GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY . When Washington crossed the Delaware 170 years ago, it was colder than last night, but tonight will be colder. Rain, changing to snow today. r.tabliahed 1868 Vol.79, No. 80-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Dec. 27, 1946-Five Cents • \ rice r~ps ote ~ities HERO, HEROINE IN MACON HOTEL FIRE Adamson Says PRESIDENT TRUMAN JOINS HOME TOWN 'COFFEE CLUB' Allen Resigns RFC Position, Sun Claims Wholesale Commie·s Plan Chicago Newspaper BuUer Markel Says Announcement U.S. Revolution Due in a Few Days Falls Sharply ClilCAGO (JP) - The Chlealo WASHINGTON (JPJ - Ernie By THE A OCIATm PR Sun said last night that Georle Adamson, counsel for the house I·ack .. ill th hi~h pril·(·j rlU·· E. Allen, director of tbe Recon­ commlttee charged with investi­ tur Cor mon,\' co 1 of living gating un-American activities, struction Finance corporation and i ten! suddenly opp II l'\'d in came liP yesterday wi th a report one of President Truman's clos­ major cit it' . ilctO~ ... th~ l'OlllltJT saying: est advisor'S, has resilned and )'l' terdor. that Mr. Truman had accepted the 1. There i8 a "conspiracy" OIlP of th!' harp' t IH·t'lIks resignation with "deepe t rei1'et." came in th X '\ York IIlld hi· brewing to promote a Communis­ In a copyrighted story by iUi ~a~o wholl' all' butter mark!'t . tic revolution in the United States Bllttel' prict; ('011(: d dly hau through an economy-wrecking Washinaton correspondent, Thom­ as F. Reynolds. the Sun laid an­ been lUaintain tl t 1111 arti iei· general strike or other means. hi!{h in Xl'W York and nouncement ot the r Ignation all,r Ie-wi 2. Seventeen Important C I 0 when thi . lll)port Will with· labor unions are dominated by wHl come (rom the White House dl'l1wn pl'ict' tumbled by f"ulIl in a (ew days." Red agents 01 the Soviet Union. olle 10 10 C('lItS Ii POllll(l. The The article continues: 3. The Library or Conrress Is d.' p in hiclIllo I'ang'd from "a (haven for aUens and foreign­ • • • two to six c nt~ . "The resllnation came 0011' • • • minded Americans." Muoh or the my ~I'J' ur· after Allen had obtained a 're­ 4. The state dep!Portment ought roundlnr the bre k In New to protest about activities of "nu­ lease' from Mr. Truman and York, where charr or "rlr­ merous representatives of foreign suraoce that hi ervleet would line" bad been beard. w re­ nations" attached to the United be :avaJiable lB the future for movecl late .yesienia. The . Nations and busily following .. with a Icnments In which the pre I­ Dall')'lDen' LUllIe CooperaU e blind obedience the dictates of dent I e peel.lly Intu led. otlallon Id lB a lement -~~ 'I thai It had betn U e In the PRESIDENT HARRY TRUl\'fAN joined two other m embers of a regular mornln, "('orree club" yestl'l'- • • • butler market In order to keep 5. "CoDllllunlst - co nl roll e d day while Sllelldlng !Po ~ hott Chrl ~ tmas holiday in h is home town, Independence, To. hown with the "The resi,nation, It was under.. stood, will become eCfective on prices up and thereby "prolect" unions" are making inroads in president in the five and ten cent slore are Mayor Roger T. Sermon (rirht) and Jam s C. eel. 1n­ pre ent tnllk prk . the Panama Canal one and by surance man. Mr. Trumall also visited hi 94. yt'ar- old mol her In Grandview, fo., yesterday before Jan. 22-1he Clrst anniversary of MARJORIE BISHOP. swltcbboard operator, and Lt. Robert Smithy. tying up the canal "can paralyze driving to the Independence ait'llort for the four-hour trip baek to Wa hiilgton. 11's. Truman and d th date on which Allen's nomJna­ • • The decline in wholesale price3 1ft army pilot, who are shown above. are credited with the rescue our entire shipping and com- aughter Margaret saw hhn off. (AP WIREPIIOTO) lion (as RFC director) was sent brought an immedintp drop of nine " more th!Pon 70 persons In the Lanier hotel firf! in Macon, Ga .