Greater Lafayette CommerCe EcoNTRoMic ENDS MiD-YEAR 2013 Focus on Growth, Community Paying Dividends community where advanced 2013 HigHligHts manufacturing thrives, next-generation science and technology lead to $768M in capital investments made or A announced by mid-year 2013; previous years: breakthrough advancements, education opens doors of opportunity, and the arts, 2012: $646.1M recreation, after-hours life and affordable 2011: $444.3M housing combine to assure a robust quality of life—that defines Greater Lafayette, Indiana. 2010: $640.1M At the core: a proactive, go-after-it community 2009: $341.0M committed to working together and sustaining 2008: $592.9M economic health and growth. Successes so far in 2013 include Subaru • $603.6M in industry construction recently Downtown Lafayette of Indiana’s announcement of a $450M completed, under way or announced expansion, launch of three co-working iN tHis issUE facilities, several new banks, dozens of new • 34 new retailers/restaurants opened or restaurants and retailers, and healthcare announced by mid-year 2013 (41 in 2011; 35, expansions. Equally impressive are the 2010; 40, 2009) Business and industry collective efforts moving the community • 1,099 homes sold by mid-year 2013 (1,627 in Advanced Manufacturing 3 forward in areas from workforce development 2011; 1,674, 2010; 1,700, 2009) High-tech/Life Sciences 7 to Wabash River enhancement. • 221 new single-family building permits by Co-working Facilities 11 It all adds up to stellar rankings—Fortune’s mid-year 2013 (462 in 2011; 381 in 2010; 405 Professional/Services 12 No. 1 Best Place for Small Business in Indiana in 2009) Retail/Hospitality/Tourism 13 and No. 8 nationally—along with other Sustainable Energy 14 enviable recognitions as Greater Lafayette claims the right to be called “The Place of Community Choice.” Initiatives 15 Media 15 Medical 16 Nonprofit Sector 17 Quick Glance, 2013 Activity Details inside Public Works 17 Real Estate 18 Recognitions 20 BUsiNESS AND iNDUstRY sUpplY cHAiN solUtioNs, opened in Park 350 eduCation tKo gRApHix, new industry, $2M facility P-12 Schools 21 Advanced Manufacturing Ivy Tech 21 AlcoA, $93M new plant under way voEstAlpiNE RotEc, $1.4M expansion IU School of Medicine - HEARtlAND AUtoMotivE, $7.2M Lafayette 22 equipment investment High-tech/life sciences Purdue University 22 NANsHAN, to build $50M casting house PassAgEways moving to larger, downtown Workforce Development 24 location sUBARU of iNDiANA, $450M expansion, to add 900 employees by 2016 Quick Glance | Continued co-working facilities Nonprofit tHE ANvil, Purdue University FaitH wEst $12M worship/community BRAiNQUBE center opened MAtcHBOX cowoRKiNg stUDio RigHt stEps cHilD DEvElopMENt cENtERs new name for Tippecanoe County Child Care professional/services fitNEss: four new facilities opened public works NEw BUsiNEssEs: Fed Ex Ground citYBUs opened new downtown transfer Distribution, $2M new facility center NEw BANK BUilDiNgs: Farmers lAfayettE: $3.4M in Riehle Plaza and and Merchants, First Source, Lafayette pedestrian bridge improvements planned Community (2), Lafayette Savings, Regions, for 2014; Columbian Park train depot, Woodforest National $150,000; $28.3M new roadwork projects wEst lAfayettE RoADwoRK: Retail/Hospitality/tourism Northwestern, $5.5M; street resurfacing, • 19 new retailers opened so far in 2013; $780,000; sidewalk repairs, $365,000 two more announced MEtRoNEt $60M investment in 465 • 12 new restaurants opened so far in 2013 miles of fiber under way Greater MEijER to build second store wiNtEK continues $1.7M upgrade Lafayette HAMptoN iNN & sUitEs announced Us 231: $36M relocation around West CommerCe Lafayette opened, includes 6 miles of walking/bicycle paths ECONOMIC coMMUNitY TR ENDS Medical Real Estate HEAltH QUEst NAtURopAtHY & AssistED liviNg fAcilitY, $14M, EstHEtiQUE former Home Hospital site iNDiANA vEtERANs’ HoME remodel iNoK commercial park adding new iNNvERvisioN ADvANcED building and addition iMAgiNg remodel iNNovAtEcH improving facility, $50,000 iU HEAltH ARNEtt West Lafayette MARKEt soUtH, $975,000, Veterans clinic, Greenbush St. remodel Memorial Parkway lAfayettE REgioNAl MARKEt sQUARE sHoppiNg REHABilitAtioN HospitAl cENtER acquired by Lafayette MSP LLC lAfayettE REgioNAl vEiN/lAsER 516 NoRtHwEstERN development cENtER under way MEDxpREss 2 Quick Glance | Continued EDUcAtioN DEMogRApHics ExcEl cENtER, public charter school for adults, opened. population, 2012 ivY tEcH opened Frankfort and Newton Lafayette County sites fall 2013; Crawfordsville, 67,925 January 2013 West Lafayette NEw coMMUNitY scHool (charter) 30,419 consolidated to one, 44,000sf site All of Tippecanoe County pURDUE UNivERsitY opened 177,513 Discovery Park Partners facility, Purdue 14-county region Foundry, Fountain Gallery; multiple 