I----AM STATIONS I-- FM STATIONS WABC . 770 WINS _1010WOR. 710WFLIV 90.7WEVD-PM .97.9 WBNX . 970 WL/B ..1190WOV .1280WHOM-EM 92.3WHLI-FM ..98.3 THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS BULLETINS WART .1380 WMCA. 570WERE 930WNYC-PM 93.9 Every Hour on the Hour, WQXR (AM-1560; P58-98.1) WEEK'S RADIO PROGRAM5 WCBS . 880 WMGM .1050WQXR .1580WAAT-FM 94.7WCBS-EM 101.1 RADIO CONCERTS WEVD .1330 WNEW .1130WRCA . 660WABC-EM 95.5WGHE ...101.9 Weekdays, 7 A. M. to Midnight WHLI .1100W/2111.1430WVNI .620WQXR-TM .96.3WNIR-EM .102.7 Today, 2 A. M. teMidnight (Except at 4 and 10 P. M.) (1T Denotes Programs of Unusual Interest) WHOM .1480 WNYC . 830WWRL .1600wncA-Fra .97.1WWRL-EM 105.1 (Musical Programs of Unusual Interns) TODAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 12 TODAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 12 TODAY, JUNE 72 MORNING WCBS: Church of the Alr: *WNYC:Music In Today's *WABC: Town Meeting 0:05400,k, M., WQXR-eBREAKFAST SRN, Elder David S. King, World I: 20Fl!SSW,"Ngjg B55L0L0 NrCERT:ra"dC"lot1.701goU74 *WCBS: Our Miss Brooks Orchestra af Anterdam; Eduard mn Pei. 8:00WRCA, WGBS; News Assistant General Super. LEADING EVENTS ON RADIO TODAY 4:15WOR: The Book Hunter WQXR: N: Y. Times News Plano Concerto NO. I in mlner.MacDeviell Franck num, conductor;James Fassett, torn.. WOR: Wings of Healing Intendent of Young Men's 4:30WOR: Nick Carter 8:05*WQ X R: Symphony Hall WABC: Radio Bible Class Mutual Improvement for 5:00V/RCA: Monitor 1-,7,ayEZ aaa German tar: WNYC: Gumdrop Playhouse Church of Jesus Christ of11:30A.M.-12M.Invitationto Learning: roway, Sylvester L. Weaver Jr., Dr. Nathan WOR: Rin-Tin-Tin 8:30WOR: Voice of Prophecy In A mlnor.....euelhomit WQXR: N. Y. Times News Latter Day Saints Goethe's "Conversations With Eckermann" Pusey, Dean 'Martin and Jerry Lewis, Bob WABC: News Reports *WCBS: My Little Margie '''ArdRAttaltenniog, VI't'or= Hper 8:05*WRCA: Music Box *WNYC: Ruby MercerOpera Eric Larrabee and Walter Cohen, guests; and Ray, Red Barber,Clifton Fadiman, WCBS: Heels; On a Sunday *WNYC: The Lively Arts: idid'un faune 0ehmY C. C. N. Y. Music Series10:45WOR: Faith in Our Times othersWFtCA (Premiere). Afternoon With Gilbert Seldes gAdgga'ge,vo' ""ron coal.. forChildren Dr. Lyman Bryson, moderatorWCBS. *WNYC: Randolph Concert 9:00V/OR: Fulton Lewis Jr. L'Aria priccio...Fmscoha dglESUNG 900" 11:00WOR: News Reports Question:"What4-4:55Music in Today's World : "The Place of SYTh'eru'hgn:1 WQXR: Breakfast Symphony WABC: World of Tomorrow12:05-12:30TheLeading WQXR: N. Y. Times News WABC: Walter Winchell Toc Rossi the Contemporary Composer"Panel discus- d In ............. 8:15WRCA: CarnivalofBooks *WCBS: Salt Lake Should Be Done About the Foreign Aid Pro- 5:05*WABC: Disaster *INCBS: Rudy Vallee Show 10:30.11:55, WIP2C-PAR. AND MRS. OPERA: 'WeBS: Man About the gram?" Rep. William J. B. Dorn, Rep. Don- sion, with Peggy Granville-Hicks, Roy Har- *WQ X R: Concert Hall *WfilYC: UNESCO at Work Tabernacle Choir and WQX R: N. Y. Times News aATA7': House Organ Concert ald L. Jackson, guestsWCBS. ris, Jay S. Harrison, Thomas Scherman, Eva5:30WOR: The Masquerader Hy.X"Tr110"0, 11:23WQXR: Weather Report WQXR: N. Y. Times News12:30-1The