List of Contributors Ibraimo Alberto Ibraimo Alberto is aformer Mozambicancontract worker who currently resides in Berlin. He co-authored his biography together withDaniel Bachmann, Ich wollte leben wie die Götter (KiWi2014). Moreover,Albertoworksasasocialeducation worker in the fields of anti-racism and interculturalcommunication. Contact: [email protected] Christian Alvarado Christian Alvarado is aPh.D.Candidateinthe HistoryofConsciousnessDepartmentatthe UniversityofCalifornia, SantaCruz. Hiscurrent research examines the history and historiog- raphy of Kenya’sMau Mau within atransnational intellectualframework. His work aims to show how different interpretations of Mau Mau interfaced with contemporaryhistoriographi- cal, political, and cultural contexts by drawingonthe semiotic and material landscapes upon which these understandings werearticulated. Moregenerally,Mr. Alvarado studies how shift- ing historical and popular narratives of anti-colonial struggles in Africa haveovertime been re-worked within diverse sets of discourses embedded in broader power structures. He is also interestedinthe roleoftranslation and interaction between traditionally-siloed imperial networks, and conducts research acrossAnglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone bounda- ries. Contact: [email protected] EricAngermann Eric Angermann is writing his doctoralthesisatthe Georg-August-UniversityofGöttingen on neo-Nazigroups in both the FederalRepublic of Germany and the German Democratic Repub- lic and their practices and modes of organization from 1983 to 1991. He is afellow of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftungand undertakes historical-political educational work. Contact: e_anger- [email protected] Katrin Bahr Katrin BahrisaVisiting Assistant Professor of German Studies at CentreCollege, Kentucky. She received her Ph.D.atthe UniversityofMassachusetts in September 2020 with her disser- tation examining the everydaylife of EastGermans in Mozambique during the 1980s. She is the co-founder of the ThirdGeneration Ost network in the United States and haspublished articles on the East German third generation, EastGerman memoryand the cultural relation- shipsbetween East Germany and Mozambique. She also curated the exhibitionEastGermany in Mozambique: PrivatePhotographs of aForgotten Time, which wasshown in the United States,Germany,and Mozambique. Contact: [email protected] George Bodie George Bodie is currently avisiting lecturer in World History at the École Supérieure de Com- mercedeParis. He received hisPh.D.from University CollegeLondon in 2020.His thesiswas entitled “Global GDR? Sovereignty,Legitimacy and Decolonization in the GermanDemocratic Republic, 1960–1989.” Contact: [email protected] 388 ListofContributors EduardoFelisbertoBuanaissa EduardoFelisberto Buanaissa is Mozambicanand auniversity researcher and lecturer.Asa research associate, he is currently doing his Ph.D.inPolicyand Philosophy of Education at the University of Gießen, under the supervisionofProf.Dr. Ingrid Miethe. He hasexperiences in research and teaching in different departments at the Pedagogical UniversityofMaputo- Mozambique, and is guest lecturer at the University of Magdeburg, in the DepartmentofIn- ternational and Intercultural EducationalResearch. Since2017 he is also amember of the re- searchgroup “ContemporaryAfrica: from nation building to Political Identity”,based at the Pontifical Catholic UniversityofRio Grande do Sul in PortoAlegre,Brazil. Contact: ja.edu@- hotmail.com Thomas G. Burgess Thomas G. Burgess’ Ph.D.dissertation (IndianaUniversity,2001) and many of his subsequent publications havecentered on various aspects of the Zanzibari Revolution. While initially his interest wasprimarily on the politicsofyouth and generation, he later sought to situateZan- zibar within aglobal historyofsocialism, and all of its attendant exchanges of knowledge, mobilities,and diasporas. After serving as Assistant Professor for fiveyears at Hampton Uni- versity, Burgessiscurrently an Associate Professor in the Department of History at the US NavalAcademy,inAnnapolis, Maryland. Contact: [email protected] EricBurton Eric Burton is Assistant Professor of Global Historyatthe University of Innsbruck. He has published journal articles on the entangled histories of socialism, development, and decolo- nization in the Journal of Global History, Cold War History and Journal für Historische Kommu- nismusforschung,among others. The Ph.D.dissertation on which hisforthcoming monograph (In Diensten des Afrikanischen Sozialismus. Die globale Entwicklungsarbeit der beiden deut- schen Staaten in Tansania, 1961–1990)isbased hasbeen awarded the WalterMarkov Prize 2019–20 by the European Network in Universaland Global History (ENIUGH). Special issues edited by him include Socialisms in Development (JEP/Austrian Journal of DevelopmentStud- ies,2017) and