iH TULSA DAILY WORLD. TUESDAY. AUGUST . 1020 I : 9 lllnes conducted tho railroads of tho PROHIBITION Anti-Red- s BEANS treaty covenant after It had been IRA T. PARKER RETURNS As Leads REACTION FROM rotmtrjf nnd foiled to COX SPILLS THE published In Ihe lima Store nobbed, lake wise and t.ermau and rretirh klNOPIHIIMtl, Aug. forehanded steps to keep the supply newspapers. In fart, It Was said, Jj Dop in South Russia nnd not disputed nt the time, that a fiends art believed lo havo entered a IN of freight up - I'opulnr In ARGENTINA IVI'ADOO CAUSE cars to requirements copy of th- treaty-covena- wa In Worker Internal Iteveinie local drug ItesurreotH n Subject I store Krlday night by Instead of seeing to It freight nf a DeiNirtiiient tuck. that Would Itnlher tlntr the hnnds Wall street film of breaking In a largo sky plate giaM equipment, which Is absolutely Mini brokers befcre the president eonde Tho Internal revenue ! rorgolleu. department in rd to gittn entrance Thy failed scended to furnish Ihe senate with offlceri l Ilulldlng, President Favors Restric Aggravated Stress May lo the counlry's transportation needs, the tent. with tho l'doral 'n an attempt to pry open tho back tion but Shies on was kept up to something llko par, In his nddress of acceptance. Can- I'lnally u Chicago newspnper 1'arls has added two cltliteus to Tulsa's door. Unities on the shelf had been Bring on Freight tho railway administration not only didate Cox s.1)s: correspondent pricnred x copy and permanent population. Mr. Ira T. nirorully rummaged for soma drug. sent to his paper. pub- Bone Dry Breakdown. failed to compel the supplying of "llefore the treaty was submitted Tho papir I'arker has returned from his honey, lished the document nnd a member Will Meet, new cars, but even allowed many In the senate In tho manner Ihe of the sennto had the text printed moon vacation, bring with him his thousands of other enis to get out provides, they (tho repub- In dm Congiesalunal Itecord. wife, who was formerly Miss Klla OKLAHOMA CITT, Aug, OtllCAOO, Aug. 13. Intense in- of become unfit for use meeting JJA WINEGROWERS OBJECT repair and licans) every custom and uf Oklahoma city, Miss nf the seedman of tho state terest is In grain live-stor- How long It will tako the country violated Iavltt felt tho nnd Homer Niviltil nt Ulnuf Mary Towers, for the past two years has b'lun called in lie held hero Aug. tip In tho of freight every consideration of decency by llor. 30-3- mates of tho west and. Indeed, lo ratch matter I list J. Al Whltchurst, presl-de- nt freight equip- H. Aug 53 At least In the Internal reventm department among shippers generally, In tho ef our supply nnd needed presenting a ropy of (he document, of the stale board of agrlcul. new Washington, has posi- m Mrivl- n- , n u .. Influence of America's Exam forts brlrg mad by governors and ment Is mnro or less conjectural procured unblushlngly from enemy 1 hundred houses nro needed li at taken thu Inr.i .i ,,..,. ....nil f,,i,,n. ami p,reu. - office deputy. plo Stiffens Backbone other officials of the middle western Certain It Is that tho country has hands, nnd passed It on to tho thin city before families or lenter- tion nf men to attend this meeting of region to bnn suffering for months from tho printed record of senatorial proceed- enn be dccenlly housed. Ths high have a vast amount of short-sighte- Prohibitionists traffic In grnln and coal carried l railway administration's d ings," out of building material has proved nko boats from Chicago to Iluffalo. policies, and It will bn months be- Tho facts are, Iho senate under-tooVJ- n n great handicap lo those who w'sh The matter has been pieTentp.i to fore tho effects of such policies ran vain to obtain a' copy of thn ed to build homes. I1UKNOS MHVJi, Auk. Prel-de- the Interstate Commerco Commls- - bo overcome Irlsoyen'B administration has ilon by (ov W 1. Harding of Iowa. All tlnoogh tho west then) Is en- lltat nnnntinet.il I li nll rrlt TNnvnoa J. Murphy of South Dakota, stat couragement felt ntnong farmers, Minister Kalaliprry It will oppono railroad commlwiloticr: C. M. Head, grain men, shippers nnd others by that of the court industrial re- Harding's mo prouumion Dili recently intro- Kansas of reason of Senator words lation, nnd by other who tiro de In his speech of acceptance, where- duced Into the thambcr of deputlrn. ror rrclglit con- Vv..ell.,1,iB.. on.,, I ... - manding Teller tho in ho showed ho realized tho needs ....... I T, r.tfllI!1.4W itiu...