BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH AGENDA ITEM 5 Development Committee 30 January 2017 Report of The Head of Planning and Local Development MEARS ASHBY VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT 1 Purpose of report To seek adoption of the Mears Ashby Village Design Statement (VDS) as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). 2 Executive summary A VDS has been prepared for Mears Ashby by the local community with assistance from the borough council. The document will supplement policies in the North Northants Joint Core Strategy (NNJCS), by helping to define the local character in the parish. This report recommends the adoption of the VDS as an SPD. 3 Appendices Appendix 1 – Mears Ashby Village Design Statement Appendix 2 - Mears Ashby Village Design Statement SPD Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report Appendix 3 – Schedule of Comments received to the consultation 4 Proposed action: 4.1 The committee is invited to RECOMMEND that the Mears Ashby Village Design Statement is adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document. 5 Background 5.1 SPDs add further detail to policies in the local plan. They can be used to provide further guidance for development on specific sites or on particular issues. SPDs are capable of being material considerations in planning decisions but are not part of the development plan. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) advises that they should be used where they can help applicants make successful applications or aid infrastructure delivery, but that they should not be used to add unnecessarily to the financial burdens on development. 5.2 In order to be adopted as an SPD documents must be subject to consultation for at least four weeks. It also needs to be determined whether a SEA is necessary. 5.3 VDSs are documents which seek to identify the most important characteristics of a village or parish and provide guidelines to help ensure development is appropriate to the local area. 5.4 The Mears Ashby Conservation Area Character Appraisal has recently been updated and was approved at Development Committee in June 2016. 6 Discussion 6.1 Following a consultation exercise within the parish, Mears Ashby Parish Council decided to prepare additional design guidance for the area. A draft VDS was prepared with assistance from officers of the borough council. The parish council asked the borough council to adopt the VDS as a SPD. This would give it the weight of a material consideration when determining planning applications. 6.2 The VDS is intended to supplement policies in the Joint Core Strategy, in particular policies: 2 (Historic Environment); 3 (Landscape Character); 8 (Place Shaping Principles) and 11 (the Network of Urban and Rural Areas). 6.3 The VDS sets out guidelines for three distinct geographical areas: the conservation area; the remainder of the village and the outlying parish. Much of the guidance picks up on the conservation area appraisal prepared and adopted the borough council. 6.4 In order to be adopted as an SPD the document was required to be subject to public consultation for at least four weeks. A formal consultation was undertaken after approval at the October Development Committee between 17 November 2016 and 30 December 2016. This consultation covered both the VDS and associated SEA screening, the statutory bodies were consulted on the SEA, these included the Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England. The VDS was subject to public consultation including emailing every person/organisation on the local plans consultation database and making the documents available on the website and in reception. 6.5 In order for formal adoption of the VDS to take place the council needs to consider comments received during the above consultation before accepting a final version of the VDS for adoption. The comments received are set out in Appendix 3. A summary of the comments received are below. 6.6 In all there were four respondents to the consultation, all four commented on the VDS whilst three made specific comments on the SEA screening. There was support from the Environment Agency for the inclusion of the reference to Swanspool Brook in section 3.3 of the VDS and also welcome confirmation from the Environment Agency that the VDS would be unlikely to have any significant environmental effects. There were ‘no comment’ responses from Anglian Water and Historic England. 6.7 There were generic advisory comments from Natural England on the VDS with helpful support for the SEA where they suggested that it was unlikely that the plan would cause significant environmental effects. Natural England recommended that because they don’t maintain locally specific data, that consultation with local ecological and landscape advisors, the local records centre, recording society or local wildlife body on local landscape and ‘biodiversity receptors’ which may be effected by the plan, would be important in determining whether a SEA is necessary. 6.8 As a result of the comments received it has not been considered necessary to make any changes to the draft VDS. The VDS recommended for adoption is included at Appendix 1. 6.9 An updated SEA screening taking account of comments received is provided at Appendix 2 of this report. This concludes that a SEA is not required as the SPD would not result in significant environmental effects. 6.8 If adopted the VDS will provide a document for the development management team to consider when determining planning applications in Mears Ashby. It should assist the process by providing greater clarity on how development can respect and enhance the character of the parish. 7 Legal powers Supplementary Planning Documents are prepared under the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (Statutory Instrument 2012 No. 767). 8 Financial and value for money implications There will be very limited cost implications involved with adopting the VDS which can be met from existing budgets. 9 Risk analysis Nature of risk Consequences Likelihood of Control if realised occurrence measures Not adopting the The VDS would Medium Formally adopt VDS as SPD. have less weight the VDS as SPD. when determining planning applications. Adopting VDS Other parishes Medium Monitor the as SPD. may wish to situation with prepare regard to staff documents as resources. SPDs which will have resource implications for the council, particularly in terms of staff resources. 10 Implications for resources Borough council staff have been involved in the preparation of this document and the associated SEA screening, as well as throughout the consultation process. The adoption of the VDS would enable the resources of the Council to be directed towards other projects, particularly the continued preparation of the Part 2 Local Plan. 11 Implications for stronger and safer communities This document has been prepared reflecting the wishes of the local community. 12 Implications for equalities An initial equality impact assessment (EqIA) screening has been completed and no implications are anticipated. 13 Author and contact officer Thomas Shaw, Planning Policy Officer. 14 Consultees Julie Thomas, Head of Planning and Local Development Liz Elliott, Head of Finance Bridget Lawrence, Head of Resources Victoria Phillipson, Principal Planning Policy and Regeneration Manager Maxine Simmons, Principal Planning and Building Control Manager John Udall, Design and Conservation Manager + Project Manager-THI Erica Buchanan, Assistant Principal Development Management Officer Felicity Webber, Landscape Officer Sue Bateman, Senior Planning Officer 15 Background papers None MEARS ASHBY VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT August 2016 2 MEARS ASHBY VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT SUMMARY This Village Design Statement (VDS) seeks to reflect the wishes of the inhabitants of Mears Ashby, providing guidance as to how the village and its surrounds should develop in relation to the design of any future development. In May 2014, following a period of promoting awareness of the value of such a document, including an open meeting in the village hall sponsored by the Parish Council, a detailed questionnaire was delivered to 215 households seeking views on the important aspects of design and character within the village and Parish. Everybody in the Parish from teenager upwards was invited to submit a response - in total 119 responses were received. Together with a thorough desktop and field assessment of the character of the Parish, including a recently produced Conservation Area Appraisal, the Parish Council, assisted by the Borough Council of Wellingborough, were then able to identify a list of appropriate guidelines that reflect both the aspirations of residents and the defined character of the village and the Parish. There are three distinct geographical areas covered by the recommendations in this document: the conservation area in the centre of the village, the remaining village and then the outlying area within the parish boundary. Whilst this VDS covers the entirety of Mears Ashby Parish it provides the most extensive level of guidance around the preservation and enhancement of the conservation area covering the village core. Much of this guidance picks up on the detailed observations made within the Conservation Area Appraisal. The protection of the intrinsic rural setting and open green spaces within the village is seen by the inhabitants as being extremely important. Therefore where development does occur, many of the key areas of
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