https://doi.org/10.1090/hmath/034 Pioneering Women in American Mathematics The Pre-1940 PhD’s Editorial Board American Mathematical Society London Mathematical Society Joseph W. Dauben Jeremy J. Gray Peter Duren June Barrow-Green Karen Parshall, Chair Tony Mann, Chair Michael I. Rosen Edmund Robertson 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification.Primary01A60,01A70,01A80,01A73,01A55, 01A05, 01A99. For additional information and updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/hmath-34 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Green, Judy, 1943– Pioneering women in American mathematics : the pre-1940 PhD’s / Judy Green, Jeanne LaDuke. p. cm. — (History of mathematics ; v. 34) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8218-4376-5 (alk. paper) 1. Women mathematicians—United States—History. 2.Womeninhighereducation—United States—History. 3. Women pioneers—United States—History. I. LaDuke, Jeanne, 1938– II. Title. QA28.G74 2008 510.82′0973—dc22 2008035318 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy a chapter for use in teaching or research. Permission is grantedtoquotebriefpassagesfromthispublicationin reviews, provided the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. Republication, systematic copying, or multiple reproduction of any material in this publication is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society. Requests for such permission should be addressed to the Acquisitions Department, American Mathematical Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294, USA. Requests can also be made by e-mail to [email protected]. c 2009 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. ⃝ Printed in the United States of America. The American Mathematical Society retains all rights except those granted to the United States Government. The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines ∞ ⃝ established to ensure permanence and durability. The London Mathematical Society is incorporated under Royal Charter and is registered with the Charity Commissioners. Visit the AMS home page at http://www.ams.org/ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 14 13 12 11 10 09 Contents List of Illustrations vii List of Tables ix List of Biographical Entries xi Preface xv Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Family Background and Precollege Education 13 Chapter 3. Undergraduate Education 19 Chapter 4. Graduate Education 37 Chapter 5. Employment Issues 59 Chapter 6. Career Patterns 73 Chapter 7. Scholarly and Professional Contributions 97 Chapter 8. Epilogue 113 Biographical Entries 119 Abbreviations 323 Archives and Manuscript Collections 325 Selected Bibliography 333 Index to the Essay 339 v List of Illustrations 1.1 Meeting at the Smithsonian Institution 5 3.1 Senior mathematics class, Wellesley College, 1886 22 3.2 Florence P. Lewis and Clara L. Bacon 24 3.3 Brown University Mathematics Club, 1917–18 31 4.1 Felix Klein’s students, about 1893 41 4.2 Mathematics library, University of Chicago 46 4.3 L. E. Dickson and student 47 4.4 Julia Bower, Abba Newton, and Frances Baker at Chicago, 1933 48 4.5 Charlotte A. Scott and Anna Pell Wheeler 51 4.6 Mary C. Varnhorn 53 4.7 University of Illinois, mathematics department, about 1936 56 5.1 Sr. Mary Cleophas Garvin, 1945 62 5.2 Ohio State Graduate Math Club and Faculty Club, 1929 66 6.1 Primary employment for 224 of 228 women 75 6.2 Primary academic employment for 185 of 228 women 76 6.3 Wellesley College mathematics faculty, 1927–28 80 6.4 Olive C. Hazlett 82 6.5 University of Chicago mathematics faculty, mid-1920s 89 6.6 Teresa Cohen, 1992 90 8.1 Mathematics PhD’s to women in the United States by decade, 1886–1959 114 8.2 Mathematics PhD’s by five-year periods, 1920–1959 115 8.3 Mathematics PhD’s by five-year periods, 1980–2004 118 vii List of Tables 1.1 Doctorates awarded by year and school 10 3.1 Leading undergraduate institutions by decade, 1869–1936 21 3.2 Undergraduate institutions 33 4.1 Doctoral institutions by decade, 1886–1939 44 4.2 Leading advisors of women PhD’s before 1940 45 4.3 Doctoral institutions with advisors 56 6.1 Leading academic employers 77 6.2 Hunter College faculty - primary employment 78 6.3 Wellesley College faculty - primary employment 79 6.4 Vassar College faculty - primary employment 81 6.5 University of Illinois faculty - primary employment 82 6.6 Goucher College faculty - primary employment 84 6.7 Primary employment at schools awarding PhD’s to women before 1940 85 6.8 Instances of non-academic employment 94 7.1 Papers published by Americans receiving PhD’s by 1933 98 7.2 Papers published by women mathematicians receiving PhD’s 1886–1939 101 7.3 Women publishing at least six papers 102 7.4 Research fields 106 8.1 Science and engineering PhD’s granted to women by decade, 