•,r :—: M€>st MauQlwster Stores Open For Shopping Tonight Until 9 0*Clock AToagiB Daily Nut P k m I t o Mail Stiiat ■iHr H m Wm Ii A M Tile Weather aiaj IT. ia« (■ ClosMtjr n o t K> cool to­ Maadieflar night. Scanered O ncm tn, Onm- Its FUN to Shop S u m in n deiahosrera likely. Law H to 88. 15,590 Tomorrosr beooinliig auzniy, ManchesUr—A City of Vittage Charm pleaaaat, with high aboot Tl. i OPEN 6 DAYS 1 VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 209 (TWENTY-BIGHT PA6ES—TWO SECrnONS) for POP Here HALE Thurs.tHI9:0aF.M. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1969 (Claeriflag Adverttafaig ou FUgu M) PRICE TEN CENTS 'A' poplin jacfcats Congratulations We Have Everything To ProXmire Objects ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — reg . 4.98 President Nixon sent a tele­ .99 gram to the 862 graduaites of Permanent press 77% cotton poplin, 23% Dempsey Vetoes Tax Plan, the U.8. Naval Academy con- Please Dad and Granddad itend. Unlined. Zip front, twi To Nixon’s View gratulaUng them on toelr ■ts. Solid colors, S, m, I, xl. new diplomas and oommls- SiO IIB. Hie telegram arrived near­ men's permanent press mockabout" jackets Of Defense Critics ly 24 hours after the grad­ uation exercises and the WASHmOTON (AP) — 8en. ment at his subcommittee's newly commissioned ensigns Calls Special Session Soon bermuda sfunts William Praxmlne, D-Wiu., ac- hearing.' had left toe academy. 4 i 9 9 rm - 3.9t ciwed President Nixon today of He said the President’s HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — g ro u p I /Solid colors with contrasting braid on front attempting to intimidate oon- speech recognized the value of gresetmen probing toe role of the A special sssslon of the Oen- Olid,, collar. Zip front, hidden hood, tie Ids suboommittee’s probe but at oral Assentoly wUl be called waist. Block, navy, maize, tobacco, green military budget in American the same time raised serious I 2.59%?' Sh S, m, I, xl. life. later thla month, Oov. John quesUons about its conduct. Red Confab Dempsey announced Wednesday i Pnoxmire, who la chairman of "This committee Is tiying to I g ro u p 2 a Joint Senate-House economic night as hs rejected the tan Koratron jackets ask the right questions," Prox- program enacted by toe leglala- i 9 AA wibcomniittee holding hearings mire said. He listed these as O pens with hire. I U n 3.98 on toe military budget and na- some of the issues raised: Uaml priorltlee^ otijeoted to 'Ihe gaveraat vetoed a ,MI1 rug. 6.98 —“Do we really need a new containing a 6 per cent sales PI Polyeiter-cotlon blendt In group. Belt loop 5.99 what he teamed Nixon’s strong nucleer carrier task force at a Hit at West tax and then went before the 0 models. Assorted plaids, tattersall checks Permanent press Dacron polyester<otton language Wedmuday in a cort of $1.8 bUHon when oarriens House and Senate In Joint ses­ 0 and solid colors in group. Waist sizes blend. Unlined. Koratron treated for longer speech on national deferae. are sitting ducks for missiles or MDSC»W (AP) — Soviet pa»> sion to toll toe legiSUtoro he 1 29 to 42. wear. Regular collar, roglon sleeves. S, Nixon uaid "new IsoIaUonlsts" modern submarines, merely be­ ty chiet Lecntd I. Breihnev would be seeing them again for those who m, I, xl. ■ were poulng a talae choice be­ cause the Nhvy has always had opened the KremiHn-dominated soon. tween mooting neeponeiblUties IS capital ships? International Communist "When we met last January at home and abroad. Conference today with a charge to begin this session ot toe Gen­ Proxmlro protested that Nix­ —"Do we really need more than 400 major overseas bases, that ImperiailBto of the world eral Assembly,” be said, “it men's permanent press on was trying to intimidate many of which are kept open are afraid of Communist unity. was clear that fiscal itroblems 4 "ftiose who question whether th e conference, boycotted by would be our major concern. 