AAP BADP 2017-18 --Kargil District Rs in Lacs Location Estimated Cost Commul Exp Funds releases as 1st Installment 2017- S.No Scheme/Works Revised AA upto ending Proposed Outlay 2017-18 District Block Village Distance Original AA Cost 18 Cost 03/2017 from LOC/LAC I KARGIL BLOCK CS SS Total CS SS Total R&B On-going Works 1 L/R to Poyen Bye Pass Kargil Kargil Poyen 6 125.00 200.00 164.74 1.80 0.20 2.00 1.38 0.15 1.53 2 L/R Karkith Badgam Kargil Kargil badgam 1 340.00 340.00 285.46 1.80 0.20 2.00 1.38 0.15 1.53 3 Circular Road from H/W to Power House Kargil Kargil Kargil 6 115.00 150.00 144.80 4.68 0.52 5.20 3.59 0.40 3.99 L/R to Karkithchoo from Badgam bridge transferred 4 Kargil Kargil Karkichu 10 95.00 95.00 88.53 5.76 0.64 6.40 4.42 0.49 4.91 from (DP to BADP for Compl). 5 L/R MES to GGS Tanmosa Kargil Kargil Kargil 7 57.00 105.00 80.36 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 6 Constt. Of L/R to Chumorik Barchay Kargil Kargil Barchay 4 60.00 60.00 47.72 5.84 0.65 6.49 4.48 0.50 4.98 7 Constt. Of Link Road Beamathang Kargil Kargil Baroo 8 90.00 90.00 64.15 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 Constt. Of Play ground at upper Chokspang at Goma Goma 8 Kargil Kargil 7 151.20 151.20 53.31 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 Kargil Kargil 9 Constt. Of L/R Minjee Gond to Mazarthang Kargil Kargil Minjee 10 115.00 115.00 31.93 6.30 0.70 7.00 4.83 0.54 5.37 10 Constt/ Upgradation of L/R Rong Akchamal Kargil Kargil Akchamal 3 90.00 90.00 12.52 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 11 Constt. Of Straighting of Zig sattelight Road Kargil Kargil Kargil Kargil 7 62.50 62.50 26.09 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 12 Constt. Of Toilet facilities for women at kargil town Kargil Kargil Kargil 7 22.57 22.57 0.30 4.50 0.50 5.00 3.45 0.38 3.84 13 Ext of L/R Chanchik Kargil Kargil Minjee 7 197.14 197.14 4.95 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 14 Balance Work of Constt of L/R Lankore Kargil Kargil kargil 7 59.95 59.95 4.86 6.30 0.70 7.00 4.83 0.54 5.37 15 Constt of L/R Fraka Freth-jing Batambis Choskore Kargil Kargil Choskore 10 64.72 64.72 11.67 6.30 0.70 7.00 4.83 0.54 5.37 Constt. of L/R Rzingboo to Zgnagchey Apati (Phase- 16 Kargil Kargil Apati 3 60.49 60.49 11.67 7.20 0.80 8.00 5.52 0.61 6.14 I) Constt/Improvement of L/R Yourbaltak Fikar RD 0- 17 Kargil Kargil Yourbaltak 3 169.81 169.81 11.49 13.50 1.50 15.00 10.36 1.15 11.51 1660 mtrs Constt of Pony Track/foothpath from Gongma Thang to 18 Kargil Kargil Batalik 3 50.75 50.75 11.64 6.30 0.70 7.00 4.83 0.54 5.37 Yokma Thang batalik 19 Constt of L/r Mohalla Kharkat and Yokhor G. Minjee kargil kargil Minjee 10 Estt. to be formulate 2.70 8.10 0.90 9.00 6.22 0.69 6.91 Constt of L/R Yokma Nyakto Graveyard Shingkhan 20 kargil kargil baroo 8 77.64 77.64 2.00 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 Mohalla 21 Ext. of L/R narabnee top Grong Silmo kargil kargil Silmo 3 Estt. to be formulate 2.00 9.00 1.00 10.00 6.91 0.77 7.67 22 Constt of L/R Sharbatgrong to Biama kargil kargil 3 51.54 51.54 4.00 9.00 1.00 10.00 6.91 0.77 7.67 Total:- Kargil Kargil 2055.31 2213.31 1066.89 134.18 14.91 149.09 102.96 11.44 114.40 IRRIGATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 1 of 11 Location Estimated Cost Commul Exp Funds releases as 1st Installment 2017- S.No Scheme/Works Revised AA upto ending Proposed Outlay 2017-18 District Block Village Distance Original AA Cost 18 Cost 03/2017 from LOC/LAC On-going Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Constt. Of Headwork Khul Mangbore Akchamal Kargil Kargil Mangbore 3 75.00 75.00 31.39 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 2 Remodling of Irrigation canal at Lalung Kargil Kargil Lalung 20 51.50 51.50 24.10 3.60 0.40 4.00 2.76 0.31 3.07 3 Constt. Of