~:rf.':.f. r- ■■ P'".\ •■, i- •’•■' ’ i' -,v ■,\ \y ^ \ i -I •■ r:'?K'rv ixv> . >Tf ‘ i I« . FiODAy, OCTOBER S6, M « The Weather PAGffi TWENTY Average Daily Net Press Ron Forecast of U. S. Weather Bareau ;^attrlff0tfr lEwfuttig l|m lh For the Week Baded October 19, 1969 Fair and mild tonight. lasr mm and tta l«68-«4 season must, New! 2 Fun near 50. Sunday partly tonny, The British American dub petforoe, be tha f i ^ 1 3 ,8 5 0 hagy and eonttaned warm aftar will hold a Halloween dance for MCC Folding ^ that “**S,*^ Ueumud IdilMm early momiiig fog. High to 16s. About Town members and gfuests tomorrow t e ^ e town will polnttoe naod MMnber of thb Audit r i ' r from 9 p.m. to 1 am . at the for aeWvtty of this s ^ ^ ^ RUSSELL'S 'Bureah eC. Cfareiiiatlan Manehe$ter~—A City o f VUlage Charm Th« Manchester Rod and Gun clubhouse, 78 Maple St. A buf­ After Season future, and that BABBEB SHOP er, somebody wtU Msit a «m»- d u b wUl have “clean-up day” fet will be served and music gprnoe Sb. eetaer sf Oak PRICE SEVEN CENTS Sunday at 8 a.m. at the club­ will be furnished by Charlie Tbe Mlsnottester Oonununity Isr seiiea once again. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1963 (Classified AdvertMag Page 9) house In Coventry. A spaghetti Varrick’s orchestra. Tickets | Concert Aseodation will begin Membership a&d •^meatball dinner will be may be obtained at the club­ its final season next week with 400 or so residents who aervad at noon. house. a concert by William Wlatfleld, up this year are being mailed best known for His singing and today and tomorrow in advante Menobers of the Ladies of St. The French d u b of Manches-1 a o t ^ in Porgy and Bess, the ot tha opening attraction to ^ Aunes will meet tonight at 7:45 ter will sponsor a public whist American opera by George heard Saturday evening, Nov. Turn Clock at the W. P. Qiiish Funeral and setback card party Mon­ Gerahiwln. 3, In Bailey Auditorium. Home, 325 Main St., to pay re- day at 8 p.m. at Orange Hall. Oonwn«nting on the season, In addition to WUllam War- ■peots to Mrs. Margaret G. Wil- Tickets will be available at the Fire iDr. Harvey Pastel, president ot field, m em ^rs of the group Back WOman D ies aon, whose daughter, Mrs. door. Refrejfliments will be | Charles Mo®*®*", and sister, the orgranlsatlon sdd, “It is re­ will hear Gold and FlAtale, an served. grettable that dwindling InteC' outstanding two-plano team, m NEW HAVEN (AP) — Mrs. Rose Bums, are members. est In music here in Manchester a matinee p^ormance Sunday Two o’clock in the morning The Zlpser d u b will hold at forces us to abandon a series afternoon, Jan. 5: Yannula will arrive an hour later to­ •TChe Village Charmers,” a meeting Sunday at 3 p.m. at which I, and others who attend, Pappas, chstlngulshed mezzo- morrow as Connecticut quartet from the Mountain the clubhouse. The directors | feel has not only cultural ad­ soprano from Greece, will bring makes the annual chnnge- Laurel CSiapter of Sweet Ade­ will meet at 2:30 p.m. vantages to the town, but great ox’er from Dnylight Saving lines, Inc., will entertain the the season to its Ultimate end entertokunent and educationsd In April. DOUBLE to Eastern Standard Time. patients of the Crestfleld Con- A food sale, sponsored by the value to the residenta as well. H om e Effective at 3 a.m.. Daylight Elm Founded ten years ago, the valesoent Home at their Hal­ Ladies of the Talcottvllle Con­ "However, each year it bias WORLD 8REEN Saving Time is over until loween costume party tomorrow gregational Church, will be I been Increasingly difficult to se^ local group has brought many noteworthy attractlona to Man­ next spring, and clocks are afternoon. The quartet will also held at Vernon Circle Market | cure members for our organisa' set back one hour. Thus, the act as Judges of custumes. tomorrow commencing at 9:30 tion, partly in view of the many chester, Including such orehes hour lost last spring is re­ a.m., for the benefit of the! musical oppwtunltlee available tras as those from Buffalo, gained. The changeover will The Rev. Barle R. Custer, building fund. In the Greater Hartford area, Washington, Cincinnati and In- STAMPS take place In 11 states to­ Sofa Falls pastor of the North Methodist but largely, I feel, t^irough gen­ dlonaipolls. Many internationally morrow. Some states re­ Oiurch, will be in charge of Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars eral aipathy. « known stars have also graced turned to standard time last radio broadcasts sponsored by of