SEAL FISHERY " "Seal" means any Eared Seal or Hair (or True) Seal other than a Leopard Seal, including a Fur Seal, a Sea Lion, an Elephant Seal other animal of the seal kind that may visit the Colony or the Depend and shall be deemed to include a Sea Order. " "Seal reserve" means any portion of land or water within the limits of the Colony set apart by the Governor in Council for the breeding l'ou er to (2) In tlie c.nsc of tl:tl 1)rc~ncliby the holder of a licence revokc . ~iccllccx2, of ;~I:J: of t11e 13rol-!C.l(-~nsof t lii~Ordinance or of thc. rcgula- tion.; rna tlc t lic'~.~'.c~i~:!c.~.,01- of ;111~- of tlie conili tions nndcr \\.l~icl~51ic-11 llcis:~c.t I?I;~\-. :\.L\A.i)~ll,n ;:rnntecl, .tli0 (;tj[.(>~llo!. i11;1\.,l)!. no ic:cb ;!l \\.l-i t I:I~.,-II:!~II!:LI.~~\. rt.1-oke ::ucli licc:ncc, :LII(I t lic~~.~~~p,)]I :L! ri l,1.\.,. (, )-i'r~-i-#~!.A tllc~rcl)y or (>r~jc~;c>cltl~~sc- under sllall ((.;.S(. as from tllc ch:c mcntio:ied in sicil notice. ~<cguljt~onz. 6. (1) Thc (;ox-ernor in Council may malie rc.guln!ions for carr~in~zout tli~~)so\-i.-.ion~ nf this Ordinancc and tl-tc intent and ol2ject i i~~rc'of. (2) An! I;c~'c,~guiity of ;m off-fence against any pro- \-ision of tl:c r..gi~!ation.; r-nn:i(. ;:nc!lcr this section slinll be .. ?. 11ab1eto a fill(. not r.sc~er'?in:; ! n-c-nty-five Pounds, 7. l'lict (;c2\.(:l.nos in Council may declare, by notification Scal I*eser~e. in tlicb Gazcat :cL, CI.~-~:~.III:LI:c! 01- Zoiollial iv;~t~rs,01- wit11 tlie conscllt 01 tl!~on.ncr I(..<.';LCC, a11v private land, to 1,: ;I w;11 r(*s(:rY.:, :in(l: l)\- ~lr)tiiit.:ttionin tho Gazetlc., n:\-olie ant1 (lc~clar(,:o l!(' 110 Iongct~ill ioi-ce any sucli notilicatioii as :~ios(.:s:~i(l. 8. Ally o\vrrrir or ~nac;t(~~-01.o~l~ci. parson ill cllar:;rc>of ,my of I.l,llllllt!' v~ssel%l10 S ~~11pc.r;nit s71cil I ~~~y~~l,or :~ny11o:~t or canoe an (I\\ ncr 01 t t bt.longinx to -u(.l~1 c \.cl, 1o !,c. i.~n!,lovc~tlill killing or t:~liing \(%,.(%I sc:\ls ill tliis olc~~~vOI t\~tt ( o1011i~~l\\YI~~\I\ tlj(~st~oii~i11101lt :L lic'~~~it'c~IIII(I~$I 1 !~i\( )lxlil~.~l~{,', 01 c O!I~I,II~,to t II(* tt*l.1115ol 01. LNA.OII,!t11c li111ils ~l)c~c.ill~~tl111 .my Ilc.c~ni-rsgl';~~~tc~l to 111111 urclcr this C rtlin,~t~cc~,sI1,~11 lorfcit ally st:r~ls so killed or talit'11 ;111(1 an y 5c.n l,, sc.al-oil or diil15 follntl in llis ~~~osscssion, ancl ill at ltlit ion tl~c~c.!osl1;~II 1~8li,Ll)le to a pcm1;Ll t\- 11ol escc~c~tling'l 11 -,,L. 1 11int!1.