Reserviour Tank Mayur Khul Chainigund Kargil Kargil chanigund 3 135.31 135.31 8.26 13.50 1.50 15.00 10.36 1.15 11.51 Remodeling of Main Water Reservoir at baroo, 4 kargil kargil baroo 8 69.48 69.48 8.89 3.60 0.40 4.00 2.76 0.31 3.07 gongma 5 Remodeling of Irrigation Khul Gongyur, Titichumik Kargil Kargil Baroo 8 51.34 51.34 13.48 7.20 0.80 8.00 5.52 0.61 6.14 6 Constt. Of Myur Khul, Archoo Choskore Phase-I Kargil Kargil Choskore 10 63.15 63.15 7.16 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 7 Remodelling of Mayur Khul Gongkha Stikchey Kargil Kargil Stikchey 10 Estt. to be formulate 1.00 4.50 0.50 5.00 3.45 0.38 3.84 Total 445.78 445.78 94.28 43.20 4.80 48.00 33.15 3.68 36.83 P.H.E 0.00 0.00 0.00 On-going Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Constt. Of Sedimt at H/work of W.S.S.kgl. Kargil Kargil kargil 7 51.59 51.59 43.87 1.80 0.20 2.00 1.38 0.15 1.53 Provision of surfaceline from S/R to changra 2 Kargil kargil kargil 7 18.00 18.00 16.85 1.04 0.12 1.15 0.79 0.09 0.88 lalchowk baltibazar, yokchoks, Adulgond 3 WSS at Apati Kargil Kargil kargil 3 50.42 50.42 46.06 3.92 0.44 4.36 3.01 0.33 3.35 Constt. Of Water Supply Scheme Youkchoks, dass 4 Kargil Kargil Kargil 7 49.87 49.87 12.84 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 Dreythang Constt. of Service reserviour/Water Supply Scheme at 5 Kargil Kargil Kargil 7 120.00 120.00 12.03 8.10 0.90 9.00 6.22 0.69 6.91 Lankore/Thakskangrong Phase-I Total 289.88 289.88 131.65 20.26 2.25 22.51 15.54 1.73 17.27 G.Total PWD 2790.97 2948.97 1292.82 197.64 21.96 219.60 151.65 16.85 168.50 Rural Dev. 0.00 0.00 0.00 On-going Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Constt. Of Chortan at Garkone Kargil Kargil Garkone 4 15.38 15.38 8.00 3.22 0.36 3.58 2.47 0.27 2.75 2 Constt. Of Footpath Yokstarang Choskore. Kargil Kargil Choskore 10 10.00 10.00 2.00 3.60 0.40 4.00 2.76 0.31 3.07 3 Remodelling of Minor Khul Throngos Baltikhar Sapi Kargil Kargil sapi 12 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.70 0.30 3.00 2.07 0.23 2.30 5 Remodelling of Mayur Khul Dongdang Batambis Kargil Kargil batambis 11 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.70 0.30 3.00 2.07 0.23 2.30 6 constt of L/R Spanglung Sapi Kargil Kargil Sapi 12 10.00 10.00 4.00 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 Constt of Shelter Shed for Goma Kargil, Yokchoks, Shilkichey/ 7 Kargil Kargil 7 24.78 24.78 2.50 7.20 0.80 8.00 5.52 0.61 6.14 Lankore, Pishu Kako Shilikchey G-kargil /lankore Repair of water reserviour tank at Yokchoks 8 Kargil Kargil Deythang 7 16.77 16.77 2.00 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 Deythang Page 2 of 11 Location Estimated Cost Commul Exp Funds releases as 1st Installment 2017- S.No Scheme/Works Revised AA upto ending Proposed Outlay 2017-18 District Block Village Distance Original AA Cost 18 Cost 03/2017 from LOC/LAC 9 Constt of L/R Abdu Mohallah Beathang Shilikchey Kargil Kargil shilikchey 7 14.18 14.18 2.00 9.00 1.00 10.00 6.91 0.77 7.67 12 Const. of L/R Spangstod Lalung Kargil Kargil Kargil 20 63.30 63.30 10.10 5.40 0.60 6.00 4.14 0.46 4.60 New Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total: 164.41 164.41 34.60 44.62 4.96 49.58 34.24 3.80 38.04 Municipal Committee Kargil 0.00 0.00 0.00 On-going Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Upgradation of drainage system Chanchik Kargil Kargil Kargil 7 50.00 50.00 11.67 9.00 1.00 10.00 6.91 0.77 7.67 Total 50.00 11.67 9.00 1.00 10.00 6.91 0.77 7.67 Handloom 0.00 0.00 0.00 On-going Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 Constt Of Two No Toilet for girls in weaving Center 4 Kargil Kargil kargil 7 5.00 5.00 1.68 0.90 0.10 1.00 0.69 0.08 0.77 kargil Total 5.00 5.00 1.68 0.90 0.10 1.00 0.69 0.08 0.77 Sheep Husb.
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