Lebanon, will hold a meeting “Whatever the jeause, the the stage at Bailey Auditorium •UWEEK month. In 22 states, stand­ the Manchester Ministerial As­ Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the board of directors finds It eco­ during the period which in ard time Is obseived through' In Flames sociation over station WINF Masonic Temple. nomically Impossible to con­ many re^ecta repreaented the out the year. •imday at 7:35 p.m. and daily tinue to bring Intematlonally highest c r u r a l point in Mion- next week at 7:80 a.m. and 6:30 The Rev. Ray Hollis of South famous artists to Manchester, ohester’a history. p.m. Methodist Church will conduct To Cellar a service Sunday at 6:40 a.m. in , Masterpieces the chapel of Manchester Mem­ Events A woman presumed to ba orial Hospital. The Rev. Robert Mrs. Barbara W. Piper, 57, J. Shoff, pastor of the Church in Miniature of the Nazarene, will serve as early today lost her life in NOW hospital chaplain next week. UOPT’S In State a fire that gutted the Piper UTTLI AMSTOeaATS I home at 28 N. Elm St. The Mandiester Cedarettes 1 I Dr. Robert R. Keeney, FUEL OIL win hold a business meeting at ■IMATUat MIOeOLATI* the Center Congregational Assorted MUk lUd MB JIM Trinity Student 'medical examiner, this 85 Bast Center St. ' morning said the body was / ® Church Monday at 7:30 p.m. Dark Chocolate Lb. ~ I 1 3 1 2 At Summit St. Held in Georgia } charred beyond recogni­ Skate Program tion, and further investiga­ Arts, Crafts Festival Opens Today WEEKEND CASH AND CABBY SPECIAL May Get Help tion is necessary for posi­ At Y Tomorrow MASS Grace Tedflord, membeirahip chairman of the Fine Arts AasociB*4on, hangs 0^ of the tive identification. He said CASH SAVINGS entries in the Arts and Onafta Festival opening tonAgWt in Manchester High School. The Lions HARTFORD (AP)—Of­ it is hoped medical or den­ I P TO The weekly Saturday Night Club of Mbnehester is oo-sponsor. Formal openlr^r Is today at 8:46, and houm of the festival POMPONS *1 ficially, the Justice Depart­ tal I'ceords may resolve the Roller Skating prc^rram con­ are 6 to 10 tonight, 1 to 10 bomortw, and 1 to 6 Sunday. There will be demonstrationa ment can’t do much right ducted by the recreation depart-1 nightly, and awards WHl be presented Sunday eftemoon. (HeraM photo by Sotemis). now for a Trinity College indecision. ment will begin tomorrow at the Eighth District Fire C3»i«< Commimlty T, 79 N. Main St. student jailed in Amerlcus, Francis L i ra_e rick says ths The program, which is open] Ga., says Atty. Gen. Rob­ woman may have fallen asleep to any boys or girls ten years Town Defendant ert F. Kennedy. on a couch in the living room, PBR of age or older, starts at 6:30 However, the department has while smoking. The body feH <IAMX)N and continues until 9 o’clock. “Informally asked assistance in through the burned out living Robert Neil will be in charge, In Damage Suit Art Soys: p— T.yrwlnn .IVAiniinii and his Wife. £iadyfalnd. »rrtv«d SJt Rontsfhter this matter from the Lawyers’ room floor onto the burning Hartford tote last nlglut tar a wWriwtnd fund-raising tour of CXmnectlcut for Senaitor T h ^ - assisted by George Green and! “We Don’t Fix lliein — (Committee on Civil Rights," fajnily car in the garage below, FUEL OIL Wally Irish. The Town of Manchester baa as J Dodd From tert to right. Sen. Dodd weloomdng, Democratic National Ohalrmnn John Kennedy told Gov. John Demp­ where firemen found it. Ute There are 160 roller skates been named defendant in a $10,• (D S dtdbiA M BaHey in the middle, Vice Prertdent Johnson sooeptlng the weloome, and Governor John sey. covich w'as found in the cellar. Dempsey wniling approval. (Herald photo by astemls). _____ available for rental at a very 000 civil action brought by Jo­ WE REPLACE THEM 901 MAIN 8T.—648-5991 Dempsey had asked the at­ Limerick said the fire had small fee. Those having their | seph Maturo of 120 Bolton St. I torney general what was being been burning for several hours COOPERATIVE pnaerlptton Pharmacy I own skates may use them. for his 18-year-oId son, Joseph if they fall to pfaijr within 90 dajpv of done about the case of Ralph before it was discovered. O il. COMP.ANY All participants must either A. Maturo, of the same address. W. Allen,. 22, of Melrose, Mass., Neighbors reported that at be a member or plan to be­ The writ claims that on Nov. purchase date. (Exc^t battery)* Of Johnson Says who with three othef civil about 5:30 yesterday Mrs.
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