Summer 2008 Inside Ordinations Eucharistic Congress New Philippines’ Foundation CC Annual Ordination Anniversary Celebration This Year Featuring: Fr. Francis Frankovich’s 40th! Monday, August 25th, 2008 St. Maurice Church, 4 Perry St., Ottawa, Ontario Mass 7:00 p.m. Champagne & Dessert Reception to follow in Parish Hall $15 per person Tickets for the Reception must be purchased by August 24th. No tickets will be sold at the door. Adults Only. To purchase tickets, please call our CC Office at (613) 728-3175 or St. Maurice at (613) 224-1892. A great opportunity to honour our Texas brother & to meet and greet many other CC priests and seminarians! WHAT’S INSIDE Credits Archbishop Terrence Prendergast’s Publisher The Companions of the Cross is a quarterly Ordination Homily ...................................... 1 The Companions of the Cross publication designed to encourage spiritual growth and to share about God’s movement within a new Editors-in-Chief community of Catholic priests, and candidates for the Becoming a Eucharistic Community ................. 4 Fr. Robert Bedard, Founder priesthood. The Companions’ ministries are made Fr. John Vandenakker possible by the prayerful generosity of its supporters, The Power of the Holy Spirit ......................... 7 Managing Editor to whom we are most grateful. Christine Labrosse The editorial team welcomes your comments and inquiries. A Deluge of Eucharistic Graces ...................... 8 Graphic Design Mailing Address: Dyann Bernard 199 Bayswater Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 2G5 Will You be Mine? .....................................10 Pigs Can Fly Design Office: (613) 728-3175 [email protected] New Philippines’ Foundation .........................14 Fax: (613) 725-1590 Official Photographer 1-866-885-8824 (toll free in Canada) D’Arcy Dufresne 1-866-724-6073 (toll free in USA) Testimony: Anthony Cafik .............................16 Web site: www.companionscross.org E-mail: [email protected] Lay Associates Corner ................................18 Publications Mail Agreement #: 40016244 Community News & Notes ............................21 ORDINATION Archbishop Terrence Prendergast’s Ordination Homily he way in which the Companions of When we hear these ideals we are moved, the order of presbyters. Since your earliest T the Cross live their priestly ministry but we are also awed when we consider commitment you have wished to live in an derives from a desire on their part to share our own limitations. How comforting then evangelical manner, in simplicity of life, in in the renewal of the Church enunciated by is the message of today’s 2nd reading (Rm celibate chastity for the sake of the Pope John XXIII at the outset of the 8:22-27), which assures us of the Holy Kingdom of God, in obedience to your Second Vatican Council, as it were, by a Spirit’s aid in preserving the fellowship of superiors. These promises that you have new Pentecost for our day. Finding the Church. The Spirit helps us in our made will draw you close to the poor, the strength in the brotherhood afforded by weakness, for we do not know how to pray friends of Jesus, with whom he identifies their life in community, the Companions of as we ought. But that very Spirit intercedes himself. In your priestly ministry may you the Cross wish to be animated by a pro- for us with sighs too deep for words. How always be close to the poor. found devotion to the Cross of Our Lord each of us longs for a renewal of Pentecost Jesus Christ, and the power and the wis- in our own hearts! The prayer of all of us gathered here today dom that flow from it (cf. 1 Cor 24). The is that your priestly life and character will Companions of the Cross describe their Fr. Bolger, Fr. Messier, as you will now be give witness to your brothers and sisters in ideal in these terms: known, we promise you our prayers and faith that it is God who has to be loved support of your priestly service. May your before all else, and that it is Jesus who one “We surrender to the Lord individually and years of ministry be long and fruitful. And serves in others. With the whole Church personally daily, in and through his Holy we hope that Mary’s Magnificat, prayed by we are praying that you brothers not turn Mother. Our essential mission is to evan- the Church at Vespers each evening, may away from the hope which the Gospel gelize through the many apostolic works truly be your canticle of praise all the days offers. For now you must not only listen to we do, whether they be in parishes or other of your lives as priests of Jesus Christ. My God’s Word, but also preach it and enact it more specialized works, or with the poor sons, your call to be faithful to the Paschal