

! 1 I~0 .•....~ .•.... j ij .~ ~!~ i·i.. ~ ~ ~ ~h~2~1~!S6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SULTANPUR Besed or tne /,,[to5t oata refresh on Mar 2019, S,lltanpur stands at a ra+ d 48 out of 75 districts ":vi:t' 3 ccnocsite score 0' 0,44. Sutanpur's Ut:,t oerfOI'l'i ng .ndtcetor IS % of pregnant women received 4 or more ANC and tested for Hb against estimated PWwhen? II IS ranked 1/75 dtstnrts Wltl, a 5COIt2 ')' 100.00. The next nest perfcrrrmg indicators % of children received full immunization (BCG,Penta 1,2,3, Measles)where Sultanpur is ranked at . /75 w.th a score 0' 100.00 Jajsinghpur, PP Kamaicha, Dubeypur ,ire fie :CJ) pe"'orming blorxs wrt CC"1!)cslte score. Su!tanpur, DHQ Sultanpur, Kurebhar ere +e em pertormng blocr5 wrt (C"1!)C'5!te score. CQI',l?OS -E SCC'\, R!,N< ,'-0 :2:)" INDICATOR PERFORMANCE CHANGE Rf .~ \/:;i..C -6 -: o~r- "e~rar'c v.cr-er "cce .ec .: or me "-: L.i\C 8( :1 :.:s:e:l ;c" - ~ f g?ir:;:t estimetec C ,\ 1175 100.00 0.44 t6- -: -0; C·~tc:ic'" oe . e""j ~26 "':t repc":ed ~ei'.e·'ii I~:: ,:,(:is'i!a;~e:o c...C) i48175 40175 0.48 ·'",6-1::',; "e', :u, ';~-:, ., ~:1C:t~~'~:~~~~I~e:el"~,?JJs:parn :'-e-:·- .,j:'" ~'::'8 r,:.'" cf ~cr'''e celtver, cgair.:;: "e~,j":e: celi ..er/{~ofTle 63175 19.25 TOP 3 PERFORMANCE BLOCKS i' ::0' e!i~ole coup t ac:to:e:llil11:"~ 'T,t:rc':, :·,1io 00 tee. J~S, P',!"S. 1,5',1; 0.56 0.55 0.53 23175 0.14 S p: {;IT;':-, BLOCK PERFORMANCE CHANGE - J; '~':;v DJbe/p_" . ~, ':·t, :i,:3 BOTTOM 3 PERFORMANCE BLOCKS :,~ 1 :)7 025 0.25 0.26 0.41 3. t5r-:;v KI.,jne ~;Ole~ DHQ 59 C '$ IL~I.'l::· ~s,:"~";'I..' 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I" I" , T' v' t.. 1 ( }:.: 'I' "-' •.. o r·' v' ~ ~~ '" n 1./'1 ~ c e e e e ') e e e e o 0> I' I· 'I I '-' l- 'c",' !. ;:.... r.J ;v '0 r.. ~J 'C'"J . I .. c> 1.:,") "" 1 ~:: . I '.1' .• J :'1 oo i~.J i., -J '1.' 0> r-'} ",-o .' :u ~ C~ Child Registration on RCH Health Dashboard 2019-20 Load for Registered Load for Immunization With in Low Birth District Block Immunization Yearly Infant Registered Yearly Target for Child Death Weight Target for PW PW Achived till 30 days now Sultanpur Akhandnagar 5934 1 0% 1 0 0 Sultan pur Baldirai 5500 19 0% 19 4 0 Sultanpur Bhadaiya 4642 12 0% 10 1 0 Sultanpur Dhanpatganj 5232 7 0% 7 0 0 Sultanpur District Hospital Units 3407 . 12 0% 12 1 0 Sultanpur Dostpur 4308 0 0% 0 0 0 Sultanpur Dubeypur 6968 130 2% 118 22 0 Sultanpur Jaisinghpur 5926 5 0% 5 0 0 Sultanpur Kadipur 2775 1 0% 1 0 0 Sultanpur Karaundikala 2773 0 0% 0 0 0 Sultanpur Kudhebhar 5818 79 1% 79 1 0 Sultanpur Kudwar 6250 2 0% 2 0 0 Sultanpur Lambhua 5247 0 0% 0 0 0 Sultanpur Motigarpur 3367 50 1% 50 8 0 Sultanpur P.P. Kamaicha 4182 192 5% 16 18 0 Sultanpur Urban Units Sultanpur 3407 422 12% 3 54 0 Total 75736 932 1% 323 109 0 ~ Cf)14wSi ~ am i('l1Cf>ql,< 3TR0~0~0 ~ ~ cnx fctcRur ~ ~ lTm I 3l\Xllff Si51GlI am ~ em- Ptc!~lt"l f$m lTm fcp ~ldl'lffi~ld t#lh¥JI ~ 'tlPt~=qdqR I crlIT~ ~ <PT3lltlR q ihP ~ ~ u, •..•••Du, •..• ~ CfR'1T tlPt~=qd ctR I (Cf>14Qltfl ~- 3llR ~ ~ (3TRO~O~O)/ ~ ~ ~Ox=qTO R) Pregnant Women Registration Count oN RCH Dashboard 2019-20 Load for PW Severe Load for Immunization Registered High risk Anaemic Immunization PW Yearly Target Bank in Maternal District Block Yearly Target Registered forPW Details Death forPW Achived till 1st PW PW now Trimester Registered Registered Sultanpur Akhandnagar 6821 2 0% 2 2 1 0 0 Sultanpur Baldirai 6322 33 1% 33 11 13 0 0 Sultanpur Bhadaiya 5336 20 0% 20 12 11 0 0 Sultanpur Dhanpatganj 6013 14 0% 14 14 0 0 0 District Hospital Sultanpur 3917 8 0% 8 8 4 0 0 Units Sultanpur Sultanpur Dostpur 4952 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Sultanpur Dubeypur 8009 144 2% 144 144 54 0 0 Sultanpur Jaisinghpur 6812 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Sultanpur Kadipur 1594 80 5% 80 0 11 0 0 Sultanpur Karaundikala 1593 48 3% 48 0 14 0 0 Sultanpur Kudhebhar 6687 329 5% 329 321 8 7 0 Sultanpur Kudwar 7184 2 0% 2 0 0 0 0 Sultanpur Lambhua 6031 2 0% 2 1 1 0 0 Sultanpur Motigarpur 3870 4 0% 4 2 2 0 0 Sultanpur P.P.

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