~) ."a..., U.s. """',....,., p.., 1'\...., " e 1JBabi ,50nian +-TI IE $OU T I rs 1.::O r~EM OS"r COLLEGE WEEKLY -+ DAVI DSON COLLECiE W EDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 15.2006 VOLUME 98, N UMBER 11 at Beinart John Bryanl '08. though. argued liberal values Ilull g~ral'hic separation by donns is lhe mam ""awn Illal A. 'n years pal't. d~ SuJiknt fresllman I\.olls segregate. ("oQ'·~m"lfnl AS$oXllUiQn {SGA) is - SIudc:nlll in Bell t~ nd 10 liang Sludeni and. faculty INlCked re--cvalualin& lbe $ UbSlan.cc·fre~ WI wilh SIudc:nU in B ~ lk . md ,IU_ inlO lhe 900 Room to hear The housing Ofl1ion in lighl of ,'O<ICemS dem .. in I Rkhardsool II~nd 10 "'~ng Ihat sludenl. woo dect for this oul wilh swdcn!s in IRichardsonl:' New Republic ....&~i"" Ed"..,... a1 · l.~rge ~ad pOlilicul COnl nten· ~ion segrex ~te !1If"'selve. from he said. IIIf onain nmJII" populalion. SOil'" .. I,dents IlIfn questionHi tRtor !'eter Bejnan deli"er a lec­ ture entilled ~ Wh) Lihellli To Ihi, coo. SGA l'reJidr-nl M"" why th~re w., • diff~rence Values Are Mom! Val"n- on SldlQn '07 and chai r Qf lhe RLO bet ...· ".,n Wbs!ance·free ~nd """­ N<)\-. 14 . Ad ....ing Commil!ee Bill Moore .... bstance·free halls for rreshmen Beinan "'tite!! n:,ula.l) for '0 7 hosted . forum 00 NO>'. 13. ...·hen all f~n~n ''""' untkr 21. 1M Ncw Republic. 1M Of 1I~ 16 st.... 1\IS who a!tended. s.,,·enol callc:d ()I" bettc. cnfortt· WashmglOll POSI and Time the o'·("n>·htlmi", majority were menl of RLO policies. Magazi ...... He bas appeared on freshmtn from ~_ frcc halls As the d'5tIlssion progressed. Fox'. 1"hc O' R ~iII)' ..'actor." ...· ho 'Viccd the .. support f()l" !be many allenOteJ d Ied 1hc promise ABC. "Niihllinc" and continualion of lhe OpIiQn in IIIf ofdeane•• quiele. halls. in addition ~ Hud ba ll " .nd CNN·. ~ l llSide foom lhat it cumen" y uisl$. to elhical and lifcstylccooices. as, Pohlics.- " My uperkroce, thus far have dmw for sluoknlS woo ,ign up fQl" The Young !)emocral"l)'lef heen u loundingly po.ilive.­ .ub""""c·(ree housing. Slone '09 introduced Beinon. Steven Treible '10 uid. " 1 was Tit<- discu" ion llIfn shiftHi 10 "[Beinan] i. litre 10 .... milO womHilllat I woold be ostracized 1hc is.sue of sop-bomon wbslanee· us that 'liberal" IS not . dr-R1Ia· like I WllS in high schooli:lfca'-'Stcof f= housing. !Of)' cltchpltrase.- he said. my dtti,ion not 10 panake. ""I the While lhe uppen;lassmen present Beinan began by defining abilily 10 ne\wort directly I" 'ith poinlHi WI Ihal """"nIS o f len fw. C<:R li""rallxtiefs.. Qthe. wMrance.frcc snoden.s] has abux lhe Option in order 10 avoid ~Li tlfral. tlflic,.., in freedom. made my elperienee a. Davidson living in sophomore apanrnents. Liberals behe,'e ,n democllltic f... prdelllble than M a 5C1tooI that many of the f""sluncn arJued that capwoi, ..... Lib<nl~ believe irt dQc. not ha", . $Ub-free option.