THANK YOU!YOU! Your CommunityCommunity RealtorsRealtors (262)(262) 78713055.787-3055. Wisconsin's Source for I.GBT News & Entertainment 6200 copies Vol. 12 #13 - July 21 - August 3 , 2005 II i 'l mini,10, if) 41*.T4••• kil$.004 New on DVD by Glenn Bishop Buy it, rent it Ei'i or •;ae¥fa;i "Eating Out" forget it... %## "Eating Out" has been an audience i;S, favorite ;.¥\` at LGBT Film Fest across America. Glenn, however, remains unconvinced. Perhaps Glenn has seen too many films in which gay desire is inevitably played out upon that most elusive gay male fantasy: the hot het- ero male? Or maybe Glenn just could- n't believe that film's "fairytale" happy ending was much of a happy ending at all? You decide. OUTREACHES: July 27, 2005 • 6pm - 9pm • Midtown Spa Just the facts... August 4, 2005 • lOpm - lam Midtown "Eating Out" runs 90 minutes and is August 9, 2 t,1. • 6pm 9pm Midtawne available 7/26 with an SRP of $24.95 Jim Verraros, who plays Kyle, has just released a new CD titled, "Rollercoaster" For all about "Eating Out," check out www.poshpictures.coro, homepage for the film's director, Q. Allan Brocka July, 2005 finds the DVD release of help. Kyle advises Caleb to pretend to "Eating Out" another favorite from last be gay to woo the girl of his dreams, year's Milwaukee LGBT Film Festival. The scheme seems to be thwarted One of the most eagerly anticipated when Gwen decides that Caleb DVD releases this summer, Q. Allan would be the perfect catch for her H Brocka's rollicking gay comedy, own gay roommate, Marc (Ryan o9ss "Eating Out" stars sexy Ryan Carnes, Carnes). familiar to most Quest readers from his Oh, and of course Kyle is secretly stint as Justin, the perennially shirtless in love with Caleb — well, who would- gardening boy in the hit TV series, n't be, Glenn asks? ?€?agr8#,* `dy^S Desperate Housewives." And so goes the romantic #`AjRE IEH. \ • `.z/<fei At the center of Brocka's romantic merry-go-round. Kyle secretly '£..:,I:fi,:,,,i, confection, is Caleb (Scott Lunsford), a loves Caleb. Marc openly lusts \ RE;,,:-'#p:, I collegiate hunk with a sweet disposi- after Caleb. Caleb is panting tion, a set of abs that just won't quit and like a big dog for Gwen. Still, ts xj`ji` i<§,%;i\`':xpv an unfortunate affection for aggressive Caleb is that proverbial nice `: yly`` \`, ;:<fs,z girls. You'll be forgiven if you think, as guy. In Q. Allan Brocka's neigh- T H or d Ttt+ oD Glenn did, that his girlfriend in the borhood, this gorgeous boy next i+++ +i film's opening scenes is actually a drag door type can be both blissfully queen... clueless about his roommate EE Caleb decides be's had enough with unrequited adoration while feel- •.- EREiiEi •-`-*- his girlfriend Tiffani (Rebekah Kochan) ing suitably guilty about leading v 5sELes ca^tt a EiEE when he see the girl of his dreams -- on poor, hopeless Marc. But iz,////: , /, i/Zf//,// /// patitis TestingNaccinati Gwen (Emily Stiles). A definite stud what's a boy to do? t and STD Medication muffin, Caleb is not at all what Gwen is Will Caleb find love and happi- looking for. Oh, no. Gwen somehow ness with Gwen? Can Kyle stay `1``^ &`" ilk, keeps falling for boys who, one might roommates with the adorable + fEses:::::'":;:'r :f: ,, politely say, are awfully light in the Caleb in spite of his unrequited ¥ y``SS§pe . , ,'H_ loafer. lust? Will Caleb break poor mEE z#REseseeeLiexpL`\€`} +Zjdy Las8jT Frustrated and perplexed, Caleb Marc's heart? •E turns to his gay roommate Kyle (former RE]REE HEE Glenn will never tell. gr American Idol finalist Jim Verraros) for Page 31 "GEOGRAPHYffcEOGRAPHY CLUB" HARBORilAiaeoR ROOM ROOM AUTHOR -roTO SPEAK SPEAK TVVICE TWICE CELEBRATESCELEBIIATES FIFTH ININ NORTHEAST WISCONSIN ANNIVERSARY JULY JULY 22-2322-23 Appleton, Green Bay Bay - - Brent Brent Hartinger,Hartinger, authorauthor of of the the popular popular Milwaukeehmwaukee - - The The IIarborHarbor Room,Room, aa leatherleather community favorfue,favorite, teenteennovel7%eGcogrtzpkyC/nd)&hisparmerMichaelJensenwill novel The Geography Club & his partner Michael Jensen will will celebrate its 5th5th anniversaryannivusary here Friday and Saturday July 22- promotetheirbcoksandtalkabouttheirlivesasauthors&asagaypromote their books and talk about their lives as authors & as a gay 23. Highlighting thethe weekend'sveekend's eventsevents willwill bebe thethe selectionselection Ofof the coxplecouple in a long-tenlong-term relatioliship relationship atat t`rotwo programsprograms to be heldheld at new Mr. HarborIIalbor Room for 2005. The bar title show will beginbeSn atat 11 HamonyHarmony Cafe Cafe in in Appleton Appleton and and at at Punitive Positive Voice's office in Green PM on Saturday.Saturday. Among the judges for thethe contestcontest willwill bebe gzoesfQuest Bay July 23. publisher Mark Mariucci. Drink and other specials thrquchoutthroughout thethe Cover(°Verb}hs°tte°v:nvda#isspage Photo and this page Brent writes forfor aa teemteen audience. 