------ G,ofa.x,y ~ l0 JA ~ o;-cuJ== ~29, 1948 ~ neu-· Vr. PollocJn Keith uked. • to write ,-ou directly concerning the aubject propertyJ no report, wu made following sv prel hd,nar,y look in $~ because of the ~shed na~llN ot the «iidiia:t{1.m~ ,._ -·roll.'owing. ~•;&N, ~• -~• • notes am :~•. ·· I :. - . euggMt·.~·· c~tsbenarur t1.~.o~s~·repm:1 ·.e,·~·:i."~· tf)~Jihe9JC~#·tJut· #ade. ~•.:;~~~c• .. ·· ... =, ·, .- .·:.,...... , .• . ; . • m::«:, Bxynze1· Dulipl consist of sorted reject.a and run on mine wutea : "' ~) B~. o:t W..190,t. at. ;i.ower t~ ,~. ~,000 toDP , · •~ Al _ C.• - · · --~ Jr•erY,e c~ a&ta... __ •·J.2 .. i.~~ .2.,. -· ,~ .. - 'fiik•• ;f1.1n&Jqpe~l,lonabl.e• .15 1.9 2.> (2)11pper d,mpe - at leastax:Lde ore - 127,800 tona . ·. , ..· . .·.. lat.ala Reaer,:e C.Olr.J)aD1' . / . ,.15 ." ? . ~$ :. · {l)Sou\11 ..i.. wor,d.np ""'. 6~® ~ ·~· · ~-, · . .. ·. · no eat1aate 1-ncan Cjnamct teat.a. 6n atockpile ore··cm1.y gave 5oj·1JUte rejec\ion with 80,C Talue retention 1n sink product. EBta•t~ p.f.Wi lSiOOO tons -¢DI 4.S Ou, .ll Au. _,,,. :~ · No tuts haw been ra on other d.Wlfll• C!!!9[ line 7SOO tona, grade ~ · 40,000 tone estimated grad• 3.S copper, at least •M:• )QC oxide. lit,\le'~ Jrine 9,000 tons, Waite aup1- •• .09 Au - l.S Cu. Unde~ ·rie91'TII. There is no accurate measured underground reserve. There ia said to rema:lD llS,000 tom ot sorting reject.a in stopes usqing 1.9 copper and .10 gold. There ia 3000 tons of unbroken ore in the Ha1ipabire shoot usqing ~ copper. Thue data are based eole'.q on heanq, but »IUYfWnh u ~• ahipping product made was obt.ained bT sorting run of mine ore at 3.s, copper up to S-~ copper they are reasonable. 11Plon\i2»,PP111:W11t;1t,. The ore bodies ot the Takil.Jla district occur as semi-massive sulphide pods . more or less along a serpentine•greenatone contact. The one shoot I saw consisted ot sul.phide stringers standing ateepl)t at right angles to a fiat fault makd ng the ----~--,.~---- Jlarch 29, 1948 88l"p8D'\i~greenstone contact. The principal mineral.a ot pj'hrotite, pyrite, cbalcopyrlte and bornite. Thia atxt.ure gives ri.ae to the name bronze for, the ~.~ , ,,, ,.,. ( i: • . '\., .. · ,~~.... ~1.;.,,pocle oould pro~·be found by- a geophyaical •ams, apeoifical.lT a aeries ot resistivity profiles across the favoraol•, s~\1-e•gn,eaatone contact. While there ia good chance or finding more poda;there:1., 11ttl•r8UOA to think that they would be arrr better ·or bigger than those ~,:11d.tll41 wh1ch. u··1 recall reach a maxim diameter ot 75 feet and have yielded perhaps 12,000·tons usqing 8-10% copper. • .. ;.-, · Ownei:,J,p,p. · .40~,to ..,- now~ lf&i~ ho¥,s o~ &.~hue ~'t:4-.,_ on tbe,ai.neral rights t.o tu ~ of Brom~., Iqt.tlet ~ ~ ..~. P'OllPB ~ ,rai.:\e tbe ~rac~., right• an beld.:·1'7 Qo_D41:t.1~l sales contract by- the Oregon Cavea Lumber COIIJ)&IJ,Y, Can Junction, Oreaon. Waite hold• an option on· the Waldo Group. ~t·;: . -:· It ;t. flf ·c,p1n1on ··that ~tmlJ' .1~10(),)· ·~·:.