The right way to do Brexit Who Cyril Ramaphosa should fire Lead paint, still a poisonous problem South Korea’s fetish for fortune-telling FEBRUARY 24TH–MARCH 2ND 2018 The meddler How Russia menaces Western democracies Contents The Economist February 24th 2018 3 5 The world this week United States 29 National security Leaders Unchanging 7 Russia’s dirty tricks 30 Guns and protest The meddler Calling BS 8 New president, new hope 32 Deportations How to fix South Africa Deal or No Deal 8 Public health 32 Public-sector unions As black as painted Judgment day 9 Housing reform 33 Winter in Chicago Brexit Britain can “take back Fannie and Freddie Dibs etiquette control” from Europe without 10 Britain and Europe 34 Lexington The new normal cutting all ties: leader, page10. The right way to do Brexit Theresa May’s government is On the cover firmly against the Norway Why the West’s response to Letters The Americas model for Britain’s trade with Russia’s dirty tricks is the European Union. Yet it 12 On digital health, 35 Coca in Colombia inadequate: leader, page 7. offers many advantages, even migrants, school Spraying v co-operating Division makes a country for Brexiteers, page 47 shootings, doping, 36 Bello vulnerable to Russian Theresa May Mexico’s young hopeful disinformation campaigns, page 15. Russian meddling 38 Counterfeit goods is only one challenge facing Briefing A Canadian market Facebook, page 53 15 Russian disinformation The discord amplifier Middle East and Africa 17 Inside the IRA 39 Terrorist financing The Economist online A troll’s life Islamic State’s fund Daily analysis and opinion to 40 Syria’s civil war supplement the print edition, plus Hotting up again audio and video, and a daily chart Asia Economist.com 19 Indian politics 40 The conquest of Yemen Gobbling up Arabia E-mail: newsletters and All hat and cattle 41 Ethiopia’s emergency South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa mobile edition 20 Australian forests Back to the iron fist can make big changes just by Economist.com/email Chainsaw massacre hiring honest, competent 42 South Africa after Zuma Print edition: available online by 20 Orangutans people: leader, page 8. How to The hangover 7pm London time each Thursday Money swinging from trees set South Africa on a new Economist.com/printedition 21 State elections in India 42 A fuss over Freemasons course, page 42 Audio edition: available online Christians for Hindu Rolled-up trousers to download each Friday nationalism Economist.com/audioedition 22 Korean fortune-telling Europe Prophets and profits 43 France’s prime minister A hell of a job China 44 Italy 25 Regional development Jokers in the pack Volume 426 Number 9080 The woes of the rust belt 44 War crimes 28 Banyan A plea for German justice Published since September 1843 to take part in "a severe contest between How racist is China? 45 Lake Baikal intelligence, which presses forward, and Russia’s new eco-warriors an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress." 46 Charlemagne Fortune-telling in South A very European coup Editorial offices in London and also: Korea A $3.5bn business is Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo, Chicago, Madrid, Mexico City, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, New Delhi, beginning to contend with New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo, Seoul, automation, page 22 Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC 1 Contents continues overleaf 获取几十种英文杂志报纸和几十种中文杂志持续快速更新的方法 英文原版杂志爱好者往往在获取最新杂志这个问题上遇到困难。网上下载太费时间精力 而又常常无功而返,官网订阅则价格奇高非一般读者可以承受,即使通过淘宝等其他渠道获 取,众多杂志也几乎不可能一次性囊括,而真正持续更新的更是少之又少(我们有不少会员 都遭遇过淘宝店主跑路的情况,后来才选择加入我们)。 基于此我们推出了众筹性质(相当于合伙订阅)的英文原版杂志超级 VIP,加入 VIP 的 可以终身享受规模庞大的、稳定的、高质量的、版本齐全(主要是高清 True PDF 格式和 kindle 原版 mobi 格式)的英文原版杂志。VIP 甚至还可以推荐自己所需的任何杂志,而永远无需 再支付任何费用,真正做到一劳永逸! 众筹 VIP 自 2012 年推出已五年有余,杂志一直稳定快速更新,且逐步增加了多种杂志 (刚推出时杂志种类不多),提供的版本也越来越丰富。目前 VIP 会员已超过 3300 人。详情 可以加微信(微信号:185855023 昵称:外刊杂志)了解。 注:不想加入会员的也欢迎添加上述微信,朋友圈每天都会发布不少最新杂志,可以长 期观察。 【VIP 目前已经包括的英文杂志,持续快速更新】 日报类: 1、纽约时报(The New York Times) 2、华尔街日报(The Wall Street Journal) 3、金融时报(Financial Times) 4、华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post) 5、卫报(The Guardian) 6、今日美国(USA Today) 7、中国日报(China Daily) 8、法国世界报(Le Monde) 9、国际纽约时报(International New York Times) 10、洛杉矶时报(Los Angeles 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technology 47 Options for Brexit 67 The AAAS meetings Norwegian lessons A generation game 48 Customs controls 68 Transplants He who pays the toll Mix and match 50 Bagehot 69 Unconsciousness The divided kingdom Going under 69 Quantum computing International Quality over quantity 51 Lead poisoning 70 Tsunami detection OPEC Led by Saudi Arabia, the America’s science jamboree Painted into a corner Ahead of the wave oil cartel mulls a long-term This year’s meeting of the alliance with Russia to keep AAAS heard about a new gene, prices stable, page 60 Business Books and arts growing transplant organs, 53 Social media 71 The state of the world safer anaesthesia, quantum Facebook unfriended A future perfect computing and tsunami detection, page 67 54 Corporate tax in America 72 Chinese fiction The devilish detail The dragons of salvation 55 Europe’s gunmakers 72 Risk and rationality Subscription service Trigger happy Black swan down For our full range of subscription offers, including digital 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