79 SEANAD E´ IREANN 1289 De´ Ma´irt, 13 Nollaig, 2005 Tuesday, 13th December, 2005 2.30 p.m. RIAR NA hOIBRE Order Paper GNO´ POIBLI´ Public Business Tairiscint: Motion: 1. ‘‘Go nde´anfar an togra go gceadaı´onn That the proposal that Seanad E´ ireann Seanad E´ ireann an Sta´t d’fheidhmiu´ an approve the exercise by the State of the roghnaithe no´ na rogha, arna gcur ar fa´il option or discretion, provided by Article 3 le hAirteagal 3 den cheathru´ Pro´ tacal ata´ of the fourth Protocol set out in the Treaty leagtha amach i gConradh Amstardam, of Amsterdam, to notify the President of fo´ gra a thabhairt d’Uachtara´n na Comhairle the Council that it wishes to take part in the gur mian leis a bheith pa´irteach i nglacadh adoption and application of the following agus i bhfeidhmiu´ an bhirt bheartaithe seo proposed measure: a leanas: togra le haghaidh Cinnidh o´ n gComhairle a proposal for a Council Decision on the maidir le no´ s imeachta faisne´ise establishment of a mutual information frithpha´irteach a bhunu´ a bhaineann le procedure concerning Member States’ bearta Ballsta´tire´imsı´ an tearmainn agus measures in the area of asylum and na hinimirce, immigration, ar beart beartaithe e´ ar leagadh co´ ip de faoi a copy of which proposed measure was laid bhra´id Sheanad E´ ireann an 14 Samhain, before Seanad E´ ireann on 14th November, 2005, a tharchur chuig an gComhchoiste um 2005, be referred to the Joint Committee on Dhlı´ agus Ceart, Comhionannas, Cosaint Justice, Equality, Defence and Women’s agus Cearta na mBan, de re´ir mhı´r (1) Rights, in accordance with paragraph (1) (Seanad) d’Orduithe Tagartha an Choiste (Seanad) of the Orders of Reference of that sin, agus go nde´anfaidh an Coiste sin, tra´th Committee, which, not later that 15th nach de´anaı´ na´ an 15 Nollaig, 2005, December, 2005, shall send a message to teachtaireacht a chur chuig an Seanad ar an the Seanad in the manner prescribed in modh a fhorordaı´tear i mBuan-Ordu´ 67, Standing Order 67, and Standing Order agus go mbeidh feidhm da´ re´ir ag Buan- 69(2) shall accordingly apply.’’ Ordu´ 69(2). —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 2. An Bille Iomaı´ochta (Leasu´ ) 2005 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Competition (Amendment) Bill 2005 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ an Achta Bill entitled an Act to amend the Iomaı´ochta 2002 trı´ shocru´ a dhe´anamh, ar Competition Act 2002 by providing, in the mhaithe le leas an phobail, chun toirmeasc interests of the common good, for the P.T.O. 1290 13 Nollaig, 2005 a chur ar ghnı´omhaı´ochtaı´ lena gcoisctear, prohibition of activities which prevent, lena sriantar no´ lena saobhtar le iomaı´ocht restrict or distort competition in trade in i dtra´da´il in earraı´ gro´ saera sa Sta´t, do grocery goods in the State, to revoke the chu´ lghairm an Ordaithe um Chleachtais Restrictive Practices (Groceries) Order Srianta (Earraı´ Gro´ saera) 1987 agus 1987 and to repeal the Restrictive Practices d’aisghairm an Achta um Chleachtais (Confirmation of Order) Act 1987 and Srianta (Ordu´ a Dhaingniu´ ) 1987 agus other related and spent Acts. Achtanna gaolmhara eile agus Achtanna eile ata´ o´ fheidhm. —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 3. Bille an Chola´iste Ollscoile, Gaillimh (Leasu´ ) 2005 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. University College Galway (Amendment) Bill 2005 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ Acht Bill entitled an Act to amend the Chola´iste Phrı´omh-Scoile na Gaillimhe University College Galway Act 1929. 1929. —Senator Mary O’Rourke. Tairiscint: Motion: 4. ‘‘Go nde´anann Seanad E´ ireann, That Seanad E´ ireann, —a´ mheabhru´ di an imnı´ phoiblı´ — bearing in mind the significant public shuntasach faoi la´imhsea´il lı´omhaintı´ concern about the handling of maidir le drochu´ sa´id ghne´asach leanaı´ allegations of child sexual abuse in aghaidh comhaltaı´ den chle´ir a bhı´ against members of the clergy ag feidhmiu´ faoi choimirce operating under the aegis of the ard—deoise Chaitliceach Bhaile Catholic archdiocese of Dublin; A´ tha Cliath; —a´ thabhairt da´ haire Cinneadh — noting the informal Government neamhfhoirmiu´ il an Rialtais an 22 Decision of 22nd October, 2002 that Deireadh Fo´ mhair, 2002, gur the matter required further theastaigh tuilleadh breithnithe agus consideration and reflection, in machnaimh maidir leis an nı´, go particular on the part of the Minister ha´irithe ag an Aire Dlı´ agus Cirt, for Justice, Equality and Law Reform; Comhionannais agus Athcho´ irithe Dlı´; —a´ thabhairt da´ haire Cinneadh an — noting the Government Decision of Rialtais an 25 Deireadh Fo´ mhair, 25th October, 2005 accepting in 2005, lenar glacadh i bprionsabal le principle the recommendations of the moltaı´ thuarasca´il an fhiosru´ cha´in faoi report of the inquiry into the handling la´imhsea´il lı´omhaintı´ maidir le of allegations