James Madison University JMU Scholarly Commons The iF xer, 1969-1973 JMU Special Collections 10-21-1970 The iF xer, October 21, 1970 Madison College Press (Free) Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.lib.jmu.edu/fixer Custom Citation The iF xer, October 21, 1970. Harrisonburg (Va.): Madison College Press (Free). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the JMU Special Collections at JMU Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iF xer, 1969-1973 by an authorized administrator of JMU Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. <**«You••***Y0u contendcontend' that ""the* the' decdecision la loir i ri r». ...stripstrips awayatray from any.'qoan; ciollege liege t, administration the right jtoJto mete a out punlahmbhtpunlshmerit to throseithosei vmo vio- late its iules."tujles," All thjeth^ 'decisionpeclslon sn snca srsca did vras..was ptohitltpi oh it it. , this ..particular particular c n administrationadmlnls'trat^on from enfenforcingior i S thbsethose YOU HAD particular ^ules.rules. The rb^sonreason for 0 this decision-declslonr is that thejse rules^nles- deprived sltudentsstudents of rlightsrights which U|U are guaranteed'guaranteed'to to all cdtjizens;citizensj Itit isIs NOT the!thel college's "rjlght"right to en- GET YOUR, t force rules which vlolajte the rights of itsits students.!students.; There is nothing, hqwdver,however, thatthat, INDIAN SILENCED:\S.IIENCEDs\ Frank James,, k&f \i prevents artyar^ ;administrationadministration from j Is an Instructor at the-the Nauset \ \enforcing.enforcing ahyarty rules thatthat(are are proper Regional High . SSchool'\inr chool' \ In Orleans, \ \ahd\and legal,legal. IheThe college 'cdnjoin and must -Mass,.Mass, He'He Is a Wampanokg.Wam-panofeg Indian, \\ \aketake actioniactionl against disjruptlondisirmptlonr anand| i He .was invitedInvited, to nake;make the main \ riolence",Violence", butlbUti ltit ;ccannotannob |:ake}ake actlopactlort eneechhteoch at the, 350th 'ann^lversaryanhrlVersary \ against fre^ expressionexpresslorr ^nd<fnd assem-jassem-J ;> oX the landing of the.the Pilgrims orr.on \bly.\b|y. This ;lIS,s America! | i hI ' Scvti.Se• 11—a11—0 soeclalsneclal state dinner W^YouWk^You reachreach! the coneIrtjsionsconclt?s|Lorrs Thus^Thus- unddruhdeY the sponsorship of \Gov,.Gov, ^nker■^nker the decision,, th^the Studentistudent . PrancesPranc\s Sargent. But after James tiakha^i the rightrlgh ■■to dissent without submitted his speech for,fo;t\use use as a hiringhaving to fearfe^ ri any condeconsebuenbes juehCes farfqt Xhls is a trifle Ip- press release,releaset Just prloh to the hl\s\actions.his\actions,' t 'fThls is a trifle 1^, dinner,\hedInner,\he was told by Ernest A, acbArate. Thei moreinor'e correbtcoriiest statepstate-* LuceLucci, 1, depjutydddpty state commls^slonercommissioner mcrth.ls:mcht\ is: "UndVi"Und^p the CONSfTiaL. lO^,, of commercecomraerce and development,,development, 'thatthat the..the-. Student hkshis the right to di^S- ., he would not-benot be allowed to spdak ent\w,lthoutentWithout haying to fjehr..;fear.., Vta* after all. JamesJarhes told The Militant hadn't yonyou heatd?hej M? ;M aicc^LLj' that the reason he was sacked!sacked-, was The3 dictionary deflnetedefinert dissent that he Included\aincluded\a number of his- as "a differencedifference, of opinion.opu DDo;q torical facts iri\hlsln\hls speech. One you rb^lly feaX dlffeverjce , of I fd-ctfhet was that JusV"afterJustxafter the Pll-\ opoplnldh? in 1 in,? This isIs AmeriGk»America-i jlif gri'msgtlms landed they bpenedopened up an \ \ ***You\***youv bawl th^tthat "the rulingrrtllng jj Indian grave and stole trinkets \\ smacks\smacks; of liberality land ovefcfovety- n from lt--thenl,t—then reburied\there bur led \ the corpsecorpse\ \ \^ permlsslVenesshpermlsaiW-enessi'l 1 suppese now/°J/ ^■ Another"Another' JpctX^ct dealt wltV\thewitV\the Pil-Pll- ' \, that I Webijive qufeionedjtheclu%tion®dJt^® ml^fse grims seizing corn wlthduiwlthdut pay- \ of the word "petmlssivdhess,"petmlssiv^rtess, /you;you mentment„" ""LucolXsa Luc dips a Idid tha t hd,hd\pould could x have to 'start howlinghjpwlins about //j, not and wouldNnotwoulaxnot allow me\tomevXto give \oVER-perMssivertess.OVEB-perMssive^ess, 1 -' x what Is/wrc the address,," JafcesJghes says.says"; "Xfe."'He, \ More t?p\tp\ the' point:ioint: what 191 wrp/lg to rbsorl didn't think itIt w^swas the timetimeVnd Land v^ithwhth llbeklityHlliberality 1 rl hatdhate to rfsorf place for such thlttg^.thlhgh."n In sorad\sora^\, tdtk, the dldtvlpna^^againdiqllonak agairt huthl mfst IberaJ trw' ways,v:a-ysf not so much hadhaS vcharrged^changed lX\iX\ rerhlndremind you^yoX that ^iberal ty is dey^, of ndfrow-jn ow 35©35S .ye^rs,.years, \N. vwV; fined as "AkencS"Atjsenc of 4k -|/ ijudlce irr li ■r —RandydPurst—Rard-yyPurst The MirXtantMilitant \ mlndVdnessmindVdness pr prfjjudlcd in triii me th \\Xv ing. Vpo yoyort\really medii that \(cont\'^p,\(contV\p, 2)\\2 —--J— 1 '-.