomplishment in science prize of $50,000 awarded annually in recognition of (materials in 2005) – goes to ROBERT J. CAVA, extraordinary scientific achievement in biology and professor, department of chemistry, Princeton medicine, alternating between young American and University, Princeton, N.J. Cava was chosen "for French scientists – goes to JOHN KURIYAN, his outstanding contributions in the synthesis and investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and characterization of many new materials that display Chancellor's Professor, department of molecular interesting and important superconducting, and cell biology, University of California, Berkeley. dielectric, magnetic, or thermal properties." The Kuriyan was chosen "for his critical role in revealing award was established by the American Telephone the structural mechanisms underlying processivity & Telegraph Co. in honor of John J. Carty and has in DNA replication and the regulation of tyrosine been awarded since 1932. kinases and their interacting target proteins." The award was established by Vera Lounsbery in ARTHUR L. DAY PRIZE AND LECTURESHIP – a memory of her husband and has been presented prize of $20,000 awarded every three years to a since 1979. scientist making lasting contributions to the study of the physics of the Earth and whose four to six NAS AWARD IN AERONAUTICAL lectures would prove a solid, timely, and useful ENGINEERING – a prize of $15,000 awarded every addition to the knowledge and literature in the field five years for distinguished contributions to 1 / 4 aeronautical engineering – goes to ELBERT L. acid in physiology and pathophysiology, which RUTAN, president and CEO, Scaled Composites generates prostacyclin and thromboxane." The LLC, Mojave, Calif. Rutan was chosen "for award was established by the IBM Corp. in honor of leadership in engineering design and construction Ralph E. Gomory and has been presented since of SpaceShipOne, Voyager, and other successful 1990. experimental aircraft." The award was established by a gift of Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Hunsaker and has NAS AWARD FOR INITIATIVES IN RESEARCH – been presented since 1968. a prize of $15,000 awarded annually in computational science/applied mathematics in 2005 NAS AWARD IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES – a to recognize innovative young scientists and to medal and prize of $15,000 awarded annually for encourage research likely to lead toward new innovative research in the chemical sciences that, capabilities for human benefit – goes to RONALD in the broadest sense, contributes to a better FEDKIW, assistant professor, department of understanding of the natural sciences and to the computer science, Stanford University, Stanford, benefit of humanity – goes to THOMAS C. Calif. Fedkiw was chosen "for his many innovations BRUICE, professor, department of chemistry, in the modeling and numerical simulation of flows University of California, Santa Barbara. Bruice was and his pioneering contributions to physically based chosen "for his leading role in the development of computer graphics." The award, presented since bioorganic chemistry, and especially for deep and 1981, was established by AT&T Bell Laboratories in lasting contributions to the understanding of honor of William O. Baker. enzyme mechanisms." The award, supported by The Merck Company Foundation, has been NAS AWARD IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY – a presented since 1979. medal and a prize of $25,000 awarded annually for a recent notable discovery in molecular biology by NAS AWARD FOR CHEMISTRY IN SERVICE TO a young scientist – goes to DAVID BARTEL, SOCIETY – a prize of $20,000 awarded every two member, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical years for contributions to chemistry, either in Research, and professor, department of biology, fundamental science or its application, that clearly Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. satisfy a societal need – goes to MARVIN H. Bartel was chosen "for his discoveries on the CARUTHERS, Distinguished Professor, repertoire of catalytic RNA and the analysis of department of chemistry and biochemistry, micro RNA genes and their targets." The award is University of Colorado, Boulder. Caruthers was supported by Pfizer Inc. and has been presented chosen "for his invention and development of since 1962. chemical reagents and methods currently used for the automated synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides NAS AWARD FOR SCIENTIFIC REVIEWING – a (i.e., the "gene machine")." The award, established prize of $10,000 awarded annually for excellence in by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. and given this scientific reviewing within the past 10 years year for contributions made in academia, has been (psychology in 2005) – goes to DANIEL L. presented since 1991. SCHACTER, professor, department of psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Schacter NAS AWARD FOR THE INDUSTRIAL was chosen "for his numerous books and reviews, APPLICATION OF SCIENCE – a prize of $25,000 which illuminate and explain the psychology and awarded every three years for original scientific neuroscience of human memory for specialists, work of intrinsic scientific importance and with scientific colleagues, and the public." The award is significant, beneficial application in industry – goes supported by Annual Reviews, the Institute for to PHILIP NEEDLEMAN, associate dean for Scientific Information, and THE SCIENTIST in special projects, Washington University School of honor of J. Murray Luck and has been presented Medicine, St. Louis. Needleman was chosen "for since 1979. his groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of the metabolism of arachidonic ROBERTSON MEMORIAL LECTURE – a prize of 2 / 4 $10,000 awarded every three years in any field of Foundation for Microbiology and has been science to a distinguished scientist who is invited to presented since 1968. lecture on his or her work and its international implications (cosmology in 2005) – goes to JOHN Also to be honored at the May 2 ceremony is E. CARLSTROM, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar WILLIAM H. FOEGE, who was chosen to receive Distinguished Service Professor, department of the Academy's PUBLIC WELFARE MEDAL. The astronomy and astrophysics, University of Chicago, Academy selected Foege "for his extraordinary Chicago. Carlstrom was chosen "for his pioneering leadership, public service, and commitment to use of interferometry to measure the anisotropy human well-being throughout the world." The medal and polarization of the cosmic microwave was established to recognize distinguished background and its distortion due to intervening hot contributions in the application of science to the cluster gas." The lecture was established by friends public welfare and has been presented since 1914. and associates of Howard P. Robertson and has been presented since 1967. Source: The National Academies TROLAND RESEARCH AWARDS – a research award of $50,000 given annually to each of two recipients to recognize unsusual achievement and to further their research within the broad spectrum of experimental psychology – go to GREGORY C. DEANGELIS, assistant professor, department of anatomy and neurobiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, and to JACOB FELDMAN, associate professor, department of psychology and Center for Cognitive Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. DeAngelis was chosen "for his fundamental contributions
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