RF!,"1.' K», lOTi AVf.. 9 lour MUM On Thtrt Art Bttitr rmrDrMMiM ««». /* JMmar THE COAST ADVERTISER AMI Seventieth Ye»r, No. 18 — 8 Pirn HELMAR, NEW JERBlV, THURSDAY, AUGUST g, 1903 SwaCW Driver Penalized Plans Mod* For ugh Replaces WmlRoschen TOflt Hope NOW CHURCH TO HARK AtWaJISfadkjm Dane* Contests Burned Boardwalk Requiem Off era BPRJNO LAKE — Wattl 104TH BIRTHDAY and twist eonttrti will be held at the annual evening card Repairs Section 20-Point Rap Impoxd party and dance of 81. Cathar- Tartil* Extcu+ivi, 67, 4 'lenwood Congrega- line'a parish August 23 at the Burntd Out In Raging Monmouth Hotel. Nick Nleh- Long Reiidtnt Of By M«nag*r For HfH- ola and hit orcheatra will fur- Sunday Firt tion To Hold Special nish the music. Prises will be IRQ vJppon#nt awarded to the winners In Belmar quickly replaced a Spring Lain Araa Services Sunday each category. section of ttm boardwalk after it had been destroyed by fire Mr. and Mrs, Howard A. Bob Howard, nentrral man- Sunday afternoon. Damage Tin funeral of William E Matthews made plans for was estimated at $3,000. Allenwood Protestant Church ager of Wail BUullum h*i an- these contests with their com- loschen, executive of textiU l AHaJre-Allenwood road Will The fire broke out about 2 nounced a w-polnt penalty mittee members at a recent lrnu and Jong a resident OJ observe its 104th anniversary P. M , in a section at Ocean against Bill Chevalier of Say meeting at their home. Spring Lake and Wall Town- with special services Sunday. and 15th avenues. About 100 revllle, modified division point ship, was held Monday with There will be a combined Mr. and Mrs. William A. feet of the boardwalk was leader for "actions detrimen- » Solemn Reaulvm Maw at Sunday School hour at 0:30 A. Ryan of 813 Claridge drive, damaged and had to be re- tal to auto racing during the St. Catharine's, Spring Lake, on Sunday. The pastor, Spring Lake Heights, ente- placed. feature stock ear race last rtained the table prizes com- JAMES A. MOVER AND MR 8- GLORIA SACOO Mr. Roschen died suddenly Rev. Ronald O. Griffiths, will Fire Chief Harold Thomp- Saturday night at Wall sta- mittee at their home Monday ast Friday at Columbia-Pres- be the speaker at 10:48 A. M. dium." SEA GIRT — James A. is now a music teacher In sun said the fire appeared to ivenlng. byterian Medical Center, New n the afternoon fellowship Mover, shore pianist and tea- Markham Place School, Lit have started from a cigar- York City. He had been ailing A general meeting of all service at 3 P. M.. Rev. L, J. Chevalier left his racer af- cher, will give his annual tle Silver. ette tossed under the board- a few days. He was 67. committete workers will be 'yne, pastor of the Alliance ter an accident and attempt- concert Friday, August 23, at Mr. Kearns, also a mule walk, Igniting papers there. held this Friday evening, For many years Mr. Bos- Church at Cranford. will be ed to strike Tommie Elliott of • :45 P. M. at the Spring Lake teacher, is ln the Brick WWi- Firemen had to rip away Chen had been in the textile guest speaker, and in the Toms River, defending modi- August 9, at St. Margaret's Community House. Mrs. Glo- ship school system. about 100 feet to get at the business ln New York and vening service at 7 P. M., fled champion, Howard re- Church Hall. ria Sacco Morra, will be as- blue. In addition to the top !Nortn CaroliM. He was chair- Rev. Milton Davis, pastor of ported. sisting vocalist. Robert M. NAMED TO COUNTY walk boards, largo supporting : m,n 0J the board8 „, E p rail Homes Community Wall High Boosters Kearns of Sea Oirt will be ac- Tom Hope has now become The penalty is the first of timbers were damaged. Next; Ttmme & a,,, Inc New Church, will minister. RECREATION BOARD a y b O on, s familiar a figure at the Its kind ever Invoked against ?, . k°/ ^.™i"l^L^iVork. and Tlmme Corp.. Set Up For Season j~£r haewire d „. pioyees w>relYorlc and Tlm lerk's window of th Belmar a driver at Wall Stadium. All FREEHOLD — MonrfciHith ; out the damaged section and I i i e The pastor announces that Wall HlBh Boosters'Asaooi-[ nilall ln hl8 ,an0 recitals W1 m ngton N c Post Office as he had been as other penalties in the past y Mr. Roschen had summered lie public Is invited to attend atlon Held lts^ re-orBanlsatlon years and County Board of l**se- 'replaced It with new planking mail carrier and sports lead- have been in the form of fines over a number 0[ holders has appointed James for ththe boardwalk and also ffor in Spring Lake many years