• TUell­ merce." to il'\e senate by the president." p, nll'ht. Smltby. wbo dl covered the fire, notified the swltcbboard Committee membel's reserved In Washinlton. Allen could not to )0 cents a pound in ome of Ihe principal chain stores in the Uld then awakened guests in the thl'e!Potened section. while Miss comment on Adamson's findings. be located immediately for com­ BIshop stayed !Pot her board and contacted all occupied rooms. The CIO and the Library 01 Con­ u.s. Seeks to End ment. east. (AP WlREPHOTO) Mid-East Oil Baruch Atom Plan Etl prices likewi e dropped gress ('ailed the respective refer­ Some clos friends of the RFC s harply In a numb r pllce • led ences to them untrue. director, who also is a director of ot 'Cigarette Standard' by a whole all' decline ot more Members said the committee • Faces Showdown numerous private corporations, ex. than live ent a dozen in New probably would meet early next pres ed surprise when told of the York. week to formally approve, or Economy in Reich Deals Divulged In UN Commission Chicago Sun' atory. They said Al­ Simultaneously. a ero· '-country modify, the report. len h d not told them of any pi n ~ERLIN ·(1P)"-U. S. occupatioh survey by The As ociated Pre • • • authorities had under study last WASHINGTON (A')-Two big LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. (JPJ-The to re iln his government p<>s1. showed that many of th bl, d - "We haven'l had a ebanee to night a directive to prohibil the oil deals. under which American United Nations atomic enerlY • • • pal'1m nl ·tores in major cit! s read It yet," one member said. private importation of cigarette' companies would exploit more The un aald "It wal learned had slashed orne clothing prices commis~ion will meet tl)day for a "It's all news to me." into Gel'm!lny by American per- thoroughly the vast oil resources that one of Allen'l IInal action' by from one-third to mor th n showdown on the United States WASHINGTON (JP}-An open 1. Senator White (R., Me.). pres- • • • sonnel as a means of stamping out of the strategic Middle &1st, were In the RFC was to order expe· :50 percent in an outbreak of PQst­ challenge to plans of top-ranking ent :senate Republican leader. Com.>nunists who, Adamson the "cigarette standal'd" on (he announced in "principle" yester­ plan for control of atomic energy. dltlous action on an Inve lI~a­ Chrl ·tmas and year-end ales. Republican leaden. for organizing would become majority leader and maintained. have infiltrated into black market and safeguarding the · day. Informed sources ~aid la, t night lion or the LUlItron Corporation • • • the next senate came yesterday chairman of the new combined in- the field of government, labor and German economy. Hundreds of millions of dollars that agreement yesterday by Ca­ or Chloaro and otber houelnr The bl, que lion mark wa Irom Senator Clyde Reed (R., terstate and foreign commerce education. "realize that the Com­ A recommendation made to Lt. were involved alld lllken together, nadian and United States delega­ loans by private eqineers who whether the e 411'0'" In price Kan .). committee. munist plan of creating unemploy- Gen. Lucius D. Clay, deputy mlli- the deals involve one of (he big­ tions over diffcl'ences that wer~ have beell retained by the Rt:C were temporary or whelh r need told a reporter these plans 2. Senator Vandenberg (Roo ment in the United States is the tary governor. by a specie I ili- gest oil lran~actions of all limes. mainly those of procedure. not to I'lv clearance to .ucb pro­ ma.ny ot them would continue ",ouid set up somethng like an Mich.) would become senate pre- only medium through which they vestigating board, would forbid Ule Un del' "preliminary" agree­ fundamentals, would go a long way Jects. 10 hold or even exlend tbelr de­ "oligarchy" by "splitting up the siding oUicer as well as chairman can possibly gain control of the importations, now running :)t :;. ments, the Arabian-American oil toward settlement of the atomic • • cline. plums among too lew people." of the foreign relations commit- United states through a victory rate of about $100.000 a month. company, which is controlled by problem when the commission • • • • "The Allen re ignaUon, howev- In ChJcaio it was learned that "There has been a lot of dissat­ tee. at the ballot box." effective Jan. 1. Standard Oil of California and the meets today. er, wa not directly connected with retal1ers' I oclatton there arc isfaction among senators over 3. Senator T!Port (Roo OhJo) Other methods that may be The committee reported that the Texas company, would sell about The Canadian-U.S. agreement the housing showdown-even now looking for pronounced ,en­ these plans," Reed said. "Seven would retain his chairmanship of used in "a foreign inspired con­ sale and barter by Americans uf I 30 percent of it~ exclusive rights has yet to be approved by the though it followed Wyatt' depar­ cigarettes at in.flated values l'ang- to the Saudi-Arabian lield to Stan_ heads of delegations ot thell' re­ eral reductlon:s In . lood prices in other Republican enators have the Republican steering committee spiracy," he said, include "a gen­ ture by a lew y.reeks.
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