UD RIVAL MOURNS TRAGIC LOSS, FLYERNEWS.COM/BLOGS TUESDAY NEWS, HAZING LADY PROTESTS 1999 GRADE, PAGE 4 SEPT. 27, 2011 A&E, ART-OFF PROMISES ‘RECYCLE, REINVENT, RE-ENVISION’, PAGE 7 OPINIONS, SENIOR SHARES ROESCH LIBRARY INTRICACIES, PAGE 9 SPORTS, SOCCER BEATS XAVIER IN SPECTACULAR FINISH, PAGE 10 flyernews.com UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON VOL. 59 NO. 8 NEW INTERACTIVE MEDIA INTRODUCES VISITORS TO UD SARA DORN Chief News Writer students are on the decline, and we’re preparing for that,” Wil- The University of Dayton re- son said. “We would like to have cently spent $200 million to reno- a large cushion of well-qualified vate Albert Emanuel Hall into a students.” high-tech greeting space for pro- The Midwest will lose 7.1 per- spective students, according to cent of public high school gradu- Molly Wilson, executive director ates and 22.4 percent of non-public for UD enrollment strategies and school graduates by 2014, accord- the renovation coordinator. ing to “Knocking at the College The admissions building is now Door,” a study by the Western In- highlighted by an interactive wall terstate Commission for Higher and presentation room, Wilson Education think tank released in said. March 2008. Enrollment Management, Fa- Wilson also said campus visits cilities Management and UD In- are an important part of attracting formation Technologies organized prospective students. the project that began in October “Our yield on students who visit 2010 and debuted in July, Wilson campus is over 20 percent higher said. When prospective students than students who do not visit and their families come to UD, campus,” she said. “The campus their tour begins in Albert Eman- visit is the selling point.” uel Hall, she said. UD worked with 160over90 to “We like to have a high-tech, develop remodeling plans, Wil- high-touch relationship with our son said. 160over90 is a branding students,” she said. “We want to agency based in Philadelphia that recruit students who are going to represents Nike, Mercedes-Benz get up, be interactive and reach out and Loyola University Maryland, to the community. We want them to according to its website. take an active part in their visit.” The university has been work- Wilson said part of the reason ing with the agency for the last Prospective University of Dayton students interact with a new “cross-functional board,” Sunday, Sept. 25, in the recently renovated Albert Emanuel Hall. for the renovations was to be pro- decade, and most recently on the The custom-made video projection wall was designed for UD by 160over90, a Philadelphia-based brand agency. KEVIN LONGACRE/ASST. PHOTO EDITOR active about upcoming changes in recent rebranding of its website, board” in Albert Emanuel Hall which dissolve into a video clip to present UD’s community value the region. according to a Flyer News article that was custom-made for UD, Wil- when people approach it. The non-verbally. “Come 2015, the Midwest is go- published Sept. 16. son said. wall then grows larger when more The wall features 19 different ing to go through a very sharp de- 160over90 formulated the idea She said the wall features a people stand in front of it, and Wil- mographic shift where high school of the 36-foot “cross-functional video projection of moving cubes son said it is an example of a way See Technology on p. 2 frontation that led to a physical brothers, but at this time only the UD alumnus stabbed by local minor altercation,” Burt said. “We have 16-year-old faces charges, accord- identified all three individuals ing to the article. KAYLEIGH FLADUNG safety advisory email sent that ly News article published Sept. 18. initially indicated as suspects. Burt said this assault was in no Asst. News Editor day by Teri Rizvi, vice president Bruce Burt, chief of UD police The 16-year-old was actually ar- way related to another incident of communications. The incident and executive director of Pub- rested and taken into custody that that occurred on Sept. 4 involving The University of Dayton De- involved four individuals includ- lic Safety, said officers were dis- night.” seven Dayton Public School stu- partment of Public Safety is cur- ing the alumnus, two UD students, patched that night on the report According to the Dayton Dai- dents. rently investigating a campus and a 16-year-old juvenile from of a stabbing. The individuals got ly News article, the alumnus, a The earlier incident included assault involving the stabbing of Centerville, Ohio, according to into a fight that ended with the 23-year-old named Chad Roland, three random, unprovoked as- a UD alumnus by a local 16-year- the email. minor stabbing the alumnus in was treated at Miami Valley Hos- saults on the 400 blocks of Lowes old. The assault occurred in an al- the back with a knife, according pital for a non-life threatening in- and Kiefaber streets, Burt said in The assault occurred around ley near the 200 block of Lowes to Burt. jury he sustained from the attack. 