Under the Veil of the Virgin: The Gradually Developing Relationship of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face to The Blessed Virgin Mary by Christopher R. Armstrong, S. T .L., J. C.L. A Dissertation Submitted to the Pontifical Theological Faculty The Marianum, Rome And to the International Marian Reseach Institute University of Dayton In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology Thesis Director Rev. Eamon Carroll, 0. Carm. , S. T. D. 1993 Table of Contents Abbreviations iii-v Introduction . 1-4 Status Quaestionis . 1 Specific Problem on the Question . 2 Methodology . 3 Chapter One . 4-63 Introduction: Part I . 4 Childhood: overcoming self-love . 4 Her Father: Distinguishing Papa from "Papa-God" . 7 The Grace of the Christmas Conversion ..... 10 The two mothers of Therese: Madame Martin and Pauline . 14 Pauline . 20 The Smile of the Virgin ........... 21 The Strange Sickness . 23 The Blessed Virgin Appeared to me Beautiful 24 To the bottom of my soul 26 At Notre Dame des Victoires . 27 Introduction: Part II . 30 The Need for Others in Forming Souls 30 Sunday with her Father 31 Pauline 32 Marie ........ 35 Celine . 36 Childhood Companions 37 Books . • . 38 Attempts to enter Carmel 39 Carmel .......... 40 The Martins: A Family Record 42 Carmel: Totus Marianus est .. 49 Under the Veil of the Virgin 55 Hidden ..... 57 The Divine Rose . 60 Chapter Two . 63-142 Introduction: Part I 63 Act of Oblation to Merciful Love 63 Therese's letter to Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart 65 Elements of the Little Way contained in the letter 67 The Little Way (of discipleship) : its marian characteristics 72 His Mercy: Context of the Little Way . 72 Divine Condescension . 73 Spiritual Childhood . 76 Abandonment . 79 Suffering ...... 81 Hidden Virtues . 84 Manuscript C . 87 Presbyter (the Mature) 88 Sacrament of Unity . 89 Prayer .. ...... 91 i Faith 92. Love· . .............. 93 "Why I love you, 0 Mary": Part II 96 Stanzas One and Two 97 Stanzas Three and Four . 105 Stanza Five . 108 Stanzas Six, Seven and Eight . 110 Stanzas Nine and Ten . 114 Stanzas Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen 116 Stanzas Fourteen, Fifteen and Sixteen . 121 Stanzas Seventeen and Eighteen . 127 Stanzas Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One and Twenty-two 129 Stanza Twenty-three . 135 Stanza Twenty-four and Twenty-five 1437 Chapter Three . 143-197 Via Pulchritudinis . 143 A Theory of Gospel Formation . 147 Mary the Faithful Disciple . 148 The Words and Works of St. Therese . 153 The Marean Stage: Martini's Hypothesis . 156 Buby's Analysis . 163 Therese's Life . 165 The Matthean Stage: Martini's Hypothesis . 168 Buby's Analysis . 172 Therese's Life . .. 174 The Lucan Stage: Martini's Hypothesis . 178 Buby's Analysis . 183 Therese's Life . 185 The Johannine Stage: Martini's Hypothesis 188 Buby's Analysis . 190 Therese's Life . .. 192 Therese and the Gospels . 194 Conclusion: The OrginaUty of Therese . 198 Titles Given to Mary our Mother 199 Two leading Authorities ..... 203 Doing the Will of God . .. 205 Appendix: A Selected Chronology 208 A Selected Bibliography . 233 ii ABBREVIATIONS A Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux. A new translation from the original manuscripts by J. Clarke. ACL Archives du Carmel de Lisieux. (Lisieux Carmel Archives). AL Annales de sainte Therese de Lisieux (revue). (Annals of St. Therese of Lisieux). A:rA Martini, C. "The Stages of Christian Formation in the Primitive Community," Pontificium Consilium Pro Laicis Documentation Service 5 (Feb., 1979) 1-10. ArB . "Vangelo della Passione ed Esperienza Mistica nella Tradizione Sinottica e Giovannea" Mistica e Misticismo Oggi. Trans J. Navone. Roma: CIPI, 1979. ArC . : Iniziazione Cristiana e Teologia Fondamentale" Chap. in Problemi e prospettive di Teologia Fondamentale. Ed. R. Latourelle and G. D'Collins. Brescia: Queriniana, 1980. CE I, etc.Copie des Ecrits, 1910 ( CE I, II, III, IV) . (Copy of the Writings, 1910). CF Correspondance familiale, Lettres de Zelie Martin (1863-1877) . (Family Correspondence, Letters from Zelie Martin, 1863-1877). CG I Correspondance gen6role, Tome I, 1972 General Correspondence, volume I, 1972 __.. , CG II Correspondance generale, Tome II, 1974 General Correspondance, volume II, 197 4 ChriG Cahier de M. Isidore Guerin, contenant des genealogies et chronologies 8. sa famile. (Copybook of M. Isidore Guerin, containing his family geanealogy and chronology) . CJ "Carnet jaune" de Mere Agnes de Jesus. ("Yellow notebook" of Mother Agnes of Jesus). CMG I, etc.Carnets manuscrits de soeur Genevieve (CMG I, II III, IV). (Manuscript Notebooks of Sister Genevieve). CSG Conseils et Souvenirs, publies par soeur Genevieve, 1952. (Counsels and Reminiscences, published by Sister Genevieve, 1952). DCL Documentation du Carmel de Lisieux. (Lisieux Carmel's Documentation). iii DE Sainte Therese de l'Enfant-Jesus et de la Sainte-Face, Derniers Entretiens, 1971. (Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Last Crnversations, 1971). DE/G Derniers Entretiens recueillis par soeur Genevieve. (Last Conversations set down by Sister Genevieve). DE/Meu Derniers Entretiens recueillis par soeur Marie de l'Eucharistie. (Last Conversation set down by Sister Marie of the Eucharist). DE/MSC Derniers Entretiens recueillis par soeur Marie du Sacre-Coeur. (Last Conversations set down by Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart). G/NPHF Soeur Genevieve, Notes preparatoires a l'Histoire d'une Famille. (Sister Genevieve, Preparatory Notes for The Story of a Family). Ha 98, etc.Histoire d'une cime, edition 1898 (07 = 1907; 53 = 1953). (Story of a Soul, 1898 edition). 