The Municipality of Dysart et al AGENDA Regular Council Meeting September 22, 2014 9:00 a.m. Page 1. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 4-18 4. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 19 August 2014 Cheque Summary. 20-21 Monthly Revenue/Expense Report as at August 31, 2014. 22 Metered Sewage Readings Report - August. 23-24 s.357 and s.358 Tax Adjustments. 5. DELEGATIONS 9:30 a.m. - Charlie Teljeur Re: Haliburton Hockey Hall of Fame. 25-28 9:45 a.m. - Alex Bell Re: Haliburton Zombie Walk & Food Drive. 6. FIRE DEPARTMENT 29 Fire Department Report - August. 7. ROADS DEPARTMENT 30 Roads Department Update. 31-35 Draft - Boundary Agreement for Roads and Bridges with the Municipality of Highlands East. 36-42 By-law No. 2014-81 - Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Winter Services Agreement with the County of Haliburton. 8. ENVIRONMENT 43 Landfill Tipping Fees Report - August. Page 1 of 170 Page 9. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 44-45 Parks and Recreation Update. Resolution Re: Emmerson Dam Historic Plaque. 10. BUILDING AND BY-LAW DEPARTMENT 46 Building Permit Report to August 31, 2014. 47-48 By-law Department Report - August. 11. ADMINISTRATION 49-51 Environment and Green Energy Committee Re: Minutes of August 5, 2014 Meeting. 52-54 Housing and Business Development Committee Re: Minutes of August 5, 2014 Meeting. 55-56 Museum Advisory Committee Re: Minutes of August 14, 2014 Meeting. 57-59 By-law No. 2014-82 - Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Land Use Agreement with TPS Haliburton Holdings Inc. and SIRCH, (Thrift Warehouse). 60-71 By-law No. 2014-83 - Being a By-law to Establish a Joint Compliance Audit Committee. 72 Haliburton BIA and Haliburton & District Lions Club Re: Santa Claus Parade Road Closure. 73 Rails End Gallery and Arts Centre Report - September. 12. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 74-80 Applications and Approvals: 1. Zoning By-law 2014-76, Lands of Cresswell and Salvatori, Hammer Lake/Haliburton Lake Road, Township of Harburn. 81-89 2. Lands of Brannigan, Hwy 118; Township of Dysart: (a) Zoning By-law 2014-77; 90-99 (b) By-law 2014-78, Execute Garden Suite Agreement. 100-106 3. Lands of Hunter, Klondike Road, Township of Guilford: (a) Draft Zoning By-law; 107-116 (b) Draft Severance Agreement. 117-130 4. By-law 2014-79, Authorize Execution of a Severance Agreement, Lands of Mathies, McCormick et al, Drag Lake, Township of Dudley. 131-135 5. Request to Amend Landscape Plan, Site Plan Agreement, Granite Cove, Park Street, Township of Dysart. 136-140 6. By-law 2014-80, Close and Convey Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Atherley, Elephant Lake, Township of Harcourt. Page 2 of 170 Page 141-143 7. Request to Close and Convey Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Hamilton, Kashagawigamog Lake, Township of Dysart. 144-146 8. Request to Close and Convey Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Sharman, Kashagawigamog Lake, Township of Dysart. 147-149 9. Request to Close and Convey Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Martin and Amos, Little Redstone 150-153 10. Request to Use Original Allowance for Road, Adjacent to the Lands of Bagg, Basshaunt Lake Road, Township of Guilford. 154-157 11. H-041/14, Lands of Highland Estate Development Corporation, County Road 14, Township of Guilford. 158-163 Proposals: 12. Severance Proposal, Lands of Maher, Kennisis Lake, Township of Havelock. 164-169 13. Preliminary Inquiry to Purchase Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Sawyer, Burkes Road, Township of Dysart. Public Meeting: October 6, 2014 (1017546 Ontario Inc., Billings) 13. CLOSED SESSION To discuss matters pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, pertaining to a disposition of land by the Municipality in the Township of Guilford and litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Municipality. 14. CONFIRMING BY-LAW 170 15. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 170 Dysart et al Council Minutes Monday, August 25, 2014 The Council of the Corporation of Dysart et al convened a meeting on Monday, August 25, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the Dysart et al Council Chambers with the following in attendance: Council: Reeve Murray Fearrey Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Councillor Andrea Roberts Councillor Dennis Casey Councillor Steve Pogue Councillor Susan Norcross Councillor Walt McKechnie Staff: Tamara Wilbee, CAO Cheryl Coulson, Clerk Pat Martin, Director of Planning & Development Barbara Swannell, Treasurer Miles Maughan, Fire Chief Brian Nicholson, Director of Public Works ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion No. 14-237 Moved by: Councillor Steve Pogue Seconded by: Councillor Walt McKechnie Be it resolved that the agenda for the regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Dysart et al held on August 25, 2014, be approved as presented. CARRIED DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the July 28, 2014 Regular Council meeting were circulated for review. Page 4 of 170 Motion No. 14-238 