-Vw. I SMELLED TLEXBESEZETIE>BREEZE AGAINAGA IN Ex \\V a "The Breeze," thVbfflclalthV^bfflclal cacai W \ •/■CiX m pus^ organ, has once morh^omemorsb^ome I) j... thTQ,%h--WlththrO-iTgh.wlth some irrItatlngTy,Irritating 5 O! Ididiot lot iblb ''fa.'re.Its farev^ Its rerecent cent "ed ltiit lax"la1" (Oct. 7) concerning Judge MerhlgeMerhlge's 's decisiondocisIon"isx& is'::a monumental ■ESP) pileplle of Intolerant alarmalarm^nfemfeppy- Dy- 4 cockCOCk. - ^~^on--I-.hear~--~^he n --X. he a r . these kind of animfanlm V,/ • noise',nolser-: Ttcmfrom eresEnebaredrree3deia-hg Idpnts., , ..JT cancan, X. y -t-■■■■■- - be fLklrlyrturly understanding.understanding'. ItIf Tois diri as; flcult fortfoP someone on the outsIdeoutside »»' to obtainobtain: anarr accurate picture of x. >!•// what really happens on campuscampus. t 7XX >/I*/ thther e ir mmls_lnfor.ma ls lnforma tlpntlprr lead's " to ,a'ia3a la ;-a Thx'r.artieie;Thw -r^r tteley However,, emanates' „ : SI & V M frxa^Vhef'campusf^-m^ftheVbampus community i'tseXfir?'itself*, ♦I I »I I vy 'f I andandyi yY canr^..^canripX, help harbpx^ltigharbprirtg thOcthe, ' l j».. * 1 if »i %* distinctd,lst3rct t^ the ^auth- t « I ■'6r^h.-uldhould^'haVek^'owrrv'have Lmp'own be tter, £\| I1 t.owuowE'address^rayself'dt^^fe,. addr es sXmyse , *'C " Open Keeting author c" the "ed"eaitorl^il^ i tor Iki1^ liriire-Inrre- i Wed.Wed, (cL(S'O.co Seconc\Second plyingplylng to her allegations'^allegations? • the fixer page tBREEZE,"(BREEZE, cont.)cent.) the ruling "smacks of" broad-mind- edness and lack of prejudice? Is that really so terrifying to you? This Isis America! i:-^You•'■^You moan about "faculties some members of which'are not much older The Byrds (Untltled) than the students..." Would you (03012?)(G30127) 2 Record Set % suggest that we dispose of all the . b:. i * faculty members under forty, so It's been six years since -wewe - >- that.thethat the faculty members can be saw ojarojir first Byrd,. and Roger Mc- "much older" than the students? GulnrrGulnrt is still standing in his al- **^You^You claim that "many minorities bum photographs, bending one knee are being granted privilege and and gazing intoInto the California license rather than rights to the. sun, maybe at a jet plane, David detriment of the vast majority." ' Crosby,'Crosby,'Gene Gene Clark, Chris Hill- Did the "vast majority" suffer any man,man. Mike Clark,.Clark, Kevin Kelley, detrimental effects last AAnrll?/ or 11?/ Gram Parsons, John York and a castrcast WereWere' they hurt or interferedInterfered wltbWith of thousands who through their col- in any way by the activists? Of lectivelective' effort and McGuinn's in- course not. credible drive to keep the group Students do not have the right to alive, have-madehave made it possible for disrupt or destroy; the law and youryourto to buy or steal this new Byrds Judge Merhige's ruling are both album, or hear or steal this new clear on this point. The students Byrds album, and hear or steal two at Madison "won" their case because records for the price of one and a they acted peacefully and reason- half. aoly. At Virginia Tech, where there The first disc'isdisc.'is recorded live was some disruption and violence, and itIt sounds like a good set, "8 even an attempt by dissident stu- Miles High" runs for an entire sl^c.sMc. dents to secre a Temporary Restrain-Restraln- and contains no vocals; it Isis also ing Order failed. Judges base their extremely boring after one listen- decisions on the law as applied to Ing.ing. The rest of the live section the substantive facts of each indi-Indi- consists of the Byrds standards: vidual case. Judge Merhige'sMerhigefs decis- "Rock'n Roll Star," "Mr. Tambour- ion does not grant a license to dis- ine Man," and "Mr. Spaceman"Spaceman";.a ; a v-•- rupt; itIt only'upholdsonly upholds the legality country Instrumental they call < of mroper^roper dissent, "nashville West," "Lover of the ***Yqu***You state that your "straw poll" Bayou," and Dylan's "positively is evidence of polarization at Mad- 4thif-th Street." Clarence White's gui-gui-- ison. That isIs rldlculoiis!r idlculo\is! Read your tar playing is just the right, , own poll; there are many shades of touch, bending everything into <,< opinion expressed, not simply "for" place, and making the muaiumusic flow. and "against." Perhaps you are too The studio recording starts withwitn inflexible or too Insecure in your "Chestnut Mare,."Mare," a McGulnn tune own beliefs to feel comfortable about chasing aa. horse. The ploysplot s with diversity of opinion. You will not much, but itIt lias a very catch- have to learn to live with it,It, ing melodic chorus. In fact, all . however. This isIs America! the material on the studio disc is ***We have established that you marked by long, repetitious chorus- fear'broad-mindednessfear broad-mindedness, , lack of es, Pieces from their last album prejudice and diversity of opinion.
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