in the Eucharistic mystery. Therefore, hold and alienated. In our life together we try to mystery in its most visible and ecclesial to the mystery of faith with a clear con- live simply, detached from material things. form, when you gather the broken and the science, and express in action what you Our prayer is at times characterized as healthy, the poor and the wealthy, sinners proclaim by word of mouth. Then the peo- being charismatic and Eucharistic in both and saints, around the altar of sacrifice, the ple of Christ, brought to life by the Holy style and focus. We are committed to table of the Lord is to help them all to Spirit, will be an offering that God accepts. cooperating with the bishop of the diocese become a Eucharistic people, nourished by we are in, as well as always trying to think God’s Word and by God’s Sacrament. Finally, on the Last Day, may you hear the and act according to the mind of the Lord Jesus say to you, “Well done, good Church.” My dear brothers John Paul and Bernard, and faithful servant, enter into the joy of by your own free choice you seek to enter your Lord.” Amen. Continued on page 2 C OMPANIONS OF THE CROSS 1 S UMMER 2 008 You Are a Priest Forever – PHOTO ALBUM “On Sat. May 10th, 2008 at Notre Dame Basilica in Ottawa, Archbishop Terrance Prendergast ordained Companions of the Cross John Paul Bolger and Bernard 1 Messier to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. Many family, friends and community members were on hand to witness this blessed and joyful event. The next day, Pentecost Sunday, Fr. Bernard offered a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Mary’s parish in Ottawa. Fr. John Paul offered his Mass of Thanksgiving a week later back at his home parish of St. Patrick's in Cambridge, ON. Please continue to keep Frs. J.P. and 4 Bernard in your prayers as they begin their first priestly assign- ments: Fr. Messier as Associate Pastor of St. Timothy’s in Toronto and Fr. Bolger as Associate Pastor of Queen of Peace parish in Houston. May the Holy Spirit give them fire for the Kingdom of God!” 7 8 2 3 1. Frs. John Paul and Bernard concelebrating Ordination Eucharist. 2. Archbishop Prendergast ordaining Frs. John Paul and Bernard. 3. Deacon Bernard with his parents awaiting the call to Orders. 4. Fr. John Paul consecrating his new chalice at Mass of Thanksgiving. 6 5. Fr. Bernard entrusting his priesthood to the care of the Blessed Mother. 6. Fr. Messier imparting a priestly blessing. 7. Ordination Program 5 8. Fr. John Paul Bolger 9. Frs. John Paul and Bernard thanking Ordination coordinator Mary Lauzon at reception. 10. Fr. Bolger imparting a priestly belssing. 9 10 F EATURE by Fr. Pierre Ingram Becoming a Eucharistic Community The Centrality of the Eucharist Just as the Eucharist is the source and summit of the whole Christian life, it is at the very centre of the communal life, mis- sion, and spirituality of the Companions of the Cross. This centrality is manifested in four commitments which are specified in our Constitutions and Rules. 1. Dynamic and More Fruitful Celebrations of the Eucharistic Liturgy “The sacrifice of the Cross is perpet- uated in the celebration of the Eucharist. We desire to be at the serv- ice of dynamic and more fruitful cel- Victim; only the manner of offering is dif- Dynamic ebrations of the Sacred Liturgy by ferent. helping the people of God to enter That being said, we are also convinced more whole-heartedly into this act of To trivialize the Mass, therefore, would that every effort must be made to enliven worship of Christ to his Father in the be to trivialize the saving work of our Eucharistic celebrations, so that they will power of the Holy Spirit” (C. & R., Redeemer. As faithful sons of the Church, truly be transformative experiences for R51.3). we are committed to celebrating the everyone involved. Of course, the Lord Eucharist in a way that manifests our himself is the only one who can transform awareness of its incomparable sacredness Sacrifice of the Cross human hearts. But there is much we can and sanctifying power. As a “magisterial” and should do to cooperate with the invis- community, we want to be in full compli- As Companions of the Cross, we take the ible work of grace. The “missing ingredi- ance with universal liturgical laws (a.k.a. ent” for most Catholics, at least in North Eucharist very seriously, because we “rubrics”), and any particular laws enact- know that when it is celebrated, the once- America, is the expectation that anything ed by the diocesan bishop or the national new will happen to them at Mass that they for-all sacrifice of Christ on Calvary is conference of bishops.
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