- ft gestion Tho Interstnto commerce favor of the restriction of tho liquor of agriculture and of transportation, "ommraslon is glilng tho plans ser- spoke development of water iramc is een in mo terms of the ious is and for consideration. Prompt action '.rnnsportntlon. Tho words of Ben-At- or PEOPLeLJ reciprocal commercial travellers nererwiiry officials soy, If this LLJ POPULAR WITH THE In the danoo, is i n 1. n npnail . .......... .. state Harding on water transporta- It ncccstary (rfnlv r i' jears grain crop is to bo moved United States Ambassador Htlmson us live- tion were; to use a face poWer tliat In market it should be, If "Water transportation Is Insep- ami mo president. stock nnd other nirrlcultural pro I'lottinut 1 p. 111. Vnudctllln 3:30, 7115, Di 15 stnya on tlint keeps the , treaty, - arably linked with adequacy of fa- Start This which will probably djct are to be moved, and If the- Como liirly fa co cool freah-looUn- fl llfll dmwn llli nnil In Wn.l.- - cilities, and wo favor American emi- llellcr and rarmers nro to bo enabled to con- Clinngo Svtvi New IMctiinn ttiKton durlnn Ambassador fltlmson's duct their business without serious nence on the seas, the practical de- Kntlro of I'mgrum Viittderllbv no matter how warm ono viiiit mero on leave, will provide for Ioshis, which in turn would bo fe't velopment of Inland waterways, tho l'.erbKly Sn'rn Wonderful Hhow, becomes. Soul Kiss Beauty i niiigio irucrui license ror American hy thu banks and financial Institu- upbuilding nnd of alt Powder is very r.iileamr.n In Aif,ntitl,.t. Imiiij ..e tions. to make them equal to and ready for adherent licenses for each province, but will What Is proposed Is to bring every call of developing and widen- Jimmic Allard's U. S. A. Girls Sul JClM '..re Creml le nnd it ia fascinating In its exclude them from selling alcoholc nbnut, through the rules of the Inter ing American commerce." t1 hfil nunjjrjeri er fragrance. boverases under It. The prohibitive Ornrrnl Iliimn Wriinirel. stato commerco commission, thu Tho Itanium of .Muslitil Comedy ere rNnrJer, clauso was requested by President General Uaron Wrangel, who con- shipment of over a hundred million Irlcoyen, It Is learned. ac- of of grain Chicago to It was trols a considerable section of tho bushels from ON Till: STACK ON TIIU riCIU'.KN cepted by tho Utiltud States covern-mer- it Iluffalo by boat and tho return west notwltliatandlne the fact that Crimea, In South IluMia, Is gener- of coal by theso boats. This would I no Buch clause appears In other com- ally regarded as tho residuary lega-te- o relievo tho rnllraoiis, now overbur "Hands of Peril mercial travellers' treaties negotiated of the dened with fretghtagn, of n part of LYRIC My Wife's Kolchak by Hi Will! tho United ales. Tho American faction that attomptcd to establish their load and would ennblo them to IiAST TI.MICS TODAY policy of uniformity for treaties of atlsfy lit larger degreo tho needs of government In Klhnrla. Kiss nt Omsk Soul this sort has thus been waived In tho shippers. As things slund now, House oi Argentina. Tho French government has recog- grain cannot bo nv red an it ought to Family Peters Meyer Brothers Drug Co. n t nized Wrangel, although has1 ""rKlnm nlnAlintln !!. n I.cnlno bo moved, tho west lacks enough Alio n dandy comedy nnd Loula. New York per be legally iicmnnuen nis surrender as a pre- Olrls, Music, Fun. 1'atlio Nuwn. St exported from tho liminary coal, nnd, ntt tho farmers cannot sell Pletrlbutora United States, American salesmen to peace in eastern Europo. their products, they cannot tako up naturally will not bo affected by tho their notes at tho banks nnd tho ef- clause, but lis significance lies with Hold Township fect on financial conditions ia not at Argentina In 1'alrs. all the go go to that It establljhes a PON'CA CITV. Allir. 25. Knnti'm. nil good, It's to the Broadway Jprrcedent In the direction of prohi- b!r 9 to 11, preceding county Iick of enough freight cars and bition. It Ih pointed out that If this the fair the fact that great numbors of treaty with tho Is in tnis city, September 15-1- United Saes ratified them freight cars are out of repair, as well Rrr? Other nations who may desire also to will bo three Important towiishlu as lack of freight equipment In gen- f.rrt'i vsi'siw lufcuiiiuu a ireaiy wun Argentina lira-ma- n f1 fairs In this rounty, wa eral theso nrn at tho root of the T m vl n r far n .Itipln f c,A .
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