1920–1959 114 8.2 Leading PhD-granting institutions for women in mathematics, 1930s 116 8.3 Leading PhD-granting institutions for women in mathematics, 1950s 117 ix List of Biographical Entries Adams, Rachel (Blodgett) Casner, Evelyn (Wiggin) Aitchison, Beatrice Chanler, Josephine H. Alden, Marjorie (Leffler) Cohen, Teresa Allen, Bess (Eversull) Cole, Margaret (Buchanan) Allen, Florence E. Cole, Nancy Anderson, Mae Ruth Collier, Myrtie Anderson, R. Lucile Colpitts, Julia T. Anderton, Ethel L. Cooper, Elizabeth M. Andrews, Annie Dale (Biddle) Cope, Frances (Thorndike) Andrews, Grace Copeland, Lennie P. Armstrong, Beulah Cowley, Elizabeth B. Arnoldy, Sister Mary Nicholas Crathorne, Charlotte Elvira (Pengra) Cronin, Sarah Elizabeth Babcock, Wealthy Cummings, Louise D. Bacon, Clara L. Baker, Frances E. Dale, Julia Ballantine, Constance (Rummons) Darkow, Marguerite D. Ballard, Ruth (Mason) Dean, Mildred (Waters) Bareis, Grace M. Delevie, Jeanette (Fox) Barnes, Mabel (Schmeiser) Dickerman, Elizabeth Street Barney, Ida Dimick, Alice (McKelden) Barnum, Charlotte C. Barton, Helen Early, Madeline (Levin) Baxter, Elizabeth (Pillsbury) Epstein, Marion (Greenebaum) Beaty, Marjorie (Heckel) Bechtolsheim, Lulu (Hofmann) Farnum, Fay Beenken, May M. Fitch, Annie (MacKinnon) Benedict, Suzan R. Focke, Anne (Bosworth) Bernstein, Dorothy L. Fowler, Sister Mary Charlotte Black, Florence Frink, Aline (Huke) Blanch, Gertrude Fry, Cleota G. Bonner, Harriet (Rees) Bower, Julia Wells Galvin, Sister Catharine Francis Boyce, Fannie W. Garvin, Sister Mary Cleophas Brady, Dorothy (Stahl) Gentry, Ruth Brown, Eleanor (Pairman) Gibbens, Gladys Buck, Elsie (McFarland) Glasgow, Josephine (Burns) Burke, Sister Leonarda Gough, Sister Mary de Lellis Bushey, Jewell (Hughes) Grant, Anna M. C. Graustein, Mary F. (Curtis) Calkins, Helen Gray, Alta (Odoms) Carlson, Elizabeth Gray, Marion C. xi xii LIST OF BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES Greenfield, Bella (Manel) Litzinger, Marie Grennan, Elizabeth (Bennett) Logsdon, Mayme (Irwin) Griffin, Harriet Griffiths, Lois W. Maddison, Isabel Guggenbuhl, Laura Mangold, Sister Marie Cecilia Gurney, Margaret Maria, May (Hickey) Martin, Emilie Norton Hagen, Beatrice L. Mauch, Margaret E. Haller, Mary E. Mayer, Joanna Isabel Harshbarger, Frances Mazur, Miriam F. (Becker) Haseman, Mary Gertrude McCain, Gertrude I. Haynes, Nola (Anderson) McCoy, Dorothy Hazlett, Olive C. McDonald, Emma (Whiton) Hedberg, Marguerite (Zeigel) McFarland, Dora Hennel, Cora B. McKee, Ruth (Stauffer) Henriques, Anna (Stafford) McMillan, Audrey (Wishard) Hightower, Ruby U. Mears, Florence M. Hill, Agnes (Baxter) Merrill, Helen A. Hill, Sister Mary Laetitia Merrill, Winifred (Edgerton) Hirschfelder, Elizabeth (Stafford) Metcalf, Ida M. Hopkins, Margarete C. (Wolf) Miller, Bessie Irving Hopper, Grace (Murray) Montague, Harriet F. Howe, Anna M. Moody, Ethel I. Hsia, Shu Ting (Liu) Moore, Nina M. (Alderton) Hughes, Olive Margaret Morenus, Eugenie M. Hull, Mary Shore (Walker) Morrison, Sister Charles Mary Humphreys, M. Gweneth Mullikin, Anna M. Hunt, Mildred Huston, Antoinette (Killen) Nee, Henrietta (Terry) Nelson, Sara L. Infeld, Helen (Schlauch) Newson, Mary (Winston) Newton, Abba V. Jackson, Rosa L. Noble, Andrewa Johnson, Roberta F. O’Brien, Katharine Kanarik, Rosella (Kanarik) Offermann, Jessie (Jacobs) Karl, Sister Mary Cordia Olson, Emma J. Kelley, Sister Mary Gervase Owens, Helen (Brewster) Kendall, Claribel Ketchum, Gertrude (Stith) Peirce, Leona May King, Eula (Weeks) Pence, Sallie E. Kloyda, Sister M. Thomas ´aKempis Pepper, Echo D. Kohlmetz, Dorothy Bothwell Peters, Ruth M. Kramer, Edna E. Pixley, Emily (Chandler) Porter, Goldie (Horton) Ladd-Franklin, Christine Price, Irene Landers, Mary (Kenny) Larew, Gillie A. Quinn, Grace (Shover) Lehr, Marguerite Lester, Caroline A. Ragsdale, Virginia LeStourgeon, Elizabeth Rambo, Susan M. Lewis, Florence P. Rasmusen, Ruth B. Little, Dorothy (Manning) Smiley Rayl, Adrienne S. LIST OF BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES xiii Reavis, Mabel (Griffin) Thornton, Marian (Wilder) Rees, Mina S. Thuener, Sister M. Domitilla Reilly, Sister Mary Henrietta Torrance, Esther (McCormick) Reklis, Virginia (Modesitt) Torrey, Marian M. Roe, Josephine (Robinson) Tuller, Annita Rosenbaum, Louise (Johnson) Turner, Bird M. Rusk, Evelyn (Carroll) Turner, Mary (Haberzetle) Russell, Helen G. Van Benschoten, Anna L. Sagal, Mary Helen (Sznyter) Varnhorn, Mary C. Sanderson, Mildred Leonora Vaudreuil, Sister Mary Felice Schulte, Sister M. Leontius Vivian, Roxana H. Sedgewick, Rose (Whelan) Seely, Caroline E. Weeks, Dorothy W. Shea, Sister Ann Elizabeth Weiss, Marie J. Simond, Ruth G. Wells, Mary Evelyn Sinclair, Mary E. Wheeler, Anna (Johnson) Pell Smith, Clara E.
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