~t dUJl,Pd are aallable 1o~ treai.mt and that only 30,000 tons bU 1-a·a}!c,q to be_~ta~e for sink•tloat concentration. · Underground. ,;,,a.ervea are bued on be~ •nlJ:~ · ·· ~-. · ' ' - ·'. ~· ,: .: ' . _-, ; . , - . ' ._ - ;: . - Explora.U~ po••i~litiea aeea !air. &D1 wfi indicate a auba~al ·t,onnap but woul<l, :~t .~· inc:liCate -17 a -m:ii -~.- grape operat.:Lon~ . · ·... · .. , .. ;,. ~-;. ' ... ,, . ·. ' . ,,;- . ,· . •.· .. ' . , - ~. cos Dh1tinc ~:- KDarble _ +lt~. the,•~ inadequate notes will be of assist.ance. AMERICAN SMELTING AND REFINING COMPANY MINING DEPARTMENT 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 5 C. P. POLLOCK March 30, 1948. RESIDENT ENGINEER AIR JfAIL Mr o l'lanning Wo Cox, Western Mining Department, American Smel tinb and Refir-.ing Co. P. IJ. Box 440, Wa~_lace, Idaho Queen of Bronze Mine Dear Mr. Cox: Josephine_Co.,Oregon T1:lank you for your recent letter summarizing data con­ tained in your notes gatnereo during a prelirrinary v 1 sit to the queen of Bronze mine last September. It is quite obvious that Major Waite was feeling quite optimistic wnen he made the state­ ment to me that there we?e available 400,000 tons of dump material at the property which could be concentrated by sinK-float to a s11ippi:n.e; product assayinr; in excess of 5r£ copper. I doubt tirnt the plant whicn he contemolates for the property coul~ be installed fo:r $50,000 as he stated, but even tho~gh this m~~ht be the case, I am not.sure that the business would be attractive even assuming we could check the balance of his data as outlined during our con­ versations. With ;;,:our estlmate of 175,000 tons of dumns avnilab1e for treatment, and with only 30,000 tons of t~is sho~m to be suit­ able for sinK-flo~t concentrction, t~G r,roposjti0n obviously is of no ints~Ast to the Mining Department. Major Waite may nut this proposltion up to Mr. Marble for financ :tal help, s.s -,- told Waite that a re commend.a 1-:;ion would be re­ quired from the mana. ·er of the rl'ac()ma Plant before any consideration coulci be given to his request for such assistGnce. Yours ve"y truly, cc: RLJourdan - with encl. ERMarble - A/M I0Nhi ting 11 W:RLandvvehr 11 • A~~RICAN·9'ME\.TIN~ N)~ REFIN.JNtfCOMPAN~ ·".~~-.!'~~/♦ ·, "!. • , ·"~· · . 'MlN'tNGfO,«P_.;~1'M!:NT ' · · c:i, .• 12·0 'itf!tOA~AV, ~f:W 'VO~K 5 t.Cr11, ,.. IIAH 25 . C. I' POLLOCK 194a· '......... , ... ,1. Ma.rob. 22, 1948. "· "'· AIR MAIL .,.... .~ '..: ...... Dear·Kei:th: Major E. R. We1te,' &,x 2·, Grants Poss, o~e:on, has been in N ":;W Yot"'k ·tor· severl:ll weeks tryi~g to rtif1se capital to int! tri 11 a sink­ flca t plant at the above PI'operty. · He ca,ne in to see }tr.