Journeys of Education and Struggle. African Mobility in Times of Decolonization and the Cold War (Stichproben. Vienna Journal of AfricanStudies,2018). Contact: eric.burto- [email protected] JörgDepta Jörg Deptastudied German as aForeignLanguage(DaF) and Eastern EuropeanStudies at Leipzig University.Heiscurrently finishing his Ph.D.thesis “Das Herder-Institut unddie DDR- Sprachenpolitik im Ost-West-Konflikt 1951 bis 1972” at Leipzig University and working as are- searcher and consultant at demos – Brandenburgisches Institut fürGemeinwesenberatung in Frankfurt (Oder) and the districts of Eastern Brandenburg. Contact: [email protected] Anne Dietrich Anne Dietrich is currently finishing her Ph.D.thesis “Tropische Genüsse in der DDR” at Leip- zig Universityand worksasaproject coordinator,lecturer,and museumeducator.Her re- searchfocuses on the provisionand consumption of coffee, sugar,and tropicalfruits in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), focusing on supply shortfalls and trade relations withso- cialist-leaning countries in the Global South. She is the author of severalbook chapters on EasternEuropean and EastGerman consumer cultureand the GDR’sforeign trade relations ListofContributors 389 withcountries of the Global South. Peer-reviewed articles haveappeared in Comparativ and the Austrian Journal of DevelopmentStudies. She curated apermanent exhibition in Leipzig’s Arabian Coffee Tree Museumand led the historical researches for the immersion show Boom- town at the Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig, which shows the development of industrial cultureinthe west of Leipziginthe nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As amuseumeducator,she regu- larly guides visitors through the Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzigand is currently preparing the educational program forthe Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig. Her research interests include the global history of the Cold War, the historyofglobal commodities, Ethiopian and Cuban histo- ry,and the industrial history of Leipzig. Contact: [email protected] Immanuel R. Harisch Immanuel R. Harisch is aDoctoralCandidateinHistory at the research platform “Mobile Cul- turesand Societies” at the University Vienna,Austria, working on the topic of Africantrade unions and labor education in the East, West and South during the Cold War. He holds Mas- ter degrees in both AfricanStudies and Development Studies withatermabroad at the Uni- versityofDar es Salaam.Hehas published journal articles on East-South encountersinthe fields of trade and education, African socialisms, as wellasonWalter Rodney and knowledge production at the UniversityofDar es Salaam. Since2019 he is an co-managing editor of the open accessjournal Stichproben – Vienna Journal of African Studies. Contact: immanuel.hari- [email protected] Anne-Kristin Hartmetz Having studied Africanstudies and history with afocus on EastEuropean and global histo- ry,Anne Hartmetz is currently finishing her Ph.D.project on relations between Ghana and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Her research interests include South-East relations during the Cold War, transnationalhistory,global aspects of socialism, and economic aspects of Cold Warhistory.She is amember of the CollaborativeResearch Center (SFB) 1199 “Process- es of Globalisation under the Global Condition” at LeipzigUniversity. Contact: anne-kristin.- [email protected] Francisca Raposo FranciscaRaposo lives in Chimoio, Mozambique. She studied in Staßfurt in Saxony-Anhalt at the School of Friendship (Schule der Freundschaft) between 1982 and 1989, whereshe be- came trained as asalesperson forclothes (Bekleidungsfacharbeiterin). In 2014 she finished her studies at the UniversidadePedagocicainChimoio in environmental studies and commu- nity development (Licenciatura). Currently,she is writing abook about her memories prelimi- narily titled “To Germany and Back” (“Nach Deutschland undzurück”). Mrs. Raposo worksas director of astudent dormitoryinChimoio and is actively involved in projectsabout gender parity,accesstoeducation, and school food programs. Contact: [email protected] com Fernando AgostinhoMachava Fernando Agostinho Machava hasfoundedaconsultancy in Maputo, Mozambique, assisting researchers with archival work and interviews.Previously,heworked as ahistorian in collab- oration with the Presidency of the Republic MuseuminMaputowherehewas responsiblefor the elaboration of the historical content for an exhibitioncalled The Lives and Work of the Presidents of the Republic. Originally from Maputo, Machava studied history at the Faculty of 390 ListofContributors Artsand Social Sciences, Eduardo Mondlane University. During his studies, he waspartially supported by aMinistry of Education scholarship and came second in the SADC
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