of child sexual abuse in drochu´ sa´id ghne´asach leanaı´ i ndeoise the diocese of Ferns and giving a Fhearna agus lenar tugadh gealltanas commitment to their implementation maidir lena gcur i ngnı´omh ag Ranna by line Departments and relevant lı´ne agus ag gnı´omhaireachtaı´ agencies; iomchuı´; —a´ thabhairt da´ haire gurb e´ tuairim an — noting that it is the opinion of the an Aire Dlı´ agus Cirt, Comhionannais Minister for Justice, Equality and Law agus Athcho´ irithe Dlı´ gur trı´ Reform that a commission of choimisiu´ n imscru´ du´ cha´in is fearr a investigation represents the best 13 Nollaig, 2005 1291 thabharfar aghaidh ar na method of addressing the issues saincheisteanna ata´ i gceist; involved; —a´ thabhairt da´ haire thairis sin go — further noting that a draft order ndearnadh dre´acht-ordu´ a bheartaı´onn proposed to be made by the an Rialtas a dhe´anamh faoin Acht um Government under the Commissions of Choimisiu´in Imscru´du´cha´in 2004 (Uimh. Investigation Act 2004 (No. 23 of 2004) 23 de 2004) a leagan go cuı´ faoi bhra´id has been duly laid before Seanad Sheanad E´ ireann i leith na nithe sin E´ ireann in respect of the foregoing roimhe seo da´ dtagraı´tear, mar aon le matters referred to, together with a ra´iteas ar na cu´iseanna le coimisiu´n a statement of reasons for establishing a bhunu´ faoin Acht sin; commission under that Act; an dre´acht-Ordu´ um Choimisiu´ n approves the draft Commission of Imscru´ du´ cha´in (Drochu´ sa´id Ghne´asach Investigation (Child Sexual Abuse) Order Leanaı´) 2005 a cheadu´ . 2005.’’ —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 5. Bille na bPrı´osu´ n 2005 — An Coiste. Prisons Bill 2005 — Committee. 6. An Bille um Chla´ru´ Uachtanna 2005 — An Coiste. Registration of Wills Bill 2005 — Committee. —Senator Terry Leyden. 7. Bille na dTeangacha Oifigiu´ la (Leasu´ ) 2005 — An Dara Ce´im. Official Languages (Amendment) Bill 2005 — Second Stage. —Senators Joe O’Toole, Paul Coghlan, David Norris. Tı´olactha: Presented: 8. An Bille um Cheartas Coiriu´ il (Cu´ namh Frithpha´irteach) 2005 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) Bill 2005 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht da´ chumasu´ Bill entitled an Act to enable effect to be e´ifeacht a thabhairt sa Sta´t d’fhora´lacha de given in the State to provisions of the chuid na n-ionstraimı´ idirna´isiu´ nta seo a following international instruments relating leanas a bhaineann le cu´ namh to mutual assistance in criminal matters: (i) frithpha´irteach in a´bhair choiriu´ la: (i) the European Union Convention of 29 May Coinbhinsiu´ n an Aontais Eorpaigh an 29 2000, the Protocol thereto of 16 October Bealtaine 2000, Pro´ tacal an 16 Deireadh 2001 and the Agreement of 19 December Fo´ mhair 2001 a ghabhann leis agus 2003 between the European Union and the Comhaontu´ an 19 Nollaig 2003 idir an Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na Norway on the application of certain hI´oslainne agus Rı´ocht na hIorua maidir le provisions of the convention and protocol, feidhm fora´lacha a´irithe den Choinbhinsiu´ n (ii) Council Framework Decision agus den Phro´ tacal, (ii) Creat-Chinneadh 2003/577/JHA of 22 July 2003 concerning 2003/577/JHA an 22 Iu´ il 2003 o´ n orders freezing property or evidence, (iii) gComhairle maidir le horduithe lena the Second Additional Protocol of 8 gcalctar maoin no´ fianaise, (iii) Dara November 2001 to the European Pro´ tacal Breise an 8 Samhain 2001 a Convention of 20 April 1959, (iv) the Treaty ghabhann le Coinbhinsiu´ n Eorpach an 20 of 18 January 2001 between the United Aibrea´n 1959, (iv) Conradh an 18 Eana´ir States of America and Ireland, as applied P.T.O. 1292 13 Nollaig, 2005 2001 idir Sta´it Aontaithe Mheiricea´ agus by the instrument contemplated by Article E´ ire, arna chur chun feidhme leis an 3(2) of the Agreement of 25 June 2003 ionstraim a bheartaı´tear le hAirteagal 3(2) between the European Union and the de Chomhaontu´ an 25 Meitheamh 2003 idir United States of America and done at an tAontas Eorpach agus Sta´it Aontaithe Dublin on 14 July 2005; (b) to give effect to Mheiricea´ agus a rinneadh i mBaile A´ tha Council Decision (2002/192/EC) of 28 Cliath an 14 Iu´ il 2005; (b) do thabhairt February 2002 concerning Ireland’s request e´ifeacht do Chinneadh (2002/192/CE) an 28 to take part in some of the provisions of the Feabhra 2002 o´ n gComhairle maidir le Schengen Acquis, in so far as those hiarraidh na hE´ ireann a bheith pa´irteach i provisions relate to mutual assistance in roinnt d’fhora´lacha Acquis Schengen, a criminal matters; (c) to repeal and re-enact, mhe´id a bhaineann na fora´lacha sin le with amendments, Part VII (International cu´ namh frithpha´irteach in a´bhair choiriu´ la; Co-operation) of the Criminal Justice Act (c) do dhe´anamh aisghairm agus athachtu´ , 1994; and to provide for related matters.
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