· Jourdan lest week 1:nd Mr. Jouroen brought him q.ovm to tllk wj th me' con·cern1ng the ·pos.si.bllit'y of the smel"ting oompaqy b~~omfnglnterested 1n-h!s oroj~~t., .. ·:. ,i ' . Maj.or Wait~' says he recently acquired; tax tttle to tlte Q.uesn of Bronze and t() scme adjoin1ne ol1dms in the district and he . intt,,.i;;ted he would be \filling to give' ·US a &0% interest in his· h0ldint:,:s in rAtnrn for e $50,000 lo~n wl.th wh:tch to huild the s:!,nk-float :olent. t'!e clu.~ma there· is in .the n,eighbo:r-hood of, 4,90, 000 tons of dump met:,irial in the d~st!'ict y,h1ch; •aceqrctinr- to· Amet>idsn <.;,yan..t,r;1Jd tests, wiJl con .. ' centrcr.e·to abont 75,000.·r- 80,0i)(, t;cns of'plus-5;'~ copvor with about"' .1 oz, gold~ ' ~ He happened to mention among other thin.::s t-ho.t Mro Cox had vis:i.ted h:J.s property _lMst sumr1e.,r, but in looking up our file on the QUAen of Bronze I fi~d that our letest information is a le~ter from J. Fred Johnson tc l;fr ~ ~uess da.~ted January 15th, 1942 with an -·- ·eftrifot-frdt•f'-Vor; :--t· ·o:f the··-O?"e-gon'· ~eauNo#-4!-ft&••-.and-~l,.o.g.y •. -- Mr.. _ -~ .. ------­ Cox may reve reported on his examination ur.16r some other nF.me, or possibly his report was not me.11ed t-0 this offir,e. Jn any case, will ynu please look up the Wal.lace ,file on the. Queen of Bronze Hn-:i I send me El ccpy of your late~t rec,ort together with r~__ vie!~,... ~011-· / cernin£__~0l,~W-.j;JlllD.§.,il,_.Jg1_(\ ___ll,Ilc}~.I'.£fOtUld :rese::--ves wh:t ch :1.e thinks mi gnt 1 be. av a t\./AQlJ;LJ:S)r~ .. concer:t.ra.ticn so-~w-e"'"c•,:;u···a=ov:t·setfi''"mnJo·r··\vhe the"" or / ri"Ot. ·~·,f m~ rht be lntePes ted ·· in hj s pr-opos 1 t:ton. Ycurs v~ry truly, ,.._. c;c: Wf'.Lrndwehr g:~r.Ja:c>hle, Mgr., Tticoma Plant GJ~;y Yl. JOHNSON MINING ENGINEER ASSAYER & CHJ:::UIIST 723 - G' STRF.iET 'NI'!',·, -··. 1100 OR G,r. .1u .1. i) 1· .11.1 .. h) , • QUEEN OF BRONZE MINING COMPANY JOHN HAMPSHIRl!~ W.NAGER, • GFJI.N1l1S F ASB , OF.EGON. Dear Sir:- I have assayed the two samples of Ore, you left at my Offic€, for Gold, Silver and Copper and fim same to contain per ton of 2000 pouna.a as follows: Sample NO. l - Ea.st Cow Boy Mine Sample Gold .66 oz. Value of Gold per ton of such Ore - •$13.00 Silver None n " SilV€:r " " " ll " • - None Copper 15.4-0Yv.::. 308# @ .18 eta.per lb. - - - - - - i ti 'l'otal Value per ton of such Ore - - $ !" /' Sample NO. 2 - One Piece Solid Piece of Sulphide Ore "{if;/ ,:,,~,,,.,, Gold .65 oz. Value of Gold per ton of such Ore - -~13.00 11 Silver None " Silver " " " .. " - - Mone Copper 19.70% :. ,394/J @ .18¢.::. - - ... - ... - - - 70,9Z 'Iotal Value per ton of such Ore - - - - $83.92 Sincerely yours. ( I '../ Gold @ $20.00 per oz. S1 · 1ver " .47",._ " " C,opper ~ .l8j! '! lb • .. , "I guarfl!ltec the accuracy of my work. Check s~ples of foregoing assays furnished. Charges it>. 00 L G1\IIBY VJ.
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