77.eThe GeographyGcograpky ClubC/I.b has been weekend will keep patronspatons andand contest goers inin a festive mood. For by Steve Vargas a huge hit with thethe highhigh schoolschool crowd and it has proven popular more information about about the the anniversary, anniversay, visit visit the the Harbor Hafoor RoomRoom with both gaygay andand straight straight kids. kids. In In addition addition to to his his Gcogrzzpky Geography C/eeb Club website at: www.harbor-room.comwwwharbor-room.com oror callcall 414-672-7988.414672-7988. © MilwaukeeMilwaukee Sales best seller,seller, HartingerHartinger hashas writtenwhtten several otherother booksbooks including 414-418-45124144184512 ILast act Chance re]ac]coTexaco andand thethe recentlyrecently publishedpubhished Order Onder of a/ thelhe Correction: P.O. Box 510666 Poison Oak. InIn the JuneJune 2323 issueissue of of Quest, giiest, itit waswas reportedreported that, that, accord- accord- Milwaukee, WI 53203 Michael Jensen, Brent'sBrent's partner ofof 1313 years,years, is is the the author author of of two two ing to Wisconsin Gay News, NeilNefl AlbrechtAlbrecht waswas appointedappointed gay historical novels,novels, Fronft.crs Frontiers and and Fz.rehands.Firelands. as Deputy Director of thethe MilwaukeeMilwaukee Elections ©OutsideMilwaukeesales© Outside Milwaukee Sales Brent & Michael will appear in AppletonAppleton at at Harmony Hamony Cafe, 124124 Commission. AlbrechtAlbrecht informed Questgc.esr News Editor MikeMike 800-578-3785 N. OneideOneida St., fromfrom 2:30-3:30pm.2:30-3:30pm. TheirTheir programprogram will will repeatrepeat inin Fitzpatrick in a July 11 email that he was hired for the posi- Production && Printing Green Bay at the Positive Voice office,office, 618 618 Stuart Stuart St., St., from from 6-7 6-7 tion, not appointed, aa differencedifference whichwhich isis "veryftyery significant significant P.O. BoxBox 119611961 PM. Copies of all of theirtheir books will be available for sale at both within the walls of City Hall." lontions.locations. Green Bay,Bay, WlWI 54sO554305 Both programs are being cosponsored by TheThe LavenderIravender Salon,Salon, Fax or Email your news and Press Releases by our E["a.d-Mail foT fa News.News, releases, rdeases, calendar, alendar, advertising: advertising: Harmony Cafe, PositivePositive Voice, Voice, Fox Fox Cities Cities PFLAG, PFIAG, and and The The next deadline to bebe includedincluded inin Wrisconsin'sWisconsin's True [email protected] Reader's Ij)ftLoft ofof Depere.DePere. BothBoth sitessites willwill havehave freefree refreshmentsrefreshments Statewide GLBTGI.BT News Magazine. Web Site: complinentscompliments ofof FoxFox Cities PFIAG.PFLAG. ForFor more informationinfomation contactcontact Deadline is Tuesdav. JulyJulv 26.26, 2005 http://quest-online.comhttp://questonline.(om Michael Nitz at: [email protected]@ds.net. Deadline is Tuesday, Publisher.fublishe Marl Mark Mariu{ci Manual (ZA)VA) Contributors:(ontributors:Nem:MtefitpatridrDan News: Mike Fitzpatrick Dan Ross,ds,Jamie Jamie stecktwgStedtelberg && froStew vanga5 Vargas Arts(rfumns:GenB.rty(alin)Arts Columns: Glen Bishop (alias) We wont make you wait the entire month! Leatherhathel(thmn:Leffmds Column:Jeff Hicks Production:Pnductton: MarlMark MariurdMariucci VA)(ZA) Quest's printed version brings you the important news from around the world Photography:Photography:stevevalgr,MikeFtspatrick Steve Vargas, Mike Fitspatrick and across the state every two weeks. Our small size / low cost format DanDanRIrsLZ],TonyRItrfurds Poss,Za,Tony %chards allows us to keep you informed more often than a Wisconsin monthly! AdrtryAdvertising: rmlw: Milw:leramie, Jeramie, lan, lan,Teddy Teddy Madison:Randy B8 - Stotewide:Statewide:Mark Marfu (ZA) in) And for news on the web, Quest News Update gives you all your Printing,Printing,Bindery,Delivery Bindery, Delivery GLBT National and Local news as it happens! Even before we go to press! Madison's "Outie Awards" Marti,Marti,GTeg,Lori,(arl,Andy,Za Greg, Lori, Carl, Andy, Za photos by Steve Vargas Quest is published bi-weekly, every 8tuh%;isThpuursbj[:;.edD::;#b:tk:X'evfi:¥other Thursday. Distributed free throughout Wisconsin in area bars and businessesLhurs#gk°utt##Q:£nt:nt;ere:GETrscoa#! that cater to the LGBT com- munity. Quest' 2005 All rights are reserved.En#.Q#catizo#5ofA#eri3::ea£ Publication of the name or photograph of any person or business in this magazine does not reflect upon ones sexual orientation. All copy, text, photographs & illustrations in advertise- ments:::-::-::i:;::::::-:::::::::::::::::_:-::-:::-::-:::::-: are published with the under-
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