1 a.m. Sept. 18, according to a Street, according to a Dayton Dai- “It started as a verbal con- The suspects are said to be three See Assault on p. 5 TODAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY weather 66/53 68/52 76/54 STUART FIELD RENOVATIONS UPDATE (Source: www.nws.noaa.gov) Chance of Partly Mostly Rain will give way to sunny skies this week FLYERNEWS.COM/BLOGS as mid-term break approaches. showers sunny sunny 2 NEWS flyernews.com Flyer News • Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011 SEPT. WEDNESDAY SEPT. THURSDAY SEPT.THURSDAY SEPT.THURSDAY EDUCATION ABROAD SPEAKER TO DIS- POETRY, RELIGION ARTSTREET 28 FAIR 29 CUSS CATHOLIC- 29 AND THE STATE 29 THURSDAYS Learn about UD’s differ- LUTHERAN DIALOGUE Ariana Vigil will discuss ArtStreet will host its ent study abroad pro- Johannes Brosseder, “Heterosexualization and weekly Thursday Night grams from 5 to 7 p.m. a theologian from the the State: The Poetry Live event from 8 to 11 Wednesday, in Kennedy University of Cologne, of Gloria Anzaldua” at p.m. Thursday Night Live Union ballroom. The Germany, will speak at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, in is a weekly showcase for annual event showcases 4:30 p.m. Thursday, in Sears Recital Hall. Vigil is UD students to display all countries students Sears Recital Hall. Bros- a faculty member of the their musical talent. can travel to study or seder will discuss inter- department of women’s For more information, volunteer. There will also faith dialogue between and gender studies at contact ArtStreet at 937- be information about the Luteran and Catholic the University of North 229-5101 or artstreet@ deadlines, financial aid, churches. For more Carolina, Chapel Hill. The udayton.edu. scholarship opportunities information, contact Cilla event is open to stu- and travel needs. For Shindell at 937-229- dents and the public. more information, call 3257. 937-229-3728. Industrial Assessment Center receives additional $1.2 million facturing facilities, according to a nies, according to the university tify how much energy, carbon di- prove manufacturing processes, SUE GOGNIAT Staff Writer university press release published press release. oxide emissions and money could the website said. Sept. 15. Timothy Raffio, an IAC employ- be saved by implementing change, With the recent grant, UD grad- The University of Dayton In- Kelly Kissock, IAC director, ee and a UD graduate student in according to Raffio. uate student employees will con- dustrial Assessment Center will said the money will go to fund- the renewable and clean energy Unfortunately, many small and tinue to receive relevant training receive $1.2 million from the U.S. ing the office, paying faculty and program, said the center is one of medium-sized industries lack the to become the next generation of Department of Energy’s Office of students, purchasing equipment, 24 industrial assessment centers in-house expertise to identify and energy engineers, Kissock said. Energy Efficiency & Renewable travel costs and other expenses. established through the Depart- implement the latest energy effi- “I have been able to go out into Energy to continue providing free “The IAC is making a signifi- ment of Energy’s “Save Energy ciency, pollution prevention and industry and directly apply the energy assessments for compa- cant contribution to reduce global Now” program. productivity measures, according principles that I have spent learn- nies. warming, as well as helping com- “The program was started in to the IAC website. ing over countless hours of lec- U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown an- panies be more competitive,” Kis- the late 70s in response to the en- The IAC analyzes utility bills, ture and homework,” Raffio said. nounced that UD has been award- sock said. ergy crisis,” he said. “We provide facilities, equipment, manu- “Every day at this job challenges ed the federal grant to train Since 1981, the IAC has per- no-cost energy assessments to facturing processes and waste me to look at things in a new way undergraduate and graduate stu- formed more than 800 free audits, mid-size manufacturers in Ohio, streams. Companies receive a re- and when confronted with some- dents to conduct energy assess- resulting in an estimated half-bil- northern Kentucky and eastern port illustrating current practices thing completely new, to break ments at a broad range of manu- lion dollars in savings for compa- Indiana.” and recommending ways to save it down to its fundamentals and The goal of the assessments is money within six weeks. This in- handle it piece by piece.” to identify opportunities for the cludes how companies can reduce company to save energy and quan- energy, waste streams and im- touch every area of student life.” ogy assets to GestureTek and the TECHNOLOGY Kathy Winters, assistant cam- other companies involved in the (cont.
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