(~1 I'or~n~ls ,I.I~:I to imp^ isonlncllt :\.i tl~ hard 1aI)our or a pcriotl not c\:,ccbcb(lilig t\velve ~llotltllsfor each offcncc.. - - Oftcncrs an I penalt~~sdr. I (a) Iiill?, takcc or hunts, or attempts to kill or take, forfe~tures conse<ltccn t any ,eal in the Colony or the Colonial waters thereof tilt reon n-rth jut a liccncc under this Ordinance, or contrary to tlle ttrms of, or bcyontl thc limits sp~cifiedin, any iccnctl g.,~ntc.tlto 11irn untlcr this Ordinance ; (h) H:ls in i;is ~)o+s,,.isio~l,OS in any vcsscl ~,lnclcrhis coInInant1, itrly sc:tl, scal-oil, or skins, for tlw la\~fnl ~)osswsionof ivi1ic.1111th c;~l;ilotnccount satisdacto~'ily, sli; l1 commit an offenci., and shall l)tt li;il)l(t on c.o~~\-iction to ;I iilic. not c:scccding One. l-11111rlrod 1'0 111t1s;I.I~(I 1.0 il~il)siso~l~~lt'~lt\\lit11 II;LI.~ 1jt1)011r for ;I pc>iiocl 1101: ~~xce~t~(li11gsix 111011tils for t~i(*llSIICII off~~nc-~l,;l.lltl to fo~fc>itany seals, sval-oil, or skins foc ncl ill 11;s posl;es.qion. 10. ;l sea l 1isl1c.r~oliic.~~- nlav, \\,it11 rcspcct to :t~iy\.cssc>l l'()\\.crs oi S<YII t~slicry found witliirl tllc "limits of tiic tcrritol-i;~1waty.1-s- of tlic ,,,,icc.r~i, Colony ens: gc~lor I)c.lil~\.cclto 1)c cngngcd or co~ncerncdi11 sctai tisl~ing-- (l) KO c11 l~)'i:-(! 2t any rim(>; (2)rrql ire. :ite c)\\-nei, master, or crew, or any of tllclr. to jrotl~lcc any ccr-tif-i,:ztc~ of registry, licences, ofii'ficial loq l~oolis,official papers, articles of ,zgree- mer t, 1111i5:l:r roil-, and otllcr tlocuncnts relating to thc i-c.icl, n-l~icllarc in their respective passession or coil1 rol c:n Im:ird the vessel and m2y t~alce copic.~, tl~crcof or 01 any ?art chereoi ; (3) rnub tcr tl~tacrew of the 1-essel ; (h) ~.c~cllsir;:tllc' niastc~to appcxr and to give ;LII~C'S- ~'lar;ltio~l c:ont:c::-ni~i;- 11is \-twic'l ancl tlle mid c.c.~-t-ili- c:;~.t(S of ~,(yistry,oli~,~i;~l 102 l)()olis, of'li(,li;~lIXII-N~I-S. i11.1i '11's01' ;L:;I.~*(~III(~II(. IIIIIS~,'I. 1.011s ;111(1 tiIl1c.1. (Io('II lll(!l Is 01, :111y of l llt~lll: (5) 111;il t: ;IIIV tls;~ii~i~~;~tior~01. i~l(l~iiry \vliicl~ lit: d(~\111s nchcc:SS;LI.V to ;~..;c'cbrtai~~wlict. llor ;I ny con t~-;!\.t~tio11 of l)rovisio~isof t11is Or(li11;111c(\or of any s(>g~~l:~tio~~ ;IS ; I'orclsaicl 11:~sI)(Y'~I c'o111111it t~'(1; (6) wtlt n ;LII~~C">OII ;qq)c.:lrs to lli111 to liave comii~ittcd ;LII~\IIC~I (:ol~tr;~v(\ntio~~, n.itliout summons, warrant or )tl~c~proccb>s, take both tlie offender ancl thc vcls (.l to ~vliicl~11(. 1)clongs :LI~tllc crcw tlierc~of to ;L I)I)I t 01 rmtl y ill tl1~1('01011y or its I~cpcn~dcncic.~,ns clvli I(.