5 perspire heavily men's fast drying because of inertia or by histori­ Amerloa’s role in the world can cal accident?" . China and serverst other major "nieoe prcfblems continue to An antiperspirant that really works! Solves under­ shoit sleeve, be beet served by a large and Meanwhile, Sen. Albert Gone. parties, has been promoted by be our major concern tonight, arm pr^lem s for many who had despaired of swim trunks expending mUiteay force In­ D-Tenn., called on Nixon to per­ Moscow 6s a stop toward Cbm- and toare with each of you knee length deed Df a more vigorous dedl- mundrt unity. Sevenity-flVe of the a deep sense of regret that we effective help. Mitchum Anti-Pcrspirant keeps oation of our resources to our suade South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thleu to accept a world's Oommumist parties are have been unable so for to ru- underarms absolutely dry for thousands of grateful dotneuUc programs." attendhq;. solve them.” users. Positive action reg 2.98 Proocmlre lamed the state­ (See Page Eighteen) Dempsey indicated he toougM coupled with complete p a rfa m a s » .2.59 Tass said the delegates were greeted warmly by Brezhnev at a one-day seeston would be ade­ gentleness to normal skin Polyester-cotton blend. Zip front, extension quate if toe leglslattve leaders tab waist. Navy, green, gold, blue. S, m, I, the opening seestoR In S t and clothing is made Quorgs HaU of the Great Krem­ and be could reach agreement possible by an unusual QQ on toe shape of toe tax in­ lin Palace. Ihere has been no crease package. formula produced by a .00 word on how tong the confer­ rug. 3.98 In his veto message sent to trustworthy 56-year-old How to beat the2 heat . toko one before Rogers Says Saigon ence win last. 3.33 Secretary of the State BlUa T. laboratory. Satisfaction sleeping! Mode of cool cotton-polyester Dacron polyester and cotton blend. Zip Tass quoted Breohnev as say- "SiV\ Ornaso, the governor said that guaranteed, or return blend. Coot style with piping trim. Solid front. Assorted Goley & Lord plaids or fog toe unnamed imperialists colors, stripes, patterns. Sizes A. 8, C, D. a e per cent sales tax ''is a unused portion to re­ solid colors. S, m, I, xl. Training Troops Fast "will do aU they can to bellttls rate which is simply too much tailer for refund. Don’t the tmpbrtancer of the ccigsr- • . A . to cMk of the citisens of Oao- give in to perspiration WASHmOTON (AP) — Secre­ nounce any plan for U.8. troop «nce and to present Its proceed­ nectleiA." | worries; try Mitchum tary of State WUUam P. Rogers withdrawals from South Viet­ ings and rewilts in a distorted A riot helmeted policeman stands guard on one of Dempeey, hoWever, had pro- A nti-Pcrspirant today. WE W yO fl said today that the training of nam when they meet at Midway light.” poeed in Ms budget mesMge in Now — also Cream For­ South Vietnamese forces to take Island Sunday. But he added that the mere Hartford’s North End predominantly Negro areas Roving Gangs Clash February to ralee a good deal over more comttat—and release fact that the oonforence has more money through sales tax­ 90-dey mula! Same price— same ( THtMTM^CARO ) Hiere has been speculaUon— after firing a salvo of tear gas. Unrest broke out •apply ’ positive action. DECTON American troops—Is “moving which Rogers refused to support been convened "testifies to the es than toe legialaUve leaders *30 0 i V along at a rapid pace." realization by Communists of last night after a block dance ended and roam­ of Ms own party bad proposed KEEPS YOU DRY... PERMA-IRON today—that they might an­ With Hartford Police Rogers also told a news nounce a Umetable . for wito- their great re^wnsibility for the ing gangs of teen-agers wrecked and looted stores, to raise with a 6 per cent levy. Drier than any anti-wetness agent conference In response to ques­ drawal of 50,000 troops or more. de^ii^ o fpeaoe and social pro­ HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — responded with tear gas gren­ Although tiM governor's orig­ J Uons about peace negoUations gress.’’ and stoned cars. Roving gangs clashed with po­ ades. inal proposal waa for a 6 ftof J on Vietnam that "We’'re not Rogers was in Souto Vietnam ever put in an aerosol spray can! three weeks ago and talked with Brezhnev told the delegates lice and looted stores in Hart­ A number ot police vehicles cMit sales tax, he recommend- wedded to any government In the aittentlon of the worid Is to and private automobiles were ed extending it to cover person­ Saigon." top U.S. and South Vietnamese ford’s predominantly Negro Downtown Main Street officials. Asked what his oonclu- cuted on the co-ference. reported damaged by thrown al services such as laundering, "We’rs wedded to the princi­ ■ Our class enemies—the impe­ Like It Is North Bkid Wednesday night in objects. 8everal attempts were dry Cleaning, auto repair and Manclieeter sions w^ere about the readiness ple that toe people of South and willingness of the South rialists of all countries and their tola city’s third straight night made to bum vehicles, police hairdressing, restaurant meals ope:n a days Vietnam will decide their own Vietnamese to replace U.S. henchmen—will also attentively of street violence.
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