Page 6 Thursday, May 12, 2016 The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION ATTENTION LOCAL BUSINESS OWNERS: Did You Know You Can Insert Your Pre-Printed Advertisement into the Leader/Times? • Mailed to subscribers with the printed newspaper • Provided to stores • Attached to the online edition each Thursday Ideal for Targeting Your Audience! Go to goleader.com/presskit/insert for more information. Center For Hope Auxiliary To Host Wine Tasting WESTFIELD — The Center for tive Care, a non-profit organiza- Hope Hospice and Palliative Care tion located in Scotch Plains. The Auxiliary will host its Annual Wine center provides loving care for ter- Tasting from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sun- minally ill patients and their fami- day, June 5. The festivities will lies in two residential facilities and take place at 16 Prospect Street also in a patient’s home. The care Wine Bar and Bistro, located on is provided regardless of a patient’s Prospect Street in Westfield. financial situation, age, race, reli- The event will feature passed gion or ethnicity. hors d’oeuvres and tasting of vari- The Auxiliary raises funds ous wines. There also will be a through various fund-raising ac- silent auction including items such tivities throughout the year. One of as rounds of golf for four, electron- the principal fundraisers is the Carl Gentry Karen Camden ics, tickets to Jersey attractions, Hope Chest Thrift Store. The store family adventures and baskets of sells new or gently-used clothing, GETTING GLAM...For the sixth year, Lord & Taylor of Westfield hosted a survivor wine and wine accessories. house wares, jewelry and books. Library to Host Musician, fashion show and celebration for Susan G. Komen North Jersey on April 24 to help Tickets are $50 and can be pur- Donations are welcome Tuesday kick off its Ninth Annual Race for the Cure on May 1. Models in the fashion show, all chased from Helga Thomas, chair- and Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 breast cancer survivors, were dressed in the latest Spring fashions and had their hair woman of the event. She can be p.m. Anyone interested in more in- and makeup done. More than 150 people attended. There also were raffles, refresh- reached at (908) 889-6287. Inquir- formation regarding the Center for ‘Kitchen Gardens’ Event ments and shopping. Local businesses who supported the event included Salon Visage, ies also can be made at the Hope Hope Hospice and Palliative Care WESTFIELD — The Westfield advised to check the Westfield Memo- Romola’s Seafood & Grill, Hershey’s Subs & Deli, Applebee’s, Westfield Seafood, Chest Thrift Store, located at 26 Auxiliary is invited to visit the Memorial Library, located at 550 East rial Library website, wmlnj.org, to see Whole Foods, Bovella’s Pastry Shoppe, Vine Market and Xocolatz. Prospect Street, Westfield. The Hope Chest and speak with a vol- Broad Street, will present musician if their library participates. To register telephone number at the store is unteer or to call the center at (908) and songwriter Carl Gentry on for these programs, visit wmlnj.org and (908) 233-9973. 889-7780 or turn to the website at Wednesday, May 18, at 7 p.m., and click on the Online Calendar, or call Tennis Outing and Dinner The Auxiliary supports the Cen- centerforhope.com. The Auxiliary “The Return of the Kitchen Garden” (908) 789-4090, option 0. ter for Hope Hospice and Pallia- always welcomes new members. on Saturday, May 21, at 1:30 p.m. Westfield Memorial Library hours Mr. Gentry performs classic and are 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday To Benefit Foster Youth party rock hits from the 1960s through through Thursday; 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., WESTFIELD — Roots & Wings, Masterson at (908) 403-8621. the 1980s, as well as some of his own Friday and Saturday; and 1 to 5 p.m. a non-profit organization dedicated Roots & Wings, headquartered in songs. He plays piano and keyboards on Sunday. The library will be closed to serving the critical needs of young Morris County, expanded into Union for Jon Bon Jovi and Bobby Bandiera, on Sundays for the summer begin- adults who have aged out of the County in 2014. First Lady Mary Pat and has performed with Bruce ning May 22. state’s foster care system, will host Christie has recognized the organi- Springsteen, Southside Johnny and For more information about library