1M Imitation de Jesus-Christ. (Imitation of Christ) . LC Lettres des correspondants de Therese. (Letters from Therese's correspondents). LD Lettres diverses des correspondants entre eux. (Diverse letters from the correspondents) . LT Lettres de Therese (Letters from Therese) . LT 1948 Lettres de sainte Therese de l'Enfant-Jesus, edition 1948. (Letters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, 1948 edition). LTS Lettres supplementaires de Therese. (Supplementary letters from Therese). Ms A Manuscrit autobiographique dedie a Mere Agnes de Jesus ( 1895) . (Autobiographical manuscript dedicated to Mother Agnes of Jesus, 1895). Ms B Lettre a soeur Marie du Sacre-Coeur, manuscript autobiographique (1896). (Letter to Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart, Autobiographical manuscript, 1896). Ms C Manuscrit autobiographique dedie a Mere Marie de Gonzague ( 1897) . (Autobiographical manuscript dedicated to Mother Marie de Gonzague). iv Mss I, etc. Trois volumes du P. Fran<;ois de Sainte-Marie, acompagnant !'edition en fac-simile (1956) des Manscrits Autobiographiques (Mss. I, II, III). (Three volumes of P. Fran<;ois de Sainte-Marie, accompanying the facsimile edition (1956) of the Autobiographical Manuscripts). N Navone, J. Tellers of the Word: 9 'Moments in the Theology of Story. Rome: privately published, 1981. NPPA Notes preparatoires au Proces Apostolique. (Preparatory notes for the Apostolic Process). NPPO Notes preparatoires au Proces de l'Ordinaire. (Preparatory notes for the Bishop's Process). OCL Office Central de Lisieux (Maison d'editions). (Central Office of Lisieux, pulbishing house) . p Poesies de sainte Therese de !'Enfant-Jesus (numerotage de Mss I). (Poems of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, according to the Mss I numbering). PA Proces Apostolique, 1915-1916 ( d 'apres Sum II) . (Apostolic Process, 1915-1916, according to the second volume of the Summary). PN Poesies ... numerotation nouvelle. (Poems, new numbering). PO Proces de l'Ordinaire, 1910-1911 (d'apres sum II). (The Bishop's Process, 1910-1911, according to the second volume of fiE summary. PS "Poesies supplementaires" de sainte Therese de !'Enfant-Jesus. (supplementary Poems of St. Therese of the Child Jesus) . RP "Recreations pieuses" de sainte Therese de !'Enfant Jesus (numerotation de Mss I). ("Pious Recreations" of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, according to the Mss. I numbering). VT Vie Theresienne, Lisieux (revue). ( Theresian Life, Lisieux) . VTL Visage de Therese de Lisieux (1961), en deux volumes.* (Face of Therese of Lisieux (1961), in two volumes). v Status Quaesti.onis: Specific writing on the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the life of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face seems to make its first appearance after her canonization in 1925. St. Therese did not write a formal theological treatise on the Blessed Virgin. Rather, her thoughts on the Virgin are contained in her autobiography, letters, poems, dramatic pieces, other minor writings, and the recollection of those who lived with her. Her first commentators1 extracted her marian themes from her then available writings, but seemed to ignore her own principles of internal coherence and judgments concerning her thought on the Virgin. That is to say, St. Therese depended on the Gospels for her knowledge of Mary when she wrote and spoke to others about her. She reacts to the Gospel scenes and these Gospel scenes form the basis of that part of her spirituality that could be called marian. The disadvantage that these commentators had is that the authentic theresian texts were not available. On her death bed, St. Therese had entrusted to her natural sister, Mere Agnes de Jesus, the editing of her works. In 1947, the fiftieth anniversary of her death, Mere Agnes turned over to Abbe Combes most of the writings of St. Therese in order for them to be examined systematically. In 1956, the Office Central de Lisieux published the authentic writings of the autobiography and other texts. Meanwhile most of the writers commenting on the marian themes of St. Therese tended to ignore her own principles of interpretation. However, one commentator2 recalled readers of St. Therese to re-examine her principles of 1 Texier, Le Sou~ de Marie a Ste. Th~r'ese de L'E.J .1929; Martin, Pour Aimer la Ste. Vierge comme Ste. The'rese de L'E .J. apr~s sa po~sie "Pourquoi je t'aime, o Marie, 1935; Wi1liamson, Madonna, 1937.
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