- lhe 0pIiQP 0IIi1lr 10 ",m:l.io f()l" inlc.J.pmd~1\CC and liMn" Otbrn -,recd . .J.I)lnglbat hous· mo.c woo ...· anI II. c,'cn lhough bc:loe,e ,no belie,.., ,I or not, ing wbslanc:e-free s.udc:nts in regu· many ag""", Illal the opion is fami ly uh... ..- 8etnan said.. lar ball. woold only el>OO\lrage much It.. ne~Iury fQl" uppe •. ~ freedom .. ill con: is 1hc ri,h! lOOse s tud~nl $ 10 isolale and c"usmcn Ihan for freshmc:n. 10 define you. o.... n de.tiny ilCClude IlIfmselve$ m<>rC than if Bryant l UUe$lHilhallhe Current whik allowing OIMr people 10 lhey Ii,.".. Qn. subslance·free hall. syslcm be changHi to force rising dr-linc tllei,.,. ~ n.c"" was a genernl coosensus .tOphomo"". to lign up for . ubslab­ Beinan abo "81Hi lhal. among lhose auending Ihal lhe nee·frtt housing tlffo"" lhey know Panel addresses growing irwead of seeing lovcmemm as Sligma , urroundin, wMtance.free Il>ci. lottery nwnlx.., in order 10 a hindrance 10 freedom. liberals hIlllJ is an i" ue. from I"" stand­ pr<:venl abuse of.he Iot.ery syslCm. eating disorder concern bdievc peopk .,.., most fftC poinl Qf hoIh wbwoce·free and SGA will host 1"'0 more forum. non,wM.an.cc-free stuoients Ixf(Jftc malti", • I1'OOOUl\nedation IIf"SS md reach out to lhose .tfCCled w""n tho! govanrnent i. <loin, whal il is wppo$fd 10 do Substance-free hall counselor to 1hc administralion. by Illis dan,erQUJ "".. lIh issue. """n. Ahoul 90 Rudents Inendtd. He dted lad: of Hiucauoo In. America'. obscuiQn wilh body 1"hc Health Advisors fnlim:i unsafe cnYlf"OlIlIM'ni Davidson to host Southern Sports Awards sizc is evtryJ'·hc:re . From the thai Ihis was SOIl"lC'thi ng Ihalll«OHi mtdi<-a.l e~ .as Ihn:at$ 10 free. 1M Union Board lIlnotlnccd on I".... music.1 ~rfofmal\CCS by media 10 sOOpping malls. lhe pm- 10 be addressed and IlIi' discussion Monday Ih.1 11M: 2006 SomIM:m Arne';".., Idon Oril Daughlry sure 10 be Ihin is ubiq" iloo'. was planned 10 be: big .~ Health "Wc should be free from t"" Sport. Award, will lake place in and Rodney AIkins. Bubba Over 20 ~n:cnl of oolie,e SIll· Advisor Evan Kn:ulzcr 'OS said. -prisons of our binh." he sald. thc Duke Family I'crfonnancc Sparxu Jlnd Monica. den .. ha"c an eating dlsorde. of Fi"e Da"i<lson sludents shared See Beinart, page 3 H.II on Dec. 6 al 1:00 p.m. n.c"" will be a IimitHi numlx. SOme kind. bllt this fi llUn: n:pr<:. Ihcir storic. of oow calin, dilQf. The evenl will rero,ni~e lhe of free Iidcu avail_ble for SI"· scnts only the "'portHi cls('s. dr-rs affectHi llItln l"'I"SQII •. lly. Soulh's best .Ihk...... performanc. dents on a li rst,wlne·first ileNe The hi,h IUtiooal rale f...,IHilhe 1Mse SluoknlS. aloni wilh IWO es md IICCOOlpli,hmems from 1hc basi, tlfginnin, . 