Moved by: Councillor Steve Pogue Seconded by: Councillor Walt McKechnie Be it resolved that the minutes of the July 28, 2014 Regular Council meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED FINANCE DEPARTMENT July 2014 Cheque Summary. The Finance Committee reviewed the July accounts prior to the Council meeting. Motion No. 14-239 Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Seconded by: Councillor Dennis Casey Be it resolved that Council approves the following payments: - Accounts Payable, including Cheque Nos. 21788 - 21954 totaling $1,069,262.73; - Plus Payroll Direct Deposits totaling $212,540.12. CARRIED Monthly Revenue/Expense Report as at July 31, 2014. The Monthly Revenue/Expense Report as at July 31, 2014 was reviewed by Council and considered information. It was noted that the Roads Department will be approximately $325,000 over budget due to the past winter season and June storm repairs. Metered Sewage Readings Report - July. The Metered Sewage Readings report for July was reviewed by Council and considered information. Grant in Lieu of Taxes. Council reviewed the staff report regarding the write-off of the municipal portion of the 2014 taxes in lieu of donations for the Rails End Gallery and Arts Centre. Motion No. 14-240 Moved by: Councillor Dennis Casey Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Be it resolved that Council authorizes the following write-off of 2014 taxes in lieu of donations: Rails End Gallery Roll No. 012-000-33701 $1,137.69 CARRIED Page 5 of 170 s.357 Tax Adjustments. Council reviewed the staff report regarding applications made under s.357, Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for tax adjustments. Motion No. 14-241 Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Seconded by: Councillor Dennis Casey Be it resolved that Council authorizes tax adjustments for applications made under s.357, Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as follows: Year Class Total 2013 RT $56.69 (Municipal Share: $19.34) 2014 RT $151.71 (Municipal Share: $53.91) CARRIED Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). Council reviewed the staff report regarding the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) announcement. It was noted that this is a grant with up to 90% funding. Staff recommended that the Municipality submit an Expression of Interest for the rehabilitation of the Oblong Bridge as the required engineering reports have been completed and the project is shovel ready. Motion No. 14-242 Moved by: Councillor Dennis Casey Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Be it resolved that Dysart et al Council authorizes staff to proceed with the submission of an Expression of Interest to the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (Application based component) for the rehabilitation of the Oblong Bridge. CARRIED Small Communities Fund (SCF). Council reviewed the staff report regarding the Small Communities Fund (SCF) announcement. This funding is based on one-third funding from all three levels of government. Staff noted that the criteria for daily vehicle counts on roads prohibit smaller municipalities such as ours to apply for funding for road rehabilitation. Therefore, staff is recommending that the Municipality submit an Expression of Interest for the replacement of sidewalks and curbs in the village area. This will provide improved new and better sidewalks for walking and support the Municipality's health, safety and accessibility goals. Motion No. 14-243 Page 6 of 170 Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Seconded by: Councillor Dennis Casey Be it resolved that Dysart et al Council authorizes staff to proceed with the submission of an Expression of Interest to the Small Communities Fund for the replacement of Sidewalks and Curbs, where required, leading into Haliburton Village. CARRIED DELEGATIONS Miskwabi Area Watershed Plan. Michael Giza and members of the Miskwabi Lake Plan Committee were in attendance to present the Miskwabi Area Watershed Plan. Motion No. 14-244 Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Seconded by: Councillor Dennis Casey Be it resolved that Council receives the Miskwabi Area Watershed Plan prepared by the Miskwabi Area Community Association and further will take it under consideration during the next Official Plan review. CARRIED Colourfest 2014. Gail Stetler, Coordinator for Colourfest, was in attendance to provide Council with an update of the events taking place on October 4th. The Committee also requested the closure of a portion of York Street to accommodate a new pumpkin rolling contest. Motion No. 14-245 Moved by: Councillor Susan Norcross Seconded by: Councillor Walt McKechnie Be it resolved that Council authorizes the closure of York Street from Highland Street to Maple Avenue on Saturday, October 4th in order to accommodate Colourfest activities. CARRIED FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Department Report - July. Miles Maughan, Fire Chief, presented the Fire Department report for July to Council which was considered information.
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