each of these services. meetlng (or trie 1963 64 sea has presented programs thr- y y and suspensions. Joej Truncer of Allentown. to the beama underneath, and in 1938 purchased Apple- on in the high school recent- oughout the shore area. The The church has had an un- the Board of Recreation Com- dell Farm in Allaire road, He moved in off the street son of Mrs. Frank Moyer, broken ministry since 1859 Howard said that point missioners, He will fill the Wall Township. It Is one of the wo months ago and is now Two $50 contributions for ,and the late Mr. Moyer, BelBel- when the late Rev. E. D. Stul- standings penalties will be us- vacancy caused by the resig- Modified Drivers showplaces of the area. His eland the counter at the Post the Woolson Memorial Bcho-; i t, they live at tz was called as its first pas- ed in the future for miscon milr pharmac s nation of Walter Schoellner of | New York home was at 936 Office. He had been a mail'tor. duct and rough d r 1 v i arship Fund from central M9 Crescent parkway. Middletown Township. Mr, Fifth avenue. ' School1 FTAFT A snand AllenwoAllenwood i i bin arrier 15 years, most of the <.„„,,charges„ . Actuall,.„.,.„y, a ...tfestifflle* rr Schoo , °? I HandicappeHandicappedd sincs ncee birth as Truticer will serve until .$966. j Bom In New York City, Mr. The church first held Meth- i PTFrQa wwere e acknowledged with ' Battle For Points me in the Rhode Island Point penalty had been recommend-1 , « acknowledged with , cerebra, palsy victim, Mr. Mr. Schoellner was recently ! Roschen attended Bordentown nd West Belmar sections. odist class meetings ln the Old ed by a special Wall Stadium appreciation. liuoyer has overcome the named secretary of the **ark Squan Bridge school house, „__ rt. j .-.-I ** Howard Stoltz The hot race in the Wall Sta- j Military Institute and was reported a i con.Jltlon through his devo- dium modified division point! graduated by the Philadel- Mr. Hope has long been ac- Allenwood, in 1659, The pre- battle will continue Saturday Iphia Textile Institute in 1916. ve in sports in the Belmar [sent building, erected in 1895, alty was reduced because of j ;•""=". •»•"»••• —"-— rea. He played basketball is located West of the ceme- lh» "excellent past record of!forts' ha.d .b?en ?»«<»?."> fith several of the top teams, tery on what was the site of mong them the Belmar the first church constructed in )emocrats, and has officiated j 1859. Some of the present s a referee and a baseball | membership retain memory mplre for many years. He of the original building con- as been Belmar's director of! structed in 1859 and which is ecreation, Including the bas now located on the farm pro- etball program at the Muni perty of Mr. and Mrs. Leffer- tpal Building, and also has son Sherman as one of their inducted the teen-age can storage buildings. This build- ing stood in the center of what Borelll has been the most is now the church cemetery, Club, Spring Lake Golf and Born ln Kearny, Mr. Hope setting a precedent. successful this year with two Country Club, and New York just East of the present) Dr. Michael J. Durr Jr., son I landscape architect wttfa the is lived in iBelmar since "This Is the first such pen- wins and a third In his three Athletic club. church site. of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. iNew Jersey Bureau of P«ks starts, Rogers, plagued ln the 624. He attended Aabury alty and should be a warn- included in cnthe Duabudgeg t for the Mr. Roschen was a member I Durr of 529 Eighth avenue, | and Recreation^ port * was early races with mechanical ing to all contestants for the principal speaker for the 1964 of St. Catharine's Church, He ark High School and served When first organized, the Belmar. is among five doctors named to in ***»•*%• difficulties, drove the, No. 707 future. Individual circumstan-1 senior awards dinner. The is survived by his wife, Mrs. early five years ln the church was known as the assigned by Georgetown Unl- J*"™* £^ SJ&S?. TQ to an easy victory last ces, recommendations of the matter will be placed before FoIc Delphine Appleton Roachfl|n rmy In Africa, Italy and Eu- Free Church of Allenwood and versity School of Medicine to ^ » i IS. over Jack committee, and other factors the genera] membership for <*lt. two BOOB. Otto Tlmme and ope In World War II. He and later became a part of the HQpstcong and will determine penalties rang- vote at the first regular meet- WtllUm E.
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