1 10:00 • . m. 00 initiative al DavidJOn 10 brini lhe health profen ion.I.. Kimberly 2OOS..Q6 alhlelic year. Nov. 18 in lhe Union Alriunt. I""", of eallo, disorders inlO a new Kl"\Ifgerand RobynGouelin of the Nom;/lfts Include Mjch.acl E<och CalCard is &ODd for one and mon: open light. Southlake Center for Self Jordan. SlIaquille O·Nul. Mich.acl ticket. and a Sluoknl may pres.enl 1"his problem thri,l'S in. SlIl:SS- DiSCO\'ery in Davidron. fielded Viet. Dale Eamhlnlt. J •.. OUppcr up to foo r CatCards. fill environmcntlite Daviohon. and question •. Jones. Billy Oon<Ivan. (be Afle. 1hc tidets f()l" 1hc IC!ual we . U need to tIf . ....,.,.., oflhe prob- One studenl pano:li~ described Louisiana St.aIC Uni",rsity Men's Llping ,.,.., gone. <lIhc:r ticke.s for lem 00 carr.pus.~ Htallh Advisor ""rsclf as ~stli i Slicai l y doomed 10 B.. kelball lu m. ReUie Bush. one of two rehearsal ,"sions tlUlI Nikki Linn '07 Solid. be lIIOfCxic:' Raymond Felton. !)enny Hamlin. will laI:.e place on Dec. S will be 1M Health .... dvisors. Changing -For many years I lIad been r at Riley and tlle Carolina available after ali licltes! for lhe Mind. and the Women's looking at my body UIW •• very Hunicanes. laping have i:lfcn di itribu!Hi. Commiuec sponsomJ a p:",cl dis· . unfor,iYin, lighl:' the ",If· ""hticRI a"~ly S I Jaln"l Carville cussioo lHi by iAlvidwII studenlS wili ~ I lhe l OOW. which will fca· _By S"mm~rlu "",Itu on Nov. 6 in hopes lo e"'ltc . w,.,..,· See Eating, pagt! 2 INSIDE THIS WEEK NEWS: Senators debate COoed housing PAGE 3 Be thankful The Trustees Women's for the little take over basketball things downs Asheville sec A&L, PAGE 5 see YOWL, PAGE 8 sec SPORTS, PAGE 9 2 TH ~: D AVIOSONI,\N NEWS WEI)NES DAY, NOVEMIIER 15,2006 Eating, jmm fK'ge I P ~nelim also d~scribed the difficulty Jinks defends journalism's future in"ol"ed in :soeeking help. Jinks said that bad newS judgn",nt. Mshal_ described t)·pe.A ball~ rina <aid. "You wanl your friend. to help. but lilt last 10 .... or oon·~~iSlcnt reporting" and the fabri­ She: reca!led counting calori~s since the thing that you want 10 lItar is that )'ou ~""( ~ catioo nf seaolllai s .11 COfllrib.. t e to "damaged fifth grndc and the: boeginnings of anorexia in JHOblcm in a th",atcning way:' a panelist This year's Janles K. BaUen Professor of cmlibility." eighth gmde. sa id:' Let )'0'" friend koow thnt you ca", aolll Public Policy Larry Jinks deJi"r~ the annl" Still. Jinks mainlain'"" journal ism's impor­ Positive fttdback at the Slart of the: disor­ )'ou ,,'ant to IItlp. but do ;t in an emotional al B:onen lecwn:. emitled ·'Journ.li,m in the tance. der n:inf()f"ttd her behavior-. lIS hor dance w.y nnd ,101 a clinical way.'" 21 It Cenl,,!),: In the Ero of Kalie Coorie. Bill '"I would argue that .... oe arc living in a instructor held her up as an example for­ 1'he panelists offern! enroouragcmcnt w O ' Reilly and SO Millioo Bloggers, Where ,mrld in which good journalism has never othe:rdanccrs. OIher.. slruggling with eating disorder... Will We Gcllhe News'.r· on Monday.
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