(/ I)y llle ('ustom.s Ortlinancc, ant1 bring him or ( I,.,:,,,., 1,; tlic~nI~6lo1-c a court ancl tlct:~in him, it ahd them in tl~c.1~1-t 1111til tlLc nll(.gc~cI contravcntior~has bee11 a(ljll~lic.;~tvtlupon, or until thc master of tllc said t.1 112s gic.c.11 sc.curit5- to 112 approt~c,.tlby thc ,j~ic 01. :I ~i~,~~i~t~.;itcto ;~l)idcttic' c\vcynt of :uly i~(*t10i1, \III~, I 11. 01 I\t*i. l(y:11 proccecli~igtllkt II~:LY1)c institi:t;d in rc.s~:;,ct (:S s~cllvcssel or of any ~IC~YOII belo11:;ing t1izri::o. :!i::! to Fa,y 311 pen,zlti(:s. c:;:;l:s 2nd tlnn~pqcs. In :XTI!- lt.;;:;l. y--,cc,ctlingu1-2.e:- this s11h- scbc:tic 11 i11c i;~.l.S(:I ::I\.I; :: b:'(:li;.il:y11:;~~ be cicc;l~chti 10 1)c tll? ol.Yrlr~st,f tIii8 (Itb':~iiic'([\.L'ssc~. 1'rott;ct ir>n SCL ~!!;~ICYV Olfi(.(,S (Xj~t>i01- or SL~ 11. X0 1 ~li::.ll i?c liable? ally lihhrr.3 da~nagesin rcs~~!:':t0.f ~11y1.c .;sckl tlctai~lc?cl~~iidcr tllis C)rc.?i- otlic~~r-. nailcc unl(..ss tic tlc:c.ntion is ~j~l~~;ctlto 1lal.c bi;c11 1il;~:li: without rc:asc In :r.hlc :~roui?(.ls. Y<>,>>C!Ill)? 11r1nqn: ro 12. If anLT vcysi)l foli?,; ill t;ic n.at~.r~,of tllc Ccjlouy ,~r,tl t\.hcn s~im- buspectcil 113: a sclnl ii~ili>iv(>f!icf r to be eni;mg!:dl oi con- monctl or thro\\ my cerncd in stbal lishin;., sl:,tli not bring to upon slgn~lcladt. V by any ship cr boat ir, Hi.- 1:;i~~tv's. - -t>rviic or in ij~cscrvici gootis ciu~~nyof the GOT-(rnment by i?oi,ting tile proper pend'lct or chase tu be forfated. ensign, whereupon cllasc silal! be given, and any pcrson on board such te~.elshall, d11ri1.g chase or befbrc. such vessel shall bring to, throw ov2-lxiara n!ly part of her I:tdi:~g, sucll ~ressclshall b :forfeited. Vessel not 1-0 c 11- bringing to 13. If any i-cs:;c:l li~iblc sc1iz1~rc csaminnti~onnuc!cr whell this Ostlinanc i' s11:iIl ilot 1)i.i1-!: t:, \v11(&:1 ~.t.qiri!-c.tlto (10 so, recluirccl tu. tlic n~;lstcb~.t f stlc*11 \'c'x.~,i sl1;111Io1.C(+i1 tl1~5 ~11111 01' i;il'ly l'oll~l(ls; ;m( (,I-) s11c.lI \.C.:,: 1'1 11, ills (:II;I.~;~Y~ I)y ;I.II~v(~is(~1 ill His Majesty'; Navy, or tl~ilj.i.~uj,loj-ctl lor ctniorcin;: the provisions o.E this Ortii~!:;l~cc.!lavln;: :n propcr penrl:!nt or ensign hoisto(1, it shall bc 1nn.ful for thc captain, t1:astc.r or other person having the cl~argr:or coinlnand of su.ch v:?sscl in I-Iis h1aje;ty's Sav~r.or employed as aforcstiid (first causing a gur, to bc -fri.;cl as :Lsignal), to fire at or into suclt vessel, and si lcli captain, ma:<tclr, oi- other pcrson act in^.
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