551,809 construction projects under way (see inside) tRicocci UNivERsitY BEAUtY Labor force, Tippecanoe County residents 82,600 collEgE acquired Lafayette Beauty Academy, remodeled Labor force, including incoming commuters 110,000 Greater Lafayette CommerCe ECONOMIC TR ENDS Business and industry Advanced Manufacturing ovERviEw Evonik Degussa Corp. Tippecanoe Labs 555 bout 75 manufacturing and industrial Tate & Lyle, north and south plants 454 firms operate in Tippecanoe County, Kirby Risk Service Center 367 employing about 13 percent of A TRW Commercial Steering 344 Tippecanoe County’s workforce and shipping products worldwide. Rea Magnet Wire Corp. 225 Coleman Cable 170 iNDUstRY RANKiNg Great Lakes Solutions 130 BAsED oN EMploYMENt Oscar Winski Co. Inc. 124 Subaru of Indiana Automotive Inc. 3,600 Industrial Pallet Corp. 120 Wabash National 3,323 voestalpine Rotec 120 Caterpillar Large Engine Center 1,675 Landis + Gyr 115 Oerlikon Fairfield Drive Systems 850 Alloy Custom Products 107 Alcoa/Lafayette Operations 690 Heartland Automotive 93 Lafayette Venetian Blind Inc. 612 Nanshan America 90 3 Advanced Manufacturing | Continued KEY iNDUstRiEs colEMAN CablE iNc. (listed alphabetically) 170 employees Wire manufacturing AlcoA/lAfayettE opERAtioNs 690 employees coppER MooN woRlD coffEE Wholesale coffee Extruded aluminum products 2013: Building $93M, 115,000sf aluminum DaytoN-pHoENix gRoUp iNc. lithium plant (world’s first full-production, 56 employees aluminum lithium casting facility) adjacent Braking resistors for freight, off-highway to current operations, to open 2014, employ vehicles 75. To produce 20,000 metric tons and cast ENviRoNMENtAl REcYcliNg iNc. round and rectangular ingot for rolled, extruded and forged applications in billet Recycling construction, manufacturing sizes up to 33-inches in diameter and slab materials capable of producing wing skin plate and EvoNiK DEgUssA coRp. fuselage sheet for commercial aircraft. tippEcANoE lABs 555 employees AlloY cUstoM pRoDUcts iNc. Pharmaceutical components 107 employees Tank trailers, pressure vessels FCA MANUfActURiNg 40 employees ANDovER coils LLC Industrial wood skids and boxes 60 employees Greater Electronic coils and transformers Graybar Lafayette 7 employees CommerCe tHE BEttER tHAN co. iNc. Supply chain management, logistic services Brunoscotti, a variety of biscotti ECONOMIC gREAt lAKEs solUtioNs TR ENDS BlicKMAN/stEiNER 130 employees Home brewing equipment Flame retardant research center cst/BERgER, DivisioN of stANlEY woRKs HEARtlAND AUtoMotivE 25 employees 93 employees Laser leveling and measuring Interior and exterior automotive components: instrument panels, doors, CantEEN coRREctioNAl sERvicEs head liners and auto body parts. 10 employees 2013: Invested $7.2M in new equipment. Meal, laundry services for correctional facilities HicKsgAs Propane distributor CarlEx glAss co. 12 employees icE cREAM spEciAltiEs Assembly, curing window panels for autos Ice cream novelties CatERpillAR lARgE ENgiNE cENtER iNDUstRiAl PallEt coRp./ AMERicAN fiBERtEcH coRp. 1,625 employees 120 employees Diesel and natural gas engines Wooden pallets 2013: Reduced employment by 125. KiRBY RisK sERvicE cENtER CatERpillAR logistics sERvicEs iNc. 367 employees Trucking, warehousing Wiring harnesses and subassemblies cHRoMcRAft REviNgtoN iNc. lAfayettE iNstRUMENt Residential, commercial furniture 50 employees Offices in West Lafayette; production in Polygraph instrumentation and other high- Mississippi and China tech detection and decision-making devices 4 Advanced Manufacturing | Continued lAfayettE pUzzlE FactoRY MUlHAUpt’s iNc. 4 employees 65 employees Jigsaw, sphere and chalkboard puzzles Custom metal door-frames, contract designed locally, manufactured in Asia hardware; Overhead Doors Products in 20,000 U.S., Australian and New NANsHAN AMERicA ADvANcED Zealand retail outlets AlUMiNUM tEcHNologiEs lAfayettE vENEtiAN BliND iNc. 90 employees; 200 by yearend 2013 612 employees High-end aluminum extrusions used in mass transportation, automotive, Custom window coverings distribution, industrial and electrical lANDis+Gyr industries; train-body material for high- 115 employees speed rail Electronic meters 2013: To build $50M casting house and Owned by Japan-based Toshiba Corp. office building in 2014. liQUiD spRiNg LLC NoRfolK soUtHERN coRp. Suspension systems Rail yard M4 sciENcEs coRp. oERliKoN FaiRfiElD DRivE SystEMs 10 employees 850 employees Ultra-precision, electro-mechanical Gears, shafts and drives modulation device for deep-hole drilling 2013: Reduced workforce by 150. Greater using low-frequency vibration on lathes PacKAgiNg SystEMs of iNDiANA Lafayette M.A.i.l. 20 employees CommerCe 63 employees Shipping products ECONOMIC Outsource mailroom; catalog
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