Eternal Light: "Light Against the Gautier, others (Recorded)--WNYC. WABC: Church in the Home 9:05*WQ X R:Opera House: Der Rosen...11BR Duet Strauss WCBS: Scores; on a Sunday Rossini's La Cenerentola 11:30WOR: Bing Crosby Sinai 11:05WQXR: N. Y.Societyfor. Dark," story of the twenty-five Japanese5:05-5:30"Disastert"Red Cross story of the 9:15--WOR: U. N. Story ""C:111kR WAggag'kArl 405A1Tel'r.g.R5re'cLeEr dad 1"gleveL Ad"" WABC. MarinesinReview AfternoonMusic Ethical Culture: Jerome girls who ware scarred in the Hiroshima tornado that struck Flint, Mich., in June, WQ X R: Broadway Music WABC: Quincy Howe, News Corm., conductor;Dr. Frank Asper,don. (Mime °never, WCBS: Garden Gate Nathanson, speaker 9anIst: A-bomb blastWRCA. 1953WABC. 5:55WNYC:News Reports 9:30WOR: Keep Healthy WFLIV-HHFI CONCERT WNYC: Organ Recital 11:15WOR: Travel Guide 7-7:30InternationalGolf Association Tourney, WABC: Sammy Kaye elp in Ages Past WQ X R: Breakfast Symphony 1-1:30Anthology: Judith Anderson reads three EVENING 11:30WRCA: Comic Weekly Man sonnets by Edna St. Vincent Millay; Dylan at Chevy Chase, Md.WOR. Serenade Room 1.11:gt,IVEnAgSTERWORKHOUR:gAl'te; 8:45WOR: Frank and Ernest WOR: Comic Weekly Man Thomas reads his "A Child's Christmas in7-8Juke Box Jury: Panelists rate the records, 6:00*WOR: Public Prosecutor *WNYC: Keyboard Masters Liesekrag, Pianist: WCBS: News Reports WABC: News; Christians in Wales"; others (Recorded)WRCA. with Peter Potter, hostWABC. WABC: Morning Headlines 9:45WOR: Success Story Schubert 9.00WRCA: The Baptist Hour Action; Right Rev. Msgr. Meeting : WCBS: Gene Autry Show 9:55WABC: News Reports giradrgio"CdOnegglo 'No.4 Beethoven WOR: News Reports Nicholas Wegner, Director1:25Baseball: Yankees vs. Indians (2 Games)8-9America's Town "Our New Chal- WNYC: Folksong Festival 10:00V/RCA:Monitor: News, Tansman WABC: Dr. Donald of Boys Town, Neb. WINS; 1:55Giants vs. CardinalsWMCA; lengeMentalIllness"Dr.WinfredOver- WQXR: N. Y. Times News Weather, Sports, Music d "gin BarnhouseTalk *WCBS: Invitation to 2Dodgers vs. Cubs. (2 Games)WMGM. holser, Dr. Mabel T. Ross, Dr. Ray Power; 6 : 05WQ X R:Dinner Concert SpecialFeatures From WHLI.FAI-SERENA0E, WCBS: News Round-Up Learning: Dr. Lyman 2:30-3Citizens' Union Searchlight: N. Y. State Gunnar Back, moderatorWABC. 6:15WABC: Paul Harvey All Parts of the World A mie...K Night's Bream: Incidental WNYC: Masterwork Hour Bryson, Moderator Attorney General Jacob JavitsWRCA. 8-8:30Our Miss Brooks gets burned when she 6:28WQ X R: Weather Report WOR: Hour of Decision Masi- Meneelssohn WQXR: N. Y. Times News 6:30WOR: Bob Considine WABC: Paul Harvey, News Concerto No. s in A Marne VleuFte.44 g .0wQ X R: Breakfast Symphony AFTERNOON 3-3:30Campus Press Conference: College editors tries to light the fire of jealousy under Mr. WABC: The Evening Comes WCBS: News Reports interview N. Y. State Attorney General Jacob Boynton, with Eve ArdenWCBS. Aida 9 :15WOR : Sydney Walton 12:00WRCA: News Reports *WEBS: Summer in St. *WNYC: Concert Hall 6.1MfiggHLIdegTEVVIN6'ATTHEAN! Javits (Recorded)WNYC. 9-10Rudy Vallee Show: Music and talk, with LouisMusic 10:05*WCBS: Face the Nation With Ferruccio Tagliavini, tenor;Line Pa. WCBS: The Music Room: WOR: John T.Flynn Lakz 12:15,0,n92 SYlvia Ball John Knight, pianist WABC: A. F. of L. Series 4-12 Mid.Monitor: Continuous program of news, Walter Slezak, the Kean SistersWCBS, WNYC: Song Classics 10:15WABC: Elmer Davis rut:apnea, Giuseppe Taddei, :30WRCA: CarnivalofBooks WCBS: News Reports sports, weather, music, entertainment and9:30-10Social Democratic Forum: "Is There a *WQX R:Dinner Concert 10:30WOR: Back to God WOR: Sunday Chapel *WNYC: French Music remote pick-ups from all parts of the world. Need for a Liberal Press?"Mark Sherwin,6:45WOR: All-Star Sports: WABC: Revival Time ggdrgsVP: "'" WABC: Voice of Prophecy WQ X R: N. Y. Times News This week will includeat unspecified time Harry Crone, James S. GlaserWEVD. Harry Wismer, Arch Ward WCBS: SportsJohn Derr '"gni;geYrg"PFOgighYA'i'enndDa *WCBS: E.Power Biggs, WNYC: Weather; News 10:45WCBS: U. N. Report 12:05*WCBS: LeadingQuestion periodsa backstage visit to a rehearsal at10:05-10:30Face the Nation: Newsmen question 10:55WNYC: News (FM to 3) Organist WQXR: MusicalVarieties jazz 7:00*WRCA:Monitor, Weather, 9:45WRCA: Art of Living;Dr. the Bucks County (Pa.) Playhouse, a Prince Wan Waithayakon, Thailand's Min- Sports,Music and Spe-11:00WRCA: Monitor 1724LTHE gronrhOggrgaliaa Norman Vincent Peale 12:15WOR: The Men's Corner 'concert at Hermosa Beach, Calif., and re- ister of Foreign AffairsWCBS. cial Features From Vari- WOR, WABC: News 9:55WCBS: Robert Trout., News WABC: U. S. Chamberof ports direct from a trans-Atlantio airliner in10:30-10:45Report From Washington: Sen. Her- ous Parts of the World. WCBS: News; Comment RIM"treallydrgdne[rgrude I,ikn"f Commerce Series *WOR: International Golf WQXR: N. Y. Times News laaLa; ZargaX."' and Chorus directed leyVIItorio G. 10:00WRCA: NationalRadio flight.Participants will include Dave Gar- bert Lehman, speaker (Recorded)WMCA. Le Bateau bre 12:30*WRCA: The Eternal Light Association Tourney Moods in Melody Oe Ma Rossini Pulpit; Dr. Hpward Conn 11:05WABC: Concerto for Plano and Orchestra WOR: News Reports WQXR: N. Y. Times News WABC: Dr. Oral Roberts 3:00*WRCA: Fresh:Music by views and Remote Pick- WABC: News; String Music11:07*WQ X R:Recent Releases -LIBRARY CONCERT: WOR: News; Financial WABC: Herald of Truth ,Da Review 1:03WQXR:Melodies of Old WCBS: News Reports N. B. C. Chicago Orchestra ups From Hollywood, *WCBS: Juke Box Jury 11:15WOR: Ruby Mercer Show WCBS: Howard K. Smith sATI,LHE WABC: News;Message of Vienna *WNYC: Brooklyn Museum WABC: Dr. James Washington and Istanbul, *WNYC: Masterwork Hour WCBS: Galen Drake C.W2GRAMBERMUSIC '170141" Piano and Strings Israel,RabbiRoland B.12:45WOR: To Be Announced 1:15WOR: Talk: How Christian Concert McGinleyTalk With SylvesterL. WQXR: N. Y. Times News11:30V/OR: Weather Report Burton Gittelsohn, Speaker WCBS; Washington Week Science Heals WQXR: N. Y. Times News *WNYC: Campus Press Weaver Jr., Bob and 7:05*WQ X R: Adventures in WABC: Dr. Billy Graham Sound: Chester Santon WEBS: Dance Music PreS-midi d'un faune. DebussY R-RECENT RELEASES:5":" WCBS: Church of the Air: 1:01)*WRCA: Anthology 1:30WRCA: Jane Pickens Show 2:05WCBS: Kathy Godfrey Show Conference Ray, John Cameron Ars Conte.
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