its third annual tennis outing and zation with a New Jersey Heroes John Cafferty. programs and services, call (908) 789- dinner at the Westfield Tennis Club Award. “The Return of the Kitchen Gar- 4090, visit wmlnj.org and sign up for on Saturday, June 4, from 4 to 9 p.m. den” will be presented by Karen the monthly e-newsletter, “Library The benefit event is open to ten- VACNJ Announces Camden, who will discuss techniques Loop,” or stop by the library for a nis players of every level as well as for growing herbs and vegetables in copy of its award-winning, quarterly those who just want to watch the fun Fence Show Art Sale the kitchen. A frequent speaker at the newsletter, “Take Note.” and enjoy a casual, catered dinner. SUMMIT — The Visual Arts Cen- library, Ms. Camden gives computer “We will have Round Robin ter of New Jersey (VACNJ) will classes and workshops on organiz- Garden Club Meeting doubles for both USTA rated players hold a Fence Show art sale on Sun- ing, repurposing, outdoor gardening as well as an opportunity for advanced day, June 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and simple sewing repairs. She is the Is Today In Westfield beginners and intermediate-level in conjunction with its Annual Open president of Camden Associates, a WESTFIELD — The Garden Club players to be on the court with state or House. The rain date is Saturday, consulting firm that provides services of Westfield invites the public to its club champions who will provide June 18, during the same hours. in communications and people skills, meeting today, Thursday, May 12, at tips,” said Roots & Wings Board Artists who wish to sign up to sell organizational assessments and clut- noon. It will take place at St. Helen’s member and event Chairman Joe their work can visit artcenternj.org/ ter control, and is an avid gardener. Roman Catholic Church, located at Masterson. “This fun event is open to fenceshow. This event is free and TENNIS TRIO...Roots & Wings tennis fundraiser Chairman Joe Masterson, left, is pictured with fellow players and event supporters Steve Schlesinger, Both programs are free and open to 1600 Rahway Avenue, Westfield. the public, so we hope lots of tennis open to the public. The VACNJ is center, and Ed Faulkner at the Westfield Tennis Club in 2015. Roots & Wings Westfield Memorial Library and MU- Barbara Mullin, immediate past players and friends will join us.” located at 68 Elm Street, Summit. will hold its third annual benefit tennis outing and dinner on Saturday, June RAL cardholders. MURAL cardholders president of the Garden Club of New To learn more or for a sign-up link, For more information about the Open 4, from 4 to 9 p.m., at the Westfield Tennis Club, to benefit youth in New belong to libraries that are part of the Jersey, will present her favorite pro- e-mail joemasterson@gmail.com, House event, visit artcenternj.org/ Jersey’s foster care system. This event is open to players as well as spectators Middlesex Union Reciprocal Agree- gram, “Lilies and Day Lilies.” Light visit rootsandwingsnj.org, or call Joe openhouse or call (908) 273-9121. and will include a catered dinner. ment Libraries. Interested persons are refreshments will be served. 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run Only 2 Days Left 5K Entry: $25 1-Mile: $10 Early Bird Family Discount 25% Off in stock merchandise $5 off each add’l registrations Please Support our Wonderful Sponsors: RMA Reproductive Medicine Associates Shop Rite of Garwood - Protuff Tennis Instruction USA/USSI Sports Group - Max Cure Foundation The Westfield Running Company $QWKRQ\-DPHV&RQVWUXFWLRQ7KH%UDZO+RXVH)0%$/RFDO NABIG CARMEN 0DVWUDFROD3OXPELQJ/RUG.REULQ$OYDUH] )DWWHOO SAKR CASCAO *&$UFKLWHFWXUH6KRYOLQ0DWWUHVV)DFWRU\3DULVL6SHHG6FKRRO 5:-)LWQHVV :HOOQHVV7ZLQ%RUR3K\VLFDO7KHUDS\7&*UDSKLFV 7ZR5LYHU&RPPXQLW\%DQN+XOD)URJ)OR)LWQHVV NC& Jewelers +HUVKH\V'HOL1HVWOH:DWHUV7KUHDGV:HOGRQ0DWHULDOV 102 Quimby Street · Westfield, NJ 07090 Support the Wesƞield RecreaƟon Department’s programs: NandCjewelers@gmail.com By ParƟcipaƟng, Sponsoring or Volunteering! Store hours - M T W & F: 10am to 5:30pm • Thursday: 10am to 7pm QuesƟons ? Contact the Wesƞield RecreaƟon Department at recreaƟon@wesƞieldnj.gov Saturday: 10am to 5pm • Sunday: Closed Visit us! Wesƞieldnj.gov/RecreaƟon and Facebook.com/WesƞieldRecreaƟon